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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Whoa! I've been constantly on GAF for 15 years and you're literally only the second person I encounter here who is in Jordan (incidentally the other guy was gay too, I forgot his name and wonder what happened to him).

I want the deets! ;)

hmm seems I forgot to introduce myself. A bit about me: I'm a 24 y/o gaymer, currently doing my Master's in computer engineering + I'm a teaching assistant on the side. I like sunsets and long walks on the beach, long time lurker, first post was today. Awesome thread, by the way. Y'all seem like an awesome bunch of guys :)

heh, so all three Jordanian members on this site are gay. Must be something in the water :p


hmm seems I forgot to introduce myself. A bit about me: I'm a 24 y/o gaymer, currently doing my Master's in computer engineering + I'm a teaching assistant on the side. I like sunsets and long walks on the beach, long time lurker, first post was today. Awesome thread, by the way. Y'all seem like an awesome bunch of guys :)

heh, so all three Jordanian members on this site are gay. Must be something in the water :p
Welcome to NeoGAF from us here at GayGAF. :) There's loads of good people on this forum.
Yup, that happens a lot with me.

I overheard the project executive (WAAAY above me in the food chain) use the word "faggoty" in the office. When I approached him afterword in his office and directly asked him not to use that word around me, he took it surprisingly well.


Ok, so I thought I'd make a contribution to the thread. And since my love life = zero at the moment, I'll just share this kinda gay but not really story that happened last semester.

So like I said before, I'm a teacher's assistant. I teach a bunch of freshmen/sophomores at my uni, grade papers, quizzes...etc. One day I'm was grading this term paper, and had just uploaded the marks online, when I get this email from one of the girls no more than five minutes after uploading, telling me how I've supposedly made a huge mistake in grading her paper, and that we should meet to review and re-grade it. I've dealt with similar situations before, and it's usually resolved over email. This girl, however, insisted we meet in person to discuss it. I told her I was busy, and to have a nice day. I thought that was it, since I didn't hear from her afterwards.

Fast forward a couple of days. It's past uni working hours, I'm sitting in the lab I'm usually at, grading stuff for another course, when this girl walks in. I didn't know it was her at first (I only knew the girls name, not what she looked like), but she immediately introduced herself as the girl from the emails. At first I'm freaking out inside, I mean she shows up without an appointment after hours, like what's going on here? I immediately realize how dumb that is, I mean I'm the man (as far as she knows, lol) and she's the girl :p ...As she approaches, I can see why she insisted on meeting me in person. The girl is not bad looking at all, and those eyes *-* ...A lesser man (straighter man) would have turned to mush right there. She walks towards me, starts batting her eyelashes, talking slow and soft, it's obvious what she's trying to do. The poor thing had no idea I was gay.

Her moves having little effect on gay old me, I reiterate what I said to her in the email; Trying to be as polite as possible, that there was nothing I could do for her...etc. but she just would not have it. Out of nowhere she starts crying, and I had no idea what to do. She starts going on and on about how she could fail the course if I don't fix her grade, and she's have to repeat it and her parents would kill her blah blah blah. I could not believe it x_x I start panicking, and end up blurting out that I'd give her the grade she wanted, trying to cheer her up/calm her down. She pauses for a second before leaving the room, with me just sitting there wondering wtf had just happened lol ...Who knew being a TA had this much drama? Though to be fair, this was their final term paper, along with the project are worth 30% of their grade, but still...

...Though, I wish more guys cared this much about their grades :/


Welcome to NeoGAF from us here at GayGAF. :) There's loads of good people on this forum.


Yeah, I could tell from browsing the thread. A great bunch of people, not to mention cute ;)

I don't think something like this is even possible anywhere else, like on a dating or something. Just a bunch of friendly people talking about stuff.


Shit, I know I wouldn't mind being her friend because it's just fun to look at her. I should just not really care if I happen to cross some new line I'm not aware of and she lays into me for it. Ultimately, even though it's fucked, she can't care about me so I shouldn't care about her, at least too much. I'll always be polite though.

