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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Thanks for the replies, guys and gals.

Regarding the Kinsey Scale, I'd say I'm somewhere around a 0 but I'll leave room for a 1 because every homophobe on the planet relentlessly insists they are a 0 and I want to cushion myself from such behavior.

Despite my reputation on GAF, I'm an emotionally expressive person. I am very physical with my friends (as in, I am not afraid to give my male friends hugs). The combination of these two factors led some of my junior high peers to think I was gay.

I didn't really know yet, so I went on the internet to find out. I looked at pictures of attractive naked men and women just to see what I could find. I could tell when I looked at these pictures, "hey, that is an attractive man," or "hey, that's a beautiful woman." The difference was that the beautiful women sexually aroused me (cough cough), while the handsome men didn't.

That was as straightforward an answer as I could get. It is precisely this comfort with my own sexuality which allows me to be emotionally expressive and physical with my male friends; I do not suddenly wonder if I'm gay every single time I hug a guy.
Perhaps you should get Aguire to teach you in the ways of expressive posting. Or just add an emoticon at the end of every post.
Thanks for the replies, guys and gals. :D

Regarding the Kinsey Scale, I'd say I'm somewhere around a 0 but I'll leave room for a 1 because every homophobe on the planet relentlessly insists they are a 0 and I want to cushion myself from such behavior. >.<

Despite my reputation on GAF, I'm an emotionally expressive person. I am very physical with my friends (as in, I am not afraid to give my male friends hugs). The combination of these two factors led some of my junior high peers to think I was gay. >_>

I didn't really know yet, so I went on the internet to find out. I looked at pictures of attractive naked men and women just to see what I could find. I could tell when I looked at these pictures, "hey, that is an attractive man," or "hey, that's a beautiful woman." The difference was that the beautiful women sexually aroused me (cough cough), while the handsome men didn't. :3

That was as straightforward an answer as I could get. It is precisely this comfort with my own sexuality which allows me to be emotionally expressive and physical with my male friends; I do not suddenly wonder if I'm gay every single time I hug a guy. =^_^=
There, much better.
I'm so sorry.


Straight dude here, just want to say that I hope you guys keep getting all the rights you deserve and I'm glad that people are being more open to different orientations.

My gay aunt went to Nicaragua the other day, and said that people would walk away from her, and look at her with disgust. They wouldn't even serve her at one restaraunt. Apparently she went to a very conservative town. It just makes me sad that she had to go through that, because of the way she was born.

She's the first gay person I met, and I'm glad that she never hid it. It's made me appreciate gays since a very young age. She's always seem like she having a good time and she's hilarious, plus she's a great daughter. Im happy that as the days go, here in America she's being more accepted.

Hope all y'all the best.

Thank you! Sorry to hear your Aunt had to experience that :( She sounds like a swell gal.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'd consider myself a 4 that's potentially drifting into 3 territory over the years.

I've always preferred being around women and they've treated me far better than men ever have, but rarely have women provoked any sort of sexual response in me... until recently. Now there are some I fantasize about and would probably be interested in trying something physical with.

For me, men have largely proven to be a waste of time and are so often lousy, unpleasant people, yet unfortunately they're what turn me on. Sucks. It's like being in an abusive relationship with my hormones.
Straight dude here, just want to say that I hope you guys keep getting all the rights you deserve and I'm glad that people are being more open to different orientations.

My gay aunt went to Nicaragua the other day, and said that people would walk away from her, and look at her with disgust. They wouldn't even serve her at one restaraunt. Apparently she went to a very conservative town. It just makes me sad that she had to go through that, because of the way she was born.

She's the first gay person I met, and I'm glad that she never hid it. It's made me appreciate gays since a very young age. She's always seem like she having a good time and she's hilarious, plus she's a great daughter. Im happy that as the days go, here in America she's being more accepted.

Hope all y'all the best.

Good on your aunt for being herself in the face of adversity. Takes guts.

And thx for your post and support. We will appoint you a very high position once we take over the world as stated in our agenda.


