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Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
It's been so long since I've played a vidja game that I had to search my post history to find my top five (from 2008, hah!)

Blast Corps
Metal Storm
Kickle Cubicle
Final Fantasy II/IV
Conker's Bad Fur Day had some awesome MP. I remember it used to weird me out a bit, though. It kind of made me feel... guilty for killing these little gopher dudes and for playing such an obviously violent game at my age back then.

The free-for-all(?) as the stuffed bears was my favorite. Katanaaaaas.
Conker's Bad Fur Day had some awesome MP. I remember it used to weird me out a bit, though. It kind of made me feel... guilty for killing these little gopher dudes and for playing such an obviously violent game at my age back then.

The free-for-all(?) as the stuffed bears was my favorite. Katanaaaaas.

It was really fun. Most people don't mention the multiplayer included in that game. I played a lot of Deathmatch and beach assault.

Edit: when they replaced the multiplayer in that Xbox remake I didn't even bother with it actually. The original N64 cart is ridiculously expensive now as well.
It was really fun. Most people don't mention the multiplayer included in that game. I played a lot of Deathmatch and beach assault.

Edit: when they replaced the multiplayer in that Xbox remake I didn't even bother with it actually. The original N64 cart is ridiculously expensive now as well.
I wasn't aware they replaced the multiplayer. Replaced with what?

Also, I'm glad I still have my cart, then 8)
It's been so long since I've played a vidja game that I had to search my post history to find my top five (from 2008, hah!)

Blast Corps
Metal Storm
Kickle Cubicle
Final Fantasy II/IV

Good god that game is the definition of hardcore. Some of the times and objectives were damn near impossible. Not to mention some dump trucks you had to tslide to crush things, not drive head on.

Only back then would a game like that ever get made. Unique and awesome.
It was really fun. Most people don't mention the multiplayer included in that game. I played a lot of Deathmatch and beach assault.

Edit: when they replaced the multiplayer in that Xbox remake I didn't even bother with it actually. The original N64 cart is ridiculously expensive now as well.

That's cause of how much watered down the xbox remake is compared to the original.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Good god that game is the definition of hardcore. Some of the times and objectives were damn near impossible. Not to mention some dump trucks you had to tslide to crush things, not drive head on.

Only back then would a game like that ever get made. Unique and awesome.

It took me months, but I eventually managed to get all the platinum medals. Now that was a game where you got your money's worth.





I honestly don't know if I could come up with a top 5. I always enjoy reading other people's lists to remind me of games I've forgotten or even just to see other's tastes in the hobby. I'd probably have a lot easier time with a top 5 for genres because I seriously don't know how I can stack the huge diversity in gaming against each other.

You don't really have to list something just because you've spent a ton of hours playing it. I mean I've played League of Legends a lot, MERELY BECAUSE OF FRIENDS, and I fucking hate that game.

You play LoL?!?! How did I not know this?

I honestly don't know if I could come up with a top 5. I always enjoy reading other people's lists to remind me of games I've forgotten or even just to see other's tastes in the hobby. I'd probably have a lot easier time with a top 5 for genres because I seriously don't know how I can stack the huge diversity in gaming against each other.

You play LoL?!?! How did I not know this?

You probably forgot, but i do play it ... from time to time for past couple years. Sad really as I find it painful.

And cmon show us your top 5.

Would Dota 2 be more up your alley, Absolution?

I'm not a peddler, honest.

Perhaps, but its not F2Play like LoL is it...


It's f2p, but it's not pay to win. All characters unlocked from the outset, no runes or quintessences or whatever the hell else to grind for.

You grind for knowledge and sweet-ass dressup supplies.
okay here goes:
1) The World Ends With You
2) Kingdom Hearts II
3) Persona 3
4) Batman Arkham Asylum
5) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Chrono Trigger <3
Paper Mario: TTYD <3
KH Days <3
Skullgirls <3
inFamous 2 <3


Hunky Nostradamus
Top 5 franchises:

Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
Dragon Quest
Ratchet and Clank
Ace Attorney

Honorable mentions: Beyond Good and Evil, Okami, The World Ends With You, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Morrowind, Mirror's Edge, Shantae, Zelda, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Psychonauts, Metal Gear


These might not be the best games I have ever played, but their the ones I think I will always remember and think fondly of.

1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Klonoa 2
3. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
4. Paper Mario TTYD
5. Radiant Historia


You probably forgot, but i do play it ... from time to time for past couple years. Sad really as I find it painful.

And cmon show us your top 5.

I must have forgotten. I also found the game pretty damn painful to play. Only downloaded it because my friends were into it as well but I successfully converted them to Dota. Every now and then I think about going back since so many people play it but I remind myself how awful I thought it was (though a lot of that hate is more directed a Riot than the game itself).

