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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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I thought this was the hot guys thread not the super mario thread excuse me

We can find Mario Bara for you if you want! <3

I don't like arguing about games. Games are fun and games are flawed. We have every right to point out mistakes and praise what games do right, but when things turn into "MY AWESOMESAUCE IS BETTER THAN YOUR SHIT!" I lose my patience because the only thing that's going on is that people are barking about their vicariously appropriated superiority through the ever-nebulous concept of "Taste" and all it does is make me think people have nothing better to do with their lives than put things and people down.



That's why I am not sure about that console
I'm sold. I expect GameCube-like support, and I can't afford to miss 3D World, Kart 8, Smash, NSMBU, TW101, X and FExSMT. I own a WonderSwan and owned a N-Gage, of course I'm going to buy a WiiU even if it's Nintendo's biggest bomba since the Virtual Boy.
Beer withdrawn.

I did use greater than or equal signs between the first 3 games, because I can't really rank them definitively (I often have difficulty putting things I really love in order, I suppose like asking a mother to rank how much she loves each of her children). I love the three games dearly, and my ranking of them in that order is sort of arbitrary, and is in chronological order. Sunshine is the black sheep.


I'm sold. I expect GameCube-like support, and I can't afford to miss 3D World, Kart 8, Smash, NSMBU, TW101, X and FExSMT. I own a WonderSwan and owned a N-Gage, of course I'm going to buy a WiiU even if it's Nintendo's biggest bomba since the Virtual Boy.

I don't know, Kart 8 and Smash could be all I need but the 3DS have good versions on those games (though the Wii versions are going to be much better for me and I'll have usable triggers on WiiU) but the third party support is not good and the sales aren't either and Nintendo could just kill the console in two years which would be a very short time to do so. I'm not very confident and I want one console for at least 4 years or more if possible.

I mean it in the way that the Sunshine's yoshi are really weak and limited compared to the ones in SMW.

Ok, they are not shitty.


Noki Bay is probably my favorite Mario location ever.


I don't know, Kart 8 and Smash could be all I need but the 3DS have good versions on those games (though the Wii versions are going to be much better for me and I'll have usable triggers on WiiU) but the third party support is not good and the sales aren't either and Nintendo could just kill the console in two years which would be a very short time to do so. I'm not very confident and I want one console for at least 4 years or more if possible.
Kart 8 might not end up being better than 7. Wii was absolutely NOT better than godly MKDS. And kill it in 2 years? I doubt it. It might have a shorter life than other systems, but companies can't simply kill and create systems so easily regardless of sales. Just ask Sega. Vita and WiiU won't be killed in the following couple of years because they need to at least become profitable at some point first.
Well, the guy I met today was half Mexican half North American... and boy, I'm still reeling from remembering how dreamy he is. Can't wait to see him again. Sucks that he'll be leaving the country in a month :(
The guy I'm dating finally comes back on Monday night!!! :D

He's leaving again on Thursday, though that would probably be a couple of days. I'll probably have to get used to him coming and going if we ever get serious 'cause his family doesn't live here :(

Oh well... one step at the time...


DS > 7 > Double Dash > Wii > Super Circuit > SMK > 64.

Make no mistake, I love MK64 and it was actually my first one (and it might have the best music), it's just that I like the rest better. Especially the first 3. Double Dash <3 I really loved double karts, character specific items and it has some of my absolute favorite tracks like Wario Colosseum.


ASDF at Masamuna's post elsewhere. But honestly dude: Check your camera's focus before you start filming/snapping things, just for the sake of clarity.

Or was someone behind the camera? *dun-dun-dunnnn?*

It's been a while since I shot that, but if I had to guess the lighting (plus the windows behind the phone) wasnt doing me any favors. Watching it now is a bit painful haha.

Mr. F

4 players on Baby Park is probably among my fondest memories of last gen. So fun.

DS > 7 > Double Dash > Wii > Super Circuit > SMK > 64.

Make no mistake, I love MK64 and it was actually my first one (and it might have the best music), it's just that I like the rest better. Especially the first 3. Double Dash <3 I really loved double karts, character specific items and it has some of my absolute favorite tracks like Wario Colosseum.

The twisty track design from the trailer for MK8 reminded me of Wario Colosseum. Hopefully it bodes well for the rest of the tracks being as ambitious.


We can find Mario Bara for you if you want! <3

I don't like arguing about games. Games are fun and games are flawed. We have every right to point out mistakes and praise what games do right, but when things turn into "MY AWESOMESAUCE IS BETTER THAN YOUR SHIT!" I lose my patience because the only thing that's going on is that people are barking about their vicariously appropriated superiority through the ever-nebulous concept of "Taste" and all it does is make me think people have nothing better to do with their lives than put things and people down.

You caught my attention

Sports are bad!!!!


