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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I really need to play the Persona games or just SMT games in general. My only attempt was Devil Survivor on the 3DS and it really didn't resonate with me at all. I think the SRPG aspect of it really turned me off. I was tempted on a number of occasions during the holidays sales to pick up SMT IV for 3DS, but know that BD will be taking up most of my gaming time once it's out.

My aim is to catch up before P5, which I am super excited for.

I don't know how you can be excited for Persona 5 if you don't have prior experience with the series plus all we have is one teaser :p

I recently completed SMTIV and I must say that game is not for me. It's difficult, grueling, and the story has some philosophical moments but overall it's not the main driving force. If you like a challenge then you should try it.

Onto to Persona. If you have a Vita/PSP I recommend starting with Persona 3 Portable, mostly because the game improves a bunch of things from the original plus you have the option of using a female protagonist. A lot of people complain about the interface and the change to a more visual novel like nature but it didn't really bother me much. You can watch the sequel (The Answer) cutscenes online if you want to be fully informed.

If you ever finish (should take 60-70 hours to complete) and you still want more you should finally sample Persona 4 Golden. There are some fanservicey additions, and most of the them are actually well done but a few are a bit racey and unneeded. Keep that in mind but seriously best game on the Vita currently.

And if you still haven't had enough skip the first Persona and go to Persona 2: Innocent Sin which arguably has the best story in the series but some terrible gameplay.

I will use any excuse to talk about Persona.


I fucking love old Sugababes.

Don't know how well-known it is, but Mutya Keisha Siobhan (the original lineup of Sugababes) are so damn good, they sound better than ever.

They're my favorite band ever ! I've spent most of my teenage years obsessing over their music, buying all their albums and supporting them through each of their iteration (though the last one with Jade was awful, and Sweet 7 is garbage).

I'm so excited about MKS. Flatlines was a good enough single, but I can see why it didn't manage to set the charts alight. Hoping for their album to bee released this year !
(plus I asked them to follow me on Twitter, and I was super psyched when they did !)


I fucking love old Sugababes.

Don't know how well-known it is, but Mutya Keisha Siobhan (the original lineup of Sugababes) are so damn good, they sound better than ever.

Flatline, first single off their upcoming album.

Just want to say how much I love this song "Flatline" it's a shame it flopped, it should've been much more successful. I was listening to it all summer and autumn.


So I get to die drive on the highway tomorrow because my mother has completely lost any and all trace of constitution that enables her to perform basic everyday activities without sedation. It's just me and her and the neighbor who comes to help out at times (who has his own family to take care of, mind you.) because my father signed up to go to the Middle East during their stupid little feud at the start of last year, thinking that they were absolutely going to get divorced despite any evidence as to why it might be a bad idea (it took them damn near 4K in legal fees to figure out the obvious fucking reason.)

She's broken down repeatedly (at times for several days in a row) over the past 3 months (and she's lost it about 4 or 5 times in the past week, at one point she nearly lost motor control because she was that deep into a panic. She didn't fully regain composure until the next morning.) and I'm basically the only person able to provide any substantive emotional support for her because I'm the only family member she has within 400 miles.

Seriously who the flying fuck dumps their mentally unstable wife (or as he was thinking at the time, ex-wife) on their own son who can barely even take care of himself and expects everything not to fall apart into fucking pieces by the time he gets back? I have 5 more months of this shit and I'm honestly not sure if I can make it in one piece.

My apologies, but I don't actually have anyone to vent to about this at the moment and I'm too agitated to keep it to myself.

So... umm...This is a guy.



That sounds horrible man :( but just think it's 5 months of bullshit and then it's over, you can do it.


My mom goes to the doctor sometime next week, so they should be able to give her a referral so they can get her a psychoactive drug to minimize the impact of her anxiety. (She has a very negative attitude that also needs work, but of course that can't be fixed so fast. I'm going to have to try and convince her to go to therapy again.)

