O no I meant the prices of games not batmanHas it been confirmed it only last an hour or is that just press speculation?, anybody got a link to exactly what the devs said?
O no I meant the prices of games not batmanHas it been confirmed it only last an hour or is that just press speculation?, anybody got a link to exactly what the devs said?
Has it been confirmed it only last an hour or is that just press speculation?, anybody got a link to exactly what the devs said?
but developer Rocksteady describes it as an hour-long experience with another hour of replay value. If you were expecting a whole new Batman: Arkham game where you traverse Gotham City in VR, you're out of luck.
That's weird there has to be more to it, why would they even make a website for it if there wouldn't be enough content to fill it?
Also, I really don't trust press site with no transcript of the conversation because site like these actually think what they saw for Final Fantasy VR was what they where gonna get when moments after the show ended Tabata said that this demo experience was to have something to show the crowd and they haven't decided on what Final Fantasy VR will contain link
Well, today I learned that if you look hard enough you find more PSVR titles launching in 2016.
The Weird One
First Impact: Rise of a Hero (Trailer) (2017 title)
The Rhythmic One
Dimensional Intersection (Trailer)
Bonus: Best Dev Website Ever!
The Awesome One!
Raw Data (Video)
Recommend Watching!
Raw Data looks awesome, although the rest are utter crap. Amazing to see the variety of games under development for VR right now, despite the fact that many of them are (extremely) low budget.
What game is the first one you're gonna try with the PSVR?
I'm not sure uf go to space mode with EVE or dinosaur mide with Robinson
VRTIGO lets you create and ride your own Virtual Reality rollercoasters in seconds! It combines our love of designing rollercoasters with the simplest user interface imaginable, and the thrill of VR. Using an app on your tablet, simply draw an outline with your finger. Then you can raise or lower it, twist it to make corkscrews, tune the speeds and decorate it. Press 'Go' and it's ready to ride in VR on your Oculus Rift or PlayStation VR. It's that simple.
Rigs no doubtWhat game is the first one you're gonna try with the PSVR?
I'm not sure uf go to space mode with EVE or dinosaur mide with Robinson
Vertigo sounds promising.
RIGS, then SUPERHYPERCUBE, then EVE. It's gonna be wild!What game is the first one you're gonna try with the PSVR?
I'm not sure uf go to space mode with EVE or dinosaur mide with Robinson
We don't know that yet
You really basing the E3 demo as the full game?
Can Sangetsu-II get a PSVR Evangelist tag? He is singlehandedly sustaining my hype for the peripheral.
Sony might make it hard for me to choose between VR and a Neo this holiday though... I can't do both.
Are there any 3D platformers coming out for PS VR?
Bound (Trailer)Ѧ† [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]
Wayward Sky (Trailer)*Ѧ
Adventure Time: Magic Man's Head Games (Trailer)
Mervils: A VR Adventure (Video)
Launch & 2016
Thanks! That Adventure Time game looks right up my alley. The first part of the Bound trailer also looked cool but then she started dancing around and I was like "wat".
EDIT: Did some more research on Adventure Time VR, apparently it's only 30 minutes long :/
Short but sweet. I had hoped the PSVR version would be expanded, maybe some new levels, but I have no idea.Thanks! That Adventure Time game looks right up my alley. The first part of the Bound trailer also looked cool but then she started dancing around and I was like "wat".
EDIT: Did some more research on Adventure Time VR, apparently it's only 30 minutes long :/
Thanks! That Adventure Time game looks right up my alley. The first part of the Bound trailer also looked cool but then she started dancing around and I was like "wat".
EDIT: Did some more research on Adventure Time VR, apparently it's only 30 minutes long :/
It's also only 4.99.
I came across this just now, apparently Futurlab (developer of the Velocity series) are working on a PSVR title.
Was this known?
What game is the first one you're gonna try with the PSVR?
I'm not sure if go to space mode with EVE or dinosaur mode with Robinson
Well, today I learned that if you look hard enough you find more PSVR titles launching in 2016.
So looking at the list of developers it got me thinking why don't I check each developers site and look up their info to see if they have a title.
It's also only 4.99.
The Occasional Encounter - it's on the dev list but not the titles list.
Obduction by Cyan.
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope by Croteam / Devolver Digital. Unconfirmed but they are an official PSVR dev and are hoping to bring this game to PSVR.
So far we have integrated support for HTC Vive and Oculus into an early build, and we have support from both companies. The game requires tracked controllers though, and it won’t be available to play without them, so keep that in mind. We are also seeing great support from great guys at Sony who are interested in bringing this title to PlayStation 4 as well, so things are looking bright!
Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul by VRwerx.
Interesting. Apparently these are for the $400 Virzoom bike accessory.VirZOOM's games:
Stampede!: catch the cowboys
Go Fast Car: car racing as a dog
Pegaso: ride and fly a pegasus
(unknown title): fly as a bee
(unknown title): horse racing
(unknown title): motorbike racing
I can't find anything on PSVR Support but will put in rumor section.
That's quite a good lineup.
My plan for the next few months:
Aug - upgrade PC to VR-ready
Sep - get Vive
Oct - Get PSVR
Devs think they can hide their PSVR games from me? Think again!
Stern Pinball Arcade
Super Mega Mega
Yes, since March. I have a few more titles to add to the list but I couldn't find any concrete details on what Futurlab are working on.
I had both of those but discarded because I couldn't find any official confirmation, just second hand. If you didn't find concrete confirmation then maybe move to rumoured.
Though it’s only available on Samsung Gear VR at the moment, The Stern Pinball Arcade will also be released on more platforms later this year, including Oculus Rift, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam, iOS and Android.