A summary of pending CUUSOO reviews:
My predictions:
- Portal 2 gets through
- Purdue Pete does not, too niche and limited market
- Space Troopers does not, too similar to galaxy squad
- Exo Suit, tough one, I think the design might be too flimsy for a real set but if they can strengthen it then it will get through.
-Android Bug, not sure, but likely to get through
- Zelda, maybe but chances aren't great due to Nintendo's already existing deal with
-Land rover, doesn't get through, too big and expensive to produce for a limited market.
- Mini shop series, gets made but only one shop front.
- Batmobile, doesn't due to existing licensing with DC
- League of Legends, doesn't get through, too niche a market
- Female Minifigure Set, don't really see the point of this one, already kinda covered by the friends line, doesn't get through.
- Poptropica, doesn't get through, too niche
- ATLAS model, based on past scientific sets it stands a good chance, but it's a really dull model so I'd say no.
- FTL, Nope, too niche
- Road to Oz, fairly good chance but it'd only be one set.
- Ghostbusters (both merged) fairly good chance based on the sales of the delorean and the fact there's 20k votes supporting them but the ghostbusters license is notoriously difficult to obtain which could be a killer.