I also got an interesting none Lego set I just had to get that was a surprise release.
It's unfortunately a ToysRus exclusive and surprised even the Transformers community barely a couple weeks ago as a stealth release. Its been selling out quick so if you spot it get it. They have it right now for $25 and its over 300 pieces with 5 Kreons including the G1 Grimlock with crown and flame sword. I haven't put it together yet but will post pics as soon as I do. It's been reviewing really well and all 300 some pieces are used for Grimlock only, no stupid accessories and he supposedly is sturdy and has some weight. Size comparison puts him same size as Masterpiece Grimlock.
I'm gonna have to hit all the local TRUs for this tomorrow. Only $25 bucks? Awesome. I just tried to buy it online but they only have the shitty movie version.