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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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there's ALWAYS ONE
Too late. I think he once said he enjoyed Avatar too? IIRC.

Damage done.
I haven't seen Avatar since it was in theaters, but it was completely spellbinding. I don't ever want to watch it again unless I can replicate that environment, but seeing it in IMAX and 3D with absolutely no expectations was really a complete visual feast, and I don't have a lick of shame saying that.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
And that's Zelda in a nutshell.
Well . . . let's see I really have enjoyed two of five Zeldas I've played. So you may be right.

I couldn't even force myself to continue Skyward Bore, and I ended up stopping midway in Majora's Mask for some reason. I wasn't really interested in OoT, either. It always turned me off with those pointy characters.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I couldn't even force myself to continue Skyward Bore, and I ended up stopping midway in Majora's Mask for some reason. I wasn't really interested in OoT, either. It always turned me off with those pointy characters.
Did you play the 3DS version?


Zelda is simply not my cup of tea. My favorite Zelda game is 3D Dot Game Heroes. But again, ALTTP is amazing and I liked what we could see from that short clip.


Well . . . let's see I really have enjoyed two of five Zeldas I've played. So you may be right.

I couldn't even force myself to continue Skyward Bore, and I ended up stopping midway in Majora's Mask for some reason. I wasn't really interested in OoT, either. It always turned me off with those pointy characters.

I stopped after you first drop down from the sky island in skyward sword. shit was maaaaad boring, and it dragged on forever.


I liked Zelda up until Wind Waker. Then, borefest.

OoT was simply magical. When it came out, I remember it being as breathtaking and revolutionary as Mario 64 was. Wind Waker art direction was perfect IMO, the game had a poetic atmosphere to it that I couldn't in any other Zelda.

I think my favorite though has to be Link's Awakening on the original GB.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
You claimed that your problem was that the characters were pointy--something that was fixed in the port.
Its ugliness was jarring compared the the great pixel art of A Link To The Past. But that wasn't the primary issue, it just wasn't that interesting.

e: Oh, right, gay stuff and things.
Ah, fuck this, I think I'll just stay a closeted Gay and get married :V
Sounds a lot better than dealing with my Mom, I had to tell her I was confused (I'm not, I'm really sure of who I am) Because she won't calm down and this could lead to her getting really sick.
Thing is, she's 50 Years Old. She's dealt with a lot of stuff throught her life. I don't think she can handle much more and I worry about her, I'm 15 years old and there's a huge age difference and cultural difference there. She's better now, I think, and that's what matters to me right now.
Like on one side, I really just want to be who I am I'm life but on the other I don't want to see my Family affected because of me.

I'm not even sad anymore, I'm just tired. Honestly I could stay closeted, lie, pretend, etc. I know I'll never be truly happy, but everything right now is making lying for life look better than being openly Gay. I'm also tired of venting here but there's nowhere else to vent. Maybe next time I post here I won't be bitching about life.
Finally, what's with the Zelda hate guys :/
Ah, fuck this, I think I'll just stay a closeted Gay and get married :V
Sounds a lot better than dealing with my Mom, I had to tell her I was confused (I'm not, I'm really sure of who I am) Because she won't calm down and this could lead to her getting really sick.
Thing is, she's 50 Years Old. She's dealt with a lot of stuff throught her life. I don't think she can handle much more and I worry about her, I'm 15 years old and there's a huge age difference and cultural difference there. She's better now, I think, and that's what matters to me right now.
Like on one side, I really just want to be who I am I'm life but on the other I don't want to see my Family affected because of me.

I'm not even sad anymore, I'm just tired. Honestly I could stay closeted, lie, pretend, etc. I know I'll never be truly happy, but everything right now is making lying for life look better than being openly Gay. I'm also tired of venting here but there's nowhere else to vent. Maybe next time I post here I won't be bitching about life.
Finally, what's with the Zelda hate guys :/

Dude, you shouldn't live your life to make your mom happy. Maybe you'll have to put up with her for right now but when you're living on your own you'll be free to be yourself. Get married? To a woman? Do you really think that would be fair to her? I'm sorry your mom is freaking out on you and I know that its really hurtful... but its also hurtful to yourself to deny a part of who you are.

