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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Totally, I can't see myself ever going entirely in that direction, but I'd like the option on occasion, just to offer some variety.

Yeah, when you're not used to it I think you need someone you're super comfortable with who will work with you on consistent attempts. It's something you really have to discover about yourself, especially when you're not immediately inclined to do it.

I agree with you, it would be nice to have that option on occasion. Of course, it would have to be with someone really patient who could guide me in that direction :D

Bailey 87

I also just found out I'm probably booking a surgery to get my tonsils removed ;_____;

I'm on day 8 battling tonsillitis.I was told I should have them out, but I'm too scared so I'll keep them and endure the pain. The first 3 days I ate nothing at all, I lost a bit of weight which is always good I guess. Today is the first day that my voice has gone back to normal. Last time I had tonsillitis was 3 years ago, so lets hope this is the last time I suffer from this.
We'd get along quite well #teamtop

It won't take much longer, I promise :) Back when I was 22, I was super-insecure about many things, and now, when I'm practically 30
(in less than two weeks)
, I feel like I'm almost a completely different person, but in a good way. Some insecurities never really go away, but you toughen up and learn to deal with them. You'll be fine.

As for the surgery, I see. It sounds like it'll be painful for a short period of time, but you have something really great to look forward to :) Hope it all turns out well.

And jeez, don't apologize for anything, you answered my question just fine :D And thanks for that, I learned something new today!
Gasp o_o it sounds like we would, indeed!!!... :3.

Oh my GAWD it's almost your birthday!! <3 that's so exciting! Is there anything you want for your birthday? Are you a June baby then?

I'm totally accepting at this point that some of my insecurities will definitely never go away.. Only because some of them have been with me since I was a child LOL! But it is a relief to hear you speak from experience :3 it gives me hope :D
Yay!! I helped!! :)

I'm on day 8 battling tonsillitis.I was told I should have them out, but I'm too scared so I'll keep them and endure the pain. The first 3 days I ate nothing at all, I lost a bit of weight which is always good I guess. Today is the first day that my voice has gone back to normal. Last time I had tonsillitis was 3 years ago, so lets hope this is the last time I suffer from this.
Oh no!! I'm so sorry you have to go through that! :(
I'm hoping for your speedy recovery! Sending positive vibes your way!!!

The sad thing is, though.. I've had it so many times that whenever I wake up with tonsillitis, I'm so used to the pain LOL. I literally just wake up and am like "yup. I have it again" LOL. There have been times where I've sang hour long gigs with tonsillitis too. (I shouldn't have, technically.) but I wanted the money and exposure o_o


Is it bad that I had no reaction when I found out those photos from the last post were fake or do I have a decent perspective on this whole Internet dating thing? I just sort of walk away for a moment and went about my business. Oh, well. Maybe it's already sign that I should walk away! :-D
Oh no!! I'm so sorry you have to go through that! :(
I'm hoping for your speedy recovery! Sending positive vibes your way!!!

The sad thing is, though.. I've had it so many times that whenever I wake up with tonsillitis, I'm so used to the pain LOL. I literally just wake up and am like "yup. I have it again" LOL. There have been times where I've sang hour long gigs with tonsillitis too. (I shouldn't have, technically.) but I wanted the money and exposure o_o

On the note of wanting money and exposure... I dabble in acting a little bit. I was playing Javert, but was late, and thus decided to dash a little bit.

It was the middle of winter, and rather icy. So I slipped.

I landed on my left hand... Only. It really hurt. But I decided to do the role anyway (I'll be damned if I don't!). So I sang, and my hand hurt throughout the first act. Then, in the second act, I made an error regarding a note, and sang it far too low during the robbery scene. This was because a hideous wave of pain had shot through it.

Come the third act, the pain had gone all numb. As had my voice, unfortunately, and I didn't do as well as I could have. And thus, when it was over, I refused to bow at the end (It would have been more ominous that way, seeing as my character commits suicide).

I went to a doctor immediately! And...

... As it turns out, I had broken my hand and three of my fingers. Eheh.

So why did I continue? For the money and exposure, especially the latter.

Oh, well. I don't know why I told someone about that, but eheh.
On the note of wanting money and exposure... I dabble in acting a little bit. I was playing Javert, but was late, and thus decided to dash a little bit.

