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LEGO |OT 3| Build Hard. Buy Fast. No Mercy.

Ah dammit.

Looks like I need to go to Legoland, Tokyo & Copenhagen. Crap.



Tempted to finally snag the Town Hall for double VIP. But consciously knowing that I'll have spent $400 on LEGO (HH in September) is a tough pill to swallow.

Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead on Modulars. Fire Brigade & Emporium are sealed in the closet.


It looks like they removed Series 5 and 6 from the site. I'm gonna head over to an actual store for lunch.

Good luck. They told me Series 6 isn't in their warehouse, but i'd love to know if you find them. Series 5 should be around in stores though. I only just found Series 5 bags about two weeks ago, they are fairly new in the USA. I suppose they could expedite Series 6 to catch us up with other territories though. Least it would be nice if they'd do it that way!

Thinking about hitting up the LEGO store tomorrow just to snoop around since I have nothing else going on. If nothing else, hit the PAB wall and maybe get some more S12 minifigs.

Until Hobbit sets start showing up i have just about everything I'd like to own in the sub-$200 range. Course, over that price there's tons of things i'd like to own including more modulars, winter village stuff, UCS... but, yeah, it's not even about the cost at this point it's about space. I have to pick new stuff carefully :)
I wish they would sell wyldstyle's motorcycle separately, I always wanted that set but I didn't want to pay for the bland police car I didn't care about. I guess adding stuff like that in is Lego's way of accounting for inflation since the price for their pieces hasn't changed in forever.
Dude the police car is the star of that set. The SuperCycle is cool and all, even though they inexplicably shrank the back wheel, but I and many others will tell you it's all about the cop car. Sooooo good.
I wish they would sell wyldstyle's motorcycle separately, I always wanted that set but I didn't want to pay for the bland police car I didn't care about. I guess adding stuff like that in is Lego's way of accounting for inflation since the price for their pieces hasn't changed in forever.

Dude the police car is the star of that set. The SuperCycle is cool and all, even though they inexplicably shrank the back wheel, but I and many others will tell you it's all about the cop car. Sooooo good.

Yup, that SUV is amazing.


Are the Christmas promo items on s@h US exclusive?
Cant find it on the german store...

Same question for the new mini modulars.
Are they only available in US/ca?
I really want them.


Snagged the Tumbler from my local store tonight. Just got it in on a shipment earlier today. Also grabbed a handful of the series 12 figs. Managed to get the pizza guy and a couple of the spaceman drillers. I want another pizza dude and a couple of gamers and I think I'll be set. Now that prices are higher, I think I'm finished with collecting the whole of a series.


Thanks for the train suggestions guys. Gonna take a look at what we are willing to budget there. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy with the thought of finally getting a LEGO train set! lol

I remember wanting Horizon back when it came out, so that might be at the top, but we'll see.


Is this pic not out there? I posted a pic of it on Monday. Or is this the official one? Strange it would come after the box hitting shelves.

Yep, it was just a placeholder on S@H until today. You may be one of the first to get that set, as there was only one eBay listing on Monday for the set.


So i got a bunch of Christmas sets including the Village Market as well as all 16 Minifigures.

Might get more stuff when Hobbit sets drop, or wait till November 1st to get the calendar. Not sure.


So i'm confused, is the Tumbler like gone? That was it for that or will it eventually get another run?

And i'm sorry for the incoming post but i have the feeling only Lego GAF is going to get me on this and i've been a bit embarrassed to bring this up before and i'm not looking for a pity party or anything just some advice on how i should, no pun intended, pick up the pieces here. I've mentioned i had an injury related to be a biggere health issue I have that had put me out of work for months. I have a lawyer because Short Term Disability didn't want to pay out anything and, well, its a mess and i don't want to get into it but eventually i'm expecting a nice back pay check. Anyways i don't know if anyone else has been there but being with no pay for months and bills i had to do something and unfortunately it called for me selling off several of my Lego sets to pay bills. Some pretty big sets and i won't lie, when I sold my LoTR sets including Helm's Deep and that 1st wave I cried a little.