I don't know why GayGAF hates Zelda. Link is hot (when he's an adult.)


I'm not even sad anymore, I'm just tired. Honestly I could stay closeted, lie, pretend, etc. I know I'll never be truly happy, but everything right now is making lying for life look better than being openly Gay. I'm also tired of venting here but there's nowhere else to vent. Maybe next time I post here I won't be bitching about life.
Finally, what's with the Zelda hate guys :/
Maybe she's sad because you bought a ps3 instead of a 3DS.
Jokes outside, don't over think it. You are very young yet and your mother received those news a few weeks ago. Give her some time and see how this wounds up for her. Don't live the life that you don't want to live or you'll end worse than your mother. Also, try to explain to her that she doesn't have to worry about you, you'll be fine and nothing will change about you other than your sexual preference.


Ah, fuck this, I think I'll just stay a closeted Gay and get married :V
Sounds a lot better than dealing with my Mom, I had to tell her I was confused (I'm not, I'm really sure of who I am) Because she won't calm down and this could lead to her getting really sick.
Thing is, she's 50 Years Old. She's dealt with a lot of stuff throught her life. I don't think she can handle much more and I worry about her, I'm 15 years old and there's a huge age difference and cultural difference there. She's better now, I think, and that's what matters to me right now.
Like on one side, I really just want to be who I am I'm life but on the other I don't want to see my Family affected because of me.

I'm not even sad anymore, I'm just tired. Honestly I could stay closeted, lie, pretend, etc. I know I'll never be truly happy, but everything right now is making lying for life look better than being openly Gay. I'm also tired of venting here but there's nowhere else to vent. Maybe next time I post here I won't be bitching about life.
Finally, what's with the Zelda hate guys :/

This is the place to bitch about life!

And life sucks, this isn't even a gay issue, is everyone's issue, life simply isn't fair and it will always gets to a point where you will have to decide between yourself and someone else, neither option is right, or wrong, it is what it is. You have to decide, you or your mother, and it won't be nice either way. Also don't forget that you being miserable might make your mom miserable too.


Getting married? That's a jerk thing to do not only for you, but for the woman you're supposedly going to marry in the future. And all because of your whiny mom? Nope. Just go along with her, then move out once you're an adult.

And life is awesome even if it's not fair, really.

And no, Link is -not- hot.
Getting married? That's a jerk thing to do not only for you, but for the woman you're supposedly going to marry in the future. And all because of your whiny mom? Nope. Just go along with her, then move out once you're an adult.

And life is awesome even if it's not fair, really.

And no, Link is -not- hot.

Groose FTW


Hunky Nostradamus
The Zelda games are awesome, although they're getting more and more convoluted with each new entry. At least the 3D ones are. Skyward Sword was a pretty good game overall, but it's still the worst 3D Zelda game: Right off the bat you've got to deal with a 2-3 hour long tutorial town with tons and tons of boring dialogue and side quests, there's the stamina gauge which greatly slows down movement, limited inventory, huge empty overworld, janky waggle combat, etc. And don't even get me started on Fi. Ugh.


Ah, fuck this, I think I'll just stay a closeted Gay and get married :V
Sounds a lot better than dealing with my Mom, I had to tell her I was confused (I'm not, I'm really sure of who I am) Because she won't calm down and this could lead to her getting really sick.
Thing is, she's 50 Years Old. She's dealt with a lot of stuff throught her life. I don't think she can handle much more and I worry about her, I'm 15 years old and there's a huge age difference and cultural difference there. She's better now, I think, and that's what matters to me right now.
Like on one side, I really just want to be who I am I'm life but on the other I don't want to see my Family affected because of me.