It was the middle of winter, and rather icy. So I slipped.

I landed on my left hand... Only. It really hurt. But I decided to do the role anyway (I'll be damned if I don't!). So I sang, and my hand hurt throughout the first act. Then, in the second act, I made an error regarding a note, and sang it far too low during the robbery scene. This was because a hideous wave of pain had shot through it.

Come the third act, the pain had gone all numb. As had my voice, unfortunately, and I didn't do as well as I could have. And thus, when it was over, I refused to bow at the end (It would have been more ominous that way, seeing as my character commits suicide).

I went to a doctor immediately! And...

... As it turns out, I had broken my hand and three of my fingers. Eheh.

So why did I continue? For the money and exposure, especially the latter.

Oh, well. I don't know why I told someone about that, but eheh.

You were performing with a BROKEN HAND? Dear GAWD. LOLL you're insane!

i probably would have done the same thing

So soccer players (myself included) tend to have really bad ankles. I've sprained mine 3 times in the last year and I wear a brace when I play soccer now to prevent it. This one time I was performing and I rolled my ankle while I was performing. Everyone could see me limping but I did my full set anyway LOOOOL. When I got off stage I just collapsed and my ankle was totally swollen o___o


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

Even for a bad slash fic, that would be a bad slash fic. His hat wasn't as large as mine, either. I did giggle a bit, mind.

BlueBadger said:
You were performing with a BROKEN HAND? Dear GAWD. LOLL you're insane!

i probably would have done the same thing.
So soccer players (myself included) tend to have really bad ankles. I've sprained mine 3 times in the last year and I wear a brace when I play soccer now to prevent it. This one time I was performing and I rolled my ankle while I was performing. Everyone could see me limping but I did my full set anyway LOOOOL. When I got off stage I just collapsed and my ankle was totally swollen o___o

This is why I prefer watching sports, and/or exercising in a different, less painful way. Besides, in football, I have only ever scored once, and it was... Not at all dissimilar to Maradona's Hand of God.

Well, at least I never broke my hand over it!
Even for a bad slash fic, that would be a bad slash fic. His hat wasn't as large as mine, either. I did giggle a bit, mind.

This is why I prefer watching sports, and/or exercising in a different, less painful way. Besides, in football, I have only ever scored once, and it was... Not at all dissimilar to Maradona's Hand of God.

Well, at least I never broke my hand over it!

Speaking of singing and being weird, last week I successfully recorded a video of my own vocal cords with my iphone camera... Is that weird...?
Speaking of singing and being weird, last week I successfully recorded a video of my own vocal cords with my iphone camera... Is that weird...?

... Hm. It's... Unconventional~! Best keep such a video to yourself, mind. Why did you do so~? Capturing an image of the source of your splendiforous voice~?
... Hm. It's... Unconventional~! Best keep such a video to yourself, mind. Why did you do so~? Capturing an image of the source of your splendiforous voice~?

LOLLL no no nothing like that! I've seen my vocal cords at the ENT tons of times. (There's a video of my vocal cords on YouTube and it has 50,000 views dafuq). It was more of a curiosity thing.
i have a really big mouth and no gag reflex
so I just wanted to see if I could do it LOL.

EDIT: I sanitized my phone before and after I promise!!
LOLLL no no nothing like that! I've seen my vocal cords at the ENT tons of times. (There's a video of my vocal cords on YouTube and it has 50,000 views dafuq). It was more of a curiosity thing.
i have a really big mouth and no gag reflex
so I just wanted to see if I could do it LOL.

... Oh.


Sorry for prying!


EDIT: I believe you, gosh darn it! Don't worry! Sheesh~

In the off chance that you accidentally chew, be sure to pick out ALL the shards of phone.


Gasp o_o it sounds like we would, indeed!!!... :3.

Oh my GAWD it's almost your birthday!! <3 that's so exciting! Is there anything you want for your birthday? Are you a June baby then?

I'm totally accepting at this point that some of my insecurities will definitely never go away.. Only because some of them have been with me since I was a child LOL! But it is a relief to hear you speak from experience :3 it gives me hope :D
Yay!! I helped!! :)

It would be quite explosive, I'm sure :D

You'll be more than fine, trust me :) In a few years you'll look back and think: "I was insecure about that? Yeesh!"

