That sounds incredible.So, I just saw Jane Krakowski do a freestyle rap in concert and my brain is still processing this fact. It was the best thing I never knew I wanted to see.
is it bad that almost every gay person I've met at my uni is annoying as fuck? I've never been successful at having friends that are also gay
mebbe it's just me/I shouldn't judge so easily
mebbe it's just me/I shouldn't judge so easily
The problem is that you don't share the same interests/points of view. But you don't have to get gay friends.
I have never found an interesting friendly gay guy (the outed ones) they are all very annoying and superficial (does that word exist? Or is it surfeceable? lol)
Annoying like rude or just they just act irritating?
I get a mixed bag. Most of the gays I've met in Uni have been personable but not exceptional, and I have yet to meet one I share interests with.
The problem is that you don't share the same interests/points of view. But you don't have to get gay friends.
I have never found an interesting friendly gay guy (the outed ones) they are all very annoying and superficial (does that word exist? Or is it surfeceable? lol)
I can relate. This is part of why basically all my friends are straight males. I really feel they're just way more relatable and approachable. I had one gay friend in the past, but we were never super close and he moved out of the city anyway.
Where do you go to school?is it bad that almost every gay person I've met at my uni is annoying as fuck? I've never been successful at having friends that are also gay
mebbe it's just me/I shouldn't judge so easily
I only have 2 close friends. 1 gay guy and 1 straight female.
So far it's enough for me.
Well. I'm glad I have a close group of friendsAnd will enjoy it while it lasts, before they start getting married and stuff.
I had a crew of about 5 close friends, but they all scattered to the winds a few years ago, some overseas, some interstate. Now I have 1 gay male friend, 1 gay female friend, 1 ex girlfriend I am still friends with, and a lot of casual acquaintances. It suffices, but I miss have a close crew like that. Doesn't help that my gay male friend is sometimes pretty dismissive of lesbians. :/
I had a friend in high school, in 1995, who left to America with no intention of coming back while I was out of the country on holiday, and I lost contact with him since then. My family told me that he tried to get in touch with me many times before he left, but I wasn't there, and I didn't really care to try to get in touch with him when I came back.
That was before the days we had the internet or mobile phones. And I don't even know how to spell his name in English (the thing is that everyone with an Arabic name writes theirs in English in a different way than everyone else who has the same Arabic name), and it's not like Facebook is a great way to find people by name only, especially with very common names... And for all I know he could have changed his name. There was no reason for us to communicate in English back then; we saw each other in school every day, and if I wanted to reach him otherwise the only way was to pick up the landline and call his family home and ask to speak with him.
I don't remember any of his siblings names or his parents. Or even mutual friends we had. We were both pretty introverted and mostly stuck together.
The only piece of info I had that could have helped me track him was the landline phone number of his parents home, and I lost it. So I'm left with only his first and last name, in Arabic, which are very common names and could be spelled in numerous ways in English, and who's to say that he'd even be on Facebook, or even still using the same name.
I've tried searching for him on Facebook and Google using every combination of first and last names using every spelling variation I could conceive, without any luck. And I've done it several times through the years.
I thought maybe I can spam everyone who shares the same last name and ask them if they are related to him and if they can help me find him, but I feel uneasy about that route and I tried it a couple of times with no luck.
I really miss the dude and i feel a tremendous amount of regret for being so careless about getting in touch with him back then when I had a chance.
The reason I'm writing this now is because I just woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming that I finally met him and I woke up in tears. And hoping maybe Detective-GAF can throw me a bone.
tl;dr I really miss a friend from high school in pre-internet days, and I only have his first and last name in Arabic, which have proved useless in trying to find him online. And it's killing me.
Any similar experiences from Old-GAF?
My two closest friends are straight guys from college, but they both live/work in another country so I rarely see them. Also my nephew (who's 28), we grew up together and were best friends for the longest time but have grown distant in recent years; I even see him perhaps once a month even though we live in the same city.
