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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Thought I'd step outside Comic-GAF for a sec to peek in here and say hello. I see that many in the family enjoy their teevee and vija games. Good, good. Well, I'm going to go back to my comics now, but I'm glad I saw you in regular OT so we could have this chat.


Hunky Nostradamus
After A Link Between Worlds, I really want more Zelda, and for now, replaying previous games is the only thing I can do about it. I can't freaking wait for the Majora's Mask remake.

You've played all the Zelda games then? Luckily I still have several left (the first two, MM, the Four Swords games and ALBW) so I haven't had to resort to replaying any of them yet.


Outside of the office/work and my phone, I am not spending much time online. I was talking to lonche the other day about how important my phone has become, and not because I can't live without it or I am addicted to the 'always connected' lifestyle (I am not), but because it has allow me to keep in touch with people and know they are alive and [mostly] well (and I have also made great friends and acquaintances++).

I don't even have a cell phone.
After A Link Between Worlds, I really want more Zelda, and for now, replaying previous games is the only thing I can do about it. I can't freaking wait for the Majora's Mask remake.
Yeah, I'm tempted to pick up Wind Waker HD now that I'm done with ALBW, though I should probably finish Seasons/Ages first. I also cannot wait for a MM remake, since it's one of the only Zelda's I've never played.
Wind Waker is the only Zelda game I've finished. And it was just last November, with the HD version. It was probably in part since I bought it with a shiny Wii U that I had the motivation to stick with it, but I largely liked it too.

I am playing A Link to the Past now before getting A Link Between Worlds. I just finished the desert dungeon. :)


¿Le hablas a tu lonche? lol
Yes, I talk to my food.
lonche is a gaffer

You've played all the Zelda games then? Luckily I still have several left (the first two, MM, the Four Swords games and ALBW) so I haven't had to resort to replaying any of them yet.
I don't even have a cell phone.
I wish I could play Majora's Mask for the first time again. Just remembering the music makes me feel such nostalgia... that last 3rd day ._.
Four Swords Adventures is one of the better multiplayer experiences I have had with friends and brothers (and it's still a pretty good single player Zelda game).
So... no phone at all? How do you keep in touch with friends and relatives, Ratsky? What about FB or Twitter (not that you need those, but they can represent/be good communication tools)?

Don't forget the minus minus. (emo)
You know there are other options you could use every now and then (sun)
Oh, hey, so I came out to someone at work the other day. It was so awkward.

Me: I'm moving to Mexico.
Co-worker: Oh? Are you're moving with your boyfriend or..?
Me: Um.. Something like that.
Co-worker: He have family down there?
Me: Well.. *eyes darting around* ..she does, yeah.
Co-worker: Oh. Sorry, I didn't know.
Me: That's ok. How would you?

I've been gaying for 20 years but coming out is a never-ending thing. I'm usually pretty blasé about it but at work I feel weird. I work at daycare centres and staff and parents tend to be on the conservative side.


Oh, hey, so I came out to someone at work the other day. It was so awkward.

Me: I'm moving to Mexico.
Co-worker: Oh? Are you're moving with your boyfriend or..?
Me: Um.. Something like that.
Co-worker: He have family down there?
Me: Well.. *eyes darting around* ..she does, yeah.
Co-worker: Oh. Sorry, I didn't know.
Me: That's ok. How would you?

I've been gaying for 20 years but coming out is a never-ending thing. I'm usually pretty blasé about it but at work I feel weird. I work at daycare centres and staff and parents tend to be on the conservative side.
Hey & welcome!
I haven't really come out to anyone yet so I can't really relate to your situation on that.
Do your parents accept that you live with a woman? And what's her family thinking about your relationship?

Edit: Misread your post. :/ (was still half asleep when I replied)

BTW how is the cultural acceptance of LGBT people in Mexico?


Yup! Last time I linked my blog here my straight bff saw my tumblr. Im still blushing from embearrassment </teddie>

Paintchipsforpyromancers. Warning, chubby butt selfies rampant.

You're actually too cute.

