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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Basch, I'll give my two cents via PM when it's a more decent time, if that's cool.

Right now I just want to say that the new Star Trek was painfully bland. My thought process: "Man, Chris has some nice, thick eyebrows." "Quinto's eyebrows look ridiculous." "Cumberbatch is so hot as a villain." "Why are there more attractive women than men?" (the Zoey chick and blonde girl, specifically). "I wonder what I'll eat tomorrow." "So many dramatic expressions." "I wonder what Shady's doing."

At least someone asked me what game I was playing while waiting for the movie to start. It was Crimson Shroud, btw. I hope no one was looking at me trying to do Chapter 3 of Fire Emblem Awakening on Insane. Tragic... and brutal.


No problem mate. :)

I'm not that much older than you, but indulge me and let me give you some advice: It's gonna feel weird at times. It might be hard sometimes. You might go to a gay event, look around you and think, "These people are my brethren?!".

I think when I was younger, I didn't really understand other gay events like pride (even though I enjoyed them), and like some people in this thread were saying on a previous page, I thought "What have we got in common except our sexuality?". I struggled with stupid stuff like whether I was 'manly' enough now that I'm gay and whether people were going to judge me.

Then I guess I sort of grew up. I realised that the gay community, at the best of times, is about celebrating diversity. I guess being a bit different from the majority frees you up a bit to embrace anything else that makes you different.

So my point is that if you haven't already, embrace being different and who you are. Don't waste time like some people and worry about whether you fit certain ideals anymore. Make your own rules. Being gay is what you say it is, and don't let anyone else tell you different.

I know that probably sounds like a load of psychobabble but you've put me in advice mode now, so dealwithit.jpg. :p

Ha don't worry, that was actually very inspiring. I can't tell you how nice it is to hear from someone in a similar position (it doesn't feel like there's any significant prejudice against gay people down here in Devon, but I don't know anyone who is, soooo... )

And sorry I didn't reply sooner, but you know. *grumble *Work *grumble*


Basch, I'll give my two cents via PM when it's a more decent time, if that's cool.

Right now I just want to say that the new Star Trek was painfully bland. My thought process: "Man, Chris has some nice, thick eyebrows." "Quinto's eyebrows look ridiculous." "Cumberbatch is so hot as a villain." "Why are there more attractive women than men?" (the Zoey chick and blonde girl, specifically). "I wonder what I'll eat tomorrow." "So many dramatic expressions." "I wonder what Shady's doing."

At least someone asked me what game I was playing while waiting for the movie to start. It was Crimson Shroud, btw. I hope no one was looking at me trying to do Chapter 3 of Fire Emblem Awakening on Insane. Tragic... and brutal.

Yeah Star Trek would have been a lot more fun if I could have made some decent progress in Crimson Shroud's New game+. Time better spent!
Basch, I'll give my two cents via PM when it's a more decent time, if that's cool.

Right now I just want to say that the new Star Trek was painfully bland. My thought process: "Man, Chris has some nice, thick eyebrows." "Quinto's eyebrows look ridiculous." "Cumberbatch is so hot as a villain." "Why are there more attractive women than men?" (the Zoey chick and blonde girl, specifically). "I wonder what I'll eat tomorrow." "So many dramatic expressions." "I wonder what Shady's doing."

At least someone asked me what game I was playing while waiting for the movie to start. It was Crimson Shroud, btw. I hope no one was looking at me trying to do Chapter 3 of Fire Emblem Awakening on Insane. Tragic... and brutal.

D'aww you. I'll leave it up to your imagination what I was doing
the reality is terribly boring :p

BTW Star Wars > Star Trek
This video is like one of those "test your mettle" challenges, but for emooootions.

Missing Husband


Christ, thanks for fucking destroying me at work today QQ :p

As an equally sad response(though not at all gay rights related) I recently watched a really great short that is amazing and possibly the saddest 6 minutes of film I've ever seen

It's great but remember I warned you:

Last Minutes with ODEN


Oh, you've had friendships strained over Monopoly too?

Friendships come and go, but what happens in Monopoly echoes through us for an eternity.


Besides, the coolest thing about the game was THIS. After the first game they learned from mistakes.

Ha, it's one of those games where everyone else is having fun but me. I can be a tad competitive though so when ultimately the gameplay and strategy boils down to 'complete luck' I have a bit of difficulty.

Edit: Meh, it's unimportant.


But I guess any insult is really going to be at someone's expense.
This, basically. I'm not saying it's okay, but it's also not particularly evil as opposed to other insults, so I wouldn't let it bother me. I think insults are meaningless in such contexts, in this case it's not being fueled by red-hot homophobia. At least that's my opinion.
What about rugby players?