I guess if I were to riddle off a late night list it would be something like this. But only because you asked so nicely:

* Baldur's Gate II - Not the best RPG but lots of nostalgia
* Team Fortress 2 - Easily the best multiplayer shooter I got into
* Civilization IV - The core game was solid but the mods really made it
* King's Quest VI - Now I'm just picking things that impacted me when I was young
* Diablo 2 - first game bought with my own money

I don't even know if I'd say these are the best games I've even played though. I just went with the ones that had the most 'impact' on my life in one way or another. Even by that completely arbitrary standard I'm still missing out on some big ones like Super Mario Bros., Goldeneye, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Final Fantasy VI, Persona 4 etc...

Perhaps, but its not F2Play like LoL is it...

It's free to play but not like LoL.


Have you ever experienced love at first sight? It has only happened to me once but damn. Though it's kind of easier to detach yourself from that in a way because you have enough regard for their person to not enter unhealthy/obsession territory instead of having them just becoming an object of desire, in some ways crushes and infatuation is worse because you can't get all wistful about it and go 'alas', or whatever.
Nope. Honestly hoping it never happens to me :p


I got love at first sight and it was awesome. We couldn't avoid getting officialised in TWO DAYS with like 4 hours of talking. Still going strong (I know I tend to write terrible things here but 98% of the time is just the oh-so-rainbow-puke-inducing common love story).
Sometimes you feel that person is just right for you.


By crushing I understand "wow, he's hot!" and not really "man, I belong in his arms and can't stop thinking about him and we were made for each other!". Am I right? Because if I'm not I'm not sure how it's even possible for people to crush that often on people, regardless of orientation, lol.

People's brains are and function differently. Some people can control their emotions a little bit more efficiently than others (among additional feelings). I don't really think you can exactly o precisely regulate/restrict/etc. how often or how hard you crush on someone, I mean, it's all hormones and brain chemistry.

For example, I hardly ever get crushes (in fact, during my whole life I have had 2 at most, I think). And just like I find my side of the spectrum to be fine [o relatively normal], I also think the same of the opposite side.

Love, crushes, infatuation, likeness, lust, obsessions... how can you really say you can mandate how/when they appear and last? If you could, more than half the movies, books, TV shows, etc. wouldn't have been made :b

Rm88~ said:
Nope. Honestly hoping it never happens to me :p
I kinda hope it does, just to see how you would react [schadenfreude and all that] ;}
Man I've been bummed out this whole day :|
I just really hope next year I don't have any classes with him. Nothing, ,especially not Physical Training because oh boy am I fucked if that happens. But of course I'll crush on another one, god damn it.


I have one too and it kills me when I remember him. He has a great deep voice and he has a really cute face. I felt "attracted" to him since I heard his voice and saw him standing there, asking me if I wanted to answer a survey for his class. There is a possibility that he is gay, but it is just a slight one. I wish I wasn't thinking about him right now. He seems to be a good guy but a serious one too, which makes it worse because I like that attitude, that means he know how to be in every situation he is. I see him almost everyday at school, and I feel a pain when I see him, how unreachable he is, he is a few inches taller than me and I don't have classes with him. Sometimes I feel thirsty of him and I have to go have some walking at school trying to see him. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to see him again. Unfortunately I'll be seeing him for the next years at university and will have to deal with it.

Phew, I had to write that, it was killing me.
Eh, who knows. I'm 25, I think it's not in me to get deep crushes out of nowhere :p

It's usually not out of nowhere, it's cliché as hell but you have this immediate sense that you 'know' them. It's kind of like how you lead an entirely different life in your dreams and your access to it is kind of fleeting, like you can't really remember all of the details or where it comes from or where it goes when you wake up, and sometimes in your dreams there is this sensation that you deeply 'know' some people there that obviously don't exist in real life. It's hard to miss because it's so out of the ordinary. I'm sure that rationally it must be some kind of non-verbal communication thing, like enough about their personality is immediately conveyed by non-verbal cues that you're able to perceive enough about them and your compatibility and stuff to fall for them immediately. Lucky for me that exists or I'd probably otherwise never experience romantic love, I don't really have the patience to try to nurture it or whatever, I'd rather be mysteriously struck breathless or whatever.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Speaking from experience and my own interpretation, what's so nice about the idea of "love at first sight" is that it isn't exclusively the heart palpitating, cooing, lusty sensation that's often interchangeable with infatuation. There's a more indefinable occurrence happening in this first contact... a sort of signal in your brain that says you've just encountered someone different, someone special and unique and that there's a reason for it, even if you don't see it at first. You want to know things, tells things, understand, challenge, explore with this person, and it all comes into your head as fast as the snap of fingers.