Also, the selfie:sketch ratio is on-point.


BTW how is the cultural acceptance of LGBT people in Mexico?

Depends on where you are. Where I am women and generally accepting it as long as its not their son who is gay. Men make jokes about gay people everyday but I can't say if they are accepting it or just laughing at it thinking it is ridiculous. Most religious people won't accept it and say it is sin which is a big amount of the population. Young people are slowly getting to accept it though, but there is a lot to do.

In terms of laws, Mexico City hs legal gay marriage while the rest of the country remains skeptical about it.


The 2D Zeldas definitely have a better track record. Spirit Tracks is an overall better game than Phantom Hourglass (not that that's saying much), but its transportation system is soooo boring and it takes forever to get from one place to another. The flute mini game is also a fucking nightmare and makes the game nearly unplayable for me.

Alright then, that pretty much confirms that I shouldn't be in a rush to play that game :(

As for my ranking :

Majora's Mask >>>>>>> everything else


Again, thanks for the support, guys. I've collected myself for the most part.

I'm playing SMT4 again, still fun. I hope I can get neutral route though I wouldn't mind Chaos as I like Walter.


I'm considering doing a DEX run soon. I'm of the opinion that magic snaps the game in half.


Again, thanks for the support, guys. I've collected myself for the most part.


I'm considering doing a DEX run soon. I'm of the opinion that magic snaps the game in half.

That's what I am. Magic/Ag/Luck though agility is way lower than magic. I love the big numbers I put up.


That's what I am. Magic/Ag/Luck though agility is way lower than magic. I love the big numbers I put up.

You only need about 100-150 AG for the most part.

I've got 408 MA/220 AG/ 208 LU on my current file. I've got a demon with 300 MA and a minimum of 150 in everything else, with a multi hit attack and spirit focus. It kills almost everything in the game in a single blow after setup.

I play this game too much.


You only need about 100-150 AG for the most part.

I've got 408 MA/220 AG/ 208 LU on my current file. I've got a demon with 300 MA and a minimum of 150 in everything else, with a multi hit attack and spirit focus. It kills almost everything in the game in a single blow after setup.

I play this game too much.

Do you use the incenses? I wanted to use them but they sound useful in battle so I been saving them. I'm level 32 and something like 120 Magic/43 Agi/32 luck roughly.


Depends on where you are. Where I am women and generally accepting it as long as its not their son who is gay. Men make jokes about gay people everyday but I can't say if they are accepting it or just laughing at it thinking it is ridiculous. Most religious people won't accept it and say it is sin which is a big amount of the population. Young people are slowly getting to accept it though, but there is a lot to do.

In terms of laws, Mexico City hs legal gay marriage while the rest of the country remains skeptical about it.
Yeah I asked beause I know that there is a huge part of the population that is deeply religious in Mexico.

And mothers being okay with it "as long as it isn't my son!" is a global thing I guess. It's basically the same in the part of Europe where I live.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I'm playing SMT4 again, still fun. I hope I can get neutral route though I wouldn't mind Chaos as I like Walter.
I hate that SMT4's routes are completely obtuse and require walkthroughs to navigate. I realize it's in keeping with the series', and even RPGs', traditions, but being locked into a decision after the game had spent hours giving me the illusion of agency frustrated me, and I stopped playing altogether. Thankfully, the story (again, in SMT tradition!) was mediocre, and without any plot interest, I felt I had played enough to finish the game. The actual battle system and maps were nicely designed and quite a bit of fun though.


Do you use the incenses? I wanted to use them but they sound useful in battle so I been saving them. I'm level 32 and something like 120 Magic/43 Agi/32 luck roughly.

I use them on myself at any opportunity. I almost never use incenses for the demons. The Uber-demon I made is a low-level one with HP boosting abilities. I bought all the Demon Enhancer apps and save scummed for the ideal stat spread. The healing is kind of nice, but the permanent performance boost is too much to ignore. I've considered trying to max out my stats by incense farming, but spawning and beating the red rider is like pulling teeth.

