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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Hi guys I need your help! I need a new haircut and I'm in a hurry, I like the classy style, this is me normally

This is me just now just awaken about to go to the gym (so you can see my hairtrype and lenght)

I'm asking Manshion thread too (I'm gonna make them puke) but I'd like your opinion too :3 I'm going to the saloon in an hour.

grow it out a bit more and just become johnny pacar

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I would like to be with someone who is obsessed with art like me.
Why are those kind of guys so hard to find?
Cruel world.

Heh, date a barista. Seems like they're more often than not artists or heavily interested in art.

Finding a boyfriend who is a big gaming nerd like me is a godsend. I can't imagine being with someone who didn't like gaming.

It legitimately surprised me when my boyfriend recently suggested we should get a Playstation because he apparently enjoys playing games when he's visiting his nephews. Just kind of caught me off guard as I've never pictured him as "the type," haha. I'll never get back into gaming again, personally -- it's been around seven years since I was into it -- but I wouldn't object to playing a few quick rounds of a puzzle or racing game now and then.


"Países Bajos" is Spanish for Netherlads. It sounds so bad (literally "Low Countries", lol) :p Most people use "Holanda" anyway.

That's what Nederland actually means in Dutch :p
Neder means low and land means... land. It's because much of the country is below sea level. Here CGP Grey explains the name Holland and some other stuff.

Thanks guys, your words are very encouraging :)

I think this is the smarter plan right now, though I will still try to look for opportunities while I'm in the Netherlands (and before).
Good luck! The stories some time ago about stores running out of toilet paper seems like the least of the problems when you're robbed and inflation is 56% :/


its so close to hollandaise.
Except H is always silent in Spanish :p

Hi guys I need your help!
It'd be interesting if you'd let it grow a bit more, actually! But since you want it short, I'm not sure I can give proper advice. Looking good regardless :)

Thats what it means in English too - Nether = Low. Netherlands = Lowlands. :D

That's what Nederland actually means in Dutch :p
Neder means low and land means... land. It's because much of the country is below sea level. Here CGP Grey explains the name Holland and some other stuff.
Yup, it's just that it sounds bad in Spanish since it could be interpreted as "Lowly Countries" too, lol.


It'd be interesting if you'd let it grow a bit more, actually! But since you want it short, I'm not sure I can give proper advice. Looking good regardless :)
Heh I had longer hair once, I just think I'm a bit old for that :p



Heh I had longer hair once, I just think I'm a bit old for that :p
I like it! Also, I'm older than you and my hair is not going anywhere, lol. It's funny, when I was younger my hair was super short, then it got longer as I became older.
Hi guys I need your help! I need a new haircut and I'm in a hurry, I like the classy style
I'm asking Manshion thread too (I'm gonna make them puke) but I'd like your opinion too :3 I'm going to the saloon in an hour.

Edit: Removed pics of horror :p

Classy style? Get a fedora. Your hair is fluffy has hell. Grow it out and sell hair transplants.

Heh, date a barista. Seems like they're more often than not artists or heavily interested in art.

It legitimately surprised me when my boyfriend recently suggested we should get a Playstation because he apparently enjoys playing games when he's visiting his nephews. Just kind of caught me off guard as I've never pictured him as "the type," haha. I'll never get back into gaming again, personally -- it's been around seven years since I was into it -- but I wouldn't object to playing a few quick rounds of a puzzle or racing game now and then.

It's funny that you mention this, because I honestly can't see myself with a gamer in the long run. I barely game as-is (most of the franchises I love are either dead or dying), but even then it seems like one of those things that's better off as an easy way to have some "me time."

And don't you guys give me that look, everyone needs their recreational pastimes.
I like it! Also, I'm older than you and my hair is not going anywhere, lol. It's funny, when I was younger my hair was super short, then it got longer as I became older.

Same here :) Although it's hard to tell how long your hair is from your super close up picture ;)


Classy style? Get a fedora.
Your hair is fluffy has hell. Grow it out and sell hair transplants.

What? I need a hair transplant lol. Seriously I kinda like my hair is so wavy because I take pills and apply stuff for baldness, let's just say my father is the brightest "head" in town. I was losing an alarming amount of hair so I began treatment. I'm still devoid of much hair BUT it's not gross anymore :p


I think the longer hair in this picture is what suited you the best ;P

Edit: Your fly looks like it's open haha :D

wait why where you looking there?

I like it! Also, I'm older than you and my hair is not going anywhere, lol. It's funny, when I was younger my hair was super short, then it got longer as I became older.

Eh I can't picture you with short hair :3

The thing about that style is that I'd have to straighten my hair with some nasty products and I don't think I could do such a thing without losing half my hair :(
What? I need a hair transplant lol. Seriously I kinda like my hair is so wavy because I take pills and apply stuff for baldness, let's just say my father is the brightest "head" in town. I was losing an alarming amount of hair so I began treatment. I'm still devoid of much hair BUT it's not gross anymore :p

Are you calling him a slut?


