S Schmo Florez Member Mar 24, 2005 #3 Damn you Lucas hype machine! First the kick ass clone wars dvd now this! So excited!!!
ManaByte Member May 1, 2005 #5 I saw this today. They are showing it this weekend at Legoland California as part of the official Star Wars weekend there. Kinda funny. It's about five minutes. There are no ROTS spoilers at all, but it uses ROTS characters and locations.
I saw this today. They are showing it this weekend at Legoland California as part of the official Star Wars weekend there. Kinda funny. It's about five minutes. There are no ROTS spoilers at all, but it uses ROTS characters and locations.
S Spike Member May 1, 2005 #6 Hopefully someone will capture and put this up for download for us poor Canadians.
S Spike Spiegel Member May 1, 2005 #7 I'm sure you'll be able to download it eventually, just like with the Lego Spider-Man 2 movie.
ManaByte Member May 10, 2005 #8 Here it is: http://cache.lego.com/movies/starwars/minimovie868613/SWNS.mov
ManaByte Member May 10, 2005 #10 impirius said: I'm waiting for the Lego Star Wars: The Movie Lego Play Set Click to expand...
I impirius Member May 10, 2005 #11 Hooray! The whole Lego Star Wars thing has been one of the best things to come out of the prequel trilogy, IMO
Hooray! The whole Lego Star Wars thing has been one of the best things to come out of the prequel trilogy, IMO
B BojTrek Banned May 10, 2005 #12 It was OK, nothing special until the very end when Chewbacca took a picture of Obi-Wan and Anakin... FUNNY!
It was OK, nothing special until the very end when Chewbacca took a picture of Obi-Wan and Anakin... FUNNY!
T ThirstyFly Member May 10, 2005 #13 I'm sure you'll be able to download it eventually, just like with the Lego Spider-Man 2 movie. Click to expand... WHERE?! The Star Wars one was really good. Any chance if it being released on DVD with a lego set or something?
I'm sure you'll be able to download it eventually, just like with the Lego Spider-Man 2 movie. Click to expand... WHERE?! The Star Wars one was really good. Any chance if it being released on DVD with a lego set or something?
A aoi tsuki Member May 10, 2005 #15 ManaByte said: Click to expand... i'm waiting for the Lego Star Wars: The Movie Lego Play Set Movie.
F FortNinety Member May 11, 2005 #16 impirius said: Hooray! The whole Lego Star Wars thing has been one of the best things to come out of the prequel trilogy, IMO Click to expand... It's pretty much the only thing in my book.
impirius said: Hooray! The whole Lego Star Wars thing has been one of the best things to come out of the prequel trilogy, IMO Click to expand... It's pretty much the only thing in my book.
S Sho Nuff Banned May 11, 2005 #17 That fucking sucked because 1. It didn't even use real legos 2. The animation was too good (DON'T PLUG MOCAP INTO LEGOS) 3. Star Wars Lego: The Game was 100x cooler/funnier
That fucking sucked because 1. It didn't even use real legos 2. The animation was too good (DON'T PLUG MOCAP INTO LEGOS) 3. Star Wars Lego: The Game was 100x cooler/funnier
F Father_Brain Banned May 11, 2005 #18 That would have been far better as a real Lego movie, like the Spider-Man one. The ending credits and the photo gag were cute, though.
That would have been far better as a real Lego movie, like the Spider-Man one. The ending credits and the photo gag were cute, though.
F FortNinety Member May 11, 2005 #19 Sho Nuff said: That fucking sucked because 1. It didn't even use real legos Click to expand... Yeah, I stopped it as soon as I discovered this.
Sho Nuff said: That fucking sucked because 1. It didn't even use real legos Click to expand... Yeah, I stopped it as soon as I discovered this.
S SpeedingUptoStop will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL* May 11, 2005 #21 I liked that Star wars lego movie. I kind of chuckled when chewbacca made a rocket launcher out of nothing. Adn of course, the picture and the credits :lol
I liked that Star wars lego movie. I kind of chuckled when chewbacca made a rocket launcher out of nothing. Adn of course, the picture and the credits :lol