I understand his son Daken does things.Is Wolverine naked and/or gay in any of them?
I understand his son Daken does things.Is Wolverine naked and/or gay in any of them?
Do they have sex in it?
I understand his son Daken does things.
I hate being poor :'(
I understand his son Daken does things.
I hate being poor :'(
Pretty sure he's only gay in that one alternate universe series where he's dating Hercules.Is Wolverine naked and/or gay in any of them?
Pretty sure he's only gay in that one alternate universe series where he's dating Hercules.
It's from X-treme Xmen. Takes place in Civil War times.
I always find romance in comics so ridiculous heh, maybe not the story (and to be honest I don't know many), but the imagery is hilarious, like that overly heroic, busy background, capes flowing, explotions, and lastly a kiss lol not even soap operas are that corny.
Read Saga.
when I went to a comic/nerd convention last weekend, someone told me i looked like the green-haired main character of saga
i looked it up later and whoa
It's from X-treme Xmen. Takes place in Civil War times.
Why are people always so nice when you can benefit them, but the second you make them confront their own mistakes, it's "all your fault".
I'm so over dealing with this kind of garbage. I'm always the sounding board and/or the problem solver, but as soon as it's convenient to lash out or push me aside, that's always what happens. Then they come back pleading when there's something wrong again.Because some people are self-centered jerks who just want to use others and don't care about the feelings of the people they may hurt in the process. They don't care about their own mistakes, they don't want to atone for them, they don't even want to aknowledge that they did something wrong, because, in their minds, they are always right, and it's far more easier to shift the blame than to accept they screwed up.
I have to ask: does "they" refer to your friends, colleagues at work, family or boyfriends? I have a strict policy of cutting off ties with people who revealed themselves to have more negative aspects than positives ones and who have the kind of behaviour you mentioned. When it's friends and boyfriends, it's (relatively) easy, despite the initial emotional impact, and after calming down I have always known that it was the right choice for me, and I never regretted doing so. As for family and colleagues... That's a little more complicated.
JFC, you'd think an adult would realize that interaction is about give and take and not just take take take.
For others though, JFC, you'd think an adult would realize that interaction is about give and take and not just take take take.
So guys, it's cold out there.
I'm never leaving this thread again
I learned from my mistakes and now I only keep close people who I know I can trust, who know they can trust me, and with whom I have healthy relationships.
Finding the right people takes time, but it is important to keep in mind that "quality > quantity", something that someone close to me finally understand after she realized that me cutting ties with some of her friends wasn't cruel or harsh, but necessary and healthier. She followed my example after putting up with their betrayals and teen-dramas (well, they are all technically adults around 30 years old, but their behaviour makes you wonder how they can be so old and so childish at the same time) for far too long.
I see that we had roughly the same experiences.
When I was young and really stupid (though, well, I didn't know better at the time), I had a crush on someone who was incredibly egocentric and petty, and who, in retrospect, treated me like crap, like his "fanboy". It took spending a week together on a trip for me to come to my senses and realize I deserved better (this was a very tedious week). This particular experience opened my eyes on many things, and I learned to respect myself after that.
I learned from my mistakes and now I only keep close people who I know I can trust, who know they can trust me, and with whom I have healthy relationships.
Finding the right people takes time, but it is important to keep in mind that "quality > quantity", something that someone close to me finally understand after she realized that me cutting ties with some of her friends wasn't cruel or harsh, but necessary and healthier. She followed my example after putting up with their betrayals and teen-dramas (well, they are all technically adults around 30 years old, but their behaviour makes you wonder how they can be so old and so childish at the same time) for far too long.
I always find romance in comics so ridiculous heh, maybe not the story (and to be honest I don't know many), but the imagery is hilarious, like that overly heroic, busy background, capes flowing, explotions, and lastly a kiss lol not even soap operas are that corny.
Anyway, you guys are all correct, it's about having an equal, yet it's so hard to get that. I don't think I ever have actually.
It's not hard to find people who reciprocate the friendship. The hard part is accepting that you have been admitting toxic people into your life and then moving on to cut ties with them (even relatives or family members, if that's the case).
Never settle for less than equals, else you will be walking the same path over and over again. Much better to be on your own than surrounded by people who will only take advantage of you on the first opportunity. Once you learn how to set boundaries, finding people who will positively affect your life won't be difficult.
The best part was when my mom said she would prefer if my sister told her she was pregnant than to see her show up drunkI overreact everything but your parents are even worse than me, wtf?
Come out to her regardless, I think she knows already
?the stupidest shit i've ever heard??? it's up there with the time she told me "Do you know what being Gay is? You have sex with men!"
Don't men who identify as "straight" have more sex with men than gay men do anyway? Nobody is safe from gay sex.gays have sex with men? tell me more
Don't men who identify as "straight" have more sex with men than gay men do anyway? Nobody is safe from gay sex.
How does one learn how to "talk dirty"? Whenever someone asks me to do it I'm always like:
Just say "fuck me pig" or "you like me fucking you, pig?"
Lmao idk
So guys, it's cold out there.
I'm never leaving this thread again