Random Exo Suit available on Amazon again at the time of this posting.
Also despite having bad migraines today started my Halloween display. I don't think I will be able to concentrate enough on building to make anything substantial so will probably be a simple Haunted House centered thing. I did make up some Trick r Treaters. Hulk is going as Iron Man, Aqua Man is going as Sunstorm, Trendy Girl is going as Optmus Prime and Barista is going as Thor. I should probably make some more Avengers. Oh shit since I got the knock off DBZ figs I should make Deadpool go as Vegeta and Wolverine Goku.
Also despite having bad migraines today started my Halloween display. I don't think I will be able to concentrate enough on building to make anything substantial so will probably be a simple Haunted House centered thing. I did make up some Trick r Treaters. Hulk is going as Iron Man, Aqua Man is going as Sunstorm, Trendy Girl is going as Optmus Prime and Barista is going as Thor. I should probably make some more Avengers. Oh shit since I got the knock off DBZ figs I should make Deadpool go as Vegeta and Wolverine Goku.