Out of context it seems like we're all rating ourselves on the 10 point "attractiveness scale" and are all very self-deprecating. :p

My gay aunt went to Nicaragua the other day, and said that people would walk away from her, and look at her with disgust. They wouldn't even serve her at one restaraunt. Apparently she went to a very conservative town. It just makes me sad that she had to go through that, because of the way she was born.

She's the first gay person I met, and I'm glad that she never hid it. It's made me appreciate gays since a very young age. She's always seem like she having a good time and she's hilarious, plus she's a great daughter. Im happy that as the days go, here in America she's being more accepted.

Just out of random curiosity, how did they know she was gay? Was she with her partner?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I'd consider myself a 4 that's potentially drifting into 3 territory over the years.

I've always preferred being around women and they've treated me far better than men ever have, but rarely have women provoked any sort of sexual response in me... until recently. Now there are some I fantasize about and would probably be interested in trying something physical with.

For me, men have largely proven to be a waste of time and are so often lousy, unpleasant people, yet unfortunately they're what turn me on. Sucks. It's like being in an abusive relationship with my hormones.
You almost sound like a (straight) guy who hates women. I'm expecting an, I'm-sorry-I-cared-too-much speech, soon. :p
I'm higher on the kinsey scale than on the attractiveness scale :(
Dem feels, I know of them.

I'm surprised how much more bisexual everyone is compared to what I expected. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a 6.
I'd consider myself a 4 that's potentially drifting into 3 territory over the years.

I've always preferred being around women and they've treated me far better than men ever have, but rarely have women provoked any sort of sexual response in me... until recently. Now there are some I fantasize about and would probably be interested in trying something physical with.

For me, men have largely proven to be a waste of time and are so often lousy, unpleasant people, yet unfortunately they're what turn me on. Sucks. It's like being in an abusive relationship with my hormones.
Do you feel that how you've been treated has started to change the way in which you find people attractive? My sexual attraction, at least, has always been independent of my experiences with either gender.


I think part of our sexual attraction may be environmentally created, but I always need to point out that there is a big difference between "part of our sexuality may be a consequence of environment" and "sexuality is a choice."

Our fingerprints are not just partially, but entirely a consequence of our neonatal environment. Saying that our sexuality can be affected by our surroundings even slightly is not tantamount to saying it's a "choice" in any meaningful way.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
You almost sound like a (straight) guy who hates women. I'm expecting an, I'm-sorry-I-cared-too-much speech, soon. :p

Not sure what the speech thing is referring to, but I don't hate men, gay or straight. This is just my own confirmation bias, if you will. Throughout the 20+ years that I've been paying attention to this sort of thing, the majority of gays I knew or met are not usually the sort I've wanted to have as friends or partners due to their behaviors or attitudes. For a segment of society that has had to deal with so much hate, exclusion, and callous disregard, we sure do seem to get our rocks off by turning that shit around on our own. There are, of course, plenty of exceptions to this rule, but I haven't had the pleasure of interacting with very many. The handful of nice gay and bi folk I'm friends with will hopefully be in my life for a long time; some of them helped save my life, I even love one of them.

Straight guys are pretty cool, in my experience.

Do you feel that how you've been treated has started to change the way in which you find people attractive? My sexual attraction, at least, has always been independent of my experiences with either gender.

Oh, most definitely. Think of it like this: when you realize that what you want doesn't want you back, but that you can get what you need from somewhere you didn't expect, well, the mind isn't going to be adverse to a shift over time.


Well, seems my suspicions were true. Seems one of the last guys I "talked" to online, spread around his friendds the rumor of me "been ugly" and using that to led guys into l just to have sex and blew them off. That, that makes me "uglier". .... :/

Yay! The rumor/bullshit I don't mind, since I'm used ot people sayig things about me, insulting, etc. What really sucks is that not one single person approached to me, about it. Like "hey, someone told me this..is this truth". But coming from a guy, which he used his friends accounts to tlak to me to "get" me"...well, guess it was better that way.

