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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I've heard... things about the second half. I'm hoping my love of the battle system gets me through it, but we'll see.

Yeah, those Seymour fights were hell back in the day. Which battle specifically?

I heard awesome things about Radiant Historia, lukewarm reception to FFTA2. Solatorobo I know nothing about...

EDIT: I know I've said it before, but I find it adorable that you and your hubby play RPGs together. You give hope to the rest of us...


Thanks! I have some thinking to do...

Haha thanks! He rarely asks for help these days but apparently the high bridge fight is really grinding his gears.

I'll probably start with Solatarobo. Need an action rpg in my veins. And something a bit light heart to off set my gloom with Dark Souls 2.
Speaking of RPGs, this just NEEDS to get funded. I'll back it later today :D
Oh my god. That framerate. That everything.

Haha thanks! He rarely asks for help these days but apparently the high bridge fight is really grinding his gears.

I'll probably start with Solatarobo. Need an action rpg in my veins. And something a bit light heart to off set my gloom with Dark Souls 2.
Yes! Even after 10 years that battle gave me issue this time around.
I think it's BS that you can Game Over when every active party member gets turned to stone. That's how I died most of the time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I know, but Kirby is basically the progenitor of cutsey 2D platformers, so I was wondering if you felt the same about Kirby, or just the faux animu moe kawaii desu kind of stuf like Maplestory and that.


I know, but Kirby is basically the progenitor of cutsey 2D platformers, so I was wondering if you felt the same about Kirby, or just the faux animu moe kawaii desu kind of stuf like Maplestory and that.

nah, just the latter


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How do you feel about Ragnarok Online?

I might actually double dip on this one and get both versions. I never do that, but I can make an exception in this case. As the only one of my friends with a Wii U, I have an obligation to purchase both MK8 and Smash for party play.

I'm getting it for 3DS since I don't have a Wii U o__o we can play each other, mister! :3

How do you feel about Ragnarok Online?


I actually played RO for years. It's one of my favorite MMO's tbh ;___;. I might be biased though cause it's the first one I ever played! :3


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I only played RO on private servers sadly, didn't really play the official version.

I always liked the art for it.
I only played RO on private servers sadly, didn't really play the official version.

I always liked the art for it.

I played iro for a bit , but then the rest of my time was spent on private servers too :3 I kinda liked the smaller community vibe.
The art was adorable! And the game was super fun IMO o___o I made lots of friends too :3


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm so broke I wont be able to get MK8 on launch ;_;
Hopefully I have money to get Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros (Wii U) at launch. (I plan getting 3DS version too but considering my situation I might have to wait a bit before I get it)

I should open a get Nito Games Fundation Paypal and see how that goes.
I'm getting it for 3DS since I don't have a Wii U o__o we can play each other, mister! :3
Absolutely! I hope they properly set up the infrastructure for that game. It worries me a little...
I actually played RO for years. It's one of my favorite MMO's tbh ;___;. I might be biased though cause it's the first one I ever played! :3

I only played RO on private servers sadly, didn't really play the official version.

I always liked the art for it.
My first MMO was... ugh... Star Wars Galaxies. Then, I played a bunch of Guild Wars & Guild Wars 2. But I put the most time into FFXI. I've been toying with getting FFXIV for PS4, but I don't know if I could justify the sub fee. If Dragon Quest X ever comes out here, that would be a no brainer for me, though. I'm going through DQ withdrawals.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm waiting for Blade & Soul and PSO2.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB ACTION MMOS
Absolutely! I hope they properly set up the infrastructure for that game. It worries me a little...

My first MMO was... ugh... Star Wars Galaxies. Then, I played a bunch of Guild Wars & Guild Wars 2. But I put the most time into FFXI. I've been toying with getting FFXIV for PS4, but I don't know if I could justify the sub fee. If Dragon Quest X ever comes out here, that would be a no brainer for me, though. I'm going through DQ withdrawals.

Omg I played FFXI for like 4 years!! :O I was going to get XIV either this month or next! What server did you play on in XI? We should play XIV together o___o!
Omg I played FFXI for like 4 years!! :O I was going to get XIV either this month or next! What server did you play on in XI? We should play XIV together o___o!
To be honest, I don't even remember. I used to play all the time with my ex, needless to say I haven't logged into that game in a really long time lol.

Maybe I'll consider XIV. I played a bunch when it released as 1.0 and hated it. Haven't touched it since ARR. It looks pretty though.


Gold Member
Been playing MMOs since Ultima Online. FFXI was a non-stop love/hate relationship. Played it the longest out of any MMO. FFXIV has my current focus, though I'm closely observing Everquest Next/Landmark.

Played a lot of Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast too. Man, was that fun.


I only ever played everquest and WoW -- now I hate WoW and there's no reason to play EQ

thinking of picking up EVE
To be honest, I don't even remember. I used to play all the time with my ex, needless to say I haven't logged into that game in a really long time lol.