Yup, I'm a June baby! I don't have any special wishes, aside from a cake maybe? I love cakes. Last year I got an amazing one from my friends, who baked me a massive chocolate
cake. They also made me this, I thought it was quite clever and funny:

So, I'll leave it up to them to surprise me again :) I'm okay with whatever I get. And even if I don't get any gifts, that's fine, just spending time with people I care about will make me happy.


Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice. To make a long story short, I gave both my nephews (ages 11 and 12) tablets for their birthdays. Their parents requested that I lock them down in terms of what they'd be able to do and access, and so I did. I get alerts on when they try and access sites that are forbidden, and needless to say, they've both been trying to access porn. One of them though, has been trying to access a lot of Gay porn sites, as well as heterosexual porn sites (it's really weird knowing that my nephews are frequenting a lot of the same sites I do..........). I don't know if he's Gay, Bisexual or if he's just young and curious, but the fact remains, there's a chance that he's the former.

My brother told me to tell him if i caught them doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing, and i had planned to if it happened, but now i'm having second thoughts considering the other implications. Now, my brother is a pretty sorry father, and the mom ain't too far behind. They're also fairly religious, and I know for a fact that my brother is pretty homophobic... Which makes things difficult.

I'm not sure what to do. Do I just stay out of it and let this run its course as if I had no knowledge. Do I have a talk with my nephew behind my brothers back, and offer my support and a person to talk to in confidence if he ever he needs it (without confronting the the elephant in the room, unless he brings it up himself). I don't think telling my brother is an option at all, considering I could easily see him being the type of asshole to mistreat/disown my nephew if he is in fact Gay. Plus, the idea of forcefully outing someone has always been disgusting to me.
Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice. To make a long story short, I gave both my nephews (ages 11 and 12) tablets for their birthdays. Their parents requested that I lock them down in terms of what they'd be able to do and access, and so I did. I get alerts on when they try and access sites that are forbidden, and needless to say, they've both been trying to access porn. One of them though, has been trying to access a lot of Gay porn sites, as well as heterosexual porn sites (it's really weird knowing that my nephews are frequenting a lot of the same sites I do..........). I don't know if he's Gay, Bisexual or if he's just young and curious, but the fact remains, there's a chance that he's the former.

My brother told me to tell him if i caught them doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing, and i had planned to if it happened, but now i'm having second thoughts considering the other implications. Now, my brother is a pretty sorry father, and the mom ain't too far behind. They're also fairly religious, and I know for a fact that my brother is pretty homophobic... Which makes things difficult.

I'm not sure what to do. Do I just stay out of it and let this run its course as if I had no knowledge. Do I have a talk with my nephew behind my brothers back, and offer my support and a person to talk to in confidence if he ever he needs it (without confronting the the elephant in the room, unless he brings it up himself). I don't think telling my brother is an option at all, considering I could easily see him being the type of asshole to mistreat/disown my nephew if he is in fact Gay. Plus, the idea of forcefully outing someone has always been disgusting to me.

You are correct in hesitating, at the very least. I would not inform your brother if I were you~ Besides, kids browse porn all the time. As you mentioned, offer your support to him so that he can trust you with these matters. Whether or not he's curious, Bi, Gay, Straight, whatever, it's the best thing to do. In any case, he's a bit young, so don't do anything else yet. Give him time to work shit out~
Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice. To make a long story short, I gave both my nephews (ages 11 and 12) tablets for their birthdays. Their parents requested that I lock them down in terms of what they'd be able to do and access, and so I did. I get alerts on when they try and access sites that are forbidden, and needless to say, they've both been trying to access porn. One of them though, has been trying to access a lot of Gay porn sites, as well as heterosexual porn sites (it's really weird knowing that my nephews are frequenting a lot of the same sites I do..........). I don't know if he's Gay, Bisexual or if he's just young and curious, but the fact remains, there's a chance that he's the former.

My brother told me to tell him if i caught them doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing, and i had planned to if it happened, but now i'm having second thoughts considering the other implications. Now, my brother is a pretty sorry father, and the mom ain't too far behind. They're also fairly religious, and I know for a fact that my brother is pretty homophobic... Which makes things difficult.

