Finally wrangled a way to make images stop replicating themselves over and over on IMGUR. So, the work in progress Halloween Diorama:
And ignore all the crap on the table. I never cleaned off the party supplies from Saturday.

The foundation for the Haunted House platform.

The foundation and rock walls all built up, but without the top base on.

The full foundation set. The red tiles are just there for the HH to rest on. The wing/angle pieces are to keep the HH in place.

Every angle of the HH on the platform. I did not know exactly how well the HH would line up, so I left where the stairs would go blank. Once I build those up, the colored bricks will not be seen. I also underestimated the front angle jutting out, so the rock formation had to get extended with a wing piece to support it.
Will probably finish this plate tomorrow with some decrepit stairs and whatnot. And then plotting about how to make a Ghost Train fly...