But it made me think of the many times I've tried to approach guys (in person and online) to talk to them, and they give me weird looks, or just leave; or the ones that we made plans to go out and left me waiting at the movie theater; things like that. It's obviously not related, as tha thas been my luck for...decades and this recent thing started around 3 months ago. But..I don't know. It's always weird how and why "straights guys" are always friendlier towards me, but "gay guys" always look at me in disgust as if I shit over their mother and raped their siblings. :p

Hehe, just noticed Cosmic's post above..kinda related to something I just mentioned:
Cosmic Bus said:
Throughout the 20+ years that I've been paying attention to this sort of thing, the majority of gays I knew or met are not usually the sort I've wanted to have as friends or partners due to their behaviors or attitudes. For a segment of society that has had to deal with so much hate, exclusion, and callous disregard, we sure do seem to get our rocks off by turning that shit around on our own.
Sad and ironic truth.
Of course it varies and there are exceptions, but in my (or our?) case, things haven't been...as peachy. :p


Random post-part:
I've always liked seeing/drooling over guys with dreadlocks and tattoos...darn! Doesn't help that guys like that go to my work nearly every day!


Somehow, this made me remember Ben Harper! Bless him! :p
Mind, talent, good looks and tattoos. EDIT: He's married to Laura Dern though. :( .. :p Oh! Assumed they were stilll together after ther separated/got together again.


I want to see your top five or so. Just curious. :p

Well I don't think I always get it wrong, just sometimes. My top five prettiest women would be:

Mira Sorvino

Well thats it I can't think of anyone else heh. Women as expected are not my strong suit.


The scale

0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual

You pick what you are, is all. There's no test required. Last year I would've said I was a 1, now I say I'm a 4/5. Still not sure.

<Lucario>!dice 1d7
<ChanServ>Lucario: Rolling a 7-sided die, 1 time(s): 7

guess i'm a 6


Ah, this is a first! An anonymous PM :)

I want to chime in on Opiate's two questions and the rounds Kinsey Scale posted earlier in the thread but personally am too uncomfortable with myself to actually post in the thread.

1. I'd place myself at a solid 1, maybe a 2, on the Kinsey scale, but, like I said, I'm very closeted (if I'm even allowed use that term) on that part of myself. I honestly don't think I'll ever come out as bi or any manner of that. Not in the foreseeable future anyways.

2. For the most part, you and others would probably consider me part of heteroGAF or whatnot, and I probably wouldn't contest that. That said, while I don't contribute to the LGBT-GAF thread, I do actively lurk it.

I don't think you were looking for feedback, but whateverrrrrr.

2. I would consider you hetero, but labels are silly and weird, and also not super important. And more importantly, you are more than welcome to lurk (and I hope to see you post here sometime)!

3. I hadn't really considered this before your PM, but I guess I'll throw it out there now for any GAF members reading this:

If you wanna discuss something or you have a question but can't (for whatever reason) post in this thread, feel free to PM me, and I can post in this thread for you (anonymously, obviously). Seriously, for any reason! All folks are welcome to PM me :)

Dead Man

Ah, this is a first! An anonymous PM :)

I don't think you were looking for feedback, but whateverrrrrr.

2. I would consider you hetero, but labels are silly and weird, and also not super important. And more importantly, you are more than welcome to lurk (and I hope to see you post here sometime)!

3. I hadn't really considered this before your PM, but I guess I'll throw it out there now for any GAF members reading this:

If you wanna discuss something or you have a question but can't (for whatever reason) post in this thread, feel free to PM me, and I can post in this thread for you (anonymously, obviously). Seriously, for any reason! All folks are welcome to PM me :)

Cocks incoming. :)

Edit: And thanks for the contribution, anonymous pm'er, enjoy the lurk, it's what I do most of the time too. :)


And just to help out, I'll make sure everyone knows it's completely fine to PM (And post) anonymously in this fashion.

The only time we frown on vicarious posting of this fashion is if you are banned and you want someone to post for you (That subverts the whole point of being banned, i.e. you cannot post).

