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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Just popped in to say that I just got back from my honeymoon cruise and there was a LGBT party for "friends of Dorothy". The wife and I just assumed it was a party for gay friends of an actual person named Dorothy. Imagine my mind being blown when I saw this thread. I googled it and it all makes sense now but we had never heard that term despite half of our friends being gay lol. GAF being good for something yet again.


hey; didn't know you were on gaf. we used to work at the same company a few years back (I'm Bertil the gameplay programmer) If I'd known you were gay back then I would totaly had made a move (actually no; I was still semi-closeted back then and I still really have no idea how to actually make a move on someone)

oh my haha.. yeah i do remember, the GRIN days were good days indeed, loved sweden! ive got an amazing gaydar but swedish guys totally threw me off. actually had a swedish BF who id met outside of work.. first one id ever had actually. there was definitely more than just us two though... my undercover brother :p


oh my haha.. yeah i do remember, the GRIN days were good days indeed, loved sweden! ive got an amazing gaydar but swedish guys totally threw me off. actually had a swedish BF who id met outside of work.. first one id ever had actually. there was definitely more than just us two though... my undercover brother :p
This story is getting interesting.


c'mon guys; you're making me feel embarrased now. I didn't confess my undying love or anything; just recognized him from the avatar and he is indeed as cute IRL

You can't deny the appeal of that story though. A missed connection re-appears years (?) later on a gaming forum in a gay-centric thread.

It's the bona fide age old love story!


Well, if anyone remember, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I had a huge crush on one of my best friend (gay). I finally mustered the courage to tell him that I liked him more than just a friend and got a "Thanks, but I never thought about you that way" back.

It sucks but at the same time I'm glad I told him. Now I can move on and stop wondering if we're flirting or just bantering.

He was not awkward and told me that he hoped that it wouldn't change too much about our friendship and that he still wanted to talk to me.

I am slightly bitter right now but I'll get over it, ha.


Well, if anyone remember, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I had a huge crush on one of my best friend (gay). I finally mustered the courage to tell him that I liked him more than just a friend and got a "Thanks, but I never thought about you that way".

It sucks but at the same time I'm glad I told him. Now I can move on and stop wondering if we're flirting or just bantering.

He was not awkward and told me that he hoped that it wouldn't change too much about our friendship and that he still wanted to talk to me.

I am slightly bitter right now but I'll get over it, ha.

It's just a friend, don't worry, there is more people outside that are eager to date you, yo seem to be one of those guys that knows the gay scene right?

Whoa?! "Gunman Clive guy" is from this side?!! :O!

Now that game is better than we thought


Going by the Kinsey scale, maybe she is somewhere on the 4 or 5, i.e. somewhere between bisexual and lesbian.

the real question is: why should we care?

if i see two people exchanging some intimacy i'm going to assume they are together, so why should i care if she's usually attracted just by women and he's the exception?

I'd understand if someone asked her about it, but i don't really see the point to label yourself for the sake of it, when no one in the room was giving a f**k about it.

btw, welcome beril!

are you the gunman clive dev?
if so i loved your game and it's awesome to have a gay dev among us!


Well, if anyone remember, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I had a huge crush on one of my best friend (gay). I finally mustered the courage to tell him that I liked him more than just a friend and got a "Thanks, but I never thought about you that way" back.

It sucks but at the same time I'm glad I told him. Now I can move on and stop wondering if we're flirting or just bantering.

He was not awkward and told me that he hoped that it wouldn't change too much about our friendship and that he still wanted to talk to me.

I am slightly bitter right now but I'll get over it, ha.

Seems like a true friend. :D

Don't worry, hopefully you'll find somebody that will blow you away...;)


Gay movie? Really?

Haha thank you so much guys, I needed a movie to see with my bf this afternoon, hwever we postponed it. It will be Crazy it seems. I'm so happy with him, it's been 6 months already and I can't telll them apart, all wonderful. IT's curious, because people say gay love may not exist.

And happy birthday to our boys. Love you guys


it's my birthday as well!

and i just turned 30, so i guess i'm "gay-dead"

Happy Birthday you old fart!


Happy Birthdays all around!

Haha thank you so much guys, I needed a movie to see with my bf this afternoon, hwever we postponed it. It will be Crazy it seems. I'm so happy with him, it's been 6 months already and I can't telll them apart, all wonderful. IT's curious, because people say gay love may not exist.

And happy birthday to our boys. Love you guys

Oh, you wanted a happy movie. My apologies.
Happy Birthday, you two.

