Don't men who identify as "straight" have more sex with men than gay men do anyway? Nobody is safe from gay sex.
Apparently they do, according to that NY survey Mumei posted a few years ago. FML
How does one learn how to "talk dirty"?
I don't know. My dirty talk is pretty mild. Like:
Him: "Please don't kiss my neck. I get hickey too easily. People at the office will talk about it."
Me: *kiss and nibble his neck anyway* "It's a good look on you"
*he moans*
Or you can take it from porn:
"Yeah fuck me hard daddy!"
"Yeah, you like that don't you, you little slut?!"
"Fuck me, fuck me like the trash that I am!"
"I'm going to make you moan all night"
"Oh man, you're so deep inside me"
Just say "fuck me pig" or "you like me fucking you, pig?"
Lmao idk
This will terrify me as it brings back memory of Chris Walker from "Outlast".
"You were here, weren't you little pig? I'll find all of you whores."