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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Added you both :) and thanks. My original PSN was my first and last name which I hated. When the PS4 came I decided to change my name and lose all the trophies I got on the PS3 :( It was worth it in the end. I love my new ID and it's always great to finish top on BF4 with the name GaymingGod :p

but not eagerly awaiting Witcher 3 pffffftt and I call you my friend :p

So worth it. I praise you for that ID. I'm still howling tbh LOLL


irresponsible vagina leak
My favourite genre is the open world action adventure type games, so the GTAs and the sleeping dogs. I do love me some RPGs, but I prefer western rpgs (Witcher, Mass Effect etc) over JRPGs. The last pokemon game I played was gold. My better half has Pokemon Y that he never plays so I might start it up.

This year I made a resolution which was to try more different types of games, which has been awesome. I've tried indie games (Don't starve, Dead nation) and other games that I wouldn't have dared touched last year. One game that I've been playing that the old me wouldn't have played is Dark Souls 2. This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game and let me just say...I've been missing out, loving this game!

Quick edit: my PSN ID is GaymingGod if anybody wants to add me :)

Stan Dark Souls 2 YASSSSSS


I don't really work out but I've been cycling almost daily lately. It's amazing how my body completely got unaccustomed to it, lol, but equally amazing how it gets used to it again so quickly! Regardless, I guess given my weight I'd benefit more from lifting than from cardio :x I'd like some meat on my bones for a change.


I love RPG's, mainly JRPG's but man, Tales of Xillia was such a let-down for me. Most of the Tales-games just aren't for me... and I played through Symphonia multiple times.

Playing Dark Souls II now. And while I hate some things (mainly the 'enemies disappear after killing them multiple times'-thing and the abscence of a Humanity-like mechanic) it really starts to grow on me. I admit, I abuse the summoning right before entering fog gates to boss areas like hell though :)


I'm pretty much just fighting, action and rpgs here lately. My day off tomorrow is back to back sf4/p4a lab time and dark souls 2! My psn name is the same as my gaf name.


I've been playing a lot of Street Fighter, I think I've gone from horrible to bad! :p I hurts my soul that I'm not good at a series I love so much, but I literally only have one person to play against offline :( Plus I'm particularly bad with my girl Makoto, I swear I'm a much better Chun Li or Yang.


I've been playing a lot of Street Fighter, I think I've gone from horrible to bad! :p I hurts my soul that I'm not good at a series I love so much, but I literally only have one person to play against offline :( Plus I'm particularly bad with my girl Makoto, I swear I'm a much better Chun Li or Yang.

Hehe that's who I play! I used to play competitively but dropped the game right around ae2012. I'm knocking off rust now (^o^) it takes a minute for me to get back into the swing of things like Mak's instant Axe kick.


Hehe that's who I play! I used to play competitively but dropped the game right around ae2012. I'm knocking off rust now (^o^) it takes a minute for me to get back into the swing of things like Mak's instant Axe kick.
In most fighters I'm naturally a defensive player. Basically, it's not in my DNA to main Makoto :p But I refuse to let logic win this argument!


I like games too! Especially the ones that use joystick controls.

You love fighting games sticks specially lol

I love platformers and puzzle games. Though I don't love when the two combine except for Yoshi's Island and Wario Land 4. I also enjoy enjoy racing games a lot. Right now I'm playing Mario Picross everyday for at least 10 minutes, that shit is addictive.


platform? If it's on the eshop I can't buy it because no Internet yet (it's going to be fixed in the next 15 days!!!!).
Yup, 3DS.

just play a charge character yo
Well, I second Chun Li! I juggle Makoto, Chun Li, Yang and Dan, which is also why I don't have one strong character, but several weak ones :p Also Rose, recently! I like her because she's rather low-execution and correct hard reads can net you an Illusion Spark which deals insane damage, such a satisfying and downright troll Ultra (it might be hard to pull off, but I can never do crap with Soul Satellite anyway, lol).
Would you guys say RPG is HomoGAF's favorite genre? I see lots of Pokémon, Persona and Final Fantasy love here.