I think once dad gets back we're going to have a long talk. The whole mess has been the product of about 10 years of problems coming to a head. He needs to realize he can't be brash and do things without thinking about how they might impact everyone else.

I think quite a bit of the problems we have now can be chalked up to nobody really wanting to call out the problems that needed to be addressed, which I'm probably the most guilty of.


I hope everything turns out fine, sounds like a tough situation :( Remain strong, sounds like it'll eventually get better.
Seriously who the flying fuck dumps their mentally unstable wife (or as he was thinking at the time, ex-wife) on their own son who can barely even take care of himself and expects everything not to fall apart into fucking pieces by the time he gets back? I have 5 more months of this shit and I'm honestly not sure if I can make it in one piece.

It sounds to me like despite a really shitty set of circumstances, you're doing a great job of looking after yourself and your mum. It must be really difficult and you should be proud of yourself.

I hope things get easier for you :)


I hope everything turns out fine, sounds like a tough situation :( Remain strong, sounds like it'll eventually get better.

It sounds to me like despite a really shitty set of circumstances, you're doing a great job of looking after yourself and your mum. It must be really difficult and you should be proud of yourself.

I hope things get easier for you :)

Thanks for the encouragement guys. As long as I remember to stay collected I think I can get through this.


Thanks for the encouragement guys. As long as I remember to stay collected I think I can get through this.

I'm sorry that you have to go through that. At least you are being the good guy supporting your mother, I hope your situation gets better as soon as possible


Your story made me tear up, you're a brave man, stay strong, caldarius :)

And thanks for the jam Sai-kun, I feel certainly better now.
Yaaas, you better stan FFVIII.


I am too in love that game, as you can see. Playing it on Steam right now!!

Yup! Last time I linked my blog here my straight bff saw my tumblr. Im still blushing from embearrassment </teddie>

Paintchipsforpyromancers. Warning, chubby butt selfies rampant.

Awesome, you have some pretty keen followers huh!!?

You look new Dante sometimes :p

Oh is that so?! :p I'm going to take that as a compliment as I personally think new Dante is the hottest VG character I've ever seen :D


Why does the ALBW baseball mini game suck so bad? Between that and the racing one, I think I'm gonna pass on that last heart piece...

I've read somewhere that you can warp to Lorule and then call Irene (the little witch) to fly near the finish line. You can then warp back to Hyrule and the guy won't know you cheated. I didn't try it because I gave up way before I even thought of doing that, but I guess it could well be true !
I've read somewhere that you can warp to Lorule and then call Irene (the little witch) to fly near the finish line. You can then warp back to Hyrule and the guy won't know you cheated. I didn't try it because I gave up way before I even thought of doing that, but I guess it could well be true !
Thanks for the tip. Just finished the game without the final heart piece, but I might go back just for completion sake.

:'-D that ending


I'm not itching for more heart pieces. Game is lovely, but I don't think I'll ever need that extra health so far :p BTW it's close to being my GOTY 2013 as a non-fan of Zelda.
I'm not itching for more heart pieces. Game is lovely, but I don't think I'll ever need that extra health so far :p BTW it's close to being my GOTY 2013 as a non-fan of Zelda.
Oh it's entirely unnecessary, I just came close to getting 100% of the items so I figured I'd give it a shot. Haven't done that since Ocarina of Time.

The game really is fantastic and I hope they take a lot of the changes into the next console release. Getting most of the items from the start of the game really made you feel like exploring the over world, much more than any Zelda game before. In past games, I was always hesitant to go exploring until I had every item, because I knew I'd eventually hit a wall that required an item I didn't have.

I also really loved the Street Pass feature and hope they implement something similar into the Wii U game.


3D Zelda usually bores me :( Can't help it. I haven't touched Skyward Sword, I just can tell it's not going to be my kind of game. I semi-jokingly say 3D Dot Game Heroes on PS3 is my favorite Zelda game, but nah, ALBW is definitively my favorite Zelda game :p

Also, I'm going to spend most of the night playing Capcom vs. SNK 2 with friends, yay. We'll end up playing Smash Bros., though. It always happens.