I found it pretty SFW, but just tell me if I should link it instead.

Holy mother of everything.

D'aww you. I'll leave it up to your imagination what I was doing
the reality is terribly boring :p

BTW Star Wars > Star Trek
Wondering what you were doing was more engrossing than the movie at times. I was hoping you were playing certain games. Maybe a little solo action with your

I can't find my GBA =/ I was going to charge it so I could take it with me (along with the 3DS) and Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. I guess it's in storage. Ugh.
Why would you get banned?

As for me, I got a gym membership. My sister wanted to get it for me because she didn't like me running in our neighborhood anywhere from 8-10 PM :p I'm still going to run outside from time to time, though... I can't get enough of all those hills! Too good to stop.


There's a WiiU thread on fire at the moment. I find it highly entertaining, lol. It's truly GameFAQs-ish, both extremes are saying some cringe-worthy stuff.


the piano man
I was just thinking about posting in this gay corner thread of ours, what is going on in the gaming side?!

not only new gaffers being bizarre with their allegiances and such but the industry itself, I mean those EA twitts?? what the fuck? everything looks so grim, there's hate (founded and unfounded) for every next gen console.

gaming side... damn, I used to love lurking there.


Why would you get banned?

As for me, I got a gym membership. My sister wanted to get it for me because she didn't like me running in our neighborhood anywhere from 8-10 PM :p I'm still going to run outside from time to time, though... I can't get enough of all those hills! Too good to stop.

I'd get banned going into almost any of the nintendo threads on the front page lol.


It's usually not out of nowhere, it's cliché as hell but you have this immediate sense that you 'know' them. It's kind of like how you lead an entirely different life in your dreams and your access to it is kind of fleeting, like you can't really remember all of the details or where it comes from or where it goes when you wake up, and sometimes in your dreams there is this sensation that you deeply 'know' some people there that obviously don't exist in real life. It's hard to miss because it's so out of the ordinary. I'm sure that rationally it must be some kind of non-verbal communication thing, like enough about their personality is immediately conveyed by non-verbal cues that you're able to perceive enough about them and your compatibility and stuff to fall for them immediately. Lucky for me that exists or I'd probably otherwise never experience romantic love, I don't really have the patience to try to nurture it or whatever, I'd rather be mysteriously struck breathless or whatever.

Speaking from experience and my own interpretation, what's so nice about the idea of "love at first sight" is that it isn't exclusively the heart palpitating, cooing, lusty sensation that's often interchangeable with infatuation. There's a more indefinable occurrence happening in this first contact... a sort of signal in your brain that says you've just encountered someone different, someone special and unique and that there's a reason for it, even if you don't see it at first. You want to know things, tells things, understand, challenge, explore with this person, and it all comes into your head as fast as the snap of fingers.

You don't love this person immediately because such a thing is absurd, but we love the concept of them and the promise that has presented itself, and we immediately grab on for dear life because knowing what happens if we pass it up is more frightening than anything that might happen by taking a chance.

And that... that's love at first sight, to me.

I love these two posts. And having a crush on a straight guy (or whoever) is basically the best thing ever. Makes me wanna be a better person <3


There's a WiiU thread on fire at the moment. I find it highly entertaining, lol. It's truly GameFAQs-ish, both extremes are saying some cringe-worthy stuff.

I think it's the beginning of next gen that people fall into that gamefaqs level. On both sides of the fence.


Holy mother of everything.

Thanks! Had been staring at me for quite some time in Tumblr, but I have sadly not found less SFW pictures. Why do straight men have to be so handsome :(
There's a WiiU thread on fire at the moment. I find it highly entertaining, lol. It's truly GameFAQs-ish, both extremes are saying some cringe-worthy stuff.
I made a short response and when it posted I noticed it was on page 10. I started that post at page 7...

I'm glad I wasn't around back in the days of the Dreamcast. I became a Dreamcast fanboy in 07 :p
I think it's the beginning of next gen that people fall into that gamefaqs level. On both sides of the fence.

Really curious about the XboxInfinity/Loop when there seems to be like three hard core gamers interested in it.
Why would you get banned?

As for me, I got a gym membership. My sister wanted to get it for me because she didn't like me running in our neighborhood anywhere from 8-10 PM :p I'm still going to run outside from time to time, though... I can't get enough of all those hills! Too good to stop.

Nintendomination got banned for flipping off EA, gaffers making fun of his weight and image while laughing their ass off.


Thanks! Had been staring at me for quite some time in Tumblr, but I have sadly not found less SFW pictures. Why do straight men have to be so handsome :(

I made a short response and when it posted I noticed it was on page 10. I started that post at page 7...

