Man Driveclub in VR,comes with optional sick bag and safety harness
Definitely going to try this at launch, it just looks so uncomfortable having to wear a space helmet. Is it heavy?
Put it on Demo Category because it's not confirmed to launch yetEuroGamer has gone hand's on with DriveClub VR and it totally works (smooth VR framerate, opponents reduced from twelve to eight): http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...on-playstation-vr-and-its-mightily-impressive
They are hinting pretty strongly that this is PSVR launch-dlc / update with another six months of development planned.
Will the PlayStation VR be able to act as a monitor for games that are not built for VR similar to how Microsoft showed their living room version for non VR games.
Do people actually want this?
3rd post that mentions it...
Do people actually want this?
3rd post that mentions it...
I only have 1 tv at home that I share with my wife so yes, that would be a nice addition for me
The big problem is that you lose a huge chunk of resolution: the display is 1920x1080, but that covers most of you field of view; if you want the illusion of a large floating screen in front of you the resolution is going to be standard definition at best. It would be cheaper to buy another TV.
I'm guessing there will be some kind of theater mode.Will the PlayStation VR be able to act as a monitor for games that are not built for VR similar to how Microsoft showed their living room version for non VR games.
Sorry I don't think you understand VR at all
Gimmicky? I don't know what you're asking for here. There's no way to take a 2D game, split it in two with stereoscopic 3D, and add head tracking. Games have to be designed for VR for the ground up.
If you're asking for a 2D game to just fill up your whole view, with no head tracking, trust me that it's not going to feel or look very good.
Korean developer Roi Games announced White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, a romantic horror adventure game, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR during a Sony Computer Entertainment Korea press conference today.
I'm starting to get the feeling that the nav controller won't be used, I have yet to see or hear about a demo with one.Are there any confirmed games that use the Nav controller to move and the move to aim?
I've seen some vids with two moves but I can see how they move around using that method.
The greatest implementation of move was in KZ3. Nudging the screen with the move was the only bad thing about it. With PSVR that won't be an issue. I would love a shooter with Nav and move where the gun moves independently of your head
PlayRoom VR (PSVR Exclusive) [Launch Title]
Playroom VR: Bedroom Robots
Playroom VR: Monster Escape
Playroom VR: Cat & MousePlayroom VR: Ghost
The presence of a Wipeout track and vehicles in the background of the Playroom VR Bedroom Robots set gives me hope that Wipeout HD Fury might get remade for PSVR.
Come on Sony, why else would you put them there? As a troll? Just to build up my hopes so you can dash them?
Good work Sangetsu-II. I don't care what everyone else says about you, you're ok in my book.
Wowzers. Be safe! <3BTW, a notice to everyone, I won't be able to update the thread till mid April of next year (Business related)
Are you going to the south pole or something?!Thanks Neuromancer, all part of the job.
BTW, a notice to everyone, I won't be able to update the thread till mid April of next year (Business related) but don't worry guys just post whatever new titles get announced (and maybe price and release date for PSVR) and I'll update the thread when I get back.
Are you going to the south pole or something?!
Hehe, nothing like that, just that where I'm going I won't have much access to internet, I'll try to pop in here and there. But hope you guys can keep this thread alive <3
Are you going to the south pole or something?!
Why can't psvr be cross platform with pc? Seems like an easy way to make psvr's market much broader, and allow for more games.
Man Driveclub in VR,comes with optional sick bag and safety harness