Somewhat accurate for me. RPGs are generally my favourites; I also like action games, puzzle games, strategy games, platformers, and (a handful of) shooters (I guess I like everything except sports and racing games really). More than anything, I have an inclination towards games where you've options at your disposal. I like being able to tackle games in a variety of ways so Metal Gear Solid games, Dishonored, Mark of the Ninja, Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2, Bayonetta, FTL, Mass Effect (1 and 2), Spelunky, Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite, System Shock 2, Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, The Witcher 1 and 2, Ratchet and Clank games, the Tekken series, The Last of Us, Warhawk, and Halo, all greatly appeal to me for example. This isn't to say I don't like games with a strict linearity (I'm thinking of something like "The Shadow of The Colossus" here where, despite room for exploration, there's generally only a few strategies to defeat the bosses; intentional considering they're more akin to puzzles) I also like games with a large skill ceiling (Spelunky, the Souls series, Tekken, Warhawk, Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta, SuperMeatBoy etc.) as it encourages replays and there's a demonstratable sense of progress (and I can obsess over trying to optimise my timing/ability to do well) as opposed to some form of an in-game reward. I don't often play online admittedly, Warhawk was, really, the only significant exception. I don't really limit the genres that I play.

I have Mirror's Edge and Ni no Kuni downloaded after a sale a few months ago but I haven't really found the time to sit down and properly try them yet.
Despite a few of my favourite series' getting new releases (Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Solid, Dark Souls) I'm not planning to get any so I'm not in a rush to start the aforementioned games.

I've been playing a lot of Street Fighter, I think I've gone from horrible to bad! :p I hurts my soul that I'm not good at a series I love so much, but I literally only have one person to play against offline :( Plus I'm particularly bad with my girl Makoto, I swear I'm a much better Chun Li or Yang.

I've always wanted to get into it (Street Fighter) but this is the obstacle I've run into too. Online can help somewhat, but it doesn't really help when you get put into a match and decimated with absolutely no idea what has actually happened as you watch your character fall to the ground.
My favourite genre is the open world action adventure type games, so the GTAs and the sleeping dogs. I do love me some RPGs, but I prefer western rpgs (Witcher, Mass Effect etc) over JRPGs. The last pokemon game I played was gold. My better half has Pokemon Y that he never plays so I might start it up.

This year I made a resolution which was to try more different types of games, which has been awesome. I've tried indie games (Don't starve, Dead nation) and other games that I wouldn't have dared touched last year. One game that I've been playing that the old me wouldn't have played is Dark Souls 2. This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game and let me just say...I've been missing out, loving this game!

Quick edit: my PSN ID is GaymingGod if anybody wants to add me :)

I'm pretty much just fighting, action and rpgs here lately. My day off tomorrow is back to back sf4/p4a lab time and dark souls 2! My psn name is the same as my gaf name.

if anyone wants to add me on the 3DS :D
Just got home so i added you! lol


you almost should never learn Street Fighter (or any other fighting game) by playing online anyway, it's rare that you'd ever get any good -- you'll just learn bad habits. To actually learn a fighting game, you need a community around you to help, usually.
Witcher 3

you almost should never learn Street Fighter (or any other fighting game) by playing online anyway, it's rare that you'd ever get any good -- you'll just learn bad habits. To actually learn a fighting game, you need a community around you to help, usually.

That was hard for me especially when it came to DOA.
Both doaworld and Free Step Dodge are dodgy at best, I remember some people from FSD antagonizing some of the people on DOAW.
Not a very close community it seems.

Tekken's fandom online at least seem way too focused on numbers without room for anything else to discuss. I learned by playing at tournaments and training mode.


It's funny how this thread goes from pages of pure unfiltered #thirst to pages of video game talk. <3 GayGAF

Would you guys say RPG is HomoGAF's favorite genre? I see lots of Pokémon, Persona and Final Fantasy love here.

Pokemon is my favorite franchise. Love the Mario and Luigi RPGs as well. :3


My favorite game genre is the one where you get to take the legal cast members' clothes off.