I'm glad I wasn't around back in the days of the Dreamcast. I became a Dreamcast fanboy in 07 :p

Really curious about the XboxInfinity/Loop when there seems to be like three hard core gamers interested in it.

I'm sure people will be interested in the nextbox when it is shown. It's always about the games anyways.


Man, I truly love when Gaming Side gets super catty. This is why I'm not even going to risk posting there until I'm a full member. Don't need no perma-ban.


I was just thinking about posting in this gay corner thread of ours, what is going on in the gaming side?!

not only new gaffers being bizarre with their allegiances and such but the industry itself, I mean those EA twitts?? what the fuck? everything looks so grim, there's hate (founded and unfounded) for every next gen console.

gaming side... damn, I used to love lurking there.

Ah, the beginning of next generation always brings up console warriors and stupidity in people. It's delicious to watch people "die" (get banned) fighting for corporations and a piece of metal and plastic.

That's why I usually just stick to threads about games I'm interested in and that I want to genuinely discuss about and only read the first few posts in other (news) threads about new games/consoles. For the sake of sanity, there's no point in caring about console warriors and read all the stuff they're posting.


That's true. Threads about games are the way to go, people develop weird feelings over consoles - both that they like or that they don't like.
I find at least on Gaf people SOME people can have sensible conversations about games, and really deep deep breakdowns of what works and what doesn't. I attribute that to the fact that we are heavily moderated, and senseless hating or "THIS GAME IS SHIT" is generally frowned up and met with action if it persists.

But yes there is still pointless console hate or those that go into threads with no interest in the topic at hand. Thankfully imo its not near as bad as other sites.

Hell some like to debate sales, which I find boring... whatever floats your boat :)


Ga gaming side is on fire, but it's kinda lame right now (You can't voice an opinion without getting slaughtered) just as nintendo, poor big N.
80s children's movies in general. Morbid as fuck.

I mean what child DIDN'T ball their eyes out seeing Artek die? WHY ARTEK WHY! Move you STUPID HORSE!


I'm more focused on gaming side's complete inability to handle even the concept of being transgendered.

Really, they jump to the defense of a writer who publicly outed a transgender woman who just tried to kill herself? Because that was apparently "relevant information"? Horrible.
I'm more focused on gaming side's complete inability to handle even the concept of being transgendered.

Really, they jump to the defense of a writer who publicly outed a transgender woman who just tried to kill herself? Because that was apparently "relevant information"? Horrible.

Wait, when did they do this? What's the context?


Side note: I think I've hit that critical window where my undergrads no longer catch my references and I can't tell if it's a generational gap finally setting in, my references are too nerdy, or both. Possibly that I just love making terrible jokes. And one of them kept calling me "sir."

Edit: Man, I remember when a transgender woman was on one of the GiantBomb live streams and the chat quickly reminded me the amount of incredibly prejudice they have to face.


Kind of mind blowing, I never really think about how other minorities have it more difficult than us. Silly since I've never been a victim of homophobia
because of Intermittent Closet lol


Kind of mind blowing, I never really think about how other minorities have it more difficult than us. Silly since I've never been a victim of homophobia
because of Intermittent Closet lol

Never? You mean you've never heard people saying hateful things about gays and expecting you to agree with them?

I'm more focused on gaming side's complete inability to handle even the concept of being transgendered.

Really, they jump to the defense of a writer who publicly outed a transgender woman who just tried to kill herself? Because that was apparently "relevant information"? Horrible.

Ewww. Awful.

Some people see it well... Others not so much.


Never? You mean you've never heard people saying hateful things about gays and expecting you to agree with them?

I've heard homophobic crap from, say, uber religious relatives. I don't count it as "being affected by homophobia" because it -doesn't- affect me AND I make it clear that I don't agree with them. By now they know better than go all Jesus on me :p

To me "being affected by homophobia" would be... I don't know, getting bullied or fired, or something. Not just casually hearing dumb stuff from dumb people. These relatives would have a stronger opinion about my atheism than about my homosexuality.
Never? You mean you've never heard people saying hateful things about gays and expecting you to agree with them?

Well my Mom once said that "Two fags kissing is disgusting"

I really lost a huge amount of respect for her after that. Besides that some idiot in one class said that he would hit an openly Gay guy but most people told him the gay guy would beat the shit out of him.


Never? You mean you've never heard people saying hateful things about gays and expecting you to agree with them?


Never really faced blatant homophobia here... It's probably still present despite Belgium being one of the most progressive country in that regard but I never experienced it personally at least. Well I guess my grandfather is slightly homophobic (in the "I don't care what they do as long as they don't do it in front of me" kind of way) but I think that comes with his generation and he's never been outright hateful.
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