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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Rats, that movie you suggested was nothing more than talking and sex!

The 69, jerking and fingering scene were hot though

You should watch Burnt Money ;)


Hunky Nostradamus
Rats, that movie you suggested was nothing more than talking and sex!

So deep. So French.

Franck was such an idiot though - "Hey this dude is hot! Oh, he's a murderer? Who cares?! HE'S SO HOT!!!"

I was very disturbed by the ending. What did you think of it? I initially was confused by it but I went online and looked up the intended interpretation and then it made sense.

The 69, jerking and fingering scene were hot though

Yep. I felt bad for that one guy who was always
jerking off
to the other guys in the woods without reciprocation.

You should watch Burnt Money ;)

Is it on Netflix? :)

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'm fairly certain the cake is not for the cat.

Coincidentally, my mom just mailed me some old photos and one was of ten-year old me giving a dog biscuit "cake" to my German Shepherd, who was also wearing a dixie cup birthday hat decorated with streamers.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought the "cake" was made out of some sort of cat food.
So deep. So French.

Franck was such an idiot though - "Hey this dude is hot! Oh, he's a murderer? Who cares?! HE'S SO HOT!!!"

I was very disturbed by the ending. What did you think of it? I initially was confused by it but I went online and looked up the intended interpretation and then it made sense.

Yep. I felt bad for that one guy who was always
jerking off
to the other guys in the woods without reciprocation.

Is it on Netflix? :)

Half of the good gay movies are on netflix :p


Recommend me some please? I have Canadian Netflix though so some might not be there. I keep wanting to watch one but I don't know which are good.
Use Hola Internet Unblocker. I wouldn't bother with Netflix if I could only watch Mexican stuff :S


Coincidentally, my mom just mailed me some old photos and one was of ten-year old me giving a dog biscuit "cake" to my German Shepherd, who was also wearing a dixie cup birthday hat decorated with streamers.

I think my cat Kai would literally murder me if I tried to adorn him with birthday things.


irresponsible vagina leak
Beautiful Thing is probably the best gay movie, a good coming of age story. It's from the 1990s but still holds up and has an amazing soundtrack.

You didn't like Weekend?



Sorry if you don't like quality. Not everyone is perfect.

No, it just turns out that feature length films that highlight the mundanity of gay relationships end up being... mundane.

[Frankly, I didn't even remember I saw Weekend via Youtube until I looked the movie up. The only thing I remember about the film is the premise and the opening setup about the recording... and then I know zoned out. I remember scenes, but not situations. Not that there's anything wrong with slow and realistic. Actor's love playing in that kind of stuff.]

As for me, I liked Gayby. But not because of it's gay (side-)plot, or it's weak Will & Grace humor, but because of the relationship explored and built between each character.
Not everyone likes cliches, boring and overdramatic movies.

I don't really speak for Weekend as I've only seen it once, but Beautiful Thing tried to avoid cliches. It's also a movie that doesn't JUST focus on a gay relationship, but the other relationships and hardships around both Ste and Jamie and how it affects them. It's got heart and fairly void of overdramatic nonsense. And the soundtrack really sets the tone for the movie.

If anyone is interested, the entire movie is up on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLrzfg06Pig


Beautiful Thing is probably the best gay movie, a good coming of age story. It's from the 1990s but still holds up and has an amazing soundtrack.

That film made me gay...

Up until I saw it at the age of 18 I had only ever seen gay men on television acting incredibly camp and often in pink. Thanks to Section 28 it was illegal in the UK for teachers to talk to kids about being gay, so I honestly thought that being gay meant you had to wear a feather boa, shriek a lot and pretend to be a girl (thanks to the stereotype at the time on television).

So despite only liking guys, I was convinced it must just be a phase and I wasn't gay.

Saw Beautiful Thing, and it was literally a light bulb going off in my head. I remember thinking quite clearly 'Oh. I'm gay then'. Never regretted it, never looked back, but god knows how long it would have been before I realised I was gay if I hadn't seen that film.
That film made me gay...

Up until I saw it at the age of 18 I had only ever seen gay men on television acting incredibly camp and often in pink. Thanks to Section 28 it was illegal in the UK for teachers to talk to kids about being gay, so I honestly thought that being gay meant you had to wear a feather boa, shriek a lot and pretend to be a girl (thanks to the stereotype at the time on television).

So despite only liking guys, I was convinced it must just be a phase and I wasn't gay.

Saw Beautiful Thing, and it was literally a light bulb going off in my head. I remember thinking quite clearly 'Oh. I'm gay then'. Never regretted it, never looked back, but god knows how long it would have been before I realised I was gay if I hadn't seen that film.

Thanks for sharing that. I feel the same way. I knew I was gay growing up and didn't have issues with it, but things didn't really click until I saw this movie as a young gay teen. I didn't know anyone gay growing up, just had some supportive straight buddies, so it was nice to see a relatively down to earth take on exactly what I was going through. It didn't feel forced like everything I had seen in entertainment about gay people. At this early point in the internet, there wasn't any place I could go to for support, besides a few usenet groups. They didn't nearly have the same impact.

I still get chills at some of the scenes in combination with the music.


I think the only gay movies I've seen are Shelter and Latter Days o___o. I liked them tho :3
If you are interested in art (and male on male scenes) then you should definitely check out 'Caravaggio'. An artsy movie with young Sean Bean *licking my lips* in one of the bigger roles.
So, somehow the topic of the transgender umbrella came up with one of my straight friends(he doesn't know I'm Bi) I showed him a picture, and a video of one of my favorite Drag queens, and he was stuck on stupid for a good minute. "That's a DUDE!!??" instantly came from his mouth.

She's a very convincing queen(can't clock the bitch), and he just couldn't believe it.
He said it kind of scares him that a man can look like a woman, and he'd never know.
He legitimately looked shaken up about this beautiful man who makes a beautiful woman lol.
I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He's a good sport so he didn't get angry or anything

I feel like this wouldn't be the case if our society wasn't so quick to label people as straight or gay, like it's a black or white thing. :/
If you are interested in art (and male on male scenes) then you should definitely check out 'Caravaggio'. An artsy movie with young Sean Bean *licking my lips* in one of the bigger roles.

Ooh that does sound really interesting! I'm gonna have to give that a shot!! :) thank you for the recommendation! :3


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Legit shook.


I saw some guys making out when I was walking on the Highline Park today. QT.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Grats, Lucario.

I, too, am graduating this month.
While we're on the topic of graduation, my sis graduated yesterday and my parents decided to leave the graduation early.
No one in the family but me congratulated her and gave her a hug, not even a cake. She's been crying because of this and I really want to fight with my parents about it but I'm trying not to.

edit:Wait, congrats guys! I can't wait until I graduate from high school in two years :v


C.R.A.Z.Y is a gay movie but it's not a sexy gay movie but it is a very good movie, it's French Canadian and it's really good, I really recommend it.
It made me cry at the end *sobs*
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