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LEGO GAF |OT2|: Building Dreams. Demolishing Wallets


I just got back from the Bellevue, WA LEGO store and they are renovating it! It was closed down, but thankfully they just moved down the hall until it's done.

Apparently it will be expanded into the empty store next to it, so it will get a lot bigger. I hope they double the size of the Pick-A-Brick wall!

I picked up the Unexpected Journey set and 3 of the Series 9 figures. The first one I opened was actually the one I wanted the most; the Dr. Jekyll+Mr. Hyde one.
I also got the police officer (nicely detailed) and the white/orange space dude (kinda lame TBH). The only ones I really want from the set now are the Space Orc, and the Knight (who looks amazing!). I wouldn't say no to the Chicken suit either.

Yeah I saw that about the remodel this weekend too. Pumped!
Interesting. I just finally finished sorting my Lego last week and I've been sick since Friday so I haven't been able to do much, but this is my first very early MOC (as an adult).


I plan on showing off my finished sort one of these days. It took all fall to do.

that looks interesting, cant wait for the final product :)


Well I ordered 5 boxes of series 9 minifigs, I plan to keep a set and sell off the remaining 9 sets and spare minifigs. They haven't even been sent yet but I've got buyers for 3 sets and all but 13 of the spare minifigs. If I can manage to sell them all that will pretty much pay for my haunted house :)


Well I ordered 5 boxes of series 9 minifigs, I plan to keep a set and sell off the remaining 9 sets and spare minifigs. They haven't even been sent yet but I've got buyers for 3 sets and all but 13 of the spare minifigs. If I can manage to sell them all that will pretty much pay for my haunted house :)

Depending on shipping rates I am very interested if you have an extra set to sell. I'm in California.


Last time I say "I'll wait to arrive home to think about getting that deal on Amazon". As soon as I arrived it was out of stock in ALL european Amazon at once and most likely not going to be restocked. FML.
Tis' a slippery slope you tread.

May I suggest:


(all the PF parts you need for 10233 - there are two types of battery boxes - the rechargable (pictured above) is far more expensive than the AA version; you'll get most of these with the Cargo or Passenger trains, except for the light kit (and the rechargeable battery pack)


(looking forward to your take on a train station)



(wish LEGO just sold straight or curved track like they used to, without mixing it in with other tracks)

That is about what I was eyeing to get if I did not get a train set just for parts.

So tempting, but I seriously do not have the space to even set up a small run for the trains to go around. The only spot that might be big enough is the kitchen table. But tracks could easily and quickly be torn down.

And a train station is something way down the line if I ever do one. For tonight is mini modular time!



That would be a great idea for a future modular from Lego. They could make it so it'd be half a station and if you put 2 together, you'd get a nice complete station like how they did the Kingdoms Joust set.


you in the US? in the EU they still have some decent discounts on it... the brick separator you can get in a lot of other sets as well though!

It's only available at a good price in Amazon Germany, but the shipping charges negates all the discount.

Edit: oops, it's back on all Amazons and sent directly by them. Has happened like... right now. It wasn't that way yesterday night and this morning.




Wish these were longer, and a geared a bit more towards an older audience, but I'll take what I can get.

they could at least have backup blogs/articles going into more detail, with the video just the taster.

at this speed it'll take 15 years before the whole town is done.

are there any existing microscale sites that have tips or tutorials? I've seen a few which just post tons of pics.
Just realised I never got around to uploading any pics of the Dino diorama I built for my daughter's Christmas. She got a bundle of other LEGO gifts too, including the Dino Base that's incorporated into the diorama (I added grey plates for the courtyard and left flat tiles under most of the structure so it could be clipped on and off as she wanted).

I didn't tell her she was getting this until the evening when, after her younger sisters went to bed, we spent a couple of hours assembling the base. Once it was complete, I brought down the landscape. She was delighted, but a little one-stud miscalculation on my part meant the base didn't fit quite into place, but we sorted that the next day and got it set up.