So that out of the way, i'm getting paychecks regularly again. I wantted to get either a Wii U or PS4 over the holidays but realistically neither one of those are going to be oop anytime soon and are only going to drop in price. Before this happened i was debating slowing down on my Lego buying, but i also didn't intend to lose the majority of my sets either. I just really lucked out and was able to pick up a Mines of Moria from AWD for 60 bucks with amazon credit I had. So thats one down. My conundrum is realistically there is no way I can get every set back and with the main ones oop it would cost an arm and a leg. I don't think getting Helms Deep back is possible, nor do I feel like paying alot for Weathertop when I didn't like that set to begin with except for the figs. So what i'm mainly looking at getting back is Tower of Orthanc and Arkham Asylum.

Which one of those should I make a priority to pick up first, and i'm strongly considering getting one now while double VIP points is going on then maybe picking the other one up during Brickfirday with the VIP points i earn this month to help (and maybe even, cross my fingers, a BF deal on one). I'm actually happy i was able to keep my whole Monster Fighter lines for halloween. I'm even thinking of going out of left field and maybe even getting the Sea Cow because i've been really depressed the last couple months seeing everytinng I own go to pay medical bills and rent and keep the lights on. Now I just want to build something new so that is also an option i've been considering BUT i really don't want to wait to long and let those two I mentioned go oop before I can pick them up again.

So thats my long winded request for help on what i should do. And no, forgetting everything and starting over from scratch with Star Wars is not really an option.


Holy crap, I knew it was popular but I didn't think they'd run out of Tumblers for that long.

Glad I picked mine up when I did, I guess, even though I wasn't completely sold on it until after I'd built it.
I doubt the Tumbler is gone forever. If it sold out that quick, that is insane. I would think we would have another year for it.

I pray that we do.

And for you, Ponn, I am sorry for everything you went through, but glad to hear that paychecks are running in again.

For what sets to get, I would get Orthanc before Arkham Asylum. For one, it is the better set. Second, it will probably go away sooner even if it is not as old. LOTR didn't seem to set the world on fire, while Batman will be around forever. Sure, there are a few unique variations to figures in Arkham, but you cant get Wormtongue anywhere else but in Orthanc. And it is a huge, imposing set once built.


So i'm confused, is the Tumbler like gone? That was it for that or will it eventually get another run?

And i'm sorry for the incoming post but i have the feeling only Lego GAF is going to get me on this and i've been a bit embarrassed to bring this up before and i'm not looking for a pity party or anything just some advice on how i should, no pun intended, pick up the pieces here. I've mentioned i had an injury related to be a biggere health issue I have that had put me out of work for months. I have a lawyer because Short Term Disability didn't want to pay out anything and, well, its a mess and i don't want to get into it but eventually i'm expecting a nice back pay check. Anyways i don't know if anyone else has been there but being with no pay for months and bills i had to do something and unfortunately it called for me selling off several of my Lego sets to pay bills. Some pretty big sets and i won't lie, when I sold my LoTR sets including Helm's Deep and that 1st wave I cried a little.

So that out of the way, i'm getting paychecks regularly again. I wantted to get either a Wii U or PS4 over the holidays but realistically neither one of those are going to be oop anytime soon and are only going to drop in price. Before this happened i was debating slowing down on my Lego buying, but i also didn't intend to lose the majority of my sets either. I just really lucked out and was able to pick up a Mines of Moria from AWD for 60 bucks with amazon credit I had. So thats one down. My conundrum is realistically there is no way I can get every set back and with the main ones oop it would cost an arm and a leg. I don't think getting Helms Deep back is possible, nor do I feel like paying alot for Weathertop when I didn't like that set to begin with except for the figs. So what i'm mainly looking at getting back is Tower of Orthanc and Arkham Asylum.

Which one of those should I make a priority to pick up first, and i'm strongly considering getting one now while double VIP points is going on then maybe picking the other one up during Brickfirday with the VIP points i earn this month to help (and maybe even, cross my fingers, a BF deal on one). I'm actually happy i was able to keep my whole Monster Fighter lines for halloween. I'm even thinking of going out of left field and maybe even getting the Sea Cow because i've been really depressed the last couple months seeing everytinng I own go to pay medical bills and rent and keep the lights on. Now I just want to build something new so that is also an option i've been considering BUT i really don't want to wait to long and let those two I mentioned go oop before I can pick them up again.

