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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Do you have mutual friends? Just try to cut him out of your life completely if its causing you harm.
We don't have any mutual friends actually.

He went on vacation for a couple of weeks earlier this month, so he spend his (and my) birthday away. We were supposed to meet sometime so he would give my birthday gift and I'd give him his which I didn't get. (He was always "kidding" like: Did you get my gift yet?)

I did think it was a bit weird all this gift talk, I was going to get him one just out of pressure and because he apparently got me something while he was away but now I'm just evading the supposed meeting. He hasn't brought it up with is weird but probably that's because he figured out I'm "seeing" someone too.

Part of me was like, "Shit, Victor, get over it!"

The other part was like, "How can I say that, I'd be ten times worse in that situation. I've been worse in lesser times!"

Crazy Victor. And you're taking that what seems to be better than most people would've if i were you i would've probably went off the walls.

Part of me doesn't really want to judge without actually having concrete proof (silly me). I guess I'm better of not finding out anyway.

Thanks for the support guys!
I remember reading that each day turns a closeted gay man a little bit crazier, and it couldn't be more true for me.

I really want Summer to end, lol. I'm getting really tired and every time I'm happy with my family I start thinking if it would be the same way if they knew. If they would like me, what would my Dad's reaction be? What would my Brother say after all the stupid "No Homo lolol" joke he's made? What about the family member I'm the closest with, my Sister? What would she say? My eldest Sister, what would she think? What about my Brother in Law?

It's fucking nuts. I don't even know why I'm thinking about stuff like this? I fucking hate it, it sucks, I wish I could scream it out and get it over with but I suck. I'm too scared.

Sorry guys, I just needed to type this out. Just say it somehow, I'm sorry for the shitty vent.



Just don't keep thinking about it. Relax and have fun. If you keep thinking that everyone is going to hate you, etc, etc. you will start hating them even before you tell them.

Enjoy the moments you have with them and don't tell them until you can sustain a life for you. Telling them right now will create you probems that you don't want to get through.

That's the only piece of advise that I can give you, it really worked for me. I stopped thinking that way a few months ago and I've been feeling good.


Verging on 7 months with my guy; far and away my longest relationship ever. Still feeling incredibly lucky, not taking a moment with him for granted. Hope that feeling never goes away, actually.

Definitely getting into that phase I've seen and heard about so often though, where you start to get really comfortable with your SO, let more of your true self hang out, and start having some arguments and debates about things. Nothing major though. The super open policy we agreed on at the start is proving to be awesome so far in practice.

I'm sure I'll have a bad horror story or two in the future at some point, haha. Probably can't stay rosy forever.

Right now, we're realizing just how different our wants/desires are for life in general - he's a big cottager/outdoorsier-type than I realized, and I'm a little more of a homebody than he realized. Fitness isn't really a part of his life, and it's gradually becoming more a part of mine.

He definitely appreciates that he can discuss the technicalities and challenges of his work life with me (he's in IT), whereas it all just flew right over his ex's head for years, both because the guy couldn't understand it, and also, never made the effort too. So hopefully, I'm a breath of fresh air for him. :)



^ I know how you feel magnus, that time when a relationship stops being rosy romantic and beings the phase of "oh god he means a lot for me and I can be who I am without fear" is disotrienting but in the end it's when yu know your relationship is true.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Yeah, I really doubt Miyamoto would just be open like that.

Also Dragonlife: Countdown to Wide Awake and Physical: 13 to 16-ish days. :3


Hello, guys! Long time no read! I hope all of you are doing well

Sounds fantastic! I hope it continues that way :]
But this caught my attention:

Right now, we're realizing just how different our wants/desires are for life in general - he's a big cottager/outdoorsier-type than I realized, and I'm a little more of a homebody than he realized. Fitness isn't really a part of his life, and it's gradually becoming more a part of mine.
If everything remains more or less the same in these areas, do you think those differences could become a problem? I most certainly hope it doesn't.


so a mexican newspaper that appears to be serious is saying shigeru miyamoto admitted Mario and Luigi aren't brothers but a couple, that they are gay... what the hell is this?