This is it set up with nearly all of her other Dino sets:

-- The Raptor set scenery is clipped into place, and the Raptor is scaling a base wall. The jeep isn't in this shot;
-- The Coelophysis scenery is slotted in at the base of the cliff, and the jeep is in the base. The dino is scampering through the undergrowth;
-- Her Pteranodon set is just out of shot, but it's clipped on to another small plate that connects to this one. Unfortunately, the whole thing is so big that when it's added it doesn't fit on this shelf!

Excuse the scrappy shelf and walls - in the middle of redecoration - and I'll try and get some better photos and close-ups later (camera on my phone is crap) before it gets changed back again - she's had it set up with her cheerleader minifigs riding Gandalf's horse for a while :)

Nice Dino Diorama!!

On a sidenote, i just bricklink ordered the Bunny suit guy, the DJ(for the headphones mainly) and the geek since i couldn't find them anymore in stores and when i did, my feeling skills suck bad so i said fuck it!!! Can't wait to use them in some MOCs of mine :)

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Finally began sorting my old LEGO from my childhood. One box at a time. I have seen post asking and answers before, but what is the best way to clean these old dirty/dusty LEGO?

They were stores in the attic of my parents garage for about 10 years and sadly some of the tires have melted. Hope there is t a huge amount of destruction.
Time to wake up LegoGAF, i need assistance here ;)

What's the best (and as usual cheapest) way to get the "one ring" (LOTR/Hobbit sets)?

I think the only two options are "riddles for the ring" with bilbo gollum and a tiny bit of scenery or the shelob set w/ shelbob, gollum, sam, frodo, and an even tinier bit of scenery.

riddles is 10, shelob is 20. I don't actually have any big middle-earth lego sets so IDK if any other options even have it.


Time to wake up LegoGAF, i need assistance here ;)

What's the best (and as usual cheapest) way to get the "one ring" (LOTR/Hobbit sets)?

Riddles. But you should take into account that set has Bilbo and Gollum and just some grey pieces and a little boat. For a little more you could get Shelob Attacks as an alternative and get some grey pieces and a giant spider and Frodo, Samwise and Gollum instead. Shelob is nice to go with some other sets, for instance Monster Fighters or a giant spider for a city setting.

My Riddles came with a couple rings, my Shelob set came with 3 rings.
I just want to brag that my fiance got me Shelob for Christmas. It's the first time she's gotten me any LEGO and I was always jealous when I saw other people here say their significant other got them LEGO :)
awesome!, she must have been hella surprised :D

Nice Dino Diorama!!

On a sidenote, i just bricklink ordered the Bunny suit guy, the DJ(for the headphones mainly) and the geek since i couldn't find them anymore in stores and when i did, my feeling skills suck bad so i said fuck it!!! Can't wait to use them in some MOCs of mine :)

Thanks :)

She was surprised, but delighted when she realised what it was for. I've got a fair few left-over bricks from my Bricklink orders, and another 48x48 baseplate so she's stocked up to add to it herself now too.

The dino models are fantastic - the T. rex is particularly impressive - though the jaws on the raptors are a bit flimsy. One cracked from the hinge end and had to be carefully glued back together, and it's likely only a matter of time before it splits again.
Speaking of Chima, does anyone know when the current Promo Polybag with that Chima flier ENDS and a new polybag comes out? I really have no love for Chima and it's already my second Polybag now lol...

I will wait until i buy something from Lego Shop until a new one is out!!
Horizon Express:

Sorry for the poor lighting and crappy pics (and copious amounts of cat hair visible. She sheds a lot.)

The main engine. In the pic you can see two of only four stickers that were really required to complete the look of the set. The gray one on front bumper, and the number on the side of the train. The set came with many other number stickers, so I guess you can do whatever you want with those.

The driver. The only other sticker you really need is the control panel one (not visible). The windshield is a printed piece however.

Undercarriage of the main engine. This is the simplest one of all the cars.

Now here is one of the neatest things to put together in the set. You have two of the grooved 1x4 bricks on the underside of the engine. Then you constructed the orange slope, and then the grey base for it.