So thats my long winded request for help on what i should do. And no, forgetting everything and starting over from scratch with Star Wars is not really an option.

Sorry to hear that. I'd probably go with the Orthanc Tower. There were rumors during the summer that the production would end soon. LOTR was a dud theme and LEGO is probably just gonna finish off their contractual obligations for the last Hobbit wave. The entire LOTR/Hobbit theme is gonna disappear completely by mid to end of 2015.

Arkham could go OOP this year, but I don't think it's likely with the popularity of Super Heroes. It's a playset also so there's demand from adults and kids. The regular Batcave set was out for so long and I think only now is it going OOP.

This Black Friday should have a ton of deals for the Wii U though. I expect some place will have it for under $200.

I'd better not make any crude comments on this one. I may get flagged. It's just crying out for a caption...

Why is there a random fried chicken leg just sitting in the desert under a palm tree? And was there a crossover direct to video with Simba?

Remember Lago the parrot in the movie? He must have annoyed someone too much.
Seriously though, that is funny. I don't see any purpose of that chicken leg.


Good luck. They told me Series 6 isn't in their warehouse, but i'd love to know if you find them. Series 5 should be around in stores though. I only just found Series 5 bags about two weeks ago, they are fairly new in the USA. I suppose they could expedite Series 6 to catch us up with other territories though. Least it would be nice if they'd do it that way!

Thinking about hitting up the LEGO store tomorrow just to snoop around since I have nothing else going on. If nothing else, hit the PAB wall and maybe get some more S12 minifigs.

Until Hobbit sets start showing up i have just about everything I'd like to own in the sub-$200 range. Course, over that price there's tons of things i'd like to own including more modulars, winter village stuff, UCS... but, yeah, it's not even about the cost at this point it's about space. I have to pick new stuff carefully :)
Well, the quarterly(?) PAB wall reset should have been on the 1st. Didn't see anything insane this time like horses or stairs last time. I think the emphasis this time is on Chima so lots of translucent pieces.

The Hobbit stuff has a hard 10/15 street date.


Thanks for suggestions everyone, and it looks like i should pick up Orthanc first then. I really miss that one probably second most just sitting like a dark monolith on my wall oozing evil intent. And i added it to cart at Lego S@h to see how much everything would be and lo and behold they are giving away a free pretty awesome looking promo poster with it too. Sweet.

Remember Lago the parrot in the movie? He must have annoyed someone too much.
Seriously though, that is funny. I don't see any purpose of that chicken leg.

HA. I'm going to go with that thought and whoever designed that set had a morbid sense of humor, brilliant.


I assume this is probably the same for Oz.

Does anyone know if the double VIP points last the whole month?

For Europe, yes. I assume it will be the same for you guys.

So i'm confused, is the Tumbler like gone? That was it for that or will it eventually get another run?

And i'm sorry for the incoming post but i have the feeling only Lego GAF is going to get me on this and i've been a bit embarrassed to bring this up before and i'm not looking for a pity party or anything just some advice on how i should, no pun intended, pick up the pieces here. I've mentioned i had an injury related to be a biggere health issue I have that had put me out of work for months. I have a lawyer because Short Term Disability didn't want to pay out anything and, well, its a mess and i don't want to get into it but eventually i'm expecting a nice back pay check. Anyways i don't know if anyone else has been there but being with no pay for months and bills i had to do something and unfortunately it called for me selling off several of my Lego sets to pay bills. Some pretty big sets and i won't lie, when I sold my LoTR sets including Helm's Deep and that 1st wave I cried a little.

So that out of the way, i'm getting paychecks regularly again. I wantted to get either a Wii U or PS4 over the holidays but realistically neither one of those are going to be oop anytime soon and are only going to drop in price. Before this happened i was debating slowing down on my Lego buying, but i also didn't intend to lose the majority of my sets either. I just really lucked out and was able to pick up a Mines of Moria from AWD for 60 bucks with amazon credit I had. So thats one down. My conundrum is realistically there is no way I can get every set back and with the main ones oop it would cost an arm and a leg. I don't think getting Helms Deep back is possible, nor do I feel like paying alot for Weathertop when I didn't like that set to begin with except for the figs. So what i'm mainly looking at getting back is Tower of Orthanc and Arkham Asylum.

