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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Need to broach a personal hygiene/care topic that some of you may be familiar with that I'm having some issues with. I'll tag it I guess in case it's 'too much' to be out in the open.

Anal Care!

Hygiene: Good soaps to use? I'm confident I'm drying and irritating the shit out of the area (pun intended) by just using my regular ol' shower gel down there. I've always cleaned the area well, but I guess I'm being extra...vigorous and attentive down there lately since a regular partner's around now, and that isn't being kind to my body.

Care: No visual signs of trouble, but the area def. feels irritated. Some trademark 'itching' sensation from activity. Had it before. Subsided before. But don't want to put up with it on a regular basis. Prep H/Anusol creams to soothe the area? Again, no seen of dreaded hemorrhoids, but those medications include topical agents in that soothe irritated/sensitive skin anyway.

Need to broach a personal hygiene/care topic that some of you may be familiar with that I'm having some issues with. I'll tag it I guess in case it's 'too much' to be out in the open.

Anal Care!

Hygiene: Good soaps to use? I'm confident I'm drying and irritating the shit out of the area (pun intended) by just using my regular ol' shower gel down there. I've always cleaned the area well, but I guess I'm being extra...vigorous and attentive down there lately since a regular partner's around now, and that isn't being kind to my body.

Care: No visual signs of trouble, but the area def. feels irritated. Some trademark 'itching' sensation from activity. Had it before. Subsided before. But don't want to put up with it on a regular basis. Prep H/Anusol creams to soothe the area? Again, no seen of dreaded hemorrhoids, but those medications include topical agents in that soothe irritated/sensitive skin anyway.


For cleaning, I use baby shampoo. The Johnson's brand. It's much more gentle than whatever you're likely using. No more tears :p

Edit: I'm not in a relationship or ever have been with the amount of activity you describe. BUT I think I have felt that irritation you mentioned when I used to just use axe shower gel. It doesn't happen anymore. So take that for what it's worth heh
I don't think I've ever gotten irritation before. Maybe incorporate these before the shower or whatever:



there's ALWAYS ONE
I can't speak for others but that's one of the reasons I prefer to not get drunk and enjoy being sober. Granted, I'm not against alcohol and have drunk before but it's the reason I won't get high or do drugs. For me, it's a control thing. So there's been stuff in my life that's had a huge effect on me that I had no control over and turning to myself and knowing that I can keep my own head about helps to give a sense of being grounded. Removes some feeling of complete helplessness knowing what I can and can't control.

Also, I have a parent who's an alcoholic so there's genetic concerns and yadda yadda yadda.
You basically typed my post for me, with a lessened focus on the history of alcoholism. Also, I'm a complete binger and don't need new outlets.


Ha, that makes it sound like I have a drinking problem. Not sure why you quoted the first sentence except if you're implying that my sex life is promiscuous because I drink.
Because that's not the case. I'd hardly call my life promiscuous and most of the time I am not drunk when I have sex and if I am, I am in full control of my capacities (i.e. I am tispy).

Also, I like drinking. For me it's a very social activity and I enjoy having a glass of wine during family dinner, grab a beer or two with friends or even a cocktail on a date. Having someone who NEVER drink is just not gonna work for me because despite all of his reassurance that he doesn't mind, I will still feel judged and uncomfortable. I have friends who don't drink, that's fine, to each their own. But my boyfriend/husband better enjoy it.
The first quote was because I thought it might answer Cosmic Bus's question. I didn't mean to imply anything re: drinking or promiscuity.

I can understand having different expectations of a partner versus a friend, but do you see your non-drinking friends in a different light from drinking friends? You say you feel judged and uncomfortable for drinking, and that's how I feel for the exact opposite reason. I feel like I'm not in on the camaraderie that drinking friends have and I'm wondering why there seems to be that distrust between drinkers and non-drinkers. Would you see a teetotaler in a different way than someone who is sober (recovering alcoholic), even though both won't actively drink?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man

Just saying.
Yeah, Dove soap (bar) is the best. It doesn't make me feel all weird like other soaps. Caress is a close match, though.