You then slide the orange slope parts upside down onto the grooved bricks. You then put the gray part in right side up, and brace it with the 1x6 tile pieces. If you look at the first pic of the engine you can see how it looks. Absolutely brilliant way to put stuff in. It reminded me a lot of the window decorations on Fire Brigade where parts go in upside down. I am a sucker for things like that.

The electricity connectors for the top of the train.

Finally, we come to the much talked about arrows. Anyone who has done Pet Shop or Town Hall can figure out how this goes together. It really is awesome to see as you do it. It is really just a lot of 1x1 clip handle pieces and cheese slopes going in at different angles and attaching to rails on the inside of the car. LEGO was right to make a big point of this part of the set, as it is fantastic, and comes very early in the build.

Second Car: (the passenger car)

Sliding door to a nice tiny bathroom.

Luggage storage racks and newspapers. The newspaper pieces are printed tiles. There are a few more luggage racks in the car as well.

A computer screen or television attached to the train.

Now here is the one part that I took issue with while building. This is the roof of the car once it is completed. However, as you follow instructions, you build the flat sides and orange parts onto the train car itself, and they are attached to the car by only a few studs. The final step is to build the roof itself, and then attach it to the orange sides. The issue is that when the sides are already on the car, they are not truly stable enough to secure the roof in all places. As I built the third car, I built the sides separate and attached them to the roof before putting them on the car, and it was much easier and more stable.

Third Car (Dining Car):

The mini bar area. The bar itself actually swings up for the bartender to get out.

A couple enjoying a refreshing drink in the dining car. Thankfully if they want more coffee the machine is right behind them.

Both the main cars have doors on each side for commuters to get in and out of.

Undercarriage of the main cars. Larger and a bit more complex than the undercarriage of the main engine. Simple in execution, but awesome once done.

The last two cars are actually joined by one set of wheels. Also of note is that there are open walkways between all cars.


Next to the Maersk Train. The Maersk is longer overall. For the main engine, I would give the edge to Maersk just because of all the insane SNOT work going on in it. But, I would demerit Maersk because of the ridiculous amount of stickers on it, and that many of the stickers actually cover multiple pieces. Maersk looks like a brutal, powerful, and manly machine. Horizon looks like its sleek, sexy cousin.
Thankfully, Horizon Express has minimal stickers, and you could really get away with using none and still have it look absolutely gorgeous. I cannot say that about Maersk.
But Horizon Express destroys Maersk once you get to the other cars. Maersk is simply two bare cars with some (very cool) storage boxes on them. Horizon is two cars of awesome interior detail with sleek sexy exterior.

Overall: A
Fantastic build, and oh so sexy once done. Some minor quibbles, but a truly fantastic way for the year to start. Lots of neat techniques throughout, and "dat orange" as well.
Had to take the X-Wing apart but am building it again since I now have a bit of extra space. It is a really great build. Something amazing about the whole nose/cockpit section.


Anyone watching Chima? Would be interested
in all these other clans they are showing, freaking Bears, Rhinos and GORILLAS!! GO-RIL-LAS!!
Dat nose...

Do you have the Y-Wing?

Not really a fan of the ship. I bought the X-Wing and TIE for about $35 each. I might get the Y-Wing if I see it at around that price point. Is it a good build?

The only other Star Wars sets I really want are a system scale Tie Advanced and a UCS Falcon.


Man, my son was hyped when he saw Chima stuff. We've never even talked about it. Guess its another hit incoming. Lol
Personally the Y-Wing is one of my favorite build of all the (non UCS) Star Wars ships!


Not my personal favorite build of them, but that ship gets nowhere near the level of love it deserves.

And I started the mini modulars. Cafe Corner one was so awesome. Market Street was just okay until the end, which was cool. But once I got both together the entire thing just clicks. This set is not done justice by pictures. You have to build it.

Time for Mini Green Grocer!
Speaking of Chima, does anyone know when the current Promo Polybag with that Chima flier ENDS and a new polybag comes out? I really have no love for Chima and it's already my second Polybag now lol...

I will wait until i buy something from Lego Shop until a new one is out!!

The current polybag ends Jan 31 or while supplies last, Im not sure if were giving another Chima polybag right after this one ends. But ill let you know.
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