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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Sad story. Suicide is a true mental ilness. Isn't he the second gay porn actor to commit suicide in as many months?

Yes there was.

Sometimes I seriously think about giving up porn, the industry is just not healthy.

And the skin bleaching thing? If this is any bit popular in the gay community I might give up that one, that is beyond ridiculous.


Embrace them? Hell no! Stereotypes shouldn't exist because they make people think bad things about a person just because of what he belongs to or what clothes he wears. We have to think ourselves as equal, and definitely stereotypes changes that way of thinking, that is why we have problems with other people to hang out with.

No, you have problem hanging out with other people because you let yourself be defined by these stereotypes. Coming to people with "this is what I am, deal with it" is very different than "look, I'm not like them".

My point is that you shouldn't conform to stereotypes if you don't want to, but if you do fit a stereotype, then there is nothing wrong with it. I just hate when gays hate on other gays to make themselves be tolerated.


No, you have problem hanging out with other people because you let yourself be defined by these stereotypes. Coming to people with "this is what I am, deal with it" is very different than "look, I'm not like them".

My point is that you shouldn't conform to stereotypes if you don't want to, but if you do fit a stereotype, then there is nothing wrong with it. I just hate when gays hate on other gays to make themselves be tolerated.

I'm not saying that I hate other gays, I'm saying that stereotypes shouldn't exist, that people must think about ourselves like normal people, beacuase we are all fucking humans, nothing different.
I'm not saying that I hate other gays, I'm saying that stereotypes shouldn't exist, that people must think about ourselves like normal people, beacuase we are all fucking humans, nothing different.

When Alcoori said "stereotype" in his original post, he meant a person with traits that may fall into a certain stereotype (e.g. a gay guy who happens to be feminine), rather than the idea the stereotype represents(i.e. most/all gay guys are feminine).


believe it.

i watched it D:

Haha..yeah. The explanation as to why they changed most of the cast at the beginning of the movie, was great. XD

Jarod "the jock" in both movies were nice to look at (Jonathan Chase in the first one, Jimmy Clabots in the sequel). So was Brent Corrigan as the merman. :p


Totally gonna pretend this is relevant: I doodled our own sai-kun as a Skullgirl in the HaloGAF thread for shits and giggles.[/img]

"A mysterious enemy adorned in Kanye Shades and fairy wings, this fighter goes by the alias 'Kneel Diamond.' Using shattered compact discs as brass knuckles and kunai, his intentions are unknown."

I may not know a lot about Skullgirls, but isn't this kind of missing two important features? :p

Awesome drawing though.

Speaking of Bioware, I just played ME3: Citadel DLC. And wow, my Shepard was already hot. So (SPOILER for ME3 Citadel)
having his clone on the same screen is twice the hotness. It seems he's straight though. Although if that's true, then that'd be a sticking point to anyone who sees him with Brooks since all other characters knew that Kaidan is my BF.

Well, BioWare did officially state that Shepard was straight during the first two games. I'm guessing from the spoilers they didn't maintain that but it doesn't really surprise me to see that inconsistency.

But BioWare having silly, inconsistent writing isn't really anything new.


i couldn't resist

I love you.

Yes there was.

Sometimes I seriously think about giving up porn, the industry is just not healthy.

I remember reading some guy's blog post after the first one committed suicide about how things aren't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Ironically, having not known much about the industry myself, he made it sound worse than I ever thought it was. I don't know how anyone is capable of staying in it. Props to you for that, but given how terrible the people in the industry itself are I doubt I could ever do it.

And that's not even touching the general societal perception of the profession which was my initial sticking point. (Not that I could ever been in porn in the first place)


Just weighing in about Wilfried Knight.. was reading the official statement on his website and interesting they make a point of saying "it has nothing to do with the industry". Surely it must have played some role. I can't imagine how years of working in that type of environment would benefit mental health, especially if you're suffering from depression or low self-esteem, which, from what I've read tends to be the case with several actors.

As for skin bleaching, it seems a bit excessive.. funny how a lot of guys I've met in passing seem to whine about not being tanned enough and how pale they always look. I have olive coloured skin and would sometimes prefer to be a bit lighter but it's not the end of the world.


I think the article you mentioned was written by Kolby Keller. Good luck on googling those names without getting the other kind of content, though.

Hm, I checked his blog and I'm not sure it was him. I vaguely remember the blog or website being the name of the actor (his is something like big shoes).