You know you can care for other people without being with them romantically. I care a lot for my friends, some of whom I wouldn't mind getting with. I don't know if you make friends easily but you should just ask her about her interest, the ring, etc.

I am. So good at it that people often makes vile homophobic comments about gays in front of my face, which promptly cause me to want to punch them or de-friend them or just not talk to them again.
Do you tell them to cut the shit out? You don't have to out yourself, you can say your brother/uncle/cousin is gay and that this shit is not OK.

That's seriously why I think it's important to be out. People who would say these things either reconsider or just avoid you.

Ok, so I thought I'd make a contribution to the thread. And since my love life = zero at the moment, I'll just share this kinda gay but not really story that happened last semester.

So like I said before, I'm a teacher's assistant. I teach a bunch of freshmen/sophomores at my uni, grade papers, quizzes...etc. One day I'm was grading this term paper, and had just uploaded the marks online, when I get this email from one of the girls no more than five minutes after uploading, telling me how I've supposedly made a huge mistake in grading her paper, and that we should meet to review and re-grade it. I've dealt with similar situations before, and it's usually resolved over email. This girl, however, insisted we meet in person to discuss it. I told her I was busy, and to have a nice day. I thought that was it, since I didn't hear from her afterwards.

Fast forward a couple of days. It's past uni working hours, I'm sitting in the lab I'm usually at, grading stuff for another course, when this girl walks in. I didn't know it was her at first (I only knew the girls name, not what she looked like), but she immediately introduced herself as the girl from the emails. At first I'm freaking out inside, I mean she shows up without an appointment after hours, like what's going on here? I immediately realize how dumb that is, I mean I'm the man (as far as she knows, lol) and she's the girl :p ...As she approaches, I can see why she insisted on meeting me in person. The girl is not bad looking at all, and those eyes *-* ...A lesser man (straighter man) would have turned to mush right there. She walks towards me, starts batting her eyelashes, talking slow and soft, it's obvious what she's trying to do. The poor thing had no idea I was gay.

Her moves having little effect on gay old me, I reiterate what I said to her in the email; Trying to be as polite as possible, that there was nothing I could do for her...etc. but she just would not have it. Out of nowhere she starts crying, and I had no idea what to do. She starts going on and on about how she could fail the course if I don't fix her grade, and she's have to repeat it and her parents would kill her blah blah blah. I could not believe it x_x I start panicking, and end up blurting out that I'd give her the grade she wanted, trying to cheer her up/calm her down. She pauses for a second before leaving the room, with me just sitting there wondering wtf had just happened lol ...Who knew being a TA had this much drama? Though to be fair, this was their final term paper, along with the project are worth 30% of their grade, but still...

...Though, I wish more guys cared this much about their grades :/

Did you really give her the grade she wanted? I'm gonna TA next semester and if any of my students come and give me the tear treatment I'd just tell them that they should have thought about that before the exam and study. If I'm feeling really nice, I'll give them some work or whatnot for extra credit but they better not try the crying act.
I would LOVE for a girl to try and flirt with me though, I would love to see the look in her eyes as I say "oooh girl, you did not just try and flirt your way to a better grade"


Very impressive, smart kid!

Haha, and we have an abundance of beach in Jordan :p

What games/systems are you into?

Thanks :)

heh yeah I know what you mean, like you can only visit the Dead Sea and Aqaba so many times. I suppose Beirut's nice, though the only time I went was with my straight friends. Lots of loose women = fun for them but none for me T_T

I own a Wii, PS3, 3DSXL, and PC. I like most genres, except maybe FPSs. Fav is probably RPG, though this gen sucked in that category. I'm currently waiting for my friend to bring me my copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening from the US. I couldn't find it anywhere in Jordan x_x I'm also hyped for Tales of Xillia, which will hopefully turn out good.


Out of nowhere she starts crying, and I had no idea what to do. She starts going on and on about how she could fail the course if I don't fix her grade, and she's have to repeat it and her parents would kill her blah blah blah. I could not believe it x_x I start panicking, and end up blurting out that I'd give her the grade she wanted, trying to cheer her up/calm her down. She pauses for a second before leaving the room, with me just sitting there wondering wtf had just happened lol ...Who knew being a TA had this much drama? Though to be fair, this was their final term paper, along with the project are worth 30% of their grade, but still...