Eh I can't picture you with short hair :3

The thing about that style is that I'd have to straighten my hair with some nasty products and I don't think I could do such a thing without losing half my hair :(

This is 17 years old > 25 years old:

I so wouldn't go back to that. Of course, my hair wasn't styled in any way back in the day, but I still prefer longer hair. And longer hair looks good too even if it's wavy! :p But so does short hair, really. Go with the style you like the most.



Talk about good ageing.
Get the stubble back :3

You look good in both ! While I normally don't like the parted hair (?) I think your asian genes change that. Oh if I was your classmate back then :p . However I must say, to me at least, you look better with short hair, while your face looks better now.

That's what I thought too. I misplaced the shadow for an arm at first too which initially made me think it was an...interesting choice of picture.
Hahaha those were some fun pants, no it was not open, but it was not really covered very well and it had another color on the fabric so it ALWAYS looked like it was open.
I think the longer hair in this picture is what suited you the best ;P

Edit: Your fly looks like it's open haha :D
That's what I thought too. I misinterpretted the shadow for an arm at first too which initially made me think it was an...interesting choice of picture. EDIT: I was on my phone though so the image wasn't particularly large. On a laptop screen it became much more apparent.

Honestly I think either style (as you have it in your display picture or as it is in that picture) looks good on you. I'd personally probably prefer it as it is in your display picture, but that is only down to personal preference. I'd offer more help but unfortunately my knowledge of haircuts end at "four all over please".

EDIT: Misinterpretted, not misplaced.

Bailey 87

It legitimately surprised me when my boyfriend recently suggested we should get a Playstation because he apparently enjoys playing games when he's visiting his nephews. Just kind of caught me off guard as I've never pictured him as "the type," haha. I'll never get back into gaming again, personally -- it's been around seven years since I was into it -- but I wouldn't object to playing a few quick rounds of a puzzle or racing game now and then.

Do it. Playing co-op games in the dark under the duvet is like the hottest thing ever. Don't get competitive games though. My boyfriend doesn't take losing well, and when he plays against me, he's always the loser :p


Going with a gamer boyfriend would be a dream come true, but I barely know people that are into videogames, let alone into Nintendo games, so I think that may not happen.

I'd be fine with a person who has a good personality and a stable life, that's enough for me.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Do it. Playing co-op games in the dark under the duvet is like the hottest thing ever. Don't get competitive games though. My boyfriend doesn't take losing well, and when he plays against me, he's always the loser :p

I suspect my bf would be the same way; no idea if he's actually any good at gaming, but he definitely likes to be the center of attention. ;)

Still, I just upgraded to an HDTV last month (after using a 19" CRT for the last four years!) and the guy has an affinity for expensive clothes, so I doubt either of us will be in a position to afford a new Playstation any time soon...
So, my boyfriend of 18 months was cheating on me, ha, good riddance, asshole.
I'm sorry he did that. :(

It's just that queer sounds so archaic.. like homophile, invert, uranian etc. Its just difficult to take anyone seriously who would use that term. You may not necessarily be a racist by using the term colored, but you'd still look ridiculous. Same thing with calling somebody queer.
What's a better word?

Pre-empting 'gay' with 'the umbrella sense of 'gay' has a history of defending the exclusion of others in the community and a whole lot of other stuff'.

This is in general and not directly related to anyone: I approach some criticisms of 'queer' with caution since the label is of greater value to certain subgroups with less power in the community.


Hunky Nostradamus
Any updates about your condition Ratsky?

I'm seeing a doctor on Tuesday. I felt around in the shower yesterday and couldn't really feel the lump anymore, so now I feel dumb for freaking out. It was probably just the epididymis and now I'm probably going to the doctor for nothing. :/

Or, if you're curious about the other thing I talked about a while back
my rugburned dick is back to normal now. Just be gentle and use lube and it'll never happen to you. Someone needs to make a PSA that informs guys about what will happen if they don't, cause I had no idea that shit was physiologically possible. #WhyDidNoOneWarnMeOfThis


The husband has become quite the gamer in the last year. Commandeered my 3DS, went from not understanding Rpgs to playing Lost Odyssey/BD/Last Remnant on the 360. He rarely even asks me for help any more, I'm so proud! We don't play that much together though. The only multi-player games I have are fighting games which he's not a big fan of. We do play Basara/Musou titles though.
So, my boyfriend of 18 months was cheating on me, ha, good riddance, asshole.

Wow, what a douche. Sorry to hear that man.