Maybe I'll consider XIV. I played a bunch when it released as 1.0 and hated it. Haven't touched it since ARR. It looks pretty though.

You should definitely consider it!! .... Pretty pwease? :3 :3
I only ever played everquest and WoW -- now I hate WoW and there's no reason to play EQ

thinking of picking up EVE
Oof. Enjoy. Every time I read one of those insane stories about EVE, I always start looking more into it, but there's no way I could even attempt to wrap my head around that game.
You should definitely consider it!! .... Pretty pwease? :3 :3
Maybe maybe maybe. Could be a good summertime game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Playing EVE itself is very boring, all its depth comes from the metagame aspects like player politics and player driven economies.


Hunky Nostradamus
I decided to start looking for a new job today, but all the jobs in my area are for truck drivers and/or are asking for applicants with 2+ years of experience in whatever fields. Literally, my only other option is Wal Mart. This is depressing.

Being a Doctor means you have a job to provide care for your patients. He is failing to fulfil his duty and you could be placing your health in danger by staying with him.

Switch. Look after yourself before you worry about the man who ushered you out of his room, forgot who you were and collected his paycheque.

Honestly, the man sounds like he is so indifferent to his patients he won't even notice you are gone.

That's a good point! And it's not like I see him very often anyway. The few times I went in to the doctor last year, he wasn't even in his office! I had to see a nurse practitioner both times. :/ (they were nice and probably would have made for better doctors tbh)

Obviously. But that's normal procedure. It also indicates to the old doctor that there's something about him you don't like. Let that be a lesson for him.

o god :(

That old doctor of yours? He kicks that scruffy dog from American Horror Story S1 for fun. Imagine that! Would you put up with someone like that? I don't think so.


Well then get a new doctor in the same practice and just tell the new doctor that you want to transfer all of your medical record to him/her. Also be honest with the new doctor that you are frustrated dealing with your old doctor since you've been going there for a few times and still don't get any result. It's a waste of your time and money in more ways than one and you can't afford to waste more time. Then ask the new doctor: "Can you do better than my old doctor? I *really* need result not excuses".

IF by any chance you bump into your old doctor and he asks you why you transfered to another doctor then just tell him the truth. "Sorry doc, I wanted to get result ASAP and you didn't give me that." If he starts to spew out excuses, leave him promptly without responding any further. Someone who waste your time like that doesn't worth your time at all.

This is really good advice. :) Thanks! <3

But honestly don't be afraid to speak up about this doctor, it's your health you should worry about, not his feelings. He needs to learn to have more compassion and actually listen to his patients. Chances are, you aren't the only one being treated this way. Some people just don't belong in these jobs. The thing about it is that I have no idea if in medical school they teach doctors to have etiquette and compassion for their patients?

I don't know why I freeze like that whenever I see him. For whatever reason, he just makes me super uncomfortable. I looked at his ratings on one of those doctor rating websites and his rating was pretty high, so maybe it's just me.

You become part of the system. They rush you in and out to move the business along. Bottom line is, you need to be comfortable with the answer you receive and how in depth they go to assuage your fears.

That's a good way of putting it actually.

I'm going through DQ withdrawals.

Speaking of DQ, I recently found an almost new copy of DQ6 DS for $9 on Amazong! Got it in the mail yesterday and it's f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s


I'm waiting for Blade & Soul and PSO2.

Blade and Soul is still coming? It's been announced so long ago I completely forgot about it, it looked neat. I thought NcSoft had just given up on localizing it after Aion didn't last.

And I'd really love for Sega to announce PSO 2 in the west, what is taking them so bloody long... PSO was my first online game and what got me into mmorpg (I was addicted to Lineage 2 for about 5 years) and into learning english... Heck I even imported that Gamecube keyboard pad for it.

I tried the Phantasy Star Portable games but it just wasn't the same...
I didn't get the ultrasound. Doctor came in, felt me up (the lump decided not to appear this time, so he couldn't feel it), said "the tubes are probably just congested. If it becomes a recurring thing, come back and we'll get you an ultrasound." This is exactly what he told me in early January. u____u When I made my appointment, I told the fucking receptionist that the doctor said I should get an ultrasound and she said okay. I thought I fucking scheduled one. I got all psyched up and everything - I felt good about it and was looking forward to getting it over with.

So why didn't I just ask for one while I was in the exam room? idk. I need to grow a spine I guess. My doctor is assy and he intimidates me so I just dumbly nodded and left. fuckfuckfuck when he felt the tubes they were pretty tender, so maybe he's right? but if the tubes are congested then what the fuck is the semi-squishy lump that appears every now and then on the side? why didn't I ask him that? i suck today sucked fml


Yeah, I would just go get an Ultrasound and a different doctor. With this type of situation, you're better safe than sorry especially when the time factor is involved.
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