I'm not sure what to do. Do I just stay out of it and let this run its course as if I had no knowledge. Do I have a talk with my nephew behind my brothers back, and offer my support and a person to talk to in confidence if he ever he needs it (without confronting the the elephant in the room, unless he brings it up himself). I don't think telling my brother is an option at all, considering I could easily see him being the type of asshole to mistreat/disown my nephew if he is in fact Gay. Plus, the idea of forcefully outing someone has always been disgusting to me.

I'd stay out of it. The whole "I am here for you no matter what" talk probably won't do your nephew any real good, since unless he is aware of your sanctioned spying, he won't make the connection most likely.

Also you originally were planning to tell your brother if they were trying to access forbidden sites. Why not do so? You can easily do so without mentioning that gay porn sites were also accessed.


I'd stay out of it. The whole "I am here for you no matter what" talk probably won't do your nephew any real good, since unless he is aware of your sanctioned spying, he won't make the connection most likely.

Also you originally were planning to tell your brother if they were trying to access forbidden sites. Why not do so? You can easily do so without mentioning that gay porn sites were also accessed.

I told him about the features of the app when I installed it, with one of those features being email alerts regarding explicit sites. I don't mind telling him. I'm just afraid he's going to ask for the receipts.
Blocking porn is one thing. Getting alerts, especially to which sites, super especially without their knowledge, is another.

Whoops I lost my alert-checking key whatever will I do.
It would be quite explosive, I'm sure :D

You'll be more than fine, trust me :) In a few years you'll look back and think: "I was insecure about that? Yeesh!"

Yup, I'm a June baby! I don't have any special wishes, aside from a cake maybe? I love cakes. Last year I got an amazing one from my friends, who baked me a massive chocolate
cake. They also made me this, I thought it was quite clever and funny:

So, I'll leave it up to them to surprise me again :) I'm okay with whatever I get. And even if I don't get any gifts, that's fine, just spending time with people I care about will make me happy.
Explosive in more ways than one ;D

Ooooh you mean like the cake and cookies I made for my friend who moved away last year?! :D

Looks like I'm making your cake this year! ;D

I'm totally the exact same way! All I really want is the company of my friends and family every year! It's the best gift ever :3
I told him about the features of the app when I installed it, with one of those features being email alerts regarding explicit sites. I don't mind telling him. I'm just afraid he's going to ask for the receipts.

Ah. Well couldn't you just say you deleted the email with the receipts?

Also it seems kind of really fucked up a bit to monitor someone's internet access without even telling them. I can't see the point unless the parents somehow value a "GOTCHA! SINNERS!" moment. Like they probably wouldn't try to access porn on the tablet if they knew in the first place.
Explosive in more ways than one ;D

Ooooh you mean like the cake and cookies I made for my friend who moved away last year?! :D

Looks like I'm making your cake this year! ;D

I'm totally the exact same way! All I really want is the company of my friends and family every year! It's the best gift ever :3

All I want is sweeties and cake~ Oh, and for everyone to bow before me.

But yes, I simply enjoy the company of others whom I don't utterly despise~


Blocking porn is one thing. Getting alerts, especially to which sites, super especially without their knowledge, is another.

Whoops I lost my alert-checking key whatever will I do.

There weren't many options as far as apps to lock down an android device. The only ones I could find we're Meta-Cert and Norton, and I don't know how to turn off the alerts without disabling the block in general. I guess in hindsight, I could have set up a dummy email and ignored it.

My nephews were told that the devices were locked down, and when a site is blocked, it tells you so and that the parent account has been alerted, so it's not exactly a secret... They keep trying regardless. I personally wouldn't give a crap if my kids were looking at porn. It's a fact of life, and all kids do it. But they aren't my kids, and I was requested to do so. My brother is pretty computer illiterate, so he requested that I do all of this. Plus, they have a pretty old school attitude towards the Internet, and are worried about Sexual predators on social media and chat rooms. I thought I was doing something nice for my nephews :p My dad did the same things to me growing up, but I was smart enough to bypass most of it haha.

Didn't know it was so uncommon.
There weren't many options as far as apps to lock down an android device. The only ones I could find we're Meta-Cert and Norton, and I don't know how to turn off the alerts without disabling the block in general. I guess in hindsight, I could have set up a dummy email and ignored it.

