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Let's Talk About PlayStation VR: List of Upcoming Titles




Spread it out. Don't create a backlog for yourself on day one.
VR Worlds
Batman Arkham VR
Battlefront VR Mission
Driveclub VR

and others before the year ends... like The Assembly, Here They Lie, Keep Talking and nobody Explodes...

and not counting nonVR games like FFXV, Worlds of Final Fantasy, The Last Guardian or Gravity Rush 2 this year... and RE7 or Persona 5 early 2017...
Spread it out. Don't create a backlog for yourself on day one.

I am spreading it out! That's pared down from a list that includes Tumble, Futuridium, Super Stardust, Farpoint, VR Worlds, etc.

The launch line-up is looking pretty extensive. It seems like Sony made a good call waiting to launch until the software was there...
Looking forward to the Tomb Raider VR content, especially with Digital Foundry saying it supports room tracking, so you can stand up and actually walk around.

Digital Foundry: "We've spent time with PSVR before but most experiences have been seated. With Rise of the Tomb Raider, we were asked to stand up and walk about."

Similar to the Vive (just not as advanced of course) using the PS Camera to track the headset, it even shows a blue transparent grid on screen, when you reach the end of the tracking area, similar to how Vive shows a grid if you get too close to a wall but PSVR won't stop you walking into a wall obviously.

I guess that explains the PSVR Space Requirements that came out a little while ago. I wonder if many games will use this feature ?
Still torn about RIGS; for a long time it was a day 1 purchase, but now it's got a lot of competition. It's also priced at £49.99 on SEN (available in 55 days time!), which seems a bit excessive.

Both RIGS and Eve are now in the 'maybe' list. Battlezone, Driveclub and Rez are in the day 1 list. Recent impressions of Rogue One X-wing are pushing me towards grabbing Battlefront in the next sale, too. So many games to choose between, plus a Neo, PSVR and maybe a T150 wheel. It's going to be expensive...

The price seems fair to me. I watched the Giantbomb launch showcase for Vive and Occulus and the prices for some of the shit they played was shocking.


Is there a confirmed list of launch games yet? Forgive me if it's in the OP, the first page of this thread has so much information that it causes my mobile browser to crash.

Wow i expected nothing like that, think i need to get his

Looks pretty much identical to Battle Zone. Most people probably would only need to get one or the other I imagine.


Is there a confirmed list of launch games yet? Forgive me if it's in the OP, the first page of this thread has so much information that it causes my mobile browser to crash.
The same happened to me. disable the embed youtube links in neogaf forum preferences
Is there a confirmed list of launch games yet? Forgive me if it's in the OP, the first page of this thread has so much information that it causes my mobile browser to crash.

No Problem, here is the texted version of Day 1 launch in the OP.

October (32 Confirmed) / Launch Titles (31 Confirmed)

Batman Arkham VR (Trailer)•Ѧ

Battlezone (Trailer)*♦Ѧ+

EVE: Valkyrie (Trailer)*♦

Fated: The Silent Oath (Trailer)

Harmonix Music VR (Trailer)•Ѧ

Hatsune Miku VR: Future Live (Image)•Ѧ [October 14]

Headmaster (Trailer)♦Ѧ

Here They Lie (Trailer)*Ѧ†

Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Viewing Revolution (Trailer)•Ѧ [Japan Release] [Region-Free]

Job Simulator (Trailer)•

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Trailer)*♦

Kismet (Trailer)

Loading Human: Chapter 1 (Trailer)*•

Mortal Blitz VR (Trailer)

Moto Racer 4 (Trailer)*Ѧ

The Music Room VR (Trailer)•

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul (Video)

PlayStation VR Worlds (Trailer)•♦Ѧ†

Pool Nation VR (Trailer)•♦

Psychonauts: In The Rhombus Of Ruin (Trailer)Ѧ

RIGS (Trailer)*♦Ѧ†

Rise Of The Tomb Raider: VR Mission (Image)

Rez Infinite (Trailer)*Ѧ

Robinson: The Journey (Video)*•Ѧ+

Rollercoaster Dreams (Trailer)Ѧ

Summer Lesson (Trailer)*Ѧ [Japan Release] [Region-Free]


Tethered (Trailer)

Thumper (Trailer)*

Tumble VR (Trailer)•♦Ѧ†

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (Trailer)•Ѧ†

Wayward Sky (Trailer)*•Ѧ

Day 1 VR Patched (10 confirmed)

Attractio (Trailer) [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Bound (Trailer)Ѧ† [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (Image)Ѧ [Free w/ Original Game Purchase] [Japan Release] [Region-Free]

Futuridium EP Deluxe VR (Trailer)Ѧ [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X (Trailer)Ѧ [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Hustle Kings VR (Trailer)•♦Ѧ† [Discount w/ Original Hustle Kings Mega Pack]

Hyper Void (Trailer) [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Super Stardust Ultra VR (Trailer)Ѧ† [Discount w/ Original Game Purchase]