I hate that SMT4's routes are completely obtuse and require walkthroughs to navigate. I realize it's in keeping with the series', and even RPGs', traditions, but being locked into a decision after the game had spent hours giving me the illusion of agency frustrated me, and I stopped playing altogether. Thankfully, the story (again, in SMT tradition!) was mediocre, and without any plot interest, I felt I had played enough to finish the game. The actual battle system and maps were nicely designed and quite a bit of fun though.

Most of the other SMT games save for Persona 4 are usually straightforward with choosing an ending.


there's ALWAYS ONE
Most of the other SMT games save for Persona 4 are usually straightforward with choosing an ending.
Unfortunately, SMT4, Devil Survivor, Soul Hackers, and Persona 4 are the only ones I've played, and, as you said, Persona 4 is certainly in keeping with that tradition. I received the "bad" ending the first time I played it. Granted, the audience for this game is probably more familiar with the series' multiple endings than most game audiences, but that doesn't excuse the game's poor handling of those endings. I'm fine with the idea of multiple endings and I don't mind having received the short end of the stick, but if I was interested in seeing all of Persona 4's content, the obfuscation of its ending choices would have felt unfair. I don't know why the choices I made were deemed incorrect, and if I were to replay the game, I wouldn't know what to do differently.

I think I've had enough of the overarching Shin Megami Tensei series for one lifetime though, so I'll have to take your word that it's improved in the other entries.


Unfortunately, SMT4, Devil Survivor, Soul Hackers, and Persona 4 are the only ones I've played, and, as you said, Persona 4 is certainly in keeping with that tradition. I received the "bad" ending the first time I played it. Granted, the audience for this game is probably more familiar with the series' multiple endings than most game audiences, but that doesn't excuse the game's poor handling of those endings. I'm fine with the idea of multiple endings and I don't mind having received the short end of the stick, but if I was interested in seeing all of Persona 4's content, the obfuscation of its ending choices would have felt unfair. I don't know why the choices I made were deemed incorrect, and if I were to replay the game, I wouldn't know what to do differently.

I think I've had enough of the overarching Shin Megami Tensei series for one lifetime though, so I'll have to take your word that it's improved in the other entries.

Persona 4's branches are (deliberately, mind you) exceptionally insidious.
The first one requires you to stall Yosuke in the most passive manner possible and you have to nail all of the right responses in order to move forward. The second one requires you to resist all of the game's attempts to make you go back home on the last day and instead head back to the usual meeting spot where you enter the TV world.


How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!
How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!
It's okay so far, just found out I'm actually loosing weight and I kind of want to cry lol
Anyway, I kind of dislike Sundays because I have to go to church :/

Also, I wish I went to parties lol,I was invited to like 3 or 4 last year but I didn't go because I didn't feel like going back then. oh well.
How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!

It's not bad, though I wish it was better. I'm just getting things ready for school tomorrow, I still have to get my books but I doubt I'll have to use them the first week. Books are so expensive, I hate it :(

It's okay so far, just found out I'm actually loosing weight and I kind of want to cry lol
Anyway, I kind of dislike Sundays because I have to go to church :/

Also, I wish I went to parties lol,I was invited to like 3 or 4 last year but I didn't go because I didn't feel like going back then. oh well.

You want to cry because you're happy about losing weight, or because you don't want to lose weight?


How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!

I'm just finishing up an article for the website for which I work. It's almost 9pm here in France already (but that's alright, I like to take my time and going at my own pace).


Hunky Nostradamus
So... no phone at all? How do you keep in touch with friends and relatives, Ratsky? What about FB or Twitter (not that you need those, but they can represent/be good communication tools)?

I live with them XD but yeah I also use Facebook and email for the few extended members of my family that I keep in contact with.
It's not bad, though I wish it was better. I'm just getting things ready for school tomorrow, I still have to get my books but I doubt I'll have to use them the first week. Books are so expensive, I hate it :(

You want to cry because you're happy about losing weight, or because you don't want to lose weight?
I'm happy because I'm loosing weight. Looks like 2014 is the year I'm making a change :D
It's okay so far, just found out I'm actually loosing weight and I kind of want to cry lol
Anyway, I kind of dislike Sundays because I have to go to church :/

Also, I wish I went to parties lol,I was invited to like 3 or 4 last year but I didn't go because I didn't feel like going back then. oh well.

