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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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ur mad jealous cuz ur inbox reads more like this

Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 0



But, yeah I don't really have anything against anonymous PMs.
Got a 4. Huh.

Reading the descriptions for each category, I feel more like a 5. :I

Perhaps you should get Aguire to teach you in the ways of expressive posting. Or just add an emoticon at the end of every post.

There, much better.
I'm so sorry.

Burn it all.

For the record, I'm cool with the machine-like tone of Opiate's posts. From the few forums I do visit, it feels like some posters have a tendency(specifically during arguments) to read anger or condescension into posts where none exist. Then they get all emotionally charged with their responses and suddenly the conversation is going nowhere.

Alternatively, I've been spendng too much time on gaming side.


"Anonymous" sounds hot...pics? :p

And I'm a..... 6 (Exclusively homosexual). :\

Still ironic, sicne one of (the many) reasons I've been told I'm single is because "I need to act and be more gay!!". Guess I'll wear a tiara next time a do the test. *sighs* Bak to my hole.


It's about as scientifically valid as an R U GAY? TAKE DA FREE QUIZ test on facebook.

There isn't a Kinsey test. Your kinsey number is what you identify as being.

Yeah, there is no reason to take a test. You pick your number. How you identify yourself is fluid.


"Anonymous" sounds hot...pics? :p

And I'm a..... 6 (Exclusively homosexual). :\

Still ironic, sicne one of (the many) reasons I've been told I'm single is because "I need to act and be more gay!!". Guess I'll wear a tiara next time a do the test. *sighs* Bak to my hole.

Holy shit, the people telling you this need to be slapped. The fact that people still think like that.... disgusting.


"Anonymous" sounds hot...pics? :p

And I'm a..... 6 (Exclusively homosexual). :\

Still ironic, sicne one of (the many) reasons I've been told I'm single is because "I need to act and be more gay!!". Guess I'll wear a tiara next time a do the test. *sighs* Bak to my hole.

I'm pretty sure you know that but it bears repeating. There is no need for anyone to act more gay or less gay. Acting gay doesn't even mean anything because the only way for you to be gay is to identify as one.
There are different ways to express that gayness, and all are as valid as the other ones.
"Anonymous" sounds hot...pics? :p

And I'm a..... 6 (Exclusively homosexual). :\

Still ironic, sicne one of (the many) reasons I've been told I'm single is because "I need to act and be more gay!!". Guess I'll wear a tiara next time a do the test. *sighs* Bak to my hole.

To play devil's advocate, maybe they're saying that you're unrecognizable as gay and therefore guys won't approach you.

Acting more like a stereotypical gay guy isn't a solution though.


Dem feels, I know of them.

I'm surprised how much more bisexual everyone is compared to what I expected. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a 6.Do you feel that how you've been treated has started to change the way in which you find people attractive? My sexual attraction, at least, has always been independent of my experiences with either gender.

I find this sentiment funny. Sometimes I wish I were a 6. Would make things so much easier. But that's partly because biphobia in the gay community is really stupid and partly because I've got an annoyingly fluid sexuality so something that was very strict and settled would be really nice.

I'd consider myself a 4 that's potentially drifting into 3 territory over the years.

I've always preferred being around women and they've treated me far better than men ever have, but rarely have women provoked any sort of sexual response in me... until recently. Now there are some I fantasize about and would probably be interested in trying something physical with.

For me, men have largely proven to be a waste of time and are so often lousy, unpleasant people, yet unfortunately they're what turn me on. Sucks. It's like being in an abusive relationship with my hormones.

This has been the opposite of my experience. Granted, I don't know a lot of gay people so maybe that's really coloured my perceptions but almost every woman I've dated has been nothing but a huge mess of drama and unnecessary baggage. While the brief times I've dated guys things are a lot less complicated even if we aren't meshing.

Now if we're just talking about being friends then that's a different story. Women make excellent friends but my straight friends have also been great too. But whenever I read things about this it always makes me a little sad about my prospects in the dating world.

Quick question: Any good short Kinsey scale tests? is the one that pops up on google any good? http://vistriai.com/kinseyscaletest/

Well, there was never a "Kinsey Test" so anything that purports to be such is going to be bad. The scale was developed after Kinsey's study into human sexuality and was more a concept developed to illustrate how, through his own studies, he discovered the vast majority of people fell somewhere between 0 and 6 instead of being predominantly in either extreme.