My best friend was telling me the other day how it's difficult or impossible to make real, close and long lasting friendships after a certain age. And I tend to agree. I lament the fact that I don't have real friends from my childhood anymore, except my nephew I guess.
On the topic of friends, I'll cross post this from a failed thread I made last week:
Hope this was helpful!
2) I have no idea about who is gay or not. If I am gonna ask someone out, I want to at least be sure that they are gay, too. Otherwise, it would just be extremely awkward.
1) I am not out. Asking another guy for a date would force me to come out. This especially becomes a problem if the person I out myself to is someone I know well, because I'm worried that it might ruin (or at least alter) whatever former relationship we've had. This really frightens me. I typically do not care about how others think of me, but when it comes to this kind of thing I just get scared.
3) Finally, the is the general fear of rejection. Self-explanatory, mostly.
My date last night beat me the fuck up, in the best way. I have bite marks and scratches all over my chest, neck and back, heh.
My date last night beat me the fuck up, in the best way. I have bite marks and scratches all over my chest, neck and back, heh.
I'm putting this first because it comes before everything else in asking people for a date - the easiest way to figure out if people are gay is by asking them straight-up if they are gay. If you're not a fan of that, apparently finding some way in to segueing a conversation to talk about gay rights and how the guy you're interested in feels about it is decent. If you still don't get an answer, revert back to the beginning of this paragraph and ask specifically if they're gay. Obviously don't do so if they suddenly show that they aren't for gay rights.
Why aren't you out? I said that #2 comes first when it comes to dating (because you don't know if other people are gay and some closeted people still manage to have boyfriends/girlfriends), but this is key to being way more successful than otherwise. You don't have to say "will you go out with me" and then "I'm gay" if you're worried about making things awkward that way. Instead, say "I'm gay" (if he is), then say "will you go out with me/wanna hang out some time/whatever". Get information on him first before you force yourself to be out.
I assume you have a specific person you've been crushing on in mind when you made this post. Before you do anything, figure out if he's gay. You're worried about ruining your friendship, and this seems to be eating at you and you want to be able to do something about it. The easiest thing to do is to figure out if your friend is gay. From there, realize a straight crush never does anything for you (if he's straight) or ask him out (if he's gay).
Making a leap with a friend to making him your boyfriend when you don't have prior knowledge of his sexuality is incredibly hard, which is why it should be a step by step process. Either way, it's a risk that you decide you have to take.
One foot in front of the other - I figure almost everyone has the fear of rejection, but you just have to power through it. I doubt anybody else can really help you with it, just try to overcome the fear. Look to the possible benefits and see if it outweighs the risk of you being rejected.
Does that mean that you don't go for a particular type any more? I remember you being very picky.I wouldn't have guessed he'd be into that simply going on appearances, and it kind of surprised me how well we hit it off since I didn't picture myself being his type. His very weird, almost vicious sense of humor won me over pretty quickly -- so this is clearly why we don't books by their covers.
My date last night beat me the fuck up, in the best way. I have bite marks and scratches all over my chest, neck and back, heh.
Does that mean that you don't go for a particular type any more? I remember you being very picky.![]()
i cant concentrate on my hw!!!
not when ur taking nude pics xD
me: whaaaaaaaaaat
Lol you first
guy: dafaq
u should start ur hw
me: you're my homework
guy: im distracting you?
me: yeah
guy: im going to sleep now. See you tomorrow
I mean, the one last night was a smoker, showed up with platinum bleach-blonde hair, wearing a fur coat and rock star sunglasses at night, and we ended up having great, hilarious conversation and more in common than I ever would've anticipated.
Yeah, first time with anyone who plays this rough. I agree that it's unexpectedly fun, but definitely not the kind of thing I'd want to be doing regularly. My nips are going to be sore for a couple of days!
I wouldn't have guessed he'd be into that simply going on appearances, and it kind of surprised me how well we hit it off since I didn't picture myself being his type. His very weird, almost vicious sense of humor won me over pretty quickly -- so this is clearly why we don't books by their covers.