You really shouldn't do that, because if the word spreads that you gave her a good grade just because she cried a little students will think that you're soft and might exploit you or loose respect for you. If anything, you should give her a second chance instead and ask her few additional questions (at that moment or make an appointment with her for later to give her some time to prepare); and only then, if she answers correctly, increase her grade.

And welcome to GayGAF ;)


Did you really give her the grade she wanted? I'm gonna TA next semester and if any of my students come and give me the tear treatment I'd just tell them that they should have thought about that before the exam and study. If I'm feeling really nice, I'll give them some work or whatnot for extra credit but they better not try the crying act.
I would LOVE for a girl to try and flirt with me though, I would love to see the look in her eyes as I say "oooh girl, you did not just try and flirt your way to a better grade"

Yeah, I did.

I know, I'm a big softie. I couldn't handle her actually crying. Damsel in distress and all that. I blame the media.
No I don't, I know I'm a sucker for caving in x_x

So yeah, don't cave in like I did :p


You really shouldn't do that, because if the word spreads that you gave her a good grade just because she cried a little students will think that you're soft and might exploit you or loose respect for you. If anything, you should give her a second chance instead and ask her few additional questions (at that moment or make an appointment with her for later to give her some time to prepare); and only then, if she answers correctly, increase her grade.

And welcome to GayGAF ;)

I appreciate the advice.

By the way, she ended up with a semi-good grade anyways. All that drama for nothing.

And thanks :)


Do you tell them to cut the shit out? You don't have to out yourself, you can say your brother/uncle/cousin is gay and that this shit is not OK.

I have been in the past few years. I seem to care less of what people think of me as I become older. And it's always nice to watch them squirm as I turned cold towards them after they said that.
Yeah, I think some people need to learn that they can't charm themselves out of a bad spot or it takes some kind of colossal screw up to learn that lesson. I was always pretty good at that sort of thing, partly because I come across as genuine because I believe what I'm saying and don't resort to guile, but at the same time it was always really convenient for me that I could have a candid conversation with someone and have it end with them doing me a favour because I seemed innocent, or seemed reflective and cognizant, or to have potential, or whatever. You end up developing this attitude that nothing has any real consequence because they will just make an exception for you, because you're apparently that one that they would want to make the exception for. And I never went into it with any intention of 'gaming' the system to my advantage, which paradoxically seemed to always work in my favor because I was like refreshingly honest or something, but that's obviously not a good reason either, it's arguably nothing more than a subtler form of emotional manipulation that I didn't fully realize I was doing. I was always willing to accept the consequences which for some reason meant that they rarely ever came, and my fuck ups just got bigger and bigger until eventually something had to stick. I think it's generally a lesson in humility that is better learned earlier, nothing about school is such a big deal that a few bad grades or academic discipline is going to fully screw you over.


Do you tell them to cut the shit out? You don't have to out yourself, you can say your brother/uncle/cousin is gay and that this shit is not OK.

That's seriously why I think it's important to be out. People who would say these things either reconsider or just avoid you.
There are some who've changed when they found out I was into men.

Pretending a closed friend or loved relative is gay could make them see what they say is offensive.

I'm delighted with how everyone has taken it so far, it shows they care. It gives me a warm feeling inside. :)


Hunky Nostradamus
I finally watched Pixar's Brave last night. I thought it was a very charming and nice film. Good but not great. No where near as awful as people online would've had me believe.

Also, I'm surprised that more people weren't upset over the
nudity. Given the fact that nudity is so taboo in the US, I'm surprised that there weren't, like, parent's groups boycotting or something ridiculous like that.

I just finished The Last of Us. I'm feeling so many things right now.
Amazing game.

Yeah, I thought it was great.


There are some who've changed when they found out I was into men.

Pretending a closed friend or loved relative is gay could make them see what they say is offensive.

