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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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((((fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck omg
I'm off to stay with an old friend tomorrow in Canberra for an Evil Dead movie night, and yeah she's stocking up on like, ben and jerry's and junk food. omg I don't know how to feel about this, I need to stop flirting with guys and kinda respond to her singles- Anyway.))))
Top 5:
-Majora's Mask
-Galaxy 2


True love isn't anything more than your brain releasing a bunch of signals that lets loose some chemicals that slosh around a bit and make you feel happy.

Or so say the scientists. We're not usually the life of parties, though.

Why do you make such assumption? Do you think it's impossible to like both new and old RE games? I love traditional RE games (that's where I got my nickname from ;)) and can still go back to RE2 or RE3 every now and then (I've tried to do a no-save run on RE3 last year and died being gang banged by Brain Suckers at Dead Factory :|), and yet I spent about 60 hours with RE5 (my first and only game with 1000 achievement points :lol) and about 50 hours with RE6.

Resident Evil 5 was my introduction to the series. I don't know if it was that game in particular or just the mechanics of it in general but I wasn't a huge fan. What saved the experience was the multiplayer component but I don't think I'd replay it or anything.

I wish I could restrain my top games to 60 hours though. My most played game is at 1133...


We were talking about choice and free will in my Philosphy of God class and how we have unlimited choices and that is what gives us human nature; free will. Someone opposed this argument saying what about 'love' "we can't help we who fall in love with." "when you fall in love, fall in love fall in love etc etc."

He was so adorably niave, :p the phrase 'fall in love' is incredibly melodramatic.


As someone who has slept with straight/curious friends, I would advise you to just not go there. Even if you did get to be with them, it could jeopardise your friendship, and a great friendship is not something to squander.

Or so say the scientists. We're not usually the life of parties, though.
Speak for yourself. I'm a doctor now don't you know, and I'm occasionally the life of the party. :p

Also, am I detecting some not so subtle hints about me not enjoying Dota 2 as much as you'd like? :p

We were talking about choice and free will in my Philosphy of God class and how we have unlimited choices and that is what gives us human nature; free will. Someone opposed this argument saying what about 'love' "we can't help we who fall in love with."
I would have gone with "What about modern day slaves like women forced into the sex trade or workers forced to make clothes in an unstable building which proceeds to collapse on them, killing nearly all of them?" The whole concept of free will and the philosophical debate around it is mostly to do with Christian apologetics imo and nothing to do with real world concepts and consequences.

I think I'll edit this post with my top 5, it's so hard to narrow it down!

Edit: Here's an attempt, I'm going to cheat though :p
5: Jeanne D'Arc/Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (Can't choose which SRPG I love more!)
4: Metal Gear Solid 3/Thief 2 (Stealth gameplay ftw)
3: Bayonetta/God of War III
2: Demon's Souls/Dark Souls
1: The Orange Box

I would list Pokemon Gold/HeartGold, Persona 3 Portable/Persona 4 Golden, LittleBigPlanet 1/2/Vita, Deus Ex and Starcraft or Civ in the top ten.

I'm always interested to see so many old games in someone's top 5 or top 10, because I find it hard to believe that gaming hasn't gotten better as things have progressed.


irresponsible vagina leak
1 Phantasy Star Online
2 Dark Souls/Demon's Souls
3 Tales of Symphonia
4 Lost Kingdoms 1/2
5 Bayonetta
6 Killer 7
7 Super Mario World
8 Super Mario Rpg
9 Dead or Alive 3
10 The Legend of Zelda OOT

Bailey 87

2. GTA San Andreas
3. GTA Vice city
4. Red Dead Redemption
5. Rockstar Table Tennis

Best developer: Rockstar

Best FPS: Battlefield 3
Honorable mention: Bioshock

Best TPS: Gears
Honorable mention: Max Payne

Best RPG: The Witcher 2
Honorable mention :Skyrim

Best Fighting game: Street Fighter IV
Honorable mention : Street Fighter III


True love isn't anything more than your brain releasing a bunch of signals that lets loose some chemicals that slosh around a bit and make you feel happy.
This. And I'm not sure why it's less "special" that we know how it works, I think it's pretty awesome :p


i just remembered that Mother 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and I never even beat it (and only played it for a couple hours). I used to watch my ex play it, and I pretty much saw it from beginning to end, and it's just one of the most adorable and well-written games ever. Mr. Saturn fucking rules.


i just remembered that Mother 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and I never even beat it (and only played it for a couple hours). I used to watch my ex play it, and I pretty much saw it from beginning to end, and it's just one of the most adorable and well-written games ever. Mr. Saturn fucking rules.

I never played past a few chapters. It was way too sad and gloomy and my softy heart couldn't take it anymore. I'm sure it's amazing (because Earthbound was amazing and the few hours I played of Mother 3 were amazing too!), so I'll force myself to play through it someday. In the mean time I'll just finish Xenoblade, Paper Mario TTYD and Baten Kaiten Origins and the myriad of other games in my backlog (and hopefully stop buying new games all the time >.>)


Sis you know it. I'm all ready for Xilla ( even tho ive watched a playthrough in japanese oop)

Same here lol, final boss and all. I don't really feel bad considering it took 2 damn years to come out here. Oh well, it'll still be fun to play. I'm going with Jude first.



Stop, I need to believe it will be good and I will like it (esp. after Graces, ew).



