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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I like PDA. I'm a romantic idealist, so when I see two people going ham on each other I write a little love story in my head with them against the world and it usually brightens up my day.

That is unless its the nasty kind of snogging/faceating. It needs to be sweet and touching.

Brb writing mental fanfic


make me strong and stuff so I can burninate the haters
First time I've read PDA... I was utterly confused by google's results for that search, lol! "Personal Digital Assistant?... Parental Drug Association?...". Then I added "kiss" and bam, puzzle solved, ha.

Same here. But then I'm still clueless about half the acronyms the younger generation use.
Overachiever. :eek:

I have like . . . 1/100th of the motivation you do.
At that point in my life I was so depressed, I couldn't even manage to care what I was doing with my life. I pretty much gave up. And now I'm taking the long way to a different degree.

Also, if you don't get into the college that you want, you can send an appeal. You probably already know that. Anyway, they usually accept you at that point because their other candidates have declined to go to other schools.

Word. I got ego depletion just reading that.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

make me strong and stuff so I can burninate the haters
You're a buff (but not bara) dragon dude and Lucario is a twinky gay pink dog and you carry him bridal style while flying over New Yawk City.

Also you breath purple fire.


Hunky Nostradamus
You're a buff (but not bara) dragon dude and Lucario is a twinky gay pink dog and you carry him bridal style while flying over New Yawk City.

Also you breath purple fire.

Not a big fan of opiates for recreation to be honest, I find purposeless contentment both scary and a little boring. I had a love affair with ketamine in my early 20s tho.


I can't say I have any experience with them. The extend of my drug knowledge is weed and ecstasy
and i just tried acid with a friend on sunday and it was fucking cool
I can't say I have any experience with them. The extend of my drug knowledge is weed and ecstasy
and i just tried acid with a friend on sunday and it was fucking cool

Those are the fun ones imo. And other than that maybe like 2C-B and mescaline I guess. Drugs can be overrated.


Yeah, I'm not really interested in trying much else. Needles are scary and putting things in my nose just kinda seems sketchy
not that splitting a couple capsules of mdma is much classier :lol
Yeah, I'm not really interested in trying much else. Needles are scary and putting things in my nose just kinda seems sketchy
not that splitting a couple capsules of mdma is much classier :lol
Yeah injection was one line I decided to never cross. And snorting powders is pretty gross, and rough on the sinus tissue, but it happens I guess :p


Not a big fan of opiates for recreation to be honest, I find purposeless contentment both scary and a little boring. I had a love affair with ketamine in my early 20s tho.

I tried marihuana, salvia and lsd for a brief season. I really don't get the "fun" element behind recreational drugs. I understand when people use them for therapeutic reasons, but those who need to be high in order to enjoy playing videogames or hanging out with their friends, those are the people who depress me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
do you get the nods?
The u wot mate

Edit: Oh no, this isn't for rec. I'm using it to help me sleep. Ever since I finished my surgery (spinal chord tumor removal) I've had more energy than I know what to do with, so I'm getting 4-5 of sleep a night when I should be getting, like, 10.

The oxys help a bit. I tend to be pretty hyperactive so alcohol and oxys both help me relax. I wouldn't really do oxys recreationally though, the constipation is very annoying and I need to poop man.

I'm not poopin'.

(Apparently my euphoria
is from the dexamethasone they're giving me for anti-inflammation.)


Explosive but controllable temper + Repressed sexual urges+ inhibition reducing substances = Dear God what have I done


I've been promised about 5 times that we'd see a dermatologist but it has yet to materialize.

I have back acne, fortunately my face is free of that shit so I'm not bothered by it and it's not severe either.

Now, stretch marks (and my big gut ;__;) and man boobs are my least preferred parts of my body and I used to like the stretch mars due to their significance im my life but it just doesn't hold it anymore

I have it nearly everywhere above the waist.

I've never liked my butt and back. The downside to being thin is that you tend to have no substantial rear unless you work out vigorously.

Have you tried peroxide? I used it on my arms the other day and it really helped with the redness.

Or try moisturizer.

I used to have bad acne, and those dermatologist back then (yes, i am old) recommended those harsh chemicals to wash and apply to your face. Those things were drying up my skins like crazy, so I stop using them and got some moisturizer. After using moisturizer, I stop having acne. Some occasional pimples, but nothing major.