I like UFC. And... That's it :p Also boxing occasionally, but I can't say I'm a fan.

UFC guys <3
The guy I met today told me that he came out when he was 12... I thought that was unusual. How common is it for boys to identify and come out as gay that young? My nephew turned 11 today, and I find it hard to picture him (or someone his age) to "come out" a year later.
The guy I met today told me that he came out when he was 12... I thought that was unusual. How common is it for boys to identify and come out as gay that young? My nephew turned 11 today, and I find it hard to picture him (or someone his age) to "come out" a year later.
Well I started thinking about guys when I was in 7th grade so I was 13 when I started thinking I was Gay and then I came out to my Mom (ugghh) when I was 15, now I'm 16 and like three of my friends know I'm Gay :D


Started getting inexplicably aroused by my classmates in the 6th grade, started questioning my sexuality in the 7th. My sister guessed that I was Gay when I was 14, my mother figured it out when I was 15 and I came out to my father when I was 17.I was fully out by last year. I don't talk about it IRL unless it comes up in conversation though.

You caught my attention

Show me your Kingdom Hearts bara and we can get started.


The guy I met today told me that he came out when he was 12... I thought that was unusual. How common is it for boys to identify and come out as gay that young? My nephew turned 11 today, and I find it hard to picture him (or someone his age) to "come out" a year later.

I dunno about coming out, but I definitely knew I was bi around 13/14
The guy I met today told me that he came out when he was 12... I thought that was unusual. How common is it for boys to identify and come out as gay that young? My nephew turned 11 today, and I find it hard to picture him (or someone his age) to "come out" a year later.
I came out to my friends at that age in school. And by "come out" I mean she and I bonded over yaoi, 'cause she drew it (and really well, too). I didn't even know what coming out meant back then.
This will probably come off as really dramatic, I think I'm kind of constantly sabotaging myself lately.

My last experiences with guys that I've really really liked went like: I like you but not like that (or something along those lines). I mentioned it before here because it came up very early into conversation with the guy I'm "dating". I just feel like I'm gonna be rejected once again.

I'm very grounded and I actually know I deserve something good because I'm a good person, I'm a sensitive, caring guy. Yet here I am feeling like no one gives a shit about that. Actually I guess most guys don't, they just want to fuck or whatever and that's not what I want.

I feel awful because even when I'm talking to someone who seems like an amazing guy I find myself doubting everything, like I know it's gonna go wrong, because it always does (and also because I was warned about "not falling" for this guy).

I'm constantly wondering what to say, if I'm saying too much and I'm going to push him away or not enough to let him know that I like him and it's kind of exhausting. I'm fucking 27 and feel like a little boy.

I guess what I wanna say is: has anyone else felt this way? how do you overcome this? just wait until the "right" guy comes up and all these feelings will go away?-


I actually don't understand the concept of discovering your sexuality, because I remember knowing I was drawn to other boys since I was 4 or 5, I always knew I was gay.


I actually don't understand the concept of discovering your sexuality, because I remember knowing I was drawn to other boys since I was 4 or 5, I always knew I was gay.

Same with me, even though at some point in my life i was really attracted to a girl and imagine her as my future wife

But the funny thing, i was never sexually attracted to her.


I actually don't understand the concept of discovering your sexuality, because I remember knowing I was drawn to other boys since I was 4 or 5, I always knew I was gay.

See, and I remember being attracted to and having crushes on girls up until puberty. Which I guess is partly why it was so hard for me to accept.


I'm pretty sure I didn't know I was attracted to boys when I was a kid. I had a neighbour that was supposed to be my crush and she even said that I was her boyfriend and all that jazz. I even had another "girlfriend" in elementary school but it lasted two weeks because it was a joke.

Then I became an adolescent and started discovering a lot of things. At that time I used to watch soccer matches on weekends. By that moment I felt something about some players. I began to search some images of those players and it was when it hit me that I was not attracted to girls at all and that I was gay. And that is when I started to ignore those feelings too because I didn't want to become one of those "gay people" I knew that my parents rejected so harshly.

I accepted my sexuality not so long ago, I would say two or three years ago. I gave up to trying to be straight because I was just not feeling the girls. It might have been due to my mother's death because my father wasn't intrusive with my life, he seemed to not care at that point. I knew boys were my weakness, when I was around one I would just start breathing violently and feeling something weird.

It leads me to this day, where I have just come out to my sister because she is the only person that I can trust and would not say a word of it. I guess that she even forgot about that by now. I have't made any comments aboout it because it is a personal thing, not something you shout and show like a banner. I will remain this was until I become sustainable so I don't have problems with my education, because I know that my father won't accept it, as he has made a lot of anti gay comments.

