Some interesting gay-short films in here (overall good quality and acting). Really liked Triple Standard (Lee Amir = new crush!!! )
5'10". Naught more than a shieldmaiden armed with a book and a pen.
At least where I'm from (heavily Irish, Italian, Catholic) it's customary to have an engagement party within six months of the engagement which is, on average, about two years away from the actual wedding date. This is typically held at a hall or restaurant, can sometimes have a DJ, and doesn't have a registry... so cash gifts are just assumed. In my experience, the groom's family handles the expenses of this event, since it's "traditional" for the bride's family to pay for the majority of the actual wedding reception (because reasons).It goes like that in the States? There's a "fundraiser" before the wedding reception? Eek! Here in Croatia, the wedding reception is the fundraiser. The worst thing is that in the region where I live (the eastern part), those receptions are huge, there's always over 300-400 people... I remember when one of my cousins had 700 people at his wedding reception, I shit you not. Not only his relatives, neighbors, close friends, but probably every acquaintance he met, lol
This is how I'd like for my "reception" to look like, if I ever got married. Nothing overblown, something very simple for me and my loved ones.
At least where I'm from (heavily Irish, Italian, Catholic) it's customary to have an engagement party within six months of the engagement which is, on average, about two years away from the actual wedding date. This is typically held at a hall or restaurant, can sometimes have a DJ, and doesn't have a registry... so cash gifts are just assumed. In my experience, the groom's family handles the expenses of this event, since it's "traditional" for the bride's family to pay for the majority of the actual wedding reception (because reasons).
And I don't think I've even MET 700 people in my life. Weddings here can get pretty large, too. It has nothing to do with who the bride and groom actually know or want at their wedding, it's more about the parents/family of the couple who NEED to invite cousins X,Y,Z, family friend F through G, because they "have" to (lest you be spoken about behind your back!). It's actually one of the primary causes of stress during the planning phases of the wedding from my observations and, since the parents are usually footing a good portion of the bill, the couple's hands are usually tied.
I wouldn't mind having something in a venue, mind you, but nothing in the range of 200-300 people. I would also want to be able to pay for the wedding between the two of us, rather than have to answer to another third party (be it his family or mine) when making decisions on the matter.
I'm done with my wedding rant now, I promise. It's been bottling up over the past few years...
Gooooooooood morning GayGAF <3!
Good morrow!
How's it going?! hope you're all doing super well today!
Also totally random, I decided I'm going to cosplay as Apollo at PAX in august LOL! Speaking of PAX, is anyone else going?!
Spaceship or Boxer?
Hey, if I can turn my jaded ramblings into an informative rant, I'm all for it!I'm glad you wrote about it, I love learning about different cultures and their customs! So it seems a few of the customs are similar to Croatian ones, which shouldn't be surprising since Italy and Croatia are practically neighbor countries (and Croatia is a predominantly Catholic country).
As for respecting the couple's parents's wishes, it's the same here. So many large wedding receptions are held that way simply because the parents wish so, and since they're the ones covering the reception costs, their wishes have to be respected.
So cash gifts are given during the engagement party? In my country it's always during the wedding reception. Thankfully one of the old customs isn't practiced anymore, the one during which the gifts were read out loud in front of everybody, meaning that if someone gave 500 $ to the newlyweds, whoever was the host of the reception would take the mic and then say: "xx gave 500 $". The horror.
Your idea of 200 people sounds reasonable, and I hope you get your way someday. But first of all, I hope you find a soulmate who you'll spend the rest of your life with
Err.. Apollo Justice. LOL I'm sorry I didn't specify.
How are you gonna get your hair to look like his?
Err.. Apollo Justice. LOL I'm sorry I didn't specify.
Definitely a common height 'round these parts.We're the same height! It's a pretty good height, I think!
Is anyone here a fan of How to Train Your Dragon? It looks like one of the characters will be coming out as gay.
I love stuff like this. It's nice to see animation making strides as well.
MC should've been gay.
LOL I love all of them!!... I like Apollo! But... Wright is the best. :c
... Scratch that. Edgeworth is.
Definitely a common height 'round these parts.
LOL I love all of them!!but I love how dorky Apollo isaddicted to the series to the point where I've memorized most of the scripts
Actually, my favourite character is Damon Gant~ He's just so... Jolly!And, while I haven't memorised the script, a few lines have stood out to me.For a true bastard, anyway.
Also, stupid question... Is the Blue Badger the cause of your username~? If so, I should greet you with "What the hell was that wriggling piece of plywood!?" from now on~
The answer to your question is "YESSSSS". LOL. And I give you special permission to do so
Why, thank you, oh Wriggling Piece of Plywood~!
Oh? Which one?
Andrew Wood (Populuxe1)
I'm gay and I think this is getting ridiculous
Martin B. (mpasmith)
Why does every movie and TV show feel that a gay character is jmportant?
If it doesn't add anything to the story, its superfluous.
Only about 5-10 % of the population is gay, it makes no sense to have do many gay characters in popular entertainment.
I'm all for gay rights, but not for it being pushed on you at every turn. Like religion, it's a good idea to have freedom, but don't push it on everyone every chance you get .
Bryan C. (DarkZephyr)
I don't get why, if the actor is gay, the character has to be.. It's called acting for a reason. A lot of characters, especially in cartoons, sexuality isn't even really expressed. How many people thought Jo from Facts of Life was a closet lesbian, raise your hands? Was it ever stated or expressed? Did it have to be? Did it even matter what her sexuality was?
Terry A. (HiLite)
Its funny how gay rights has been pushed to the for front and racial equality got dropped in the trash can. Before somebody says it being gay is not even in the same league as racism.
Bill Easter (Bill_Easter)
Guess I wont be taking the kids to see this one. Hope it flops in the theaters.
Lee W. (LeeDubb)
If people are gay thats fine, if you want to make cartoons about being gay thats fine, but why have a gay character in a cartoon that has nothing to do with homosexuality?
Lucario said:Horrible comments from Huffpost article
I'm not sure if relationship advice go in here, but I think I might need a second opinion on this.
I'm not sure if relationship advice go in here, but I think I might need a second opinion on this.
Hey, if I can turn my jaded ramblings into an informative rant, I'm all for it!
Yeah, I mean a lot of people give money for both the engagement party AND wedding. Unless you want to pick something off of the gift registry. And wow, they used to read out gifts and dollar amounts during? That seems... like a breach of confidentiality or something... That brings Catholic guilt to a whole new level.
Well thank you! And same to you, sir. Yeah. Those plans are honestly so far down the pipeline that I don't have anything other than hazy generalities planned. Can't put the cart before the horse, after all!
So that guy I went down to houston to visit for a few days has kept in contact with me. We gave ourselves a month and we got over the "wanting to date" stuff. But at the same time I miss how he used to always want to talk to me 24/7. It's changed so dramatically now that it's just weird. Sigh the sooner I get back on the horse the better.
Aw don't give up boo! You will find your true sweetheart someday(ALSO, you should tell me when you are in Houston so we can chill!)