I personally don't get the love for Ax or even shower gels.

whats that in the bottom right?
Probably a plumb -- it says plumb, too.

You must have an impeccable, eh, nether region.
Yeah, Dove soap (bar) is the best. It doesn't make me feel all weird like other soaps. Caress is a close match, though.

I personally don't get the love for Ax or even shower gels.
All bar soaps make my skin feel super leathery, so that's why I prefer shower gel.

I'm an Irish Spring man. I first tried it in soap form, but it was the same story as every other soap. Then I saw it was available in shower gel form and I've been buying it ever since. I just love the smell and that it's not strong. I think I mentioned it in one of the older threads, but they had a cooling shower gel... that felt pretty nice in the crotch area, as brief as it was :p


there's ALWAYS ONE
I don't use soap. I like the extra feeling of cleanliness it brings, but I've yet to use a soap that doesn't dry out my skin, and I don't smell any different without soap.

I miss this thread :(

I use the dove shower gel shit. It smells like the best of all pastries !!
What soap are you using that smells like baked goods.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
All bar soaps make my skin feel super leathery, so that's why I prefer shower gel.

I'm an Irish Spring man. I first tried it in soap form, but it was the same story as every other soap. Then I saw it was available in shower gel form and I've been buying it ever since. I just love the smell and that it's not strong. I think I mentioned it in one of the older threads, but they had a cooling shower gel... that felt pretty nice in the crotch area, as brief as it was :p
Irish Spring is so waxy (the bar). I've never felt leathery or anything after using Dove or Caress.

Also, TMI.


If you mean ogle in the sense of "stare at lecherously" then I guess that kind of enters creep territory, the operative part being to stare. I've been in the habit of basically checking everyone out, but if they're quick glances it's unlikely you're going to make anyone feel uncomfortable from the unwanted attention. That's where I see the line, anyways.

Ha ha, no, I'm not like that. I usually just take a glimpse (or few glimpses) and few times it happened to me that I slightly shifted my position on bus just to get a better view. :p But nothing like "staring at lecherously".

Speaking of ogling, Sr_Zombie, nueva foto, por favor :}

But I don't have any. :(

I can't speak for others but that's one of the reasons I prefer to not get drunk and enjoy being sober. Granted, I'm not against alcohol and have drunk before but it's the reason I won't get high or do drugs. For me, it's a control thing. So there's been stuff in my life that's had a huge effect on me that I had no control over and turning to myself and knowing that I can keep my own head about helps to give a sense of being grounded. Removes some feeling of complete helplessness knowing what I can and can't control.

Also, I have a parent who's an alcoholic so there's genetic concerns and yadda yadda yadda.

Same here. I don't want to get drunk because I've seen enough of how both my friends and father act when they are drunk. How lack of self-control can affect people - what they do, what they say; how they become annoying or even dangerous. I have nothing against alcohol, I drink beer, wine, vodka, but I'm not willing to ever get drunk intentionally.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Soap smells don't last long if ever out of the shower so I don't really care about smells. Same for deodorant. I just use whatever is cheap that time I go shopping.


No one said that. The point is that fault is essentially never 100% on one person, it could for example instead be 99% and recognizing that from how you described him he could easily run with something like that and make himself more miserable about it. It's his fault, sure, but you wanting something from him makes it kind of difficult to completely morally separate yourself from it. And I'm not saying this like it's some serious thing, or trying to shift the tone of the discussion urging you to reflect or anything like that, it's just a point that can be made since I perceived that you were asking a bit about how it was handled.

Fair enough, that's a totally valid point.

The first quote was because I thought it might answer Cosmic Bus's question. I didn't mean to imply anything re: drinking or promiscuity.