I'm delighted with how everyone has taken it so far, it shows they care. It gives me a warm feeling inside. :)

Sadly yes, some people do change their behavior once they learn you are gay. In the end though you have to ask yourself whether you'd rather be liked for the idea that people have of you or for yourself.

I'm delighted that people are taking it so well for you, that's awesome. The more you come out, the easier it becomes. Hiding that part of yourself is not healthy, whatever people might say. It eats at you and you never realize how much of a burden it is until you are fully out.


Sadly yes, some people do change their behavior once they learn you are gay. In the end though you have to ask yourself whether you'd rather be liked for the idea that people have of you or for yourself.

I'm delighted that people are taking it so well for you, that's awesome. The more you come out, the easier it becomes. Hiding that part of yourself is not healthy, whatever people might say. It eats at you and you never realize how much of a burden it is until you are fully out.
I've enjoyed being more open, it feels great when you have good people in your life. However, I don't feel I should come out to everyone in the world. That's my business, bigots will also start giving me a hard time.

When I meant changed earlier, I meant for the better. They're good with it. They were immature at the time, that's all.

Edit: James Wolk is gorgeous...


Heading for TomorrowLand in a few hours, I'm so excited :D

Fucking jealous. Totally on my list of festivals to go to.

Other i need to go to:
Electric Forest
Something at Ibiza in general

Fuck, I love festivalsssssss. Lollapalooza is next weekend! KitchenMotors and I are gonna live it up again :D


Am I the only one who never comes out to friends? I find it more fun when they find out by themselves and ask me for confirmation, I don't like telling them just for the sake of it.
I don't know if it's okay to post in here but I'm kind of worried. I got really drunk a few nights ago and I have no idea what came over me but I went in for the kiss with a girl I've only ever considered a friend and she jumped right back. I feel really uncomfortable now and have no idea if she remembers/ what to do :s

EDIT: Also figured you folks might like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKNcuTWzTVw


irresponsible vagina leak


Gaf, halp! I had to come home for my grandma's birthday and I'm from the deep south and the conversation has already included blaming Trayvon Martin, we should get rid of welfare, Obamacare is costing jobs, ancient aliens built the pyramids, NSA isn't a problem because "I ain't got nuffin' to hide," and still talking about "how he forged a Hawaiian birth certificate." At least the food is good?

And now someone's made a Jesus-on-the-cross ornament using clothespins
I don't know if it's just me, but I hate, hate Andrew Christian underwear designs. I wouldn't be caught dead owning or wearing one.

And I'm a huge underwear aficionado; I own over
pairs (and that's just the unique ones that I've actually counted, categorized, rated, and entered in a spreadsheet. Not counting duplicates)

Then again I hate most of the new trends of multi-colors, ultra skimpy, unnaturally protruding bulges, and obnoxious branding with huge lettering on the waistband that I see splattered all over every email update I receive from online underrated stores.

I'm not against vivid colors, but I rarely ever like a pair that uses more than 3 colors in its design (including black or white).

Edit: after clicking on the video I gotta say that's one of the least offensive AC briefs I've seen. I must have been thinking of a different video before my rant.


irresponsible vagina leak
I don't know if it's just me, but I hate, hate Andrew Christian underwear designs. I wouldn't be caught dead owning or wearing one.

And I'm a huge underwear aficionado; I own over
pairs (and that's just the unique ones that I've actually counted, categorized, rated, and entered in a spreadsheet. Not counting duplicates)
Was I supposed to be watching the videos for the underwear?


Death Prophet
Gaf, halp! I had to come home for my grandma's birthday and I'm from the deep south and the conversation has already included blaming Trayvon Martin, we should get rid of welfare, Obamacare is costing jobs, ancient aliens built the pyramids, NSA isn't a problem because "I ain't got nuffin' to hide," and still talking about "how he forged a Hawaiian birth certificate." At least the food is good?

And now someone's made a Jesus-on-the-cross ornament using clothespins

I feel your pain. I'm from Tennessee. :(
Was I supposed to be watching the videos for the underwear?

Haha, no. I'm just sayin'

It's not the first time that video has been posted in the thread.