Also, the only thing he was examining was behaviour and not people's beliefs or self identification. So, I guess a "test" would be - how often do you engage in homosexual and hetersexual sexual activity? If it's 50/50 you're a 3. Otherwise move yourself up and down accordingly.


Well, there was never a "Kinsey Test" so anything that purports to be such is going to be bad. The scale was developed after Kinsey's study into human sexuality and was more a concept developed to illustrate how, through his own studies, he discovered the vast majority of people fell somewhere between 0 and 6 instead of being predominantly in either extreme.

Also, the only thing he was examining was behaviour and not people's beliefs or self identification. So, I guess a "test" would be - how often do you engage in homosexual and hetersexual sexual activity? If it's 50/50 you're a 3. Otherwise move yourself up and down accordingly.

If he was just going by behaviour, I think it's pretty crazy that he was able to observe so much behaviour back in his time that would lead him to believe that the vast majority of people were between 0 and 6.


If he was just going by behaviour, I think it's pretty crazy that he was able to observe so much behaviour back in his time that would lead him to believe that the vast majority of people were between 0 and 6.

From memory, he collected his data through private and anonymous interviews (anonymous in the sense that no personal information was attributed to any participant). Did a quick search and my numbers are off. Kinsey's report found that almost 50% of participants "reacted" sexually to members of both sexes at some point throughout their lives.

The first criticism would be that this doesn't indicate that these people are bisexual but the study itself did demonstrate that there was far more fluidity in people's behaviour than was previously thought at the time.

Edit: Doing a bit more research and yeah, this complaint is probably the most common towards the study. Because of the time it was conducted and the prevailing attitudes towards sex and sexual activity in America (even in this day and age), there is a pretty common argument that the sample is biased towards those with more "liberal" attitudes and feelings towards sex since they're the only ones likely to talk about it. Sampling bias is a very common complaint to raise against just about any study, however, and without another researcher presenting a better method it's really the best we've got at this time.

I thought the Kinsey scale was largely considered to be based on a lot of faulty data.

I've never heard that and it's still held as an early example of a study into human sexuality. There's probably far more criticism of the conclusions drawn from the data than anything else.

But what if I'm not engaging in either :(

You're not even looking at pictures of people? :(

I think any sort of physical reaction (like being attracted to person X) would constitute for the study. I'm sure there was some allowance made to distinguish between people who are asexual and not sexually active.


I thought the Kinsey scale was largely considered to be based on a lot of faulty data.

You're probably thinking of the Kinsey Reports, which were the books that used the Kinsey Scale to do surveys about the rates of different sexual orientations in populations.

The scale itself isn't really based on data, it's more the concept of the continuum between exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual.

Not that I'm an expert or anything; this is just my understanding of it.


fucking d e a d @ her mentioning 1 girl 5 gays. that show is awful. bow to 8 inch Lynch tho.

I feel like if we met in real life we would probably snatch each other weaves.

I like 1 girl 5 gays. What bothers me most in that message is the writing. Good grace woman, respect yourself.


there would be no snatching on your part honey. my beyoncé-st-tropez-vacation-lacefront is glued on with I N D U S T R I A L A D H E S I V E. you would have to scalp me.


I know girls like this.

I hate them so damn much.

So do I. Then they are offended when you call then fag hags and say you're much better than a token/trophy friend for a shallow person. The exact word in Spanish slang can be really offensive because it plays with "lice egg" (nit?) as an euphemism of something that sticks really hard, is difficult to get rid of and will bring trouble if you don't do it QUICK.


I want to slap her ontop of her head.

there would be no snatching on your part honey. my beyoncé-st-tropez-vacation-lacefront is glued on with I N D U S T R I A L A D H E S I V E. you would have to scalp me.
I understood this :(


I want to slap her ontop of her head.

I understood this :(

I know how you feel. A friend decided to watch an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race while we ate lunch and we made comments throughout. At the end of the runway portion he said something along the lines of "I never knew you knew so much about wigs and make-up" and that's when I realized how much random knowledge I picked up from 5 seasons of watching that show.
I saw Obama's former head speechwriter on Jon Stewart's show the other day. He was setting off my gaydar something fierce. He's pretty hot too.




