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Lego Star Wars - The Skywalker Saga | Review Mega Thread


Gold Member
I'm not really talking about Youtube Grifters or any of their opinions. Mine are my own. Rey is fine as a character, but I think they dropped the ball with her backstory in the final film. Daisy herself said, JJ went back and forth during production about her backstory before finally settling on her being the granddaughter of Palpatine. Which isn't a bad idea....but bringing Palpatine back is a bad idea. Rey could have been an orphan force sensitive and adopted by Leia or Luke and all of that would have been fine. But that didn't happen. Even a line from Luke or Leia saying you are like a daughter to me, might have been more relevant. Personally I think having Ben Solo live and Rey live and actually work to continue Luke's goals would have been a powerful image. Maybe they form the Skywalker Jedi Academy or something like that. Then you see the orphan boy from the broom scene in the Last Jedi showing up for training.
Well that’s JJ’s problem.

In George’s version she was a nobody who became and Jedi and then a Skywalker to do a Star Wars story for kids who were adopted to show them that family went beyond a bloodline.

Trevarrow followed that in Duel of the Fates. She was a nobody in his version too.


Gold Member
One really annoying thing is that you can't exit the game quickly. When you click exit it reloads to the starting screen which takes 5 or so seconds as there are some animations that happen and then you can exit the game. Why???????


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Well that’s JJ’s problem.

In George’s version she was a nobody who became and Jedi and then a Skywalker to do a Star Wars story for kids who were adopted to show them that family went beyond a bloodline.

Trevarrow followed that in Duel of the Fates. She was a nobody in his version too.
I thought George's version had Twins for Han and Leia,
I thought George's version had Twins for Han and Leia,
It gets confusing fast and this will quickly derail. All you really need to know:

One of the first artwork for Kira (Rey) and Sam (Finn) back in 2013


Gold Member
I thought George's version had Twins for Han and Leia,
Nope. Just Ben Solo who was seduced to the Dark Side by Darth Talon. Stop listening to YouTuber EU people who claim George was adapting the EU books. He never read them.

The George version had Kira, Ben, an ex-Stormtrooper named Sam that would become Finn. Poe in TFA was a combination of two characters from the George/Michael Arndt draft.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Nope. Just Ben Solo who was seduced to the Dark Side by Darth Talon. Stop listening to YouTuber EU people who claim George was adapting the EU books. He never read them.

The George version had Kira, Ben, an ex-Stormtrooper named Sam that would become Finn. Poe in TFA was a combination of two characters from the George/Michael Arndt draft.
I haven't watched a single youtube video about George's versions. you work off of assumption too much. It is an off putting personality trait.


Wish I had gotten the XSX version instead of the PS5 version. Looks like a significant performance and resolution advantage on XSX. Not to mention VRR support. Oh well.


Banned source. His comparisons are always messed up like that. He uses outdated tools and doesn’t get accurate results.

their results recently lined up relatively closely with VG Tech and DF tho.
pretty sure after their initial issues they actually got advice from the DF guys on what they have to do to improve accuracy, seems like they followed that after that.

they are sadly most of the time the fastest to release videos, so no comparison with others yet.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
so, I know they have been inaccurate before, but if the findings here are correct then either TravelersTales have found "THE TOOLS" or they completely botched the PS5 optimisation...

PS5: 60fps @dynamic 1440p (usually ~1368p)
Series X: 60fps @dynamic 2160p (usually ~1872p)

and apparently the PS5 version has worse performance with tearing in large areas.

I am really not sure if they didn't mix up some numbers here while testing, maybe mixing up screenshots they pixelcounted or something... but like, damn, if true

(and yes they are native apps not back compat)

I would have said Dayum that's some discrepancy.

But then I saw the source. Let's wait for others to tackle this.


I am really enjoying the game. One major complaint I have so far is the awful res in the menus. Especially the characters. Is anybody else noticing this? I feel like it gets worst the longer I play. I also had two crashes while playing through Phantom Menace. System is Series X.


Wish I had gotten the XSX version instead of the PS5 version. Looks like a significant performance and resolution advantage on XSX. Not to mention VRR support. Oh well.

It’s a piss poor work on the PS5 version, feels like the dev team doesn’t care about PlayStation userbase.

It’s so bad it’s hilarious honestly, feels like you would have to actively make it worse to make it like this.


Samurai power to the max.
Exactly, more of a homage to samurai than a man bun, I think it looks bad ass.

Man, this game is a LOT of fun. I've dabbled in Lego games in the past, and I thought they were fine. But I wasn't expecting this game to have so many gameplay mechanics AND collectables. I mean, the fighting + combo system, a shooting and cover system, wtf? It's so good! It's wild that this is definitely going to be one of my favorite games this year.


Moderated wildly
But dense YouTubers recording videos out of a room in their mom’s house in Florida would do about 4 videos a day saying the man bun was emasculating their hero.

fucking losers obviously dont have a clue that Lucas based all this shit off samurai sensibilities and influence.

Anyway, the game seems fun. I've never really dedicated myself to Lego games. Do i just bomb through the story missions first then come back once I have unlocked characters? I find myself walking around the whole level collecting little shitty studs and trying to solve puzzles. Should I wait to do that stuff later?

Series X version is looking pretty damn good and running well.

just to add, I got the Obi Wan pack too by buying the digital deluxe download code from a online store in the UK. I dont think obi wan is a pre order item on Xbox.
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Loving the game so far, there is just so much nostalgia and little details packed into it, and it looks so sweet on the Series X.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I think I'm just getting too old for this shit... In fact I'm so old that I sat down to play this with my son (now 22) since we played a lot of the older LEGO Star Wars games together back in the day, and we both had the same complaint...