I've been drifting apart from RPGs lately. My favorite games are always arcade-like games but RPGs have been huge exceptions (especially SRPGs). But right now... I think once I'm done with Soul Hackers (which granted, I'm loving) I won't play any RPG until Pokémon X (which granted, has my hype on lock). So no Tales for me, I fear.
Okay, I might play SMTIV but THAT'S IT I swear.


A bit late to the discussion, but a friend and I have been playing tons of MonHun lately and looking for more people for G-Rank, though I'd also be fine with helping people increase their HR if needed.


I can't play traditional turn-based RPGs except for Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (and that's not traditional but w/e). They are just...so slow to me :( And I'm an impatient baby gamer.


I prefer turn-based RPGs over action RPGs, what makes -any- RPG unbearable to me is a strong focus on narrative... rofl. Part of why I think Pokémon is awesome and SRPGs are my favorite kind of RPGs.
Zach Galifianakis

What say you sisters?

I first saw him in the documentary Mansome several months ago and I fell in love with his face.

Today I saw him on Conan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_UmDh4B6Kg

And I was reminded of his beauty. But then I Google Image Search him to post pics here, but I can't seem to find any photo of him that I really like. The hell?

How I can swoon over him when I see him talking on video, but his pics don't do anything to me?


Not for me.

But I can understand the Google Image Search thing, I swear Aaron Craze has the worst case of looking amazing in videos and barely okay in photos.
I think I'll fall for any guy with a nice beard and a full head of hair. I'm generally hard to please, but put these two things on a man, and my ovaries explode.
Apparently I had deleted the movie Mansome, so I don't good quality of that, but this is where I first laid eyes on him:

I guess I love me a cave bear!

I mean, come on, I would eat that man.

I wanna curl up on his lap and bury my face in his neck while I purr.

I think it's mostly the hair (thick, full hair on a man kills me, maybe because I lack it), and his eyes, and beard. But I gotta admit, he only looks dreamy from certain angles, and not always (took me a while to find and get those screen grabs)... and now I've seen him without the beard and when he as much fatter, definitely No :( And he's missing a tooth.

Still, I'd eat dat belly: Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Steve Carell
Oh well, more for me then. I'll leave the twinks for you :p

Proof that he is/was a fine looking man:


And a few more of hairy Zach as a parting gesture. I won't post his pics anymore after this, promise.



NSFW: http://img3.douban.com/view/photo/raw/public/p896430018.jpg

I think he reminds me of my uncle (who is dead), which might be bringing up some need for "fatherly love" from deep within my psyche (I never liked my own father, hated him for most of my life).
I need the GAF bear lovers to come out and back me up here, I'm being ganged up on by those who conform to the conventional standards of beauty.

Just for the record: I'm very, very rarely into bears, and never into obese men. Toned muscles is my ideal, but I'd take a slightly bulky man over a skinny one.

Edit: Apparently "bear" is the broadest type of men there is, according to some of you. If pro rugby players = bears. Then yeah I'm so into those bears.


Naked Snake don't worry you are not alone, I find him very handsome as well.

The problem with gay guys that are the "bear" type is that most, if not all are only into the same type, and not only I'm no bear, I don't want to be one. It's kind of ironic because the movement was supossed to be about not caring about body ideals and accepting your own body just like it is and blah blah blah, but it's just like any other gay group, it's about a "type" of body at the end.


Edit: ^^^^I find bears to be very diverse from young cubs to your normal bear to polar bears with muscle and chubbyness mixed in the spectrum. Bear porn seems to all be the same though.

I'm with ya. He's not my type, but not liking sweaty men is an alien concept to me :p

He does deserve something for smoking weed live on Real Time and he looks cute in this picture.


Zach Galifianakis

What say you sisters?

I first saw him in the documentary Mansome several months ago and I fell in love with his face.

Today I saw him on Conan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_UmDh4B6Kg

And I was reminded of his beauty. But then I Google Image Search him to post pics here, but I can't seem to find any photo of him that I really like. The hell?

How I can swoon over him when I see him talking on video, but his pics don't do anything to me?

i'm totally with you. i feel the same way about the google search too. he is very cute.
Edit: ^^^^I find bears to be very diverse from young cubs to your normal bear to polar bears with muscle and chubbyness mixed in the spectrum. Bear porn seems to all be the same though.

Yeah I more referring to bear porn actually, which I never like. In real life though, I'm usually attracted to big/bulky and hairy guys (not fat).

He does deserve something for smoking weed live on Real Time and he looks cute in this picture.

Holy shit I hadn't seen that, thanks for bringing it to my attention.


And I'm so happy to see others here who like him :)
I had actually never heard of him, but checked him out on Wikipedia and read about that and remembered the episode. Real Time is a bit like bears on the internet, most of it is boring, but some parts are pretty good :p

Edit: Forgot how awesome that clip was :D
Even the republican liked it.

Inspired me to look him up on Wikipedia:

Galifianakis has a series of videos on the Funny or Die website titled Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis where he conducts interviews with popular celebrities between two potted ferns. He has interviewed Jimmy Kimmel, Michael Cera, Jon Hamm, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Bradley Cooper (with a brief appearance by Carrot Top), Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter (with a brief appearance by Andy Dick), Ben Stiller, Steve Carell, Sean Penn, Bruce Willis, Tila Tequila, Jennifer Aniston and Will Ferrell.

I want to watch all those!
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