Well, if anyone remember, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I had a huge crush on one of my best friend (gay). I finally mustered the courage to tell him that I liked him more than just a friend and got a "Thanks, but I never thought about you that way" back.

It sucks but at the same time I'm glad I told him. Now I can move on and stop wondering if we're flirting or just bantering.

He was not awkward and told me that he hoped that it wouldn't change too much about our friendship and that he still wanted to talk to me.

I am slightly bitter right now but I'll get over it, ha.

Ah, reminds me of highschool. Only the friend was straight.... and I never told him. I got over it, though.



Ooh! High quality version.


"who cares about whats her face when there's a lesbian subplot" is basically what my brain does at that point. My excuse is that I've already read the graphic novel.

That's the problem with the movie, the prison scene is really the only part as good as it is in the comic. Everything else is decidedly worse.


Happy birthday guys :)

the real question is: why should we care?
Well, we shouldn't. And I agree with you, labeling yourself for the sake of it, and then throwing a tantrum when someone is confused about your nonstandard sexuality (lesbian, but dating a man) is pretty weird.


Hello, people!
I just wanted to make a post and say hi. It has been a while since I even read the thread, let alone post on it. I am way too busy lately :(
I hope everyone is doing OK/great and happy!

I see there are birthday boys!



What about that....

beril, your game is great. I absolutely love the style.
Hi everybody. I was wondering why there wasn't a thread like this over in community.

I'm too creepy to be a part of your wonderful little place with a gay old time. But here I am anyway.

Don't know if introductions are a thing, but I consider myself...

Well that's the thing, my sexuality has always confused me because I don't know what to consider myself. And what is a legit part of my sexuality and what is just me being shallow.

I'm a little sexually confused, but not really. Not sexually confused as in I don't know whether I'm LGBT, but what the heck I am in these silly groups of labels and even if there is a proper label for what I am. Or whether it matters anyway. After years of coming to terms with the fact people told me I wasn't bisexual and that bisexuality doesn't exist, were wrong and to accept the fact I'm bisexual. I am told that bisexual is a trans-phobic label and that I'm really a Pansexual anyway.

Then a couple years later I discover the word Pansexual makes it sound like I'm attracted to everyone equally and suddenly people think I'm into animals and children because "pan means all and all means everything!". And that the word Polysexual more accurately describes my sexuality than Pansexual anyway.

And then I realize, there isn't a word for what I find most attractive. I mean sure, I could probably have sex with a very feminine curvy woman and like it, or a very masculine hairy, muscular big guy bear and like it. But I feel more drawn to people who look neither obviously male or female or identify strongly with either gender. That is, I am most strongly attracted to an androgynous body and gender identity.

I also wonder if I'm every going to meet anyone in real life with a similar sexuality as mine. Or for that matter somebody who identifies as an androgyne or something like that.

Oh and yeah, I cannot tell anyone what my sexuality is without sounding like a hipster.

"What, are you gay?"

No, I'm bisexual.

"Super Hipster!"

"Supreeeeme hipster."

Well okay, I just really like androgynous people.
"Androgynous people aren't attractive, seek psychological help. Also you're shallow and nobody wants to hear about your inane preferences."

Sorry for the long post and introduction. Hi! Oh, and Happy Birthday to everyone having one!
Here's one real-world encounter I've had with these SJWs. Situation was changed around a bit, because I'm certain they crawl the internet looking for shit like this.

I meet up with a few buddies to play video games, and one person, who I had only met once or twice prior to that day, decided to bring his girlfriend. An hour or so later, the girlfriend mentioned she was a lesbian. No problem with that, of course -- I'd just assumed the outburst was because someone had implied they were a couple. A reasonable assumption, as they had been kind of uncomfortably clingy.

Noticing an awkward silence -- she was in a room full of LGBT and allies who didn't really give a shit -- I chimed in with "hah, sorry, I thought you two were a couple."

Suddenly, I'm hit with a self-important lecture on how there's more than three degrees of sexuality, how it's okay to identify as lesbian and date men, how I was being offensive, and how, if I had a problem with her 'nonstandard sexuality', I needed to just "deal with it."

...Naturally, as a gay male who was fairly active in the LGBT rights movement, I was perfectly aware of all of this. I was just trying to break an awkward silence to save her a bit of embarrassment, as I had (reasonably) assumed that she was distancing herself from her partner. I apologized, explaining my position, but with no luck --the two didn't talk to me for a few weeks afterwards.

I don't think either of them realized I was gay. But oh man, I feel so bad for those two, a guy dating a girl in THIS day and age? You must frighten so many old ladies. I bet you get yelled at and threatened for holding hands in public!