Which one of those should I make a priority to pick up first, and i'm strongly considering getting one now while double VIP points is going on then maybe picking the other one up during Brickfirday with the VIP points i earn this month to help (and maybe even, cross my fingers, a BF deal on one). I'm actually happy i was able to keep my whole Monster Fighter lines for halloween. I'm even thinking of going out of left field and maybe even getting the Sea Cow because i've been really depressed the last couple months seeing everytinng I own go to pay medical bills and rent and keep the lights on. Now I just want to build something new so that is also an option i've been considering BUT i really don't want to wait to long and let those two I mentioned go oop before I can pick them up again.

So thats my long winded request for help on what i should do. And no, forgetting everything and starting over from scratch with Star Wars is not really an option.

Sorry to hear that, Ponn. I would go with Orthanc too because I think it will go OOP first. I can see Arkham getting another year.
I've read a lot of good things about Sea-Cow, too, but I don't see it going OOP anytime soon.
Why is there a random fried chicken leg just sitting in the desert under a palm tree? And was there a crossover direct to video with Simba?

Fairly sure that's supposed to be the tiger's hideout, so the chicken leg is a snack when he gets back from hanging out with Jasmin...
Well, the quarterly(?) PAB wall reset should have been on the 1st. Didn't see anything insane this time like horses or stairs last time. I think the emphasis this time is on Chima so lots of translucent pieces.

The Hobbit stuff has a hard 10/15 street date.

Thanks for reminding me. I updated the marketplace thread here

PAB quarterly new elements at my local LEGO store:

2x2 tile

2x4 plate
Bright Yellowish-Green / Lime

1x2 jumper plate
Bright Yellowish-Green / Lime

1x2 brick
Medium Blue?

1x4 plate


Seen before

1x2 slope
Bright Reddish Violet / Magenta

2x2 round brick
Trans Blue

Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End
& Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End
Lt Bluish Grey


I built the Toy Workshop holiday set. It's a nice small vignette display piece.

A new piece I hadn't seen before is the 1x4 brick masonry piece. It's previously only been available as a 2x1 piece.

It also comes with 2 green brush accessories which is a nice bonus.



TWO brushes, yay. The small things can be nice sometimes. :)

I just ordered the artist/painter CMF on bricklink last week (trying to fill some holes in my collection and he was cheap), I don't know, for some reason when I see toy brushes shaped that way that I always think of Relm from FFVI :p
I sincerely doubt anyone needs to worry about the Tumbler. Customers have been coming into our store looking for them for the past couple weeks and we keep telling them that since it's a UCS, it's going to be around for a year, minimum, and most UCS sets last 2-3 years. "Since it's new, demand is really high and everyone's trying to get it, so it's out of stock for now" and so forth.

The same thing happened to us when the Sand Crawler came out - we had like 40+ of them on launch day, they were gone by the second day, and then over to course of the next ~2 months we got maybe two more shipments in. Now, we almost always have it in stock.


I sincerely doubt anyone needs to worry about the Tumbler. Customers have been coming into our store looking for them for the past couple weeks and we keep telling them that since it's a UCS, it's going to be around for a year, minimum, and most UCS sets last 2-3 years. "Since it's new, demand is really high and everyone's trying to get it, so it's out of stock for now" and so forth.

The same thing happened to us when the Sand Crawler came out - we had like 40+ of them on launch day, they were gone by the second day, and then over to course of the next ~2 months we got maybe two more shipments in. Now, we almost always have it in stock.
I'm sure they'll make more but the website straight up says that they're not getting any for the rest of 2014 and to check Lego Stores in October instead. Looks like it'll be a huge pain to get once Christmas shopping kicks in.


Speaking of which, so far the store here has only been getting a fraction of the Star Wars Advent Calendars compared to City and Friends so if that continues I'd pick it up sooner rather than later.
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