We don't have any mutual friends actually.Do you have mutual friends? Just try to cut him out of your life completely if its causing you harm.
He went on vacation for a couple of weeks earlier this month, so he spend his (and my) birthday away. We were supposed to meet sometime so he would give my birthday gift and I'd give him his which I didn't get. (He was always "kidding" like: Did you get my gift yet?)
I did think it was a bit weird all this gift talk, I was going to get him one just out of pressure and because he apparently got me something while he was away but now I'm just evading the supposed meeting. He hasn't brought it up with is weird but probably that's because he figured out I'm "seeing" someone too.
Part of me was like, "Shit, Victor, get over it!"
The other part was like, "How can I say that, I'd be ten times worse in that situation. I've been worse in lesser times!"
Part of me doesn't really want to judge without actually having concrete proof (silly me). I guess I'm better of not finding out anyway.Crazy Victor. And you're taking that what seems to be better than most people would've if i were you i would've probably went off the walls.
Thanks for the support guys!