I can understand having different expectations of a partner versus a friend, but do you see your non-drinking friends in a different light from drinking friends? You say you feel judged and uncomfortable for drinking, and that's how I feel for the exact opposite reason. I feel like I'm not in on the camaraderie that drinking friends have and I'm wondering why there seems to be that distrust between drinkers and non-drinkers. Would you see a teetotaler in a different way than someone who is sober (recovering alcoholic), even though both won't actively drink?

Oh I see, my bad. And yes, I partly had sex with him to get my total up (8 so far).

Re: my non-drinking friends. no I don't really see them in a different light than other drinking friends. I don't drink every time I hang out with a friend and I can definitely have a lot of fun without drinking. If we're in a bar, it's hard to feel judged for drinking because it's kind of the purpose of the place. If we're at my friend's place, I won't drink and that's alright because I won't need to.
As for teetotaler vs. recovering alcoholic, it doesn't make a difference. I would actually probably feel more awkward drinking around a recovering alcoholic and would most likely abstain.
I'm a vegetarian and I really don't care that people are eating meat around me. I've made a personal decision and the reasons are my own. I don't feel superior for not eating meat and I guess, now that I think about it, most people who don't drink feel the same way towards people who do. There always are obnoxious people who will judge and feel the need to tell you how bad eating meat/drinking is for you, but we can agree (and hope) they're in the minority.


I hate it is this way but I mainly binge drink due to my social anxiety issues, it takes an enormous effort on my part to tolerate large crowds of people, alcohol unfortunately helps a lot. Mixed that with the fact I actually like alcohol and I'm just glad things haven't gone beyond just being a functioning alcoholic.


edit: bleh, nvm, not gonna bring it in here

daripad you excited for the new yoshi bro?

I don't really use soap either, just wash me hair with whatever the hell I've got at the time


I don't use soap. I like the extra feeling of cleanliness it brings, but I've yet to use a soap that doesn't dry out my skin, and I don't smell any different without soap.

I don't use it a lot. I use a bit for under my arms and such every day, but only fully shower like once a day. I've found the hot water does more to dry out my skin than the soap.

What soap are you using that smells like baked goods.

dove deep-clean body wash. it's fantastic.

I don't use a lot of soap either. I've found my skin is actually much nicer without it


I'm a vegetarian and I really don't care that people are eating meat around me. I've made a personal decision and the reasons are my own. I don't feel superior for not eating meat and I guess, now that I think about it, most people who don't drink feel the same way towards people who do.
Yeah, this is pretty accurate in my case. I really don't feel "superior" or judge people who drink just because I don't. Funny because I have a friend who doesn't drink and is also a vegetarian, haha, having to explain only one of these is annoying enough already.


I actually use an acid volcanic soap. It does wonders to your skin (and hair!). I apply some aluminium acetate later to balance ph and bam baby skin.


Where to cop?

It's hard to get the original variation in the states as it's Colombian traditional (Native or caribbean African American IDK).

BUT this one looks very similar. It says it comes from Africa so I would think this is it.

For reference, this is the one I use


It's magical. I don't have a single blemish and my skin feels dryer AND softer. My hair stopped falling off too (I had to stop the finasteride by suspicions of secondary effects) but it could be a little harsh if you don't use conditioner.

You've only had sex with 8 people? :/ You're practically a virgin.

4 here :p


All bar soaps make my skin feel super leathery, so that's why I prefer shower gel.

Why do they do that? Never used bar soaps in the shower, but every time there's been one at the sink I've tried it out and suddenly I can't move my hands they just stick to each other.
It's hard to get the original variation in the states as it's Colombian traditional (Native or caribbean African American IDK).

BUT this one looks very similar. It says it comes from Africa so I would think this is it.

For reference, this is the one I use


It's magical. I don't have a single blemish and my skin feels dryer AND softer. My hair stopped falling off too (I had to stop the finasteride by suspicions of secondary effects) but it could be a little harsh if you don't use conditioner.