Hunky Nostradamus
3D Zelda usually bores me :( Can't help it. I haven't touched Skyward Sword, I just can tell it's not going to be my kind of game.

Twilight Princess and especially Skyward Sword are both littered with horribad design decisions. I'm convinced that Nintendo is incapable of developing a good 3D Zelda these days.


Twilight Princess and especially Skyward Sword are both littered with horribad design decisions. I'm convinced that Nintendo is incapable of developing a good 3D Zelda these days.

Yeah, the last one I fell in love with was Wind Waker, but even then it had many major flaws (the biggest one being that inane triforce quest towards the end).

Other than that, I love every one of the portable games, bar the DS ones. Although I never got to play Spirit Tracks, but Phantom Hourgkass felt like a chore to play through :(


Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah, the last one I fell in love with was Wind Waker, but even then it had many major flaws (the biggest one being that inane triforce quest towards the end).

Other than that, I love every one of the portable games, bar the DS ones. Although I never got to play Spirit Tracks, but Phantom Hourgkass felt like a chore to play through :(

The 2D Zeldas definitely have a better track record. Spirit Tracks is an overall better game than Phantom Hourglass (not that that's saying much), but its transportation system is soooo boring and it takes forever to get from one place to another. The flute mini game is also a fucking nightmare and makes the game nearly unplayable for me.

The truth is, I am not using my laptop, so I won't be able to do the chart. Lo siento.

Right now or ever? :(
I'm loving ALBW so far and i'm starting to see why people are calling it their GOTY. I cant wait to finish it!. I really want to play more Zelda games too. like Majoras mask still. I really gotta fix that >_< and i guess more 2d zeldas as well


The 2D Zeldas definitely have a better track record. Spirit Tracks is an overall better game than Phantom Hourglass (not that that's saying much), but its transportation system is soooo boring and it takes forever to get from one place to another. The flute mini game is also a fucking nightmare and makes the game nearly unplayable for me.
What a coincidence, today I was thinking about replaying Spirit Tracks... and then I remembered the overworld :\
It's a shame, cause everything else about the game is excellent: dungeons, items, story, characters... and that soundtrack (probably my favorite thing about it).
After A Link Between Worlds, I really want more Zelda, and for now, replaying previous games is the only thing I can do about it. I can't freaking wait for the Majora's Mask remake.

Right now or ever? :(
For now. Outside of the office/work and my phone, I am not spending much time online. I was talking to lonche the other day about how important my phone has become, and not because I can't live without it or I am addicted to the 'always connected' lifestyle (I am not), but because it has allow me to keep in touch with people and know they are alive and [mostly] well (and I have also made great friends and acquaintances++).


Sagitario said:
I was talking to lonche the other day about how important my phone has become, and not because I can't live without it or I am addicted to the 'always connected' lifestyle (I am not), but because it has allow me to keep in touch with people and know they are alive and [mostly] well (and I have also made great friends and acquaintances++).

¿Le hablas a tu lonche? lol
Phones are good stuff for team homework and presentations, I can easily know what are we doing we our tasks and helps us to keep in touch in case something happens.

About Zelda, mmm, there is something weird about that franchise. I can't really get into them and the only ones I have actually finished are OoT and TP. And I loved TP more than OoT even though I have played OoT 3 times already plus my Master Quest run that I haven't finished. I always wanted to play Wind Waker because I played the 20 minute demo many times in the Zelda collector's edition but there was a game that would get in its way and I would purchase it instead of WW lol I think Nintendo made the HD remake for me since now I'll have the oportunity to play it and with better graphics and better pacing :p The others I haven't played or couldn't get pass the third dungeon because they were too boring for me and I haven't been interested in the latest Zelda games. It's weird that Nintendo's second biggest franchise doesn't appeal to me, considering I like the artstyle but once I start playing it feels like a chore.
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