I finished up the Haunted House additions tonight. Forgive the crappy pics, for I am tired and will get better ones when I am more focused. I am just excited to show this off.

The five plates that make up the grounds. The largest is of course where the official Haunted House set will rest. Ignore all the random tiles on top. I knew they would be hidden, so I used tiles I knew I would almost never use in another MOC.

Left side of the house. The perimeter fence even has a few spears to have some impaled bodies on. I will do that once I dig out all my figures again. Can you see the secret of this piece?

Front left fence area. I took off some of the bottom of the Werewolf tree and added a few more vines to it. A nice creepy tree for the Haunted House.

Front right fence area. I took the two tombs from the Zombies set and cut out the gear between them.

Even though the gear is no longer there, I kept the bracing bar connecting them. Now you just push back on the top tombstone and...

ZOMBIE SURPRISE! The official Zombies set does this if you dont have it, but you turn the stone on the main set to open the graves. Cutting it down let me fit it on the one narrow end of a half plate.

Right side steps. This is to connect to the side door of the house.

Put them all together, slap the Haunted House on top of the hill, and voila! But what of the secret of the pool next to the house?

A glowing portal to the depths of hell!

A ghost, with all lights in the apartment off. The glow does show up rather well.


Cue dramatic lighting for Shelob and the werewolf!
The display is easily broken apart and held together with technic pegs when needed. The Haunted House itself rests on flat tiles so I can slide it on and off at will if I ever want it by itself or to open it up.
Now for the next few weeks to add zombies and dead monster fighters to the display!