My nephews were told that the devices were locked down, and when a site is blocked, it tells you so and that the parent account has been alerted, so it's not exactly a secret... They keep trying regardless. I personally wouldn't give a crap if my kids were looking at porn. It's a fact of life, and all kids do it. But they aren't my kids, and I was requested to do so. My brother is pretty computer illiterate, so he requested that I do all of this. Plus, they have a pretty old school attitude towards the Internet, and are worried about Sexual predators on social media and chat rooms. I thought I was doing something nice for my nephews :p My dad did the same things to me growing up, but I was smart enough to bypass most of it haha.

Didn't know it was so uncommon.

Ah so they do know but keep trying... hrmm.

Well as you said, they aren't your kids. So you probably should say nothing.


I'll probably ignore it for the time being. Can't say I'm looking forward to the family drama in the future though, assuming the sites are indicative of my nephew's sexuality. I know how big of an ignorant asshole my brother can be. I might just mark the alerts as spam too, because honestly, I'd rather not know. They can't actually access the sites anyways.


Yeah I would probably leave it be for the time being. If their parents are not tolerant of that kind of stuff it probably won't end up well. Being outed at that age would be extremely traumatic on top of that.


Hunky Nostradamus
Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice. To make a long story short, I gave both my nephews (ages 11 and 12) tablets for their birthdays. Their parents requested that I lock them down in terms of what they'd be able to do and access, and so I did. I get alerts on when they try and access sites that are forbidden, and needless to say, they've both been trying to access porn. One of them though, has been trying to access a lot of Gay porn sites, as well as heterosexual porn sites (it's really weird knowing that my nephews are frequenting a lot of the same sites I do..........). I don't know if he's Gay, Bisexual or if he's just young and curious, but the fact remains, there's a chance that he's the former.

My brother told me to tell him if i caught them doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing, and i had planned to if it happened, but now i'm having second thoughts considering the other implications. Now, my brother is a pretty sorry father, and the mom ain't too far behind. They're also fairly religious, and I know for a fact that my brother is pretty homophobic... Which makes things difficult.

I'm not sure what to do. Do I just stay out of it and let this run its course as if I had no knowledge. Do I have a talk with my nephew behind my brothers back, and offer my support and a person to talk to in confidence if he ever he needs it (without confronting the the elephant in the room, unless he brings it up himself). I don't think telling my brother is an option at all, considering I could easily see him being the type of asshole to mistreat/disown my nephew if he is in fact Gay. Plus, the idea of forcefully outing someone has always been disgusting to me.

Definitely don't tell your brother or sister in law, and definitely don't let your nephews know that you've seen what kinds of porn they're trying to look at. I would just ignore it. Just let your nephews know that you're there for them no matter what.

My nephews were told that the devices were locked down, and when a site is blocked, it tells you so and that the parent account has been alerted, so it's not exactly a secret... They keep trying regardless.

hormones, lol
you're there for them no matter what.

I really think those sort of lines are worthless. I am sure if some closeted kid asked his homophobic parents if they would love him "no matter what" they would almost always answer with a resounding "yes." People are always there for their family "no matter what" until "no matter what" becomes a real situation.


I also just found out I'm probably booking a surgery to get my tonsils removed ;_____;

Sorry to hear that. Best luck with the surgery.

Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice. To make a long story short, I gave both my nephews (ages 11 and 12) tablets for their birthdays. Their parents requested that I lock them down in terms of what they'd be able to do and access, and so I did. I get alerts on when they try and access sites that are forbidden, and needless to say, they've both been trying to access porn. One of them though, has been trying to access a lot of Gay porn sites, as well as heterosexual porn sites (it's really weird knowing that my nephews are frequenting a lot of the same sites I do..........). I don't know if he's Gay, Bisexual or if he's just young and curious, but the fact remains, there's a chance that he's the former.

My brother told me to tell him if i caught them doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing, and i had planned to if it happened, but now i'm having second thoughts considering the other implications. Now, my brother is a pretty sorry father, and the mom ain't too far behind. They're also fairly religious, and I know for a fact that my brother is pretty homophobic... Which makes things difficult.

Don't tell your brother. For all you know, he may just be curious but nothing will be set in stone just yet. Also, if the father is homophobic, the last thing you'd want is to put the kid under stress on top of having to deal with his sexuality confusion. Let him figure out on his own.


Sorry to hear that. Best luck with the surgery.