I'm seeing a doctor on Tuesday. I felt around in the shower yesterday and couldn't really feel the lump anymore, so now I feel dumb for freaking out. It was probably just the epididymis and now I'm probably going to the doctor for nothing. :/

Or, if you're curious about the other thing I talked about a while back
my rugburned dick is back to normal now. Just be gentle and use lube and it'll never happen to you. Someone needs to make a PSA that informs guys about what will happen if they don't, cause I had no idea that shit was physiologically possible. #WhyDidNoOneWarnMeOfThis

That's encouraging news! Still it's always best to get it checked out just in case. You're doing the right thing by going to the docs and shouldn't feel embarrassed at all! :)

I must have missed the rugburn thing... what happened? lol
So, my boyfriend of 18 months was cheating on me, ha, good riddance, asshole.
Whaaat!? Sorry... Good riddance indeed.

The husband has become quite the gamer in the last year. Commandeered my 3DS, went from not understanding Rpgs to playing Lost Odyssey/BD/Last Remnant on the 360. He rarely even asks me for help any more, I'm so proud! We don't play that much together though. The only multi-player games I have are fighting games which he's not a big fan of. We do play Basara/Musou titles though.
I think I just died from the amazingness of this post. Going from not gaming to full-fledged RPGs is pretty impressive. You snagged a good one!


I'm sorry he did that. :(

Ouch!!!! *hug*

Wow, what a douche. Sorry to hear that man.

Whaaat!? Sorry... Good riddance indeed.

Hope you'll be okay. Here, have yourself a good little break-up song, you deserve it :

Since U Been Gone (my personal favorite)
Caught Out There
Hole In The Head
Son Of A Gun
Me, Myself & I

See, this is wy I hold you so dear guys :') thanks a lot a lot a lot a lot.
Luckily for me it's fair today so let's see how much good swimers are my sorrows ;)

The husband has become quite the gamer in the last year. Commandeered my 3DS, went from not understanding Rpgs to playing Lost Odyssey/BD/Last Remnant on the 360. He rarely even asks me for help any more, I'm so proud! We don't play that much together though. The only multi-player games I have are fighting games which he's not a big fan of. We do play Basara/Musou titles though.
Husband? d'awwww



Whaaat!? Sorry... Good riddance indeed.

I think I just died from the amazingness of this post. Going from not gaming to full-fledged RPGs is pretty impressive. You snagged a good one!

I did! He really is adapting a lot better than before. I'm afraid he'll never leave the bedroom once I put the ps3 in there :3

I've made it into November in P4G. Things are really rolling now!


Talk about good ageing.
Get the stubble back :3

You look good in both ! While I normally don't like the parted hair (?) I think your asian genes change that. Oh if I was your classmate back then :p . However I must say, to me at least, you look better with short hair, while your face looks better now.
Thanks! :D Stubble doesn't really work with longer hair IMO, it looks too busy.

You look better with short hair IMO.
I don't think I'll ever shave it like that again. I might try shorter hair at some point, but not like that. And I really love longer hair :p Plus Toluca is super cold and windy, so it serves a double purpose.

I see what you mean now... it looks very good either way :p

Edit: In fact forgive me for swooning a little..
Lol, thanks! :p GAF is too nice. I think your hair looks super cool too :p

So, my boyfriend of 18 months was cheating on me, ha, good riddance, asshole.
What. This sucks :/ Precisely, good riddance. Don't think too much about it, cheer up, and drink responsibly!


It's just that queer sounds so archaic.. like homophile, invert, uranian etc. Its just difficult to take anyone seriously who would use that term. You may not necessarily be a racist by using the term colored, but you'd still look ridiculous. Same thing with calling somebody queer.

I think you're right about the connotations, and it used to bother me when I first saw people self-identify as 'queer.' It felt almost lacking in self-awareness, I guess.

But I've learned a bit more about queer theory since then, and I like the reclamation of the term as an all-inclusive term for 'sexual minorities'. And I can see how terms like 'bisexual' or 'homosexual' might not capture a person's sense of their sexuality, or how someone might not feel like terms like 'transgender' really captures their gender identity (or how they choose to present).

If I see someone who isn't writing from a gay, trans, or feminist perspective using 'queer', it does still bother me, though.
I did! He really is adapting a lot better than before. I'm afraid he'll never leave the bedroom once I put the ps3 in there :3

I've made it into November in P4G. Things are really rolling now!

Just you wait! <3 Kanji
I really need to play the Persona games or just SMT games in general. My only attempt was Devil Survivor on the 3DS and it really didn't resonate with me at all. I think the SRPG aspect of it really turned me off. I was tempted on a number of occasions during the holidays sales to pick up SMT IV for 3DS, but know that BD will be taking up most of my gaming time once it's out.

My aim is to catch up before P5, which I am super excited for.


irresponsible vagina leak
I fucking love old Sugababes.

Don't know how well-known it is, but Mutya Keisha Siobhan (the original lineup of Sugababes) are so damn good, they sound better than ever.

Flatline, first single off their upcoming album.
Royals cover, they even made it bearable lol.
Caught in a moment, old song, but sounds so much better with the blonde gone.


BTW I believe MKS were being dropped by their label if they didnt scrapped the whole thing and do something else.
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