VEV: Viva Ex Vivo (Trailer)Ѧ [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Volume: Coda (Trailer)*Ѧ+ [Free w/ Original Game Purchase]

Day 1 Free VR Titles (5 confirmed)

Danganronpa VR Demo (Trailer)Ѧ [Japan Release] [Region-Free]

PlayRoom VR (Trailer)♦Ѧ† [Free w/PS4]

Resident Evil 7 Demo (Trailer) [Free w/PS+]

War Thunder (Video)♦ [Free To Play]

World War Toons (Trailer)*♦ [Free To Play]


Some tough choices ahead with regard to what games to get during the launch window. I really wish all VR games had demos. At launch I'm thinking of getting (depending on pricing):

Batman Arkham VR
Robinson: The Journey
Wayward Sky
Job Simulator
PlayStation VR Worlds
Psychonauts: In The Rhombus Of Ruin

This aside from the titles I kinda want to try, like RIGS, Tumble, Here They Lie, Loading Human, Battlezone and Volume: Coda.

The Star Wars Battlefront experience sounds great, as does the Tomb Raider one, but I don't think I can justify purchasing either just to play those.
Outlines for Assetto Corsa VR plans were revealed a while ago.
They've been pretty much silent on the subject since.

Hachi machi!

Hopefully Dirt Rally also gets PSVR support and it becomes standard for racing games in general on the PS4.

With the ex-Evolution team being allowed to complete DRIVECLUB VR after moving to Codemasters, I'd say it's almost a certainty, especially with the game already running at a pretty solid 60fps.


Some tough choices ahead with regard to what games to get during the launch window. I really wish all VR games had demos. At launch I'm thinking of getting (depending on pricing):

Batman Arkham VR
Robinson: The Journey
Wayward Sky
Job Simulator
PlayStation VR Worlds
Psychonauts: In The Rhombus Of Ruin

This aside from the titles I kinda want to try, like RIGS, Tumble, Here They Lie, Loading Human, Battlezone and Volume: Coda.

The Star Wars Battlefront experience sounds great, as does the Tomb Raider one, but I don't think I can justify purchasing either just to play those.

For me:

VR Worlds
Here they lie
Job Simulator
Super Stardust Ultra
Until Dawn Rush of Blood
Paranormal Activity
Loading Human
Rise of Tomb Raider

But yeah, not getting all of these at once.. I guess demos and more gameplay footage will help me decide what to get in what order.

I'll probably rent Star Wars Battlefront to try that vr I guess.. sInce I'm not buying the game just for that. Or I'll borrow it from a colleague.

I'm wondering what racing remasters could we see benefited with VR... like Wipeout HD or Burnout Paradise?

I want to see Outrun 2/2006 remastered. This is probably the game that would have me buy a wheel without feeling remorse about the price.
New Info on PSVR Worlds Online Features and new modes on the five games:

The London Heist

We know you will want to play it again and again, and show it off to your friends and family, so we added a load of features you might not yet be aware of to keep you coming back for more.

But, we also added a mode for you to show to people who are less familiar with traditional gaming. It adds laser sights to the guns to help with aiming and reduces enemy damage. With this mode enabled, you can experience The London Heist as more of an interactive story and still get to the dramatic finale.

We had so much fun with the gunplay that we created four shooting ranges for you to have a little target practice before you play the story mode.

The shooting ranges have laser-sighted and unassisted versions, with leaderboards for each one. So you can compete with the whole PS VR community or invite your friends round, log in, and pass and play to see who is best


Dangerball’s Score Attack is an endurance VR game where players must hit the highest scoring tiles and maintain combos to push for the high score. Here at the studio, the competition between QA and dev team scores has been fierce during development, so we can’t wait to see what gamers can do.

Dangerball also features Tournament and Quick Play modes where you can play against AI opponents with various special moves, such as power shots, swerve balls, and ball splitting.


Have leaderboards to bring out your competitive side. Test your nerve in a VR Luge time trials, again with leaderboards for each course, and you’ll be able to refine your own performance by comparing it with the ghosts of other online players that appear on-track.

We also have a fiendishly difficult VR Luge Tour, where players must complete all four tracks consecutively within a difficult target time before they can post their time to the exclusive Champion’s leaderboard.

Ocean Descent

Ocean Descent is far from being a passive VR experience. There are three different versions of the dive, allowing for gentler experiences for VR newcomers and building up to the terrifying Shark Encounter for VR veterans.

Scavengers Odyssey

The story sees you taking control of a spider-like craft which can walk on the walls and ceilings of giant derelict Space Hulks and jump huge distances through floating wreckage.

As the name suggests, Scavengers Odyssey has an intriguing backstory to discover as you quest through bug-infested wreckage. Your agile Spidercraft means you can explore and discover the scattered Blackbox recordings and unearth details of what happened to these giant space wrecks.

