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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Man, we just watched American Hustle and The Great Gatsby. . .

What a bore... Gatsby is definitely worse. Can't believe those two even got nominated!. I suppose there were some truly bad movies in general last year. So far, Dallas Buyers Club sits on top. Will watch Osage County tomorrow.

Gatsby got nominated for its visual elements. Production design and costume design I think. You don't think it deserved those?


Gatsby got nominated for its visual elements. Production design and costume design I think. You don't think it deserved those?

Aaah, you're right. The one that got nominated for best movie was American Hustle (wtf, seriously). The only attractive thing about Gatsby was the insane amount of money spent on the sets and costumes. Still a very shitty movie despite of its veeeery expensive wrapping.


Man, we just watched American Hustle and The Great Gatsby. . .

What a bore... Gatsby is definitely worse. Can't believe those two even got nominated!. I suppose there were some truly bad movies in general last year. So far, Dallas Buyers Club sits on top. Will watch Osage County tomorrow.

I thought American Hustle had a pretty boring plot, but I thought the characters and the performances were great. Better than most other movies that year including DBC who only really had one interesting character (The main guy). I will say I liked DBC better overall though.

Gatsby was a pretty terrible book. So I don't know why people expect the movie to be different outside of Leo.

Haven't seen Wolf of Wallstreet, but someone I know is gushing about it.

Wolf of Wall Street really felt long and repetitive, but it has its cute little moments. It's not bad.


Hunky Nostradamus
Oh the only relevant people on that list are Ratsky.


Wow. I don't know many of those people on that list.

The times are changing.

We need a like a community meet and greet thing to help the old members get acquainted with the newer members!

The Great Gatsby. . .

Boring, yes. But it's also an audiovisual feast with amazing set design and costumes. It definitely deserved the Oscars that it won.

Gatsby was a pretty terrible book.



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Don't give me that look. It was.

The gist of it is: Gatsby dies a lonely old man
kinda like I will
. I don't need a happy ending, but geez... do nothing: the book. As bad as the Lord of the Rings with its FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER instead of just getting on with it.


Gold Member
Blisters nothing, I'm surprised your feet aren't bloody stumps
All I know is, those blisters burn in the shower. :(

I saw you playing on P4G on PSN today when I was doing trophies for Resogun.
Oh, that's me leaving a game running while Toukiden downloads so that I don't get screen burn-in. P4G cycles through the kaleidoscope opening sequence constantly, making the perfect "screen saver". The wifi sucks here in my bunk (better than nothing though given my circumstances), and for some reason it's even worse if the Vita goes on standby. In fact, Toukiden is still trying to download. Hope it finishes sometime today.


Don't give me that look. It was.

The gist of it is: Gatsby dies a lonely old man
kinda like I will
. I don't need a happy ending, but geez... do nothing: the book. As bad as the Lord of the Rings with its FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER instead of just getting on with it.

Do you prefer a swifter pacing in the stuff you read? I guess Gatsby is a more character-driven book, and LotR is so preoccupied with building a world that they lose any sense of progress. It could be you prefer a more plot focused approach to things. I might be the same way.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

You know I'm right. Search your feelings.

[quote="_Isaac, post: 107099537"]Do you prefer a swifter pacing in the stuff you read? I guess Gatsby is a more character-driven book, and LotR is so preoccupied with building a world that they lose any sense of progress. It could be you prefer a more plot focused approach to things. I might be the same way.[/QUOTE]

No, I just prefer things to not sit there and FILLER FILLER FILLER my time. Compare the Hobbit to Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit gets on with it's stuff instead of WORLD BUILDING: THE MOVIE: THE GAME: THE MOVIE-ing shit. "We need to go with us to kill a dragon." "'Kay"

"We need you to go take a ring to a mountain and destroy it."
"But while you're doing that, we're going to sing bar songs [spoiler]though those were cool, granted[/spoiler] and take a bunch of naked showers together. Maybe even discuss trees!"


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
LOTR was a bore.

Silmarillion was ace though.
You know I'm right. Search your feelings.

No, I just prefer things to not sit there and FILLER FILLER FILLER my time. Compare the Hobbit to Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit gets on with it's stuff instead of WORLD BUILDING: THE MOVIE: THE GAME: THE MOVIE-ing shit. "We need to go with us to kill a dragon." "'Kay"

"We need you to go take a ring to a mountain and destroy it."
"But while you're doing that, we're going to sing bar songs
though those were cool, granted
and take a bunch of naked showers together. Maybe even discuss trees!"

I don't remember that part in the book...or movie for that matter. One part of the books that I couldn't stand and often skipped past (and was thankful that they removed for the most part in the movies) was the singing. Totally pointless. That and Tom Bombadil.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Tom Bombadil was the only good part about LOTR, fact.
Tom Bombadil was the only good part about LOTR, fact.