I may try both of those. My acne is under control, but it's not really getting "better".


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I used to use a lot of those acne scrubs, they never did much although I was way worse without them.

I didn't get really dry skin or anything but my skin is very tough and leathery so that might be it.

My facial acne got noticeably better just from switching to plain soap, like, from Dove.
How do you feel about kissing in semi-public? I couldn't resist the urge today in my library's cubicles, I know it's so wrong, but it felt so right

I'm into it, but with me looking hella hispanic (or borderline mulatto with the tan I have going on), my boyfriend being black, and us living in buttfuck-middle-of-nowhere Florida, we've definitely gotten some "roll up the windows, kids" looks.


I know how it feels
Looking young is sort of nice. At least when you're older you have the benefit of retaining your youth.

I have mixed Spanish/Filipino ethnicity so I find myself to look younger than some people in my age group. Other people find me older... but I suppose it's never a good idea to base the perception of how old/young you look on yourself.

On the topic of PDA: I don't mind, really. Much like Haly, it brightens my day to see couples displaying their affection towards one another and by extension, it gives me hope that I can one day do the same things as well with my SO.

Also thanks for all of the college support. :)


The problem is I'm 28 and into older guys. Most of them didn't believe it and thought I was a kid and didn't take me seriously.
Maybe it's a matter of styling that can go a long way? With some hairstyles I look younger and vice versa. Or maybe accessorize with glasses? The most you can do is just that and flaunt what you have.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Maybe try growing a beard? I don't like beards but I notice they usually add 5-10 years of life to a face, for better or for worse.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Def, but if scarlet is having these issues having a stubble might just make him look like a 20 something trying to look old!


Maybe it's a matter of styling that can go a long way? With some hairstyles I look younger and vice versa. Or maybe accessorize with glasses? The most you can do is just that and flaunt what you have.

I'm pretty fashion conscious, but get really conservative lately to look more mature lol

Maybe try growing a beard? I don't like beards but I notice they usually add 5-10 years of life to a face, for better or for worse.

I wish I could

Stubble is superior to beards


Def, but if scarlet is having these issues having a stubble might just make him look like a 20 something trying to look old!

I'm 20 something trying to look old lol

It reminds me when I was in Japan, I'm the oldest one in my hostel room and they thought I was the youngest T.T
I will say that when I grew a beard I was getting more compliments than I ever received in my life. I was giving them young Saddam realness.

Now I just trim so the crowd's much more tepid. lol


I'm pretty fashion conscious, but get really conservative lately to look more mature
Clothing is independent of how old someone looks when it comes to mens fashion, I think. Of course this doesn't apply to prints with ducks or overalls, but generally men can wear anything and that doesn't age nor make them appear more youthful in comparison to womens fashion.

Just dress how you typically would without the mentality of "do I appear older/younger in this?"
I used to use a lot of those acne scrubs, they never did much although I was way worse without them.

I didn't get really dry skin or anything but my skin is very tough and leathery so that might be it.

My facial acne got noticeably better just from switching to plain soap, like, from Dove.

I wish my facial acne would clear up that easily. I have really sensitive skin so I can't use anything that foams. I went to see a derm earlier this year but I'm not having much luck with what I was prescribed.


Holy cow, I had never visited /r/Neogaf. Here are some thread titles:

- LiberalGAF: The word fa**ot is "still totally unacceptable"
- Transgenderism discussion: Not a single dissenting voice
- GAF's contingent of omega male feminists: Rape culture is real.
- What's with all the ni**ers on Neogaf?

It's mostly dead, but wow at the people actually posting there :x


My favorite one is the transgender thread. Why is a "dissenting" opinion needed? Lol. Some people find equality and respect unacceptable, I guess.


yeah, /r/ neogaf seems like a circle jerk, which is unsurprising

I just happened to get acne on my face these past couple days, but that's just because I haven't been cooking meals, and the takeout stuff I've eaten is oily as fuck

cooking tonight, time to eat good again lol
Woo, Reddit. Honestly, what's so good about it~? It's all rubbish to me. Because it always descends into pure, unbridled hate, really.

EDIT: Oh, and

"Devolution is a stupid cunt who deserves a bullet in her head"

Damn mature, nay?