Link to PS Blog


For me:

VR Worlds
Here they lie
Job Simulator
Super Stardust Ultra
Until Dawn Rush of Blood
Paranormal Activity
Loading Human
Rise of Tomb Raider

Here They Lie does indeed look super interesting. However, based on my (admittedly) short time with VR horror... I just don't know if I can handle it. I got freaked out in Minecraft VR because there was a zombie moaning outside my house.

It does look very well done, and I want to support more ambitious VR projects, so I might still give it a whirl down the line.


Here They Lie does indeed look super interesting. However, based on my (admittedly) short time with VR horror... I just don't know if I can handle it. I got freaked out in Minecraft VR because there was a zombie moaning outside my house.

It does look very well done, and I want to support more ambitious VR projects, so I might still give it a whirl down the line.

Yeah, I'm probably shooting myself in the foot getting horror games in VR. But I want to give it a shot anyway.

I've long been bad at playing those games, even on a regular console. But I think my anti-anxiety meds are somewhat helping me cope with the genre.

Been playing through Corpse Party blooddrive with mostly no issues, and I know I wouldn't have been able to before. Though I'm hating some bullshit parts where they're just stacking too many things against you lol. I also went through until dawn stress-free.. but I guess that's normal?

I'm just really digging the mystery/puzzle/horror mix like P.T. and the resident evil 7 demo lately. Enough to push through even though I get easily scared.
Yeah, I'm probably shooting myself in the foot getting horror games in VR. But I want to give it a shot anyway.

I've long been bad at playing those games, even on a regular console. But I think my anti-anxiety meds are somewhat helping me cope with the genre.

Been playing through Corpse Party blooddrive with mostly no issues, and I know I wouldn't have been able to before. Though I'm hating some bullshit parts where they're just stacking too many things against you lol. I also went through until dawn stress-free.. but I guess that's normal?

I'm just really digging the mystery/puzzle/horror mix like P.T. and the resident evil 7 demo lately. Enough to push through even though I get easily scared.

Allison Road is being resurrected after its prior cancellation. Hopefully it will still make its planned appearance on PSVR.
They should do a SportsChampion: VR edition. That game was very solid and fun with the Move controllers and adding the VR layer to it will make it even better. This needs to happen. Do it Sony!


They should do a SportsChampion: VR edition. That game was very solid and fun with the Move controllers and adding the VR layer to it will make it even better. This needs to happen. Do it Sony!

Yeah,ping pong and the sword fencing would be so great in VR. (There was sword fencing in that game right?) edit 1: it was gladiator duel

A version of Sports Champion with VR + PS4 camera instead of PS3 camera for better accuracy would be awesome.

edit2: Just found out there was a Sports Champion 2.


I had the chance to play Farpoint & Here They Lie at Gamescom. Really great especially Farpoint. You really should take an eye on this title, if you love shooter.


I had the chance to play Farpoint & Here They Lie at Gamescom. Really great especially Farpoint. You really should take an eye on this title, if you love shooter.

Cool.. didn't know they had public demos of these titles. Did you play Farpoint with the new sharpshooter? I'm kind of sad that it won't support the old version of it. That's why I'm hesitant on getting Farpoint.
Cool.. didn't know they had public demos of these titles. Did you play Farpoint with the new sharpshooter? I'm kind of sad that it won't support the old version of it. That's why I'm hesitant on getting Farpoint.

Looking forward to Farpoint, but not gonna buy it if that gun is expensive.
Cool.. didn't know they had public demos of these titles. Did you play Farpoint with the new sharpshooter? I'm kind of sad that it won't support the old version of it. That's why I'm hesitant on getting Farpoint.

I think the new PSVR Aim Controller has an extra analogue stick over the one on the old sharpshooter. Guess that's why they broke compatibility.
Was this known?

‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’ VR Experience to be Shown on PSVR at Official Fan Event

Debuting early next month at Call of Duty XP 2016, the official fan celebration hosted by Activision, attendees will have a chance to see what’s being called an “exclusive” Call of Duty VR experience running on PlayStation VR.

The experience is said to be based on the upcoming Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and give players an opportunity to pilot a ‘Jackal’, the personal fighter jet that players will be able to fly in the game which is due out this November.


Cool.. didn't know they had public demos of these titles. Did you play Farpoint with the new sharpshooter? I'm kind of sad that it won't support the old version of it. That's why I'm hesitant on getting Farpoint.

yes with the sharpshooter, the feeling was awesome ^^


So the ESRB rated Playstation VR Worlds "M for Mature" solely because of the london heist.


Lol it's fairly unprecedented for a pack-in launch game to be rated M, right?
well actually I think VR isn't recomended for children to begin with... due to being dangerous to not fully developed vision and dpe (distance per eye) in kids being smaller... or something like that (if i remember reading it correctly)... I think that's why sony doesn't advert it with children.

On the other hand... my head is ready...
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