I can't seem to find the post, to be honest. I found it off the reddit /r/gaybros discussion over Arpad Miklos' suicide but it was just a link in the comments and reddit has one of the worst search functions known to mankind.
Hm, I checked his blog and I'm not sure it was him. I vaguely remember the blog or website being the name of the actor (his is something like big shoes).

I can't seem to find the post, to be honest. I found it off the reddit /r/gaybros discussion over Arpad Miklos' suicide but it was just a link in the comments and reddit has one of the worst search functions known to mankind.

Yeah I think you're probably right, on second thought I don't remember there being much said about the industry in the one I mentioned.


I remember reading some guy's blog post after the first one committed suicide about how things aren't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Ironically, having not known much about the industry myself, he made it sound worse than I ever thought it was. I don't know how anyone is capable of staying in it. Props to you for that, but given how terrible the people in the industry itself are I doubt I could ever do it.

And that's not even touching the general societal perception of the profession which was my initial sticking point. (Not that I could ever been in porn in the first place)

I don't know if its my english skills failing but are you implying I'm in the industry? Because lol I could never do it, I tried to say I might give up porn as a consumer.

It was just weird to see porn featuring the other guy who died, then I realized he was hardly the only dead actor with videos out there, it just turned me off completely. Specially because its not like they retired nicely and then died of old age, they killed themselves.
I can't seem to find the post, to be honest. I found it off the reddit /r/gaybros discussion over Arpad Miklos' suicide but it was just a link in the comments and reddit has one of the worst search functions known to mankind.

Don't bother, if you think it'll be too much trouble.


I'm trying to drop the pounds but being a few shades lighter might help me improve my looks.

The gay world of dating is very judgmental especially about appearances.

I do have dry skin and body wash doesn't help much. Thanks though.

I had a friend like you once. He thought he wasn't good enough, thought he wasn't fit enough, and didn't think he looked good enough for anyone to love him. He was actually a good looking guy. Sadly he contemplated suicide over this. Thankfully he didn't pursue it, but he talked about it a lot. It was painful to hear that he would put so much thought in what someone else thought that he would think of ending his life. Skin complexion, waist size, looks are all things that can be changed but that doesn't mean you'll find someone who loves for the person you are. Love yourself first.


I don't know if its my english skills failing but are you implying I'm in the industry? Because lol I could never do it, I tried to say I might give up porn as a consumer.

It was just weird to see porn featuring the other guy who died, then I realized he was hardly the only dead actor with videos out there, it just turned me off completely. Specially because its not like they retired nicely and then died of old age, they killed themselves.

Oh, fail on my part. :p


Yeah, knowing the stories of what happens to some actors is a little weird when you view their earlier work.

I had a friend like you once. He thought he wasn't good enough, thought he wasn't fit enough, and didn't think he looked good enough for anyone to love him. He was actually a good looking guy. Sadly he contemplated suicide over this. Thankfully he didn't pursue it, but he talked about it a lot. It was painful to hear that he would put so much thought in what someone else thought that he would think of ending his life. Skin complexion, waist size, looks are all things that can be changed but that doesn't mean you'll find someone who loves for the person you are. Love yourself first.

I try not to jump on this motivational bandwagon stuff but I'm just going to shove in my own experiences.

I think, if you're trying to change yourself to attract someone else then you're doomed to failure. I believe that the personal determination and dedication only comes when you want to better yourself for yourself. Years ago, I was a shy, scrawny, self-conscious little twit that didn't think I had much to offer. And it can be depressing to look around at all these happier, more successful people. But for those that were truly happy and not putting on a mask, I began to notice were so because they were happy with themselves. We all have our personal hang ups but its one thing to think "here's a personal weakness for me to work on" and another to think "if I just fix X everything will be perfect."

My first change came around one day when I was standing in the shower and bemoaning my shyness and it just occurred to me that I had no reason to be so withdrawn from people other than that's how I viewed myself. It became a sort of self-fulfilling excuse. I just made the conscious decision that I wasn't going to be like that anymore and strove to assert my own views, opinions and thoughts with others. I also studied drama, joined more social groups, got active in some student politics and whatnot and years later it is hard for me to look back and think I was this quiet little milquetoast kid. Not that I ever stopped being introverted, mind you, but social interactions became a lot less worrisome.

Long story short - fuck the people that would only like you if you looked a certain way. They're usually shallow pricks with too much personal baggage to realize that people are more than a chiseled jaw or lightened skin. There's plenty of people out there that will like you for who you are and won't demand something so inconsequential as a certain skin colour. But to find those people you need to show you're more than someone who is worried about shallow features.


warning: rant.

Eugh. I've somehow, in my group of LGBT friends, become affiliated with some "Social Justice Warrior" types.