Holy cow, I had never visited /r/Neogaf. Here are some thread titles:

- LiberalGAF: The word fa**ot is "still totally unacceptable"
- Transgenderism discussion: Not a single dissenting voice
- GAF's contingent of omega male feminists: Rape culture is real.
- What's with all the ni**ers on Neogaf?

It's mostly dead, but wow at the people actually posting there :x

Just visited that subreddit for the first time.

Whoa... o_O

Praised be Evilore and the moderation team that we can have somewhat civil discussions on this board here.


Haha, my thread is also mentioned.
'Propaganda piece' huh

How do you get a custom user title?

I was just curious how you get a custom user title (e.g. the text beneath a username that says "Junior Member", "Member", or a custom one). Is it a post requirement or account age requirement (e.g. must be registered for at least a year)? Thanks.

And in the comments:

you have to suck some d*** i'll tell you that
For one, *lol* blame space was on r/neoGAF.
Secondly, why don't I have a tag already then?
jk :p


The only passable Reddits are the ones that focus primarily on gaming, everything else is abhorrent.

Honestly there's not much difference between Reddit and GAF, if the Sarkeesian threads are any indication.
Just visited that subreddit for the first time.

Whoa... o_O

Praised be Evilore and the moderation team that we can have somewhat civil discussions on this board here.


Haha, my thread is also mentioned.
'Propaganda piece' huh

That's right, you scaremongerer. How deigneth you stain the purity of gaming with your filthy paranoia-inducing trickeries.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wonder if these guys ever realize how pathetic they're making themselves look getting upset over being banned and then crying about it to Reddit.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The only passable Reddits are the ones that focus primarily on gaming, everything else is abhorrent.

Honestly there's not much difference between Reddit and GAF, if the Sarkeesian threads are any indication.

General threads on topics that could be considered feminist seem to bring out the inner Redditor hiding in many people. Sarkeesian threads crank it into overdrive. Maybe because they're about a specific personality who is off-site. Being a non-member said personality is seen as an OK target to lay into with guns blazing.


So, a whole subforum dedicated to discussing various NeoGAF threads (i.e. people discussing about other people's discussions on certain topics). Some people really have a lot of free time to spent.
I tried marihuana, salvia and lsd for a brief season. I really don't get the "fun" element behind recreational drugs. I understand when people use them for therapeutic reasons, but those who need to be high in order to enjoy playing videogames or hanging out with their friends, those are the people who depress me.

That is depressing. I think the 'fun' is just that it can provide powerful stimuli that's cognitively interesting and not decidedly negative. Like salvia is way more uncomfortable than 'theme park ride', but the knowledge that your awareness can be changed in that way is interesting. It's sort of like how people seek intense experiences from art of creative expression, it just has to be interesting, but not necessarily 'pleasant', or make you a better person, or act in a therapeutic way (though it can do those things). 'Fun' I guess is just my glib way of saying 'interesting'.

I haven't done drugs in years. Idealistically I do think we should have some ability to alter our awareness in line with our will, and that our ability to reason means we should have the ability to influence our quality of experience, at least to a point that we can actually agree to or dimly foresee, but drugs aren't really a clean or unproblematic way of doing that. As a teenager I became really interested in them because I'd have experiences that were subjectively 'profound', which turned me on to spirituality and viewing how life could be lived in a different way at a time when I was deeply nihilistic, but at that time it was the only means I knew of doing that so I grew attached to the means, as well as the result. When I discovered more practical approaches to spirituality, doing both that and drugs became incompatible. It was 'fun' though while I still had the mindset to enjoy it, and nothing really went wrong for me as it can for some.

The u wot mate

Edit: Oh no, this isn't for rec. I'm using it to help me sleep. Ever since I finished my surgery (spinal chord tumor removal) I've had more energy than I know what to do with, so I'm getting 4-5 of sleep a night when I should be getting, like, 10.

The oxys help a bit. I tend to be pretty hyperactive so alcohol and oxys both help me relax. I wouldn't really do oxys recreationally though, the constipation is very annoying and I need to poop man.

I'm not poopin'.

(Apparently my euphoria
is from the dexamethasone they're giving me for anti-inflammation.)

I knew it wasn't recreational, but I didn't know it was to help you sleep, I guess it would be good for that. I forgot about the constipation, too :p


Having what is essentially a forum dedicated to discussing another forum is really weird. If they really don't like the site that much, then why bother?
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