I know, it's crazy. And 95% of them were bought last year. I literally became insane and was spending hours every single night combing through online stores ordering underwear, and setting up saved searches on eBay to get immediate email notifications when out of production/rare/vintage ones that I'm looking for are listed so I can snatch them.

I would wake up every morning, remember the amount of money I spent the night before, and feel sick to my stomach. Only to go do it all over again that same day. That went on for months and I must have spent over $15k in that span.

I only stopped when I quit my job. Been unemployed since, and currently broke and in debt, lol.

I learned from that to not take a job I hate, no matter how good the pay and the perks are.


So none of y'all live in Houston? Tonight Is the Houston Gaymers meetup

Omg my bf loves that show wtf lol

Or wait is that the same as H20 just add water? Because they went to Mako Island too...

It's a new spinoff series on netflix. Hahaha. I was tempted to watch it last night since they just added it, but I don't think I can handle the pre-teen girl style writing.


I know, it's crazy. And 95% of them were bought last year. I literally became insane and was spending hours every single night combing through online stores ordering underwear, and setting up saved searches on eBay to get immediate email notifications when out of production/rare/vintage ones that I'm looking for are listed so I can snatch them.

I would wake up every morning, remember the amount of money I spent the night before, and feel sick to my stomach. Only to go do it all over again that same day. That went on for months and I must have spent over $15k in that span.

I only stopped when I quit my job. Been unemployed since, and currently broke and in debt, lol.

I learned from that to not take a job I hate, no matter how good the pay and the perks are.

Not sure if that's OCD or just an extreme fetish I'm reading here, lol. You do wear them at some point tho, right?
You do wear them at some point tho, right?

Largely no. The ironic thing is that I've always preferred to go commando/free balling when it comes to comfort. But I love carefully choosing and wearing a pair for special occasions.

Most of my underwear collection is still new with tags, and a big chunk are either too large, too small, or I just hate the fit. I've given away a bunch to friends, but I still have boxes full of ones I don't want.
I could if I lived in USA or Europe, but then again I'd probably be selling them on eBay instead :p

Unfortunately the cost of sending anything overseas from here makes even selling it unfeasible.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I don't know if it's just me, but I hate, hate Andrew Christian underwear designs. I wouldn't be caught dead owning or wearing one.

And I'm a huge underwear aficionado; I own over
pairs (and that's just the unique ones that I've actually counted, categorized, rated, and entered in a spreadsheet. Not counting duplicates)

Then again I hate most of the new trends of multi-colors, ultra skimpy, unnaturally protruding bulges, and obnoxious branding with huge lettering on the waistband that I see splattered all over every email update I receive from online underrated stores.

I'm not against vivid colors, but I rarely ever like a pair that uses more than 3 colors in its design (including black or white).

Edit: after clicking on the video I gotta say that's one of the least offensive AC briefs I've seen. I must have been thinking of a different video before my rant.

I love Andrew christian designs. He makes such cute running shorts.


So none of y'all live in Houston? Tonight Is the Houston Gaymers meetup

Is that a neogaf thing? Not that I'm from nearby, just curious.

I don't know if it's okay to post in here but I'm kind of worried. I got really drunk a few nights ago and I have no idea what came over me but I went in for the kiss with a girl I've only ever considered a friend and she jumped right back. I feel really uncomfortable now and have no idea if she remembers/ what to do :s

EDIT: Also figured you folks might like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKNcuTWzTVw

The song's actually not bad.
@Your dilemma, just act like it never happened :D

I own over

Whoa! That's nuts!
but I kinda wanna see it now lol

Also, this reminds me of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-DZ_QIrL8o :p

You can send me the used ones you don't want.

EDIT: lol I just noticed this part XP


Will drop pants for Sony.
What size(s) do you wear? Maybe I have something for you ;)

Used underwear is best. I found one or two left behind in a changing cubicle at the gym... hmmm

Reminds me of the time I used to live in an all male dorm in Japan and one of the guys in the dorm wore bikini underwear. We had open changing room and open showers so one day I found his undies in the changing room. Damn I was going to steal it but didn't. Asian guy's used undies....hmm I have a new fetish
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