That's it. Naked Snake, is good that your guy accepted it and came out to everyone when he was younger. He doesn't have to go through a lot of shit things and has experience dealing with it. It's not wrong to that at that age, in fact it is better because those people around him will have more time to comprehend him.
My memory of my questioning/coming out timeline is blurry. I started seriously questioning when I was around 15. It wasn't until I was 18 that I started to firmly get that I'm bi. What made it take that long was the 'everybody's curious sometimes' message I was picking up. I was 19 when I became happy with things.

I was 18 when I first came out to bad experiences, and was 19 when I started coming out again and things went well, and 21 when I came out to my family. And things went well. :)

I'm 25 now. And I sometimes find it difficult now to relate to people having trouble finding out their sexuality, but it becomes easier when I think about it in terms of confirmation bias. People can easily not notice, or explain away, things that don't fit what they think and pick up on the tiniest things that do.


I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before, but I realised I was gay around 14/15. I panicked for five minutes, then felt at ease with it.

In terms of coming out, I was outed at secondary school in Year 9 or 10. On the one hand, that was horrible, but on the other it meant I never made it much of a secret afterwards (with the exception of my family) - even some of the teachers knew. Told my mum when I was 19; she was surprised but didn't care. She then told my dad and my eldest brother found out more recently.


Hmmm I always find it odd when people discuss how they knew they were gay by the age of 5 or 6. I didn't get any of the hints until I was 12 or 13 at the earliest.

But when I did finally come to terms with my sexuality, I basically labeled myself as a person who could only be sexually attracted to people of my gender, but hetero-romantic. It's strange how society/culture/family can control your thought process to the point where you deny what is basically staring you in the face. I only came to accept my homosexual and homoromantic feelings very recently, like in the last year.


I didn't admit to myself that I was gay until I was about 15, even though I've been watching gay porn since I was 11. Though, I should have known earlier. I was obsessed with penises since I was about 5, and any guy friends I had I didn't want to share them with anyone.


I gave my first undergrad lecture today. I was a bit nervous, but it turned out ok :) The kids were really nice (I call them that, but I'm only a couple of years older than them lol).

After the lecture, a cute guy came and asked for my 3DS friend code, which if you lived here you'd know how rare that is ...But now I'm sad they shut down Swapnote T_T

Overall a good day, but I still got some work to do before bed.


The guy I met today told me that he came out when he was 12... I thought that was unusual. How common is it for boys to identify and come out as gay that young? My nephew turned 11 today, and I find it hard to picture him (or someone his age) to "come out" a year later.

I certainly knew what I was sexually attracted to and what I wasn't sexually attracted to by 12

But, I can't relate at all to people who say they knew when they were extremely young, because I honestly had no clue until puberty.

I remember being around like i think about 12 when I realized I was attracted to men. I was like "Oh this means I'm gay" I personally never felt I had to struggle to accept being gay, I just was and that's all there was to it, but at the same time there certainly were periods of my young life where I didn't want ANYONE to find out I was gay.
I don't remember how old I was when I realized I was gay. But one of my earliest memories related to it was reading Superman comics and finding his body really attractive. I'm not sure if I started really thinking about it before I was 15 or 16.

And on the note of coming out, this is how I did it:

This was like 12 years ago, at college, in Jordan... people today still can't believe I did it. It was crazy in retrospect, but amazingly I didn't lose a single friend.


And on the note of coming out, this is how I did it:

This was like 12 years ago, at college, in Jordan... people today still can't believe I did it. It was crazy in retrospect, but amazingly I didn't lose a single friend.

Wow, that was a pretty bold move that required a lot of courage. Congrats.

I discovered that I'm attracted to men (I didn't connect it with being gay - the idea was surreal to me back then, since the only gay people I saw then were various stereotypes from comedies and sitcoms) when I was 13 or 14. My cousin showed me his collection of erotic/porn photos and I noticed that I was skipping all those photos with only women on them and stopped at those that had guys. Also, even back then I had few male guy actors crushes.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I don't remember how old I was when I realized I was gay. But one of my earliest memories related to it was reading Superman comics and finding his body really attractive. I'm not sure if I started really thinking about it before I was 15 or 16.

And on the note of coming out, this is how I did it:

This was like 12 years ago, at college, in Jordan... people today still can't believe I did it. It was crazy in retrospect, but amazingly I didn't lose a single friend.
What does the shirt say and what was crazy about it?


And on the note of coming out, this is how I did it:
This was like 12 years ago, at college, in Jordan... people today still can't believe I did it. It was crazy in retrospect, but amazingly I didn't lose a single friend.

Color me impressed. It probably took guts. I'm proud of you :) I'd never be able to do something like that myself. What about your parents? *don't feel obligated to answer, though*

That, and it being in the Middle East.
I did actually receive death threats a week later.

wow. What did you do then?
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