One hundred percent straight, white, and cisgendered, all from affluent backgrounds, and none of them will shut the fuck up about how hard it is for them to "deny traditional gender roles."

Every discussion with one of them becomes a futile sort of "Oppression Olympics," in which I'll have to hear pointless tirades about how (insert the newest label they've used to define themselves) are so goddamn neglected in the world.

I never really cared for labels. If someone asks about my sexuality, I tell them "I date dudes," and that's the end of the conversation. Easy. No indignant rage, no rants, no lists of terms that 99% of the population don't know the meaning of. Why don't I like labeling myself? Labels dehumanize. They encourage stereotyping by clumping an entire social group into one word. Most importantly, labels mean different things to different people. To some fundamentalists, bisexuality may not be considered a 'real' orientation -- they would consider any person with an attraction to the same sex to be a homosexual. To an average person, 'gay' could come with the implication that you have no attraction to the same sex whatsoever. To homosexuals? I've read five-page long definitions of what they think the words mean, complete with corresponding kinsey scale numbers.

When labels are so pointless at an individual level, why do so many social justice warrior types attempt to apply them to themselves? Furthermore, why do they think it's okay to add their fetishes and preferences (furry, polygamy, etc) to the struggle for gay rights? Are they attempting to belittle the LGBT rights movement by tacking their ridiculous problems such as otherkin acceptance onto serious issues like trans acceptance and the legalization of gay marriage?

I guess the most infuriating thing about this phenomena is the attempt to emulate oppression.

If you're a woman who only dates men but considers herself to be a lesbian, the average (tolerant) person would not be offended. If they react at all, it would be to ask you how that's possible.

If that question offends you, congratulations, you're basking in your own manufactured persecution.

And if you're only applying that label to yourself so you can be indignant when it's brought up, you're actively harming the LGBT movement with your pointless bullshit. Considering yourself to be progressive isn't an alternate sexuality, it doesn't make you genderqueer, and it doesn't make you a fucking marginalized class.

Fuck off.


im an asexual homoromantic transethnic (japanese if u must know) transabled otherkin catboy trapped in a bisexual mexican boy's body

pls halp

Someone on another forum mentioned being otherkin completely seriously and i had to stop myself from posting a shitty sarcastic gif. i just don't get it.


Here's one real-world encounter I've had with these SJWs. Situation was changed around a bit, because I'm certain they crawl the internet looking for shit like this.

I meet up with a few buddies to play video games, and one person, who I had only met once or twice prior to that day, decided to bring his girlfriend. An hour or so later, the girlfriend mentioned she was a lesbian. No problem with that, of course -- I'd just assumed the outburst was because someone had implied they were a couple. A reasonable assumption, as they had been kind of uncomfortably clingy.

Noticing an awkward silence -- she was in a room full of LGBT and allies who didn't really give a shit -- I chimed in with "hah, sorry, I thought you two were a couple."

Suddenly, I'm hit with a self-important lecture on how there's more than three degrees of sexuality, how it's okay to identify as lesbian and date men, how I was being offensive, and how, if I had a problem with her 'nonstandard sexuality', I needed to just "deal with it."

...Naturally, as a gay male who was fairly active in the LGBT rights movement, I was perfectly aware of all of this. I was just trying to break an awkward silence to save her a bit of embarrassment, as I had (reasonably) assumed that she was distancing herself from her partner. I apologized, explaining my position, but with no luck --the two didn't talk to me for a few weeks afterwards.

I don't think either of them realized I was gay. But oh man, I feel so bad for those two, a guy dating a girl in THIS day and age? You must frighten so many old ladies. I bet you get yelled at and threatened for holding hands in public!


I can sympathize with you, Lucario. The school I work at has a lot of that from people that feel the need to fight oppression and I've been stuck in similar situations all too often. I can appreciate their sentiment, but not the uppity attitude.


Guys what is considered the best gay movie? Talking from pure unbiased film-value appreciation and not only becasue it's gay?


It's made by the French so you know it's artistically credible.



I did exactly this and I feel it deserves a follow up.


Suddenly, I'm hit with a self-important lecture on how there's more than three degrees of sexuality, how it's okay to identify as lesbian and date men, how I was being offensive, and how, if I had a problem with her 'nonstandard sexuality', I needed to just "deal with it."

This confuses me. If she is a lesbian why is she dating a man? Wouldn't this just make her bisexual?