Don't tell your brother. For all you know, he may just be curious but nothing will be set in stone just yet. Also, if the father is homophobic, the last thing you'd want is to put the kid under stress on top of having to deal with his sexuality confusion. Let him figure out on his own.

Telling my brother was never really on the table. Guess I just wanted advice on whether I should approach my nephew in a roundabout way, or just ignore the fact that I saw what I saw and allow things to play out how they'll play out. I guess I'm just going to go with the latter.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's a dangerous path you're walking, harSon, and I wouldn't want to be in your position.

Kudos on taking your nephew's side like this.


Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice. To make a long story short, I gave both my nephews (ages 11 and 12) tablets for their birthdays. Their parents requested that I lock them down in terms of what they'd be able to do and access, and so I did. I get alerts on when they try and access sites that are forbidden, and needless to say, they've both been trying to access porn. One of them though, has been trying to access a lot of Gay porn sites, as well as heterosexual porn sites (it's really weird knowing that my nephews are frequenting a lot of the same sites I do..........). I don't know if he's Gay, Bisexual or if he's just young and curious, but the fact remains, there's a chance that he's the former.

My brother told me to tell him if i caught them doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing, and i had planned to if it happened, but now i'm having second thoughts considering the other implications. Now, my brother is a pretty sorry father, and the mom ain't too far behind. They're also fairly religious, and I know for a fact that my brother is pretty homophobic... Which makes things difficult.

I'm not sure what to do. Do I just stay out of it and let this run its course as if I had no knowledge. Do I have a talk with my nephew behind my brothers back, and offer my support and a person to talk to in confidence if he ever he needs it (without confronting the the elephant in the room, unless he brings it up himself). I don't think telling my brother is an option at all, considering I could easily see him being the type of asshole to mistreat/disown my nephew if he is in fact Gay. Plus, the idea of forcefully outing someone has always been disgusting to me.

This is unfortunate, but you already gave them their tablets and accepted your brother's conditions, I don't think is as simple as just walk away. However you don't need to immediatly talk about gay stuff with anyone just yet.

I think you should talk to the kids first, you don't necessarily need to be specific about the kind of porn they are accessing, I think that if you care about them you should approach this as someone willing to answer any questions they have. Without anyone to talk to they will rely on their friends, who are the same age, and likely as clueless and immature.

This is something I would do, even if there's a face-off with my homophobic brother eventually, however I also think you should talk to him, test the waters with innocuous questions like if their kids have already started to think about boys or girls, I don't know, you know him better.

Porn is the worst sex education anyone can have, is even worse if that is the only sex education you have, and have no adults to talk about it. It might be awkward, your family situation can become problematic, but I think the alternative of remaining silent is even worse.

I also don't think this is indicative of anyone's orientation, so you thinking the kid is gay might be jumping to conclusions, there's no need to face him directly with that, neither with your brother. I did watch some straight porn as a kid, maybe it was because gay porn was harder to find, this was almost 20 years ago...
oh god if I am old T_T

Edit: oh about you blocking their content, it's useless, I can guarantee they have already seen porn. Don't underestimate hormones, we were all there once :p. (the things I did and the sites I visited to get access to smut D:). And if they don't get it on the tablets you gave them, they will for sure look for it somewhere else.


Hunky Nostradamus
I really think those sort of lines are worthless. I am sure if some closeted kid asked his homophobic parents if they would love him "no matter what" they would almost always answer with a resounding "yes." People are always there for their family "no matter what" until "no matter what" becomes a real situation.

They're not though. If a kid is closeted and they hear their parents saying homophobic shit, they're smart enough to know not to come out and that there's a good chance their love is conditional. But, if a theoretical kid hears a "no matter what" from a theoretical someone who, I assume, has never said anything homophobic in their presence, I think they'd be more inclined to take it to heart.

Also, you don't necessarily have to tell them that you're "there for them no matter what". You just have to, well, be there for them no matter what. Which I assume he is. So.
Yup. I know the media has helped progress a lot of gay social matters in recent years, but it needs to be careful with how it proceeds from here. Having male characters with some perceived "female" tendencies/interests without it being a big deal would be a nice start (but without making it the "point" of the story/lesson/arc). Ex: Johnny likes to play with dolls. Let's just have him do it without spending 30 minutes to discover why that is "ok."