Did they just discover sexuality 101 or something? Also wtf at going off at random people about labels in that kind of situation. Insufferable people you are dealing with, I'm sorry =/.


I see there are birthday boys!


What about that....

thanks sagi!

Hi everybody. I was wondering why there wasn't a thread like this over in community.

I'm too creepy to be a part of your wonderful little place with a gay old time. But here I am anyway.

Don't know if introductions are a thing, but I consider myself...

Well that's the thing, my sexuality has always confused me because I don't know what to consider myself. And what is a legit part of my sexuality and what is just me being shallow.

I'm a little sexually confused, but not really. Not sexually confused as in I don't know whether I'm LGBT, but what the heck I am in these silly groups of labels and even if there is a proper label for what I am. Or whether it matters anyway. After years of coming to terms with the fact people told me I wasn't bisexual and that bisexuality doesn't exist, were wrong and to accept the fact I'm bisexual. I am told that bisexual is a trans-phobic label and that I'm really a Pansexual anyway.

Then a couple years later I discover the word Pansexual makes it sound like I'm attracted to everyone equally and suddenly people think I'm into animals and children because "pan means all and all means everything!". And that the word Polysexual more accurately describes my sexuality than Pansexual anyway.

And then I realize, there isn't a word for what I find most attractive. I mean sure, I could probably have sex with a very feminine curvy woman and like it, or a very masculine hairy, muscular big guy bear and like it. But I feel more drawn to people who look neither obviously male or female or identify strongly with either gender. That is, I am most strongly attracted to an androgynous body and gender identity.

I also wonder if I'm every going to meet anyone in real life with a similar sexuality as mine. Or for that matter somebody who identifies as an androgyne or something like that.

Oh and yeah, I cannot tell anyone what my sexuality is without sounding like a hipster.

"What, are you gay?"

No, I'm bisexual.

"Super Hipster!"

"Supreeeeme hipster."

Well okay, I just really like androgynous people.
"Androgynous people aren't attractive, seek psychological help. Also you're shallow and nobody wants to hear about your inane preferences."

Sorry for the long post and introduction. Hi! Oh, and Happy Birthday to everyone having one!

wow dude, take a break :p
stop overthinking all this stuff, just do whatever you want to, it's not a census!
You don't need that much labelling...
You don't need that much labelling...
Yeah, I'm absolutely sick of labels by this point.
I never really cared for labels. If someone asks about my sexuality, I tell them "I date dudes," and that's the end of the conversation. Easy. No indignant rage, no rants, no lists of terms that 99% of the population don't know the meaning of.

Why don't I like labeling myself? Labels dehumanize. They encourage stereotyping by clumping an entire social group into one word. Most importantly, labels mean different things to different people. To some fundamentalists, bisexuality may not be considered a 'real' orientation -- they would consider any person with an attraction to the same sex to be a homosexual. To an average person, 'gay' could come with the implication that you have no attraction to the same sex whatsoever. To homosexuals? I've read five-page long definitions of what they think the words mean, complete with corresponding kinsey scale numbers.
I'm rather sick of labels, myself. So I relate there, in fact I never did like them to begin with. Though it certainly seemed like the thing to do. I guess they serve a purpose? I'm a bit confused. I don't really know what to think of it all anymore.
Furthermore, why do they think it's okay to add their fetishes and preferences (furry, polygamy, etc) to the struggle for gay rights? Are they attempting to belittle the LGBT rights movement by tacking their ridiculous problems such as otherkin acceptance onto serious issues like trans acceptance and the legalization of gay marriage?
I am guessing stuff like Polyamory is in there for the same sorts of reasons that things have gone from stuff like just "gay" and the "homophile movement" to stuff like LGBT.

People are trying to create an encompassing movement which challenges everything they find wrong with the gender and sexuality status quo. It turns out things like Polygamy and Polyamory do just that.
Eugh. I've somehow, in my group of LGBT friends, become affiliated with some "Social Justice Warrior" types.

One hundred percent straight, white, and cisgendered, all from affluent backgrounds, and none of them will shut the fuck up about how hard it is for them to "deny traditional gender roles."
Hey, social justice types can be good. And gender roles do kind of suck. Straight allies are very much welcome and needed. And I'd rather take an overzealous pro-LGBT straight person over a self hating homophobic gay friend anyday.

And as least social justice types are trying to affect society instead of only trying to change fictional video game worlds and drowning themselves in escapism. Also, when you see something wrong with society, it is easy to want to identify with and be a part of something that is different that you feel can counteract it. So I empathize with those feelings.