You don't love this person immediately because such a thing is absurd, but we love the concept of them and the promise that has presented itself, and we immediately grab on for dear life because knowing what happens if we pass it up is more frightening than anything that might happen by taking a chance.

And that... that's love at first sight, to me.
Speaking from experience and my own interpretation, what's so nice about the idea of "love at first sight" is that it isn't exclusively the heart palpitating, cooing, lusty sensation that's often interchangeable with infatuation. There's a more indefinable occurrence happening in this first contact... a sort of signal in your brain that says you've just encountered someone different, someone special and unique and that there's a reason for it, even if you don't see it at first. You want to know things, tells things, understand, challenge, explore with this person, and it all comes into your head as fast as the snap of fingers.

You don't love this person immediately because such a thing is absurd, but we love the concept of them and the promise that has presented itself, and we immediately grab on for dear life because knowing what happens if we pass it up is more frightening than anything that might happen by taking a chance.

And that... that's love at first sight, to me.

I agree with all of this, though I think we always love the concept of people in some sense with romantic love since it seems to require some degree of abstraction or mentally converting them into a 'concept' unless it's like the kind of universal/'unconditional' love which is aromantic anyways, in this case it's just way more extreme.


Well. First of all I admit my opinion holds no weight since it hasn't happened to me, but to me it sounds more like "glorified instant infatuation" than "love at first sight", lol.
Well. First of all I admit my opinion holds no weight since it hasn't happened to me, but to me it sounds more like "glorified instant infatuation" than "love at first sight", lol.

I think the way you can differentiate them is infatuation is always in some sense selfish in character. "Love at first sight" might not be completely lacking that, but there's enough of a difference that classifying it as infatuation doesn't seem entirely accurate either.
Speaking from experience and my own interpretation, what's so nice about the idea of "love at first sight" is that it isn't exclusively the heart palpitating, cooing, lusty sensation that's often interchangeable with infatuation. There's a more indefinable occurrence happening in this first contact... a sort of signal in your brain that says you've just encountered someone different, someone special and unique and that there's a reason for it, even if you don't see it at first. You want to know things, tells things, understand, challenge, explore with this person, and it all comes into your head as fast as the snap of fingers.

You don't love this person immediately because such a thing is absurd, but we love the concept of them and the promise that has presented itself, and we immediately grab on for dear life because knowing what happens if we pass it up is more frightening than anything that might happen by taking a chance.

And that... that's love at first sight, to me.

It's like that scene from the Matrix Reloaded. Where the chick eats a piece of cake and gets an orgasm. RIGHT?

But no seriously, that is all pretty good interpretation of the meaning, agreed!


Anyone on GayGAF play Monster Hunter? I'm trying to get back into the series but I don't have any friends IRL that still play MH. Would love to play with some MH noobs on Wii U.


I really need a new job. I actually hate going into work lately. Constantly understaffed, rude customers, always insanely busy and crowded, etc. I have no real "experience" beyond this one job (it was my first job and I've been working there for 3 years part time). I worked at a few other places for short periods but I don't have any references and in some cases I wouldn't want any from them. Anyone have any tips on making a resume for someone like me with little experience?

Markus, check your PMs pls.
Sent you a response. :p


I don't think I could do a top 5 games list, there's too many games that I love. Making a top 5 franchises would be a lot easier.

But if I had to choose, in no particular order:
- Monkey Island 1 / Monkey Island 2
- Resident Evil 1/ Resident Evil 3 / Resident Evil 5 (it's hard to choose, I love each of those games for different reasons)
- Devil May Cry 3
- Mass Effect
- Worms Armageddon / Worms World Party

And since you liked RE5 and RE6 is it fair to say you didn't enjoy the more traditional RE games? How bout RE4?

Why do you make such assumption? Do you think it's impossible to like both new and old RE games? I love traditional RE games (that's where I got my nickname from ;)) and can still go back to RE2 or RE3 every now and then (I've tried to do a no-save run on RE3 last year and died being gang banged by Brain Suckers at Dead Factory :|), and yet I spent about 60 hours with RE5 (my first and only game with 1000 achievement points :lol) and about 50 hours with RE6.


I stretched and ran for almost two hours. I DID secretly hope I'd run into him again, but he must have been near the end of his run and disappeared.

Wow, I admire you for being able to run for 2 hours. I did a ~50minute run yesterday (I wanted to do 10km, but I was off with my calculations regarding the route and eventually did ~9km :/) and even though I wasn't really tired, I could feel my legs going all jelly.
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