There was a swarm in Africa a few weeks ago and yesterday or so they were in Argentina.I thought the locust thing started a while ago? coulda swear I read something about it like last week or the week before. either way that really sucks. is there no way to combat these things at all even in this day and age?
It's basically a grasshopper, but they swarm.What even is a locust and why do they swarm
What even is a locust and why do they swarm
there is no denying it
like it or not, that is a whole lot of protein
Not like they swarm, they look for food. What happens is for them they make news one in a little short time. Hot places becaming more hot and the lack of predators helps a lot in this sittuation.What even is a locust and why do they swarm
My ex-gf is scary.
there is no denying it
like it or not, that is a whole lot of protein