Any Mex-GAFfers know anything about this site??


It's not reliable. Full of stupidness. There is another note with the title "Spider-Man is going to be gay in the next film" which we know was something that the actor wanted, not something that will come to fruction.

They just need more clicks, check their other news, they barely have comments.


Who here are very good at keeping their sexuality quiet? No one suspects I'm gay and when I tell them, they are gob smacked. Guess you could say I'm not feminine.
Who here are very good at keeping their sexuality quiet? No one suspects I'm gay and when I tell them, they are gob smacked. Guess you could say I'm not feminine.

Yeah same here. Only person to ever "guess" it was a co-worker who was getting friendly with me for a while, and one day he started talking about porn and asking me what do I like and what do I have (to share), I told him I don't have any porn... then he blurted "Are you gay?" ... I said "Yes." He was shocked but was very cool about it and we became even more friends and he invited me to his house many times to watch movies together (he's totally straight).

Then I changed jobs and went into one of my "I don't want to see anyone" phases and lost touch with him. I actually miss that guy.

Bailey 87


Interesting read. Common relationship mistakes gay men make. I don't think I've many other than going to a club together .

Great article. I agree with all the points. I went to a gay club with my boyfriend and wow gay men can be thirsty. I had a guy trying to chat me up even after I told him and I was there with my bf, and my bf said he had a guy staring at his junk in the bathroom. Not the best experience. I would go to a gay bar again with the bf but I will not be taking my eyes off of him :p
Great article. I agree with all the points. I went to a gay club with my boyfriend and wow gay men can be thirsty. I had a guy trying to chat me up even after I told him and I was there with my bf, and my bf said he had a guy staring at his junk in the bathroom. Not the best experience. I would go to a gay bar again with the bf but I will not be taking my eyes off of him :p

Might be better just to hit up a straight club to get your dance groove. Music is usually better anyways. You can avoid crappy Hex Hector remixes of the latest Kattey Perry fluff.


Who here are very good at keeping their sexuality quiet? No one suspects I'm gay and when I tell them, they are gob smacked. Guess you could say I'm not feminine.
I think me. But being quite about my sexuality will start creating mistery around me.


That article is terrible. I like that one of the point is not to be needy yet the whole piece reeks of neediness and insecurity.


I guess I keep it quiet. It isn't something I blurt out but I kind of don't care when it comes out in conversation.
Might be better just to hit up a straight club to get your dance groove. Music is usually better anyways. You can avoid crappy Hex Hector remixes of the latest Kattey Perry fluff.

Okay. So straight women go to gay clubs to keep from being hit on and now gay men going to straight clubs to keep from being hit on. I'm so confused....


so a mexican newspaper that appears to be serious is saying shigeru miyamoto admitted Mario and Luigi aren't brothers but a couple, that they are gay... what the hell is this?

Any Mex-GAFfers know anything about this site??


Local colombian newspaper reported it too, so embarrassing. That newspaper is seriously ruining for us gays, they push gay news so much that it really is becoming an actual agenda, reporting this is just terrible journalism.

The guy is so hot and so ridiculous haha


Right now, we're realizing just how different our wants/desires are for life in general - he's a big cottager/outdoorsier-type than I realized, and I'm a little more of a homebody than he realized.
I couldn't read that sentence without thinking of this. Awkward.
crush on straight guy etc.
What makes me feel worse is that he's a complete asshole but I still like him.

I know that feel, except he wasn't that much of an asshole.

Of course I would always feel like throwing up anytime I was near him and also when he talked to me I would get so fucking nervous.


Who here are very good at keeping their sexuality quiet? No one suspects I'm gay and when I tell them, they are gob smacked. Guess you could say I'm not feminine.

In general, I'm pretty good at hiding it. I mean you gotta be if you want to avoid crap from people. I live in Jordan, btw (it's an Arab country). **Shout out to Naked Snake :) I saw you're from Jordan too.