Otherwise, this type of posting is not only fine but in cases like this, encouraged. Good on whoever that is on coming forward even in this fashion.
So when a guy tells you to feel how hard his calves are, and flexes his biceps, how am I supposed to not get a boner?
We were in the middle of class and I needed to concentrate, this guy just starts being all hot.

wtf straight people


So when a guy tells you to feel how hard his calves are, and flexes his biceps, how am I supposed to not get a boner?
We were in the middle of class and I needed to concentrate, this guy just starts being all hot.

wtf straight people

Haha, happens all the time to me. Random people rarely pick up that I am gay.

For the scale I would rate myself a 5, but leans toward a 4 rather than a 6.


So when a guy tells you to feel how hard his calves are, and flexes his biceps, how am I supposed to not get a boner?
We were in the middle of class and I needed to concentrate, this guy just starts being all hot.

wtf straight people

LMAO I can assure straight people do not make a habit of doing this. He randomly started asking you to feel his muscles? Maybe he wants your peen.


LMAO I can assure straight people do not make a habit of doing this. He randomly started asking you to feel his muslces? Maybe he wants your peen.

no ive been in this situation more than once with different str8 guys. It's like really hard to pretend you dont like it.. a year ago my str8 buddy asked me to feel his abs i was screaming inside but i acted like it was nothing after


LMAO I can assure straight people do not make a habit of doing this. He randomly started asking you to feel his muscles? Maybe he wants your peen.

Sometimes people can be unaware of the effect they have on others. A cute female friend has never said to you "Hey, how do I look?" etc etc? lol, it's the same thing. I'm assuming YoungBlade's friend isn't quite aware of how attractive he is.
no ive been in this situation more than once with different str8 guys. It's like really hard to pretend you dont like it.. a year ago my str8 buddy asked me to feel his abs i was screaming inside but i acted like it was nothing after
Yeah, it really is pretty hard :/
I mean I had to say "Wow, that's pretty cool" Instead of "That is so hot man hnnng" The worst part was trying to not make a face that showed I liked it.


there's ALWAYS ONE
no ive been in this situation more than once with different str8 guys. It's like really hard to pretend you dont like it.. a year ago my str8 buddy asked me to feel his abs i was screaming inside but i acted like it was nothing after
I find it hard to believe that you have an emotion that's not just complete and utter mania.


Sometimes people can be unaware of the effect they have on others. A cute female friend has never said to you "Hey, how do I look?" etc etc? lol, it's the same thing. I'm assuming YoungBlade's friend isn't quite aware of how attractive he is.

I'm waiting for a straight girl to ask me to feel her boobs. Jealous~


F The test failed to match you to a Kinsey Type profile. Either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person.



no ive been in this situation more than once with different str8 guys. It's like really hard to pretend you dont like it.. a year ago my str8 buddy asked me to feel his abs i was screaming inside but i acted like it was nothing after

HAHAHAHAHHA, the same thing happened to me once, some guy I used to be good buddies with told me he had been working out and his abs were getting tighter, he lifted his shirt and asked me to touch, I was acting all hesitant while in reality I wanted more than just touch them! and when I did touch them I felt the warmest feeling in my pants, damn, that was hot I was sweating, it felt nice hahahaha

oblivious straight guys! stop teasing us


I find it hard to believe that you have an emotion that's not just complete and utter mania.

whaT kind of backhanded shade?

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Yeah, it really is pretty hard :/
I mean I had to say "Wow, that's pretty cool" Instead of "That is so hot man hnnng" The worst part was trying to not make a face that showed I liked it.

lawd i cant with heteros sometimes. Doin the absolute MOST

HAHAHAHAHHA, the same thing happened to me once, some guy I used to be good buddies with told me he had been working out and his abs were getting tighter, he lifted his shirt and asked me to touch, I was acting all hesitant while in reality I wanted more than just touch them! and when I did touch them I felt the warmest feeling in my pants, damn, that was hot I was sweating, it felt nice hahahaha

oblivious straight guys! stop teasing us

omg I feel the same


An anonymous PM? How silly.

ur mad jealous cuz ur inbox reads more like this

Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 0

Anyways yeah anonymous PMs are welcome as long as you aren't circumventing GAF rules or whatever. Questions, statements, discussion points, etc.
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