I would normally be wholly against this sort of statement, if I didn't realize a little bit where you're coming from, though. Having browsed a lot of Tumblr lately, there's a lot of "check your privilege" types that go way too far and sound really condescending.

Indeed many of those people saying "check your privilege", they're playing oppression Olympics like you said. And there's a bizarre and annoying sense of othering. Not to mention loads of condescension. A lot of these people, of course, being straight, white, heterosexual, and male.

Or maybe you don't agree at all, since what you're going off against are possibly not the same as the types I'm criticizing.


The "check your privilege" kind of people remind me of the crazy vegan who never miss an opportunity to tell the world they are vegan and you're a piece of shit for eating meat/milk/eggs (and I'm not disparaging vegans in general, just a subset).

I'm also confused about the whole pansexual/polysexual labels. Can't you just say you're bisexual but more into androgynous type of people?
You can be gay but only attracted to twinks, do we need a label for that?
In any case that doesn't really matter as long as the people you're attracted to can give consent and you're all adults.

Ah, reminds me of highschool. Only the friend was straight.... and I never told him. I got over it, though.

Well we're both 27 so way past high school. It wasn't a crush where I was pinning over him. I met that guy a year ago and we've developed a friendship which I consider one of the few real ones that I have here in NYC. He's the kind of guy that I wouldn't mind calling/texting if anything bad happened to me or if I just want to go out. We've had great discussions and I think he's a great guy.
I had to tell him so I could know where we stood. Now I know and that's fine. Won't lie and say I didn't wish he felt the same way but it's probably for the best in the end.

Oh well, on to the next! Still gotta finish my 2013 challenge which is to sleep with 12 new guys (1/month) this year. I'm up to 4 so far so I'm ahead of the game, ha.


Wow, totally inadvertently participated in Steak/BJ day without intention. lol!

I'm glad my man suggested steaks instead of random takeout last night...

3 months today! Can't believe it. Never thought I'd be in boyfriend land. It's exhilarating, after waiting so long.


Mmmmmm androgyny! So good.

Gotta say, never heard anyone call bisexuality trans-phobic. I can see where it comes from, but that doesn't make any sense. Being straight doesn't automatically make you homophobic. You're not obligated to be attracted to everyone, and labels are shit, so just like what you like, and if you want to label yourself, don't let other people decide what you are, you decide.


I'm also confused about the whole pansexual/polysexual labels. Can't you just say you're bisexual but more into androgynous type of people?
You can be gay but only attracted to twinks, do we need a label for that?
In any case that doesn't really matter as long as the people you're attracted to can give consent and you're all adults.

That's sort of my view of it. I mean, if people want to label themselves something really niche and extreme, all the power to them. But I wouldn't expect the average individual to have a working knowledge of some of the crazy specificities. I mean, I can't even keep all the labels straight and I'm living in this community.

Gay/Straight/Bi work just well enough for me.

I think what gets me is the people that get really upset about the labels though. I know I was pretty touchy about them before but as I get more comfortable with myself I find my attachment to the labels slipping. I'm not very bothered when I'm called gay even though I don't identify as it myself, personally.

Oh well, on to the next! Still gotta finish my 2013 challenge which is to sleep with 12 new guys (1/month) this year. I'm up to 4 so far so I'm ahead of the game, ha.

God damn that's more than I'll have in my life.

Wow, totally inadvertently participated in Steak/BJ day without intention. lol!

I'm glad my man suggested steaks instead of random takeout last night...

3 months today! Can't believe it. Never thought I'd be in boyfriend land. It's exhilarating, after waiting so long.

Congrats! I'm sad I learned about steak and bj day after I was broken up. Maybe someday I'll get to participate in it again.

CHEEZMO™;50105124 said:
Androgynous people are hot. This is a fact.

Bleh... different strokes.
CHEEZMO&#8482;;50105124 said:
Androgynous people are hot. This is a fact.
Mmmmmm androgyny! So good.
I feel at home already.

I think the general idea behind some people not liking the term bisexual, is that it is dualistic and implies there's only two genders or something like that. And it is true that there's more to gender than can be defined with two. And a lot of the people I find most attractive neither identify with being a man or woman, or even male or female.

However, I feel like it is hard enough to get people to accept the idea of bisexuality as it is with all of beliefs about bisexuals as it is. Which is why, if someone wants to know my sexuality, I usually either tell them I'm bisexual or that I like androgyny.


I think the general idea behind some people not liking the term bisexual, is that it is dualistic and implies there's only two genders or something like that. And it is true that there's more to gender than can be defined with two. And a lot of the people I find most attractive neither identify with being a man or woman, or even male or female.

What other genders are there?
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