I'm not even sad anymore, I'm just tired. Honestly I could stay closeted, lie, pretend, etc. I know I'll never be truly happy, but everything right now is making lying for life look better than being openly Gay. I'm also tired of venting here but there's nowhere else to vent. Maybe next time I post here I won't be bitching about life.
Finally, what's with the Zelda hate guys :/

This might seem like a reasonable stance now but it won't be in the future. You're young and you have lots of time to sort these things out. It will get easier when you can move out on your own and be self sufficient and it will get better when your mother can see you happy with someone that you really love.

Marrying a woman just to please her is going to only end with all of you miserable. You're going to be unhappy because you're living a lie. Your wife is going to be unhappy because you don't truly love her and your mother is going to be unhappy because you aren't. I know it probably feels like the world is crushing down on you but I promise you things will improve in the years to come.

At the end of the day, you are not responsible for your mother's happiness - she is. If she can't be happy for you for who you are that is entirely on her shoulders and not yours. You are responsible and the one to control your own health, well-being and peace of mind. If you can't argue with her about it, that's fine. You can be "in the closet" until you go to college, move out and become self sufficient.

I would encourage you to seek out people that can support you now, however. Are there friends or even school counselors that you feel you can trust? Sharing that difficulty with someone else will go a long way to making things better on you and I'd encourage you to find someone who you can speak with. You don't have to shoulder this burden alone and you shouldn't.

Finally - Link is not hot. He's a midget with an ear deformity and severe speech impediment.
And that's Zelda in a nutshell.
Oh you. ALttP is like the one game that started the video game obsession for me, but I was like eight I guess. I've enjoyed more entries in the series than I have not, but I'm not really into any games at all lately. I think the last game I got really into was Persona 4 and that was in 2009.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Zelda itself is pretty boring. But the gameplay isn't. 3D Dot Game Heroes did it pretty well, I feel. I think it's just some Nintendo flavoring that makes me balk at it.
Well, Nintendo did kill my father and kicked my dog back when I was 3 so...


there's ALWAYS ONE
Oh you. ALttP is like the one game that started the video game obsession for me, but I was like eight I guess. I've enjoyed more entries in the series than I have not, but I'm not really into any games at all lately. I think the last game I got really into was Persona 4 and that was in 2009.
I haven't played A Link to the Past, but along with Majora's Mask, it's one of the few Zelda games I'm still interested in and would buy if they came to the 3DS.

Any reason you became disinterested in games? I'm going through the same thing and I'm mostly interested in a handful of upcoming games out of routine rather than genuine desire. Dragon Quest VII and Yakuza 5 are about all I actually want to play.
I haven't played A Link to the Past, but along with Majora's Mask, it's one of the few Zelda games I'm still interested in and would buy if they came to the 3DS.

Any reason you became disinterested in games? I'm going through the same thing and I'm mostly interested in a handful of upcoming games out of routine rather than genuine desire. Dragon Quest VII and Yakuza 5 are about all I actually want to play.

You know, I'm not really sure. I find that what happens is I'll buy a game with the best intentions, sit down to play it and do so for like a half an hour before I go "yeah that's enough", and I'll maybe intermittently pick it up for similar chunks of time a few more times before forgetting about it and never touching it again. I'm not really sure why it doesn't hold my attention, though.

It might have something to do with genre, the types of games that I used to be really into were ones that had exploration or finding secrets (I think ALttP and Super Mario World started that), RPG's, platformers, and that kind of thing; and now I just don't have the patience to cover every square inch of game world or whatever, and I don't find making tricky jumps and that thrilling anymore. For another recent example I bought both of the Super Mario Galaxy games, and while I'd say I enjoyed them I still ended up dropping both after collecting only a few stars, and it's the same thing with the 2D Mario games.