The game is designed for people with ADHD. Tooltips everywhere. Flashing icons everywhere. On split screen, two minimaps - two combo meters, basically two of everything. Story moves forward like in the movies, but it's go here, do this, step in this spot, now go to this other map, do this thing and feels pretty scrambled in general. I get that they're trying to do an open world with multiple hubs, but this game takes it crazy far. Hint droid guy constantly audibly yelling at us that he has new hints available.

The whole thing is a bit mad. Is it just me / us? Does this seem normal to other people?


I haven’t played a Lego game since the original Lego Star Wars on PS2, so maybe its because I don’t have extreme burnout by playing 100 of these, but this game is fucking great. I’m loving it.


So this isn't just the previous lego star wars games upgraded for modern consoles? (Eg it's all new content? - Of course, with the same story...)


One of the green rats
I think I'm just getting too old for this shit... In fact I'm so old that I sat down to play this with my son (now 22) since we played a lot of the older LEGO Star Wars games together back in the day, and we both had the same complaint...

The game is designed for people with ADHD. Tooltips everywhere. Flashing icons everywhere. On split screen, two minimaps - two combo meters, basically two of everything. Story moves forward like in the movies, but it's go here, do this, step in this spot, now go to this other map, do this thing and feels pretty scrambled in general. I get that they're trying to do an open world with multiple hubs, but this game takes it crazy far. Hint droid guy constantly audibly yelling at us that he has new hints available.

The whole thing is a bit mad. Is it just me / us? Does this seem normal to other people?

you can turn much of that off. I isntantly went to settingsa after the first 5 mins. lol


Gold Member
I don't like the look of the loading screens there is just something off putting about them. They look cheap and like something you would see on a mobile game.
I don't like the look of the loading screens there is just something off putting about them. They look cheap and like something you would see on a mobile game.
Loading screens and menus...are both too busy.

Turning off some of the many markers:

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Gold Member
What are the the game's HDR settings you all are using for PS5 version? I feel some things are too bright, and colors arent as sharp. Other games are fine, and i probably just need to tweak the settings.
No the game just runs at 60 but cutscenes are 30.

No, that is incorrect. The game does have a 30 FPS Resolution and 60 FPS Performance toggle on Xbox Series X (and, presumably, PS5) but it is only visible from the pause menu while playing the game: Settings > Video where you can select 30 or 60 FPS. This option does not show from the main menu for some reason, only the HDR settings (which really should also be in the in-game menu too if you think about it).

I am really enjoying the game but it does have some worrying bugs. So far, I've had one crash to the dashboard, one infinite loading screen while booting it up from Resume mode and several annoying glitches during the game. One was while exiting a building in Mos Eisley during The Phantom Menace, where it would load, briefly show the exterior then reload the interior again before I could even move!!! In the end, I had to switch to another character and I was finally able to leave the damn building. Another minor glitch was when I switched to Obi Wan at the start of the Coruscant level where Armadala meets Palpatine for the first time in the game. Because I had switched from the Queen to Obi Wan, Palpatine faced Obi Wan and addressed him as Your Majesty! It's a little thing, admittedly, but with the other issues they give the impression that the game is not as polished as it should be.
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0G M3mbeR
I’ve played through 5 episodes so far (4,5,6,1,2) and had one major crash (one of the missions where you take cargo across the galaxy and get attacked while in hyperspace 3 times) and in episodes 2 droid factory one of the markers kept telling me to go to it even when the objective was complete. Both issues I fixed with a restart of the game.

Beyond that the game is an absolute treat and is one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played in a long long time. The combat is much improved with the aiming and combo system, the jedis being able to throw light sabers and huck pieces of the world at enemies is bad ass, and the helpless droids / characters from the past Lego games can all fight back now.

The typical LEGO humor makes every single cut scene worth watching (even if the 30 Fps on them is annoying) while the little details on just about everything in the worlds makes traversing the landscapes between story missions super nostalgic. I can’t wait to complete the story’s and fully dive into the side quests.

I’ve played a ton of Star Wars games throughout my life and this one so far is the absolute best. Only gripe for me is no online co op play and some story moments are skipped through too quick. 9 / 10


Gold Member
No, that is incorrect. The game does have a 30 FPS Resolution and 60 FPS Performance toggle on Xbox Series X (and, presumably, PS5) but it is only visible from the pause menu while playing the game: Settings > Video where you can select 30 or 60 FPS. This option does not show from the main menu for some reason, only the HDR settings (which really should also be in the in-game menu too if you think about it)
The 60fps mode is on by default. You need to have the 30fps mental defect to turn it off.


Gold Journalism
Question: Can a 4-year old play this?

For reference, the kid can play Astrobot just fine and can learn new game mechanics fairly quickly. Can't read words yet, but does know all alphabets.
Can't believe how large of a difference there is between Series X and Ps5 resolutions. We've only ever seen that with BC games in the past. What the hell. What is that 30 something percent better? That's fucked


Having played Ep.I and about half of Ep.II and being a huge fan of lego games i think its the most complete and complex lego game to date but it has some major flaws that detract from the game itself.

The camera is awful specially in Co-op.

it completely ruins co-op, the split screen and the dynamic view is a mess , if you get close to a wall for some reason your character disappears.

Also the co-op is awful compared to other lego games. have one player drive a ship and the other shot it is just horrible


Question on the trophies/achievements

I heard only one player gets them in local co-op which makes sense, but for anyone playing online, do both you and your partner obtain trophies?
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