I'll apologize in advance for any offense I'm making.


still not changed it since the "real pic january" thing... so yeah its me. gonna change it soon when i can be bothered

hey; didn't know you were on gaf. we used to work at the same company a few years back (I'm Bertil the gameplay programmer) If I'd known you were gay back then I would totaly had made a move (actually no; I was still semi-closeted back then and I still really have no idea how to actually make a move on someone)


hey; didn't know you were on gaf. we used to work at the same company a few years back (I'm Bertil the gameplay programmer) If I'd known you were gay back then I would totaly had made a move (actually no; I was still semi-closeted back then and I still really have no idea how to actually make a move on someone)

OMG this is amazing


hey; didn't know you were on gaf. we used to work at the same company a few years back (I'm Bertil the gameplay programmer) If I'd known you were gay back then I would totaly had made a move (actually no; I was still semi-closeted back then and I still really have no idea how to actually make a move on someone)

adorable as fuck


hey; didn't know you were on gaf. we used to work at the same company a few years back (I'm Bertil the gameplay programmer) If I'd known you were gay back then I would totaly had made a move (actually no; I was still semi-closeted back then and I still really have no idea how to actually make a move on someone)



Noticing an awkward silence -- she was in a room full of LGBT and allies who didn't really give a shit -- I chimed in with "hah, sorry, I thought you two were a couple."

Suddenly, I'm hit with a self-important lecture on how there's more than three degrees of sexuality, how it's okay to identify as lesbian and date men, how I was being offensive, and how, if I had a problem with her 'nonstandard sexuality', I needed to just "deal with it."

...Naturally, as a gay male who was fairly active in the LGBT rights movement, I was perfectly aware of all of this. I was just trying to break an awkward silence to save her a bit of embarrassment, as I had (reasonably) assumed that she was distancing herself from her partner. I apologized, explaining my position, but with no luck --the two didn't talk to me for a few weeks afterwards.

Oh wow, talk about overreaction. o_O
On the other hand, it's kind of funny to imagine that she has this "talk" with every person who questions her sexual orientation.


i'm really confused and don't want to offend anyone, but how can you be an open lesbian and date a man? do you not have a physical relationship?
Limit the scope to gay male-focused films (so that I don't have to think any further than that, natch) and it's almost undoubtedly Happy Together. Wong Kar-Wai is an internationally renowned director (and a personal favorite) and HT is one of his best and most emotionally wrenching works, at least in the opinion of anyone worth listening to.

Plus, they really don't come any hotter than Tony Leung. That's gotta count for something!

Yeah. I remembered enjoying Wild Reeds as well, though not as much.


...Naturally, as a gay male who was fairly active in the LGBT rights movement, I was perfectly aware of all of this. I was just trying to break an awkward silence to save her a bit of embarrassment, as I had (reasonably) assumed that she was distancing herself from her partner. I apologized, explaining my position, but with no luck --the two didn't talk to me for a few weeks afterwards.

I've known a few people like you described so I believe it. The only part of your story that confuses me is why the bolded part was considered a bad thing. Those sorts of people (in my experience) are a special cocktail of sensitivity and craziness that isn't really worth dealing with.


It's actually Canadian. The movie was OK but I wouldn't say it's the best.

It's the best I've seen. :p

I haven't seen a lot of gay cinema so it's the best I can contribute. There's not a lot of gay movies that penetrate into the mainstream market so I generally don't hear about them.


c'mon guys; you're making me feel embarrased now. I didn't confess my undying love or anything; just recognized him from the avatar and he is indeed as cute IRL
No one said this but welcome to this thread, if you have a question we are gladly going to help you :)

Why are you closeted? Do you still feel confused or do you just would have problems with people around you?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Just poppin' in to tell Hammy Chris Hemsworth is the only one worth a damn out of the three brothers here in case he doesn't see it in the Miley thread.

Might as well shut down that fansite, no reason for anyone to go there for one person ya know?


No one said this but welcome to this thread, if you have a question we are gladly going to help you :)

Why are you closeted? Do you still feel confused or do you just would have problems with people around you?

Thanks I guess; I posted a bit in the last thread but generally stay on the gaming side. I'm not closeted anymore though; just said I wasn't completely out yet back when I was working with Arcipello; which was a few years ago now.


Thanks I guess; I posted a bit in the last thread but generally stay on the gaming side. I'm not closeted anymore though; just said I wasn't completely out yet back when I was working with Arcipello; which was a few years ago now.
Sorry, I wasn't that present in the last thread due to my not yet accepted account, so I didn't see you there :p
Actually I'd like to know by the veteran guys if with this thread there have been more people than in the last thread? As in new people coming here or some guys coming out of the closet after some time
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