Um no. The movie showed how you could remove him without losing the pace of the story. What's he there for? To give the hobbits weapons and sing a stupid song. He slows down the story. Having Aragorn give them weapons up on Weathertop you tighten the story up without losing anything but meaningless filler.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He's there to be awesome. Granted I skipped the songs, but I liked the concept of Tom Bombadil, who's basically an extraplanar god that rival even the Maia and may have exceeded them in the end. For more interesting, conceptually, than some midgets bumbling around in midget town for 40 years.
He's there to be awesome. Granted I skipped the songs, but I liked the concept of Tom Bombadil, who's basically an extraplanar god that rival even the Maia and may have exceeded them in the end. For more interesting, conceptually, than some midgets bumbling around in midget town for 40 years.

Except all of that was stuff from later. Essentially a retcon. He did dick all in LOTR but sing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Except all of that was stuff from later. Essentially a retcon. He did dick all in LOTR but sing.

Eh, what? I only know about Tom Bombadil from LOTR, I never read the other materials where he makes an appearance. Unless Tom Bombadil was inserted into the edition of LOTR I read?
Eh, what? I only know about Tom Bombadil from LOTR, I never read the other materials where he makes an appearance. Unless Tom Bombadil was inserted into the edition of LOTR I read?

I've only read LOTR and I don't remember them saying in that book where he comes from. I assumed all that godly background you mentioned was from later lore.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's all inferred. I mean, just the fact that he put on the One Ring without one fuck given says boatloads about what kind of being he is. I read the Silmarillion way before I read LOTR (but after the movies), so I had a pretty good grasp of the overall mythos and was able to work Tom Bombadil into it. To me, he was interesting because he broke the established hierarchy, like Lucifer in The Sandman. I have a penchant for fictional characters who exist "outside the rules", as it were.


LOTR is not a bore, bombadil could've been removed from the story completely even though he was cool, tolkien #1 world builder (describing stuff and giving back story =/= filler)

that said, the earthsea trilogy is ace, and a magician of earthsea is my favorite fantasy book


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A Wizard of Earthsea, Grakl, Ged was a Wizard.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Gross, I don't do scales unless they're on a dragon.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Snakes are sooooooo qt.


"Am I kawaii? Uguu!"


Top 10 posters of the thread so far:

BlueBadger - 412
RatskyWatsky - 383
Rm88~ - 290
Via Purifico - 278
daripad - 276
Caladrius - 234
Bladenic - 224
Grakl - 189
umop_3pisdn - 177
Dany M - 141

Oh dear, I didn't think I posted that much.

But slay blue badger sis.

Also I'm pretty convinced at this point I'm not gay desirable. Not one guy at the homo bar hit on me over 2 nights. I mean I made out with one but I already knew him. Guess I'll go back to being straight again (LOL)


Any Ophidiophobic lurkers probably hate us right now.

Oh dear, I didn't think I posted that much.

But slay blue badger sis.

Also I'm pretty convinced at this point I'm not gay desirable. Not one guy at the homo bar hit on me over 2 nights. I mean I made out with one but I already knew him. Guess I'll go back to being straight again (LOL)

Could just be bad luck. 2 nights is a pretty short period of time to judge

I have a hard time with meeting anybody, but I'm 90% sure it's due to me completely lacking social skills and having a bad skin problem.


Man, Osage County is fucking great! That's some high quality drama. Such a breath of fresh air after two shitty movies in a row last night.

Even the maid had her moment, LOL.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
LOTR is not a bore, bombadil could've been removed from the story completely even though he was cool, tolkien #1 world builder (describing stuff and giving back story =/= filler)

Describing every. fucking. tree. on. the. journey, is filler, dude. World building is fine and all but if you're spending 5-10 pages on describing a scene... maybe it's time to cut back on that.

At this point a modern Middle Earth translation could be described as: "Go look at pictures of New Zeland. Now we're getting on with the story."


irresponsible vagina leak
Also I'm pretty convinced at this point I'm not gay desirable. Not one guy at the homo bar hit on me over 2 nights. I mean I made out with one but I already knew him. Guess I'll go back to being straight again (LOL)

I need pics to judge.


Jesus... The whole world is upside down.
Just where did good taste go? *smh*.



Well, at least we can all agree with this one:



Also I'm pretty convinced at this point I'm not gay desirable. Not one guy at the homo bar hit on me over 2 nights. I mean I made out with one but I already knew him. Guess I'll go back to being straight again (LOL)

I missed this post somehow. Guuurl... Now you know it's not true. And RatskyWatsky said it perfectly:

You're prefect boo and fuck those all trashy bar gays who can't see it!

This x100.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Jesus... The whole world is upside down.
Just where did good taste go? *smh*.

Well, at least we can all agree with this one:

Audiences always like things that critics don't really care for or mildly enjoy. You can't really take Rotten Tomatoes as anything more than a gauge of "oh you may/may not enjoy it."

On an unrelated note: Can I just say how much I have a weird crush on
Seth Rogan despite the fact
he really isn't that attractive to me? I have no clue why! D:
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