Stage 4, Pretty much structurally complete and sturdy. I also spent a bit of time making sure I could take them apart easily and reattach.
A wild donatello appears
Now I have a lot of detail work to do, you can see the beginnings of the fire escape which I need to finalise the design of and then finish, I need to put the asian panels on the bottom floor which will require pulling it mostly apart to do, while I do that though I'll add some windows above those sections, do an awning, more windows in the side of the building, maybe a downpipe, some cabling, vents and airconditioners on the roof, mutagen canister on the alleyway with a spill (I might buy some of those turtle animals to put around it with a rat). The left hand side of the building you never see will be covering in vines, I think I'll put white or some colour other than black behind the open windows too so you can't see inside.
All that stuff and any suggestions you guys might have
Wow, good stuff. That looks amazing! I'd love to see LEGO release a modular like that with a narrower building with an alley way next to it, much like yours.