Action RPGs, Shooters, Platformers and Racers are my thing mostly. I play RTS's, regular RPGs, fighters and sports games from time-to-time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't play a lot of RPGs, but I'm an RPG gamer at heart because what I enjoy most about games is metagaming and theorycrafting.
My favourite genre is the open world action adventure type games, so the GTAs and the sleeping dogs. I do love me some RPGs, but I prefer western rpgs (Witcher, Mass Effect etc) over JRPGs. The last pokemon game I played was gold. My better half has Pokemon Y that he never plays so I might start it up.

This year I made a resolution which was to try more different types of games, which has been awesome. I've tried indie games (Don't starve, Dead nation) and other games that I wouldn't have dared touched last year. One game that I've been playing that the old me wouldn't have played is Dark Souls 2. This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game and let me just say...I've been missing out, loving this game!

Quick edit: my PSN ID is GaymingGod if anybody wants to add me :)

GaymingGod? That's awesome haha!

Anyway my PSN is SeventhRest. Feel free to add me!

Getting into fightinggames and ordered the new BlazBlue so is someboby's looking for an easy target here I am haha!

I'm pretty much just fighting, action and rpgs here lately. My day off tomorrow is back to back sf4/p4a lab time and dark souls 2! My psn name is the same as my gaf name.
Added all you guys!! :)

Also chronos we apparently already had our friend codes on 3DS! :)


It's funny how this thread goes from pages of pure unfiltered #thirst to pages of video game talk. <3 GayGAF

Pokemon is my favorite franchise. Love the Mario and Luigi RPGs as well. :3

Did you like Dream Team? I liked it a lot. Plus the music OMG so good. The boss theme in particular.



Try not to cringe too hard, or be offended by the racism and the attempt to make light of trans issues.

she says that "pocky and ramen are [her] favorite foods"

not a true japanophile, cmon son

I am a cis woman, and I am very lucky and thank the kamisama every time I have my period because there are plenty wonderful women who would give everything to have the opportunity to have a female body with the ability to give birth.



That has to be satire, come on. If this is a Captain Obvious moment for me, then I don't get why you find a (bad) satirical text so cringe-worthy :p
So, uh, how do you market muscular thunder thighs over fatty ones? Unless you're flexing the hell out of them, I can't even notice a difference half the time. I'm starting to turn into Chun Li, dammit.


I'm very love/hate with the franchise. I lurv abyss/xillia and graces gameplay. Hate vesperia and graces everything else. Also not a fan of symphonia.

You hate the best ones. What a flop.

What's a good Tales game to give the series a chance? Are they too long? Battle system looks fun.

Symphonia although it's a bit outdated now but if it was your first you couldn't tell. Vesperia is the best in the series so maybe save it for later so the rest don't look like shit comparatively. Xilia is the most current, cheap, and pretty good.


Hunky Nostradamus
Finally saw Frozen and listened to Let it Go (I wanted to save the experience of first listening to the song for when I saw the movie, so I had to mute the TV when Adele Dazim performed at the Oscars). Boy, does the internet sure know how to overhype shit.


Finally saw Frozen and listened to Let it Go (I wanted to save the experience of first listening to the song for when I saw the movie, so I had to mute the TV when Adele Dazim performed at the Oscars). Boy, does the internet sure know how to overhype shit.

It's like your'r new to this internet thing.

Still havn't seen it, still want to. The hype hasn't phased me much, it generally doesn't.


There's multi-language version of the song in YouTube, if anything it was interesting hearing it in different languages thorough different singers. Also, I missed watching the movie so I'll Netflix it at some point.


Hunky Nostradamus
I mean, it wasn't bad at all. I liked it. Just not the best thing ever in the history of the universe/Disney - not that I thought it would be - but still, with the amount of praise heaped upon it by critics and fans, I was expecting something a little grander.

And Let it Go sounded more like a random pop song than your typical Broadway style Disney stuff, which is not to say that it was bad, it wasn't, but it was also a surprisingly generic power ballad that didn't quite fit it with the rest of the more traditional sounding songs.

Where did all the hand-drawn films go

Japan and Europe.
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