On the other hand, I asked my gay friend, the only person I've ever told, whether he was surprised I was gay. He said he wasn't. I was kind of disappointed actually heh

He said it's cuz I seemed really nice/understanding about his lifestyle. Plus I do art/music and that's also pretty gay (he actually said that lol).


Sounds like a good time to me, to be honest.

No it just makes you constantly horny and longing. One time one of my crushes (the very first guy) wore sweatpants and it took all my strength to not just stare at his penis the entire time we were talking. I compromised and did half the time.


@B-Dex - I know that feel. I used to think it was lucky when a crush would happen to take a class that I was taking, but then exam time would come... x_x

Does anyone tend to hang out/make friends with guys that aren't your type or that you don't find attractive? I find it's easier and I'm not as nervous being close like at sleepovers.


My best friend used to be a model. Some of my friends are "my type", others aren't, I don't see any pattern. I'm admittedly amazingly good at not developing "feelings" for people I categorize as friends :D


So I asked out this girl today who I always happen to see around the gym and it turns out she has a girlfriend and a ring that I'm assuming is some type of promise ring.

I'm a guy and I'm unsure of what to do now that she said we can be work out buddies like we'll talk again in the future. I'm sure we will too as the gym is not that big.

Now I've worked in northampton,ma, which is supposedly the lesbian capital of the world, and encountered a few lesbian girls on the job that I never had any issue with yet I've never met one that I'm attracted to plus I have to be around her so this complicates things.

I'd like to try to be her friend, she was very nice for the brief bit I spoke with her, maybeoffer her some advice if I can. What I'm wondering is, what certain things I shouldn't do, discuss, etc.? I have a real problem saying what first comes to mind so I'd like to know in advance. Otherwise I really don't want to be around her but I don't want to make the gym environment one of where you stay on your side and I on mine.
Appreciate any advice.

Also, if it's funny, I never ask girls out because I'm slightly autistic and extremely shy so I was thinking about this for a while. She was looking at me whenever I looked at her but that could be just she thought i was going to rape her or something as I've read here; I'm not sure anymore. She also showed up behind me while I was working out after all these looks one day and I don't know, it was just the machine she wanted to use but I guess butterflies and shit.
I can't believe how bad my luck is that I finally find someone I'm attracted to and I work up my confidence then this happens. Oh well, back to the vapid girls at the dishwashing job.
Hey man, cheer up. Don't let this get you down or something. You should honestly just try to be her friend, I mean it might sound hard, but I think having more friends is a good thing.

I can't really help you on what to say, just try not to make a big deal about her sexuality? Like just don't say any rude stuff or anything.


Hey man, cheer up. Don't let this get you down or something. You should honestly just try to be her friend, I mean it might sound hard, but I think having more friends is a good thing.

I can't really help you on what to say, just try not to make a big deal about her sexuality? Like just don't say any rude stuff or anything.

Shit, I know I wouldn't mind being her friend because it's just fun to look at her. I should just not really care if I happen to cross some new line I'm not aware of and she lays into me for it. Ultimately, even though it's fucked, she can't care about me so I shouldn't care about her, at least too much. I'll always be polite though.


Who here are very good at keeping their sexuality quiet? No one suspects I'm gay and when I tell them, they are gob smacked. Guess you could say I'm not feminine.

I am. So good at it that people often makes vile homophobic comments about gays in front of my face, which promptly cause me to want to punch them or de-friend them or just not talk to them again.

crush on straight guy etc.
What makes me feel worse is that he's a complete asshole but I still like him.

Been there, done that, is doing it again now with this new rugby player friend of mine. *sigh* I never learn. Here's hoping he's not homophobic at least. *fingers crossed*
I live in Jordan, btw (it's an Arab country). **Shout out to Naked Snake :) I saw you're from Jordan too.

Whoa! I've been constantly on GAF for 15 years and you're literally only the second person I encounter here who is in Jordan (incidentally the other guy was gay too, I forgot his name and wonder what happened to him).

I want the deets! ;)


I have loads of straight crushes, they're annoying when you know there's zero chance you can be with them. I was talking to two whom I have crushes on, I came out to them and were so friendly. So yeah, they're friends I'm keeping.
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