Though come to think of it another game I played pretty recently that I got really into was Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, which I played to the end, and that's an RPG and I'm sure anyone would say that those final missions are pretty terrible. What was different about that game is I found the setting and writing fairly interesting so I was able to overlook the flaws, so I'm not sure. I guess I'm still capable of enjoying some games all or most of the way through, they're just really few and far between.

On a kind of side note sometimes I think I'd like to get into those kind of hard-core arcade type games like Super Octagon or something, the simplicity plus a rewarding difficulty curve would probably be pretty cool, but I don't really have the gumption for that sort of thing so I'm kind of limited to the games that are fairly easy and maybe that has something to do with it too.
I haven't seen Avatar since it was in theaters, but it was completely spellbinding. I don't ever want to watch it again unless I can replicate that environment, but seeing it in IMAX and 3D with absolutely no expectations was really a complete visual feast, and I don't have a lick of shame saying that.

Well you shouldn't because that was the best thing about it. I would have been disappointed had I seen it in 2d at a regular theater. The hype for that movie set my expectations way too high, but it was understandable considering it was the first feature film Cameron had done since Titanic (which I love).


It's weird how some scenes from Fratmen guys are hotter than anything Corbin Fisher models can muster. Especially considering half of the time the guys on Fratmen don't have sex. For some reason they look more passionate instead of mechanical. A lot more kisses and touching too, which are quite rare to find on gay porn these days.
It's weird how some scenes from Fratmen guys are hotter than anything Corbin Fisher models can muster. Especially considering half of the time the guys on Fratmen don't have sex. For some reason they look more passionate instead of mechanical. A lot more kisses and touching too, which are quite rare to find on gay porn these days.

...but that's the best part


Oh man I feel like a new person! My username finally changed. I used to be Yaceka on here, but I doubt anyone really remembers me lol. Thanks Mumei for helping me get it changed finally. :D

And that's Zelda in a nutshell.
Lunch dropping the truth bombs. Modern Zelda games (games that came after Majora's Mark) are boring and have poor pacing. Hell, even some of the older ones do excluding OoT and LTTP, they have fantastic pacing. It's a shame because they look gorgeous and have such interesting concepts behind them.

It's hard to get the original variation in the states as it's Colombian traditional (Native or caribbean African American IDK).

BUT this one looks very similar. It says it comes from Africa so I would think this is it.

For reference, this is the one I use


It's magical. I don't have a single blemish and my skin feels dryer AND softer. My hair stopped falling off too (I had to stop the finasteride by suspicions of secondary effects) but it could be a little harsh if you don't use conditioner.
Did it really help with a receding hairline? I thought only minoxidil and finasteride helped with stopping that.

Oh and those kind of look nasty. Do they smell bad?


...but that's the best part

I know right? I don't understand why gay porn don't have more of that. Nothing turns me off more in porn than when the performers just quickly disrobed (or already nekkid) before they start sucking/fucking. Ugh. Not sexy at all. Where's the foreplay? Where's the passion? Where's the sloppy wet kisses? Where's the groping/rough tumbling/wrestling on the bed?


I know right? I don't understand why gay porn don't have more of that. Nothing turns me off more in porn than when the performers just quickly disrobed (or already nekkid) before they start sucking/fucking. Ugh. Not sexy at all. Where's the foreplay? Where's the passion? Where's the sloppy wet kisses? Where's the groping/rough tumbling/wrestling on the bed?

Well, most of them probably don't have much passion for the other guy. I mean, they're probably only meeting them in the studio for the first time. And if we're being wholly honest, these "actors" simply can't act.

It's why I prefer looking for amateur stuff personally.
Real talk: I like country's instrumentation (steel strings, wurly guitars, claps ftw) but can't stand the lyrics themselves.

I'm an incredibly hipster-y guy when it comes to vocals, though. Broken Iris and Pendulum are my favorites.


Country has never been particularly appealing to me. But I barely speak English and I'm not American, so yeah :p
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