4 here :p
can i use other DuDu?
EDIT: it has a smell to it. donotwant.

For me it was great for one thing alone. A Link to the Past is one of my all-time favourite games, and in fact I've never actually played a 3D zelda game. I only have played Zelda, Zelda 2 (lol), and Alttp on SNES.

Add onto that they had a few more gems for me: Mario Party/Golf, M&L RPG....

I dont really know what 360/PS3 games im getting this year besides GTA5. But the 3DS will rule my 2013.

EDIT:T Castlevania LOS 2 for 360 as well :)


Hunky Nostradamus
For me it was great for one thing alone. A Link to the Past is one of my all-time favourite games, and in fact I've never actually played a 3D zelda game. I only have played Zelda, Zelda 2 (lol), and Alttp on SNES.

You've never played a 3D Zelda before? Gurl - tsk tsk tsk - I don't know what I'mma do with you.

But seriously, I'm also excited for ALTTP2, but I wish they had shown something new besides Chalk Link. They just showed some recycled areas and a recycled boss. Not exactly "hype" material, at least not for me. And the art style is ugly. :/


I'm not a Zelda fan at all, but ALttP was truly a fantastic game and I'm interested in this one because of that. Plus Yoshi's Island. And then more info on Mario Golf and M&L. My 3DS collection is hardly Mario-dominated, but these games are must buy material for me.


For me it was great for one thing alone. A Link to the Past is one of my all-time favourite games, and in fact I've never actually played a 3D zelda game. I only have played Zelda, Zelda 2 (lol), and Alttp on SNES.


Hey, 1998 called and said... that... there's like... totally some decent 3D Zeldas out there.

Or something. I'm terrible at this.


nintendo direct was amazing :O
It was magical.
Mario Party was one good announcement and will make a good holiday game.
Yoshi's Island is my favorite game of all time. The DS was a disappointment but this one looks amazing (IMO) and I'd like to see how it looks on the screen with the 3D effect. Plus Artoon is not making this one, right?
Then I wasn't expecting much and they announced fucking Zelda. I thought they would save that announcement for E3. It seems like a good game too.
Oh, and Bravely Default too. That game must be mine.
For me it was great for one thing alone. A Link to the Past is one of my all-time favourite games, and in fact I've never actually played a 3D zelda game. I only have played Zelda, Zelda 2 (lol), and Alttp on SNES.

Add onto that they had a few more gems for me: Mario Party/Golf, M&L RPG....

I dont really know what 360/PS3 games im getting this year besides GTA5. But the 3DS will rule my 2013.

EDIT:T Castlevania LOS 2 for 360 as well :)

You've never played a 3D Zelda game?! Dude, Twilight Princess is the best game of all time!


there's ALWAYS ONE
Another Nintendo Direct, another chance at Elite Beat Agents 2 dashed
Another Nintendo Direct, another chance at Dragon Quest VII's localization dashed.

The 3DS is possibly the most disappointing console I've had the pleasure of owning.

Mr. F

I was kind of cold on Twilight Princess. Although I guess that's to be expected after 5 years of continuous hype/delays (on a side note my heart still aches for Spore, same situation). Not a terrible game, just kind of underwhelming and forgettable.


I was kind of cold on Twilight Princess. Although I guess that's to be expected after 5 years of continuous hype/delays (on a side note my heart still aches for Spore, same situation). Not a terrible game, just kind of underwhelming and forgettable.

Spore is a terrible game though.
It wasn't a game breaking feature and made the game not much repetitive. The combat with the wolf was the thing that was stupid, but the rest of it was good.

It wasn't game breaking, it was just really boring and stupid. Plus the warp system made having Epona useless.

Honestly though I'm just sick of gimmicks in Zelda games altogether. MM had masks, OoT had the Ocarina, Wind Waker had boring ass water travel etc...
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