As someone who has slept with straight/curious friends, I would advise you to just not go there. Even if you did get to be with them, it could jeopardise your friendship, and a great friendship is not something to squander.
Or so say the scientists. We're not usually the life of parties, though.
Speak for yourself. I'm a doctor now don't you know, and I'm occasionally the life of the party.
Also, am I detecting some not so subtle hints about me not enjoying Dota 2 as much as you'd like?
We were talking about choice and free will in my Philosphy of God class and how we have unlimited choices and that is what gives us human nature; free will. Someone opposed this argument saying what about 'love' "we can't help we who fall in love with."
I would have gone with "What about modern day slaves like women forced into the sex trade or workers forced to make clothes in an unstable building which proceeds to collapse on them, killing nearly all of them?" The whole concept of free will and the philosophical debate around it is mostly to do with Christian apologetics imo and nothing to do with real world concepts and consequences.
I think I'll edit this post with my top 5, it's so hard to narrow it down!
Edit: Here's an attempt, I'm going to cheat though
5: Jeanne D'Arc/Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (Can't choose which SRPG I love more!)
4: Metal Gear Solid 3/Thief 2 (Stealth gameplay ftw)
3: Bayonetta/God of War III
2: Demon's Souls/Dark Souls
1: The Orange Box
I would list Pokemon Gold/HeartGold, Persona 3 Portable/Persona 4 Golden, LittleBigPlanet 1/2/Vita, Deus Ex and Starcraft or Civ in the top ten.
I'm always interested to see so many old games in someone's top 5 or top 10, because I find it hard to believe that gaming hasn't gotten better as things have progressed.