I think I'm having another crush on someone again. I really don't want this to happen but I can't get him out of my head. I melt when I see him. Physically he is fine, not handsome but he is definitly fit, I'd say he is cute. But what I love of him is that he is very smart and has great taste in music.

Some background: I met him at school last year but didn't interact much with him until he noticed that my clothes didn't fit me and asked me if I had previously lost weight. Then we knew more of each other but not much. This semester I have two classes with me so we interacted more but still we're not friends and he keeps teling me I'm a psycopath (I guess I'm the real life Villager lol). One day we went to a fair with some friends and then he asked me when they were a little far from us if I was liked men. I denied it and he seemed convinced of my answer, but it weirded me that he asked me that.

I know he likes girls, he doesn't talk much about them but when he sees someone beautiful he gets to describe a lot about them. I'm hoping that he is bi (yes, I'm crazy) just because of what he asked me. He is a jerk but still I like the good things about him. Btw I had just gotten over my last crush and I thought that it wouldn't happen again because I'm not looking for anyone, but I was wrong.

Sorry for the useless wall of text, but I don't want anyone to talk about these things so it had to be done heh

I think I'm having another crush on someone again. I really don't want this to happen but I can't get him out of my head. I melt when I see him. Physically he is fine, not handsome but he is definitly fit, I'd say he is cute. But what I love of him is that he is very smart and has great taste in music.

Some background: I met him at school last year but didn't interact much with him until he noticed that my clothes didn't fit me and asked me if I had previously lost weight. Then we knew more of each other but not much. This semester I have two classes with me so we interacted more but still we're not friends and he keeps teling me I'm a psycopath (I guess I'm the real life Villager lol). One day we went to a fair with some friends and then he asked me when they were a little far from us if I was liked men. I denied it and he seemed convinced of my answer, but it weirded me that he asked me that.

I know he likes girls, he doesn't talk much about them but when he sees someone beautiful he gets to describe a lot about them. I'm hoping that he is bi (yes, I'm crazy) just because of what he asked me. He is a jerk but still I like the good things about him. Btw I had just gotten over my last crush and I thought that it wouldn't happen again because I'm not looking for anyone, but I was wrong.

Sorry for the useless wall of text, but I don't want anyone to talk about these things so it had to be done heh
You know what you have to do

I think I'm having another crush on someone again. I really don't want this to happen but I can't get him out of my head. I melt when I see him. Physically he is fine, not handsome but he is definitly fit, I'd say he is cute. But what I love of him is that he is very smart and has great taste in music.

Some background: I met him at school last year but didn't interact much with him until he noticed that my clothes didn't fit me and asked me if I had previously lost weight. Then we knew more of each other but not much. This semester I have two classes with me so we interacted more but still we're not friends and he keeps teling me I'm a psycopath (I guess I'm the real life Villager lol). One day we went to a fair with some friends and then he asked me when they were a little far from us if I was liked men. I denied it and he seemed convinced of my answer, but it weirded me that he asked me that.

I know he likes girls, he doesn't talk much about them but when he sees someone beautiful he gets to describe a lot about them. I'm hoping that he is bi (yes, I'm crazy) just because of what he asked me. He is a jerk but still I like the good things about him. Btw I had just gotten over my last crush and I thought that it wouldn't happen again because I'm not looking for anyone, but I was wrong.

Sorry for the useless wall of text, but I don't want anyone to talk about these things so it had to be done heh

It's good to get this stuff off your chest :) I'm sorry to hear that, though :( crushes suck sometimes haha! But if it's meant to be, it's meant to be! :) if not, you'll meet someone even more special and they'll think you're really special too :3

*cheesy (but true) moments with Stevie*

You know what you have to do

put your tongue in his ass!
boom. That's how you get a straight dude.

it would totally work on me if I wasn't already gay
daripad it doesn't help you now, but you do grow out of that sort of thing eventually. Long, long after you want to, but it does happen. I think the suffering we inflict on ourselves because of crushes is an integral part of that process, we kind of have to learn what it's all about, and I think that's a big part of why our teen and early adult years are always said to be so painful. Welcome it as much as you can, because it's age-appropriate! It becomes sad when older people fall into the same patterns, I think. Learning not to burn yourself with passion, without sacrificing passion, is this weird part of growing up.
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