So, a new question: is there a substantial distinction between the types of men that heterosexual women find appealing, and the types of men that homosexual men find appealing?

I'm sure there is quite a bit of overlap, that's unavoidable. But is there a tendency, for example, for men to like more hairiness? Or women to? Or men to like shorter men?

Also, I'd be interested to know if this question is frequently asked. I always enjoy finding out if my curiosities are common or unusual.


I saw Obama's former head speechwriter on Jon Stewart's show the other day. He was setting off my gaydar something fierce. He's pretty hot too.



He is a cutie for sure.

Embrace your inner ratchetness. Don't fight it.

Guuurl, don't even. ;(

So, a new question: is there a substantial distinction between the types of men that heterosexual women find appealing, and the types of men that homosexual men find appealing?

I'm sure there is quite a bit of overlap, that's unavoidable. But is there a tendency, for example, for men to like more hairiness? Or women to? Or men to like shorter men?

Also, I'd be interested to know if this question is frequently asked. I always enjoy finding out if my curiosities are common or unusual.

Its the same for men as it is for ladies. It varies from person to person. Our eyes tend to linger on someone specific sure, as yours do. But for me, its about a bazillian different things.

I can't even BEGIN to describe my ideal type because well it varies :p


I shouldn't be surprised, Dany M.

I think that variety of preference is true of every group except for heterosexual males. I don't mean to suggest that there is no differences in preference whatsoever, but heterosexual males are about as homogeneous as it gets on this front.

Frankly, I'm glad other demographics don't suffer this affliction. It causes some pretty nasty behaviors in heterosexual women who are all hugely pressured to fit a specific body type.


So, a new question: is there a substantial distinction between the types of men that heterosexual women find appealing, and the types of men that homosexual men find appealing?

I'm sure there is quite a bit of overlap, that's unavoidable. But is there a tendency, for example, for men to like more hairiness? Or women to? Or men to like shorter men?

Also, I'd be interested to know if this question is frequently asked. I always enjoy finding out if my curiosities are common or unusual.

I couldn't really answer the question. I can assume that the qualities a guy looks for in another guy are practically the same as when a woman looks for a guy. That is to say, it varies from person to person. Your curiosities are pretty common, from what I've seen.


So, a new question: is there a substantial distinction between the types of men that heterosexual women find appealing, and the types of men that homosexual men find appealing?

I'm sure there is quite a bit of overlap, that's unavoidable. But is there a tendency, for example, for men to like more hairiness? Or women to? Or men to like shorter men?

Also, I'd be interested to know if this question is frequently asked. I always enjoy finding out if my curiosities are common or unusual.

It can depend on whether or not the gay guy in question likes to identify as being sexually or otherwise submissive/dominant. If submissive, he'll probably like bigger, more muscle-y guys. Dominant, typically thinner, more feminine guys.

Otherwise, you just have the rest (and likely the majority) of gay guys who are like women; they have their own tastes, but will probably gravitate to the conventionally handsome fare. I, for example, like thinner, toned guys with little body hair, even though I don't consider myself "dominant".


There are a lot of things that can influence what someone considers an ideal man or woman. Gender is just one of them, I think.


I shouldn't be surprised, Dany M.

I think that variety of preference is true of every group except for heterosexual males. I don't mean to suggest that there is no differences in preference whatsoever, but heterosexual males are about as homogeneous as it gets on this front.




Yeah, skinny (but not scrawny), big boobs and a .7 waist-to-hip ratio. Again, not saying that every single guy has these preferences, but more than enough do that it warps female behavior and body image in some pretty terrible ways. There is no "bear" and "twink" and "otter" to provide different archetypes for women to adhere to.
It can depend on whether or not the gay guy in question likes to identify as being sexually or otherwise submissive/dominant. If submissive, he'll probably like bigger, more muscle-y guys. Dominant, typically thinner, more feminine guys.

Otherwise, you just have the rest (and likely the majority) of gay guys who are like women; they have their own tastes, but will probably gravitate to the conventionally handsome fare. I, for example, like thinner, toned guys with little body hair, even though I don't consider myself "dominant".

Bigger, muscly submissive guys are hot. I pretty much like a little of everything though aside from the more noticeable extremes of beefy or waif-ish.
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