That's very encouraging to hear! Hopefully whatever has worked will continue working until you reach your desired weight.

As for Sunday, I can't say I'm the biggest fan as it simply means I have to cram as much work into the day as possible before Monday (currently have an Applied Maths paper, a Maths paper, and a French paper to do for tomorrow, so the rest of my evening looks pretty busy).

Mr. F

How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!

Underwhelming, lots of homework. This whole weekend was pretty shit.


Not too bad. Some Link Between Worlds now, then finish up a syllabus and whatnot for first day of class tomorrow, then probably some FF XIV with friends later.


I'm playing through Dark Souls for the first time and I'm terrible so far. I'm constantly asking my boyfriend for tips since he's like an expert at everything about the game but he's insisting I play the game without too much help. It's a very good game though. I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying it despite dying so much.

Son Of D

I've got back into playing Final Fantasy VIII, but this time the PC version. I'm still adjusting to the speed differences between the PC version and the EU PS1 version.
How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!

Meh, studied a bit. My grandpa is getting worse, pretty sure he'll not make this month. Fuck cancer. And I have an aunt with Down Syndrome and lately she's been showing some signs of dementia. Hope it doesn't progress, although she's already 52. Fuck dementia.

Anyway. on the upside, my sister will be having her first baby in a couple of days. Excited to become an uncle :)

Any tips on how to be the cool gay uncle?


I got an email from a different college TODAY and they just said "Meet me at XYZ tomorrow for your interview".

What the hell.
How's everyone's Sunday? I'm out to brunch with a friend who stayed over last night, and we're eating tons of food and having day drinks :D and after day drinking we're cleaning up my place from the party we threw on Friday (which was awesome btw and y'all should come to our parties)!

Had a great Sunday, mainly rehearsing for a production of Rent i'm going to be in :) I love busy days!


Any tips on how to be the cool gay uncle?

Yeah, just be the cool uncle - they don't care if you're gay or not.

Have lots of energy. Don't talk to them like they are kids, talk to them like they are your real friend. Just laugh and play and pretend like you are one of them.

I have two nephews and a niece (all 6) who I have been really close to all of their life. I am the cool uncle. I fucking love kids.


Yep, your gayness makes no difference here, just be there for them and play with them.

source: i have two nieces, 16 and 10. Fucking love them to pieces. Two of the best people I've ever known.


Meh, studied a bit. My grandpa is getting worse, pretty sure he'll not make this month. Fuck cancer. And I have an aunt with Down Syndrome and lately she's been showing some signs of dementia. Hope it doesn't progress, although she's already 52. Fuck dementia.

Anyway. on the upside, my sister will be having her first baby in a couple of days. Excited to become an uncle :)

Any tips on how to be the cool gay uncle?

I'm sorry for your grandpa, I lost mine almost two years ago and all I can tell you is to try to be there for him up until the end.

Also, congratulations for your future nephew/niece ! I've also just become an uncle a few months ago ! In the beginning, there's not much you could do but offering them lots of gifts. I have a niece so I'm not really sure if she's gonna be interested in video games while growing up (yeah, I know, girls can like video games too, just saying I don't know if she will yet), but I'll try to get her to like them, starting with the classics on the SNES.
Fairly lazy Sunday here. Ran for a bit this afternoon and re-watching the tail end of Girls season 2 in prep for the premier tonight.

Also read through Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman and absolutely loved it.

I picked up Pokemon Y again and decided to do some Wonder Trading with some fantastic results - got a Chimchar and Mudkip fairly quickly. Looks like the select group with Pokemon Bank have been churning out some prior generation mons for the rest of us still waiting.

Btw I could always use some more 3DS friends to help beef up my Friend Safari so hit me up 0903-2967-7500.
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