And on the note of coming out, this is how I did it
Oh my. That's a very bold thing to do, I'm glad that it worked so well for you
And on the note of coming out, this is how I did it
wow. What did you do then?
Eh, wot's 'at you say?
A friend made me play Outlast last night and I couldn't help but notice that the twins/brothers in that game are hung.
I sent an email to my friends and the people who threatened me saying it was a joke. My friends knew I was just doing it to silence the nut jobs.
In mind mind, you're right. If there's a definite 0% chance of them responding positively! I'd rather just deal with it myself rather than make things awkward.Confessing your feelings to people who definitely won't reciprocate them is an absolute no-no, right?
In mind mind, you're right. If there's a definite 0% chance of them responding positively! I'd rather just deal with it myself rather than make things awkward.
It is a horror game. So the nudity is decidedly unsexy. But still, they got massive cocks.
The stupid emotional part of me wants life works like a movie and hopes that the guy might actually have hidden feelings for me also.
I was also mistaken in saying he's strawberry blonde. His hair's like... neapolitan. It's blonde in the front, then switches to dirty blonde brown-ish in the middle and it's straight-up brown in the back. And he's got gingery-brown hair everywhere else. What the hell
I wish my friend was bisexual. But then he is in a relationship so I wouldn't have possibilities anyway
He's obviously dyed it.
I can't find any close ups using Google Image search and I played the game on a friend's computer using their Steam account so I can't upload ingame snap shots.
It's apparently natural. I think he's either been taking the piss or he's got some calico-ass genes.
...i'll just leave this one here
i don't even...
They might still have been homophobic today if I hadn't come out to them.
I sent an email to my friends and the people who threatened me saying it was a joke. My friends knew I was just doing it to silence the nut jobs.
It's apparently natural. I think he's either been taking the piss or he's got some calico-ass genes.
But why do the main characters have big cocks? Are their cocks prehensile? Do they work as weapons or like the devil bringer in DMC4?
Two of my best friends were homophobic before I came out, and they keep telling that day changed them forever. They might still have been homophobic today if I hadn't come out to them.
I understand that swinging groups are often hostile to male bisexuality (while considering female bisexuality to be required).I wish my friend was a Bisexual. He's a swinger so we wouldn't have to commit and we probably wouldn't risk losing what we have.
He's also very attractive by most standards (provided we're not talking bear appeal, he's metro to the point that I mistook him for a straight-acting twink like myself at first.)
I understand that swinging groups are often hostile to male bisexuality (while considering female bisexuality to be required).
I understand that swinging groups are often hostile to male bisexuality (while considering female bisexuality to be required).
But why do the main characters have big cocks? Are their cocks prehensile? Do they work as weapons or like the devil bringer in DMC4?
He's probably not serious.
Ah, right. Polyamory, or open relationships.Maybe swinger wasn't the right term. what I meant to say was that he isn't sexually exclusive.
Balls touching = bad.Wut..... why. -_-
I thought this only happened to people while drunkNever ever contact your ex, just never.
I texted my ex at 1 am few days ago, i didn't know what i was thinking, i had fever, i couldn't sleep and more than 36 hours later we're still texting each other.
And now i'm stuck, he asked me if i wanna date again bla bla bla. I said i don't know, cause the last time it wasn't working. He wanna fuck me bla bla, i just answered haha.
And he keeps texting me until now, but i haven't replied and didn't read anything for the last 7 hours. I don't wanna ruin this 'friendship' but i know sooner or later i'm gonna hurts him again.
Aaaaaargh someone slap me!
You know it ain't good unless they can swing from trees with it![]()
I don't know what kind of game Outlast is, so as far as I'm aware there is tree swinging involved!
I meant in general.
Glasses are dope.
I don't get people who don't like their glasses. I've been going out with this new friend of mine and he hates his glasses, he thinks he looks older with them, but honestly he looks younger, it all depends on what kind of glasses you wear.
When I worked out ( for a total of one month in my whole life) I just took them off, there was no way I could use them while exercising.
Well, I'm almost blind when I take my glasses off. ;_;
I see shapes and colors, of course, but I wouldn't be able to even tell you the weight printed on plates unless I would put those plates 20cm in front of my eyes. Running without glasses (especially on late evening) would be a suicide for me.
I noticed I have bad eyesight but I haven't told my parents yet because I'm lazy :v
plus I look terrible with glasses.
I noticed I have bad eyesight but I haven't told my parents yet because I'm lazy :v
plus I look terrible with glasses.