I don't want to get married per se, but I do want an awesome party to celebrate my love to someone. I've been to my cousin's uncle last week, and it was so nice seeing them under the "hupa" and everyone's so happy for them.
As for kids - definitely. To the point where I feel I've somehow failed if I don't have any. I have no idea how or when it's gonna happen, but I truly hope it will.
In the meantime, I'm confused as hell regarding the guy I'm dating with. As usual, I lack any ounce of self confidince, so even without any facts, I thought he's going to break it up yesterday.
When he called at 8pm to check how I'm doing, I was sure he's calling to have the talk.
But he wasn't, and it was just a normal chat...
BUT, I have no idea what's going on exactly. I don't know if he's bad at showing affection, if he doesn't want to give me affection - I have no clue.
When we met on saturday he wouldn't let me kiss him goodbye, so today before we went our seperate ways, I asked him what should I do. He said he doesn't like to kiss in public (although it was dark and lonely), so we just said goodbye...
I offered to go to my place, but he said he needs to get up early. When I wanted to go to his place yesterday, he said he needs to get some sleep so he'd rather not.
Anyway, I'm confused. He won't be here during the weekend, so I'll try again on wednesday, and if he'll refuse again I guess I'll have to talk with him and try to figure out what's going on. I feel like we're just friends (and I like him in that sense), but I want so much more... :\
(sorry for another long post, and sorry for mostly venting and not helping as well)