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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Seems like I'll check out r/worldnews first then.

Just searched around on my own.
r/gameofthrones seems like I could really like it since it's my favourite book/TV series too. According to the rules dumb meme posts, spoilers and offensive language get banned. Sounds promising.
Here's a few more along eih the ones I suggest up thread.
r/lama is probably about Buddhism, right? Have to check that out.

Nope. Ask Me Anything.
What are they even doing since the show isn't on anymore? I'm subscribed but haven't checked it in awhile.
Nothing I guess. The Bluray comes out soon though so I guess that maybe?

It was just a stealth suggestion for him to check out the awesomeness that is Rick and Morty. That show rocks.



No thanks, not going to eat a ban for that.

What if a person's (who is biologically male) gender identity is female but their gender expression is male? Are they not trans?

If they have no intention of acting on it and are an independent adult then no I don't think so.

Who's to say they don't really feel that way though? You seem awfully quick to judge.

If it was your language, politics and struggle they were appropriating you might feel the same way. Homosexuality and gender variance are as old as human existence and have been in evidence worldwide in all sorts of cultures, this other nonsense is barely as old as the internet and almost exclusively done by white socially awkward Americans.


I actually don't know many. But mostly because I joined some subreddits that have a really juvenile sense of humor that wouldn't fly on GAF. Like r/youdontsurf.

I like r/thathappened which makes fun of people trying to pass off clearly bullshit stories as if they actually happened. Though the humor in the comments is very meta and injokey. Though there's a helpful link in the sidebar that explains the origin of most of them.

I like r/forwardsfromgrandma which makes fun of shit often forwarded on facebook

r/photoshopbattles is fun.

Will check those out. thathappened especially looks like something you read in the break at work if you want to laugh at some made up stuff.
That's a capital i, not a lowrcase L. And it stands for "internet ask me anything" I believe. So no. Not about Buddhism at all. Lol.
Oh, okay. I always confuse the two. >_<
Here's a few more along eih the ones I suggest up thread.

Thank you for all the recommendations!
So iama is a collection of all the AMAs on Reddit?

Nothing I guess. The Bluray comes out soon though so I guess that maybe?

It was just a stealth suggestion for him to check out the awesomeness that is Rick and Morty. That show rocks.

I never watched that show but I guess I may do so in the future. Is it similar to Adventure Time?
Will check those out. thathappened especially looks like something you read in the break at work if you want to laugh at some made up stuff.

That's a capital i, not a lowrcase L. And it stands for "internet ask me anything" I believe. So no. Not about Buddhism at all. Lol.
Oh, okay. I always confuse the two. >_<

Thank you for all the recommendations!
So iama is a collection of all the AMAs on Reddit?
It's where they are made so yes.
There's tons of them. You can sort them by top to find some good celebrity AMAs.
Though to be honest, the best ones are regular people answering questions about their jobs, their life experiences that sort of stuff.
Celebrity AMAs can be hit or miss because sometimes they feel just like promotional tools while others you can gets some great stories out of the celebrity or a look at their creative process. Fun stuff.


It's where they are made so yes.
There's tons of them. You can sort them by top to find some good celebrity AMAs.
Though to be honest, the best ones are regular people answering questions about their jobs, their life experiences that sort of stuff.
Celebrity AMAs can be hit or miss because sometimes they feel just like promotional tools while others you can gets some great stories out of the celebrity or a look at their creative process. Fun stuff.

I already read a few of them, especially those that were linked from GAF.
I particularly enjoyed Pedro Pascal's (The actor who is probably most famous for playing Oberyn "I like it my way" Martell) and John Bain's (aka TotalBiscuit) AMAs.
This blog post comes close to articulating my anger at these terrible people.

There are few things I hate more than appropriation. There's even people who claim trans identities despite being completely hetero normative in their gender presentation and relationships with no desire to ever transition. It's like these Tumblr people fetishise oppression and instead of recognising their own privileges try to claim they are something they are not for internet street cred.

Yeah, those kind of people are definitely just looking for attention. Luckily they've only tainted the image of trangender people among the few irrelevant anti-pc tumblr posters (maybe a few forum goers) who've already decided that the trans people aren't worth being respected.

What if a person's (who is biologically male) gender identity is female but their gender expression is male? Are they not trans?

The person you're describing doesn't sound like any kind of common transexual person I've ever heard about. A masculine trans girl would most likely want secondary sex characteristics to go along with her female identity even if her presentation is "male".
Transgender people who still identify as their birth sex (Crossdressers or Genderqueer) generally tend to have a very different gender presentation from society's idea of how they should act and present themselves.
Like this genderqueer "crossdressing" woman or this male bodied crossdressing genderqueer individual (This person's gender pronoun is "Em").
It's where they are made so yes.
There's tons of them. You can sort them by top to find some good celebrity AMAs.
Though to be honest, the best ones are regular people answering questions about their jobs, their life experiences that sort of stuff.
Celebrity AMAs can be hit or miss because sometimes they feel just like promotional tools while others you can gets some great stories out of the celebrity or a look at their creative process. Fun stuff.

I already read a few of them, especially those that were linked from GAF.
I particularly enjoyed Pedro Pascal's (The actor who is probably most famous for playing Oberyn "I like it my way" Martell) and John Bain's (aka TotalBiscuit) AMAs.

Wait, there are celebrities on reddit?
Article said:
You’ve heard of transgender and transsexual, let me introduce you to the new trans people: transabled and transethnic. Transabled people are disabled people hiding out in perfectly working bodies. They “identify” as blind, deaf, paraplegic and quadriplegic despite having never been so a day in their entire lives, and are well-known for talking about how hard it is to want to be disabled but unable to be. Transethnic people are white people who “identify” as a non-white race or ethnicity. They’re weeaboos multiplied by a million, with bonus “I learned about your culture in a book I read once so I know more than you.”
That's a capital i, not a lowrcase L. And it stands for "internet ask me anything" I believe. So no. Not about Buddhism at all. Lol.
Oh, okay. I always confuse the two.

Depending on the font, it is literally impossible to distinguish between a lowercase L and a capital i. Don't feel bad.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That's the same thing people say when dismissing transgenderism (and homosexuality, come to think of it), so I'm wary of saying stuff like that outright.

Transethnicism sounds farfetched because ethnicity is a social construct, but I can see the transabled thing in very limited circumstances. It'd like the opposite of phantom limb syndrome. If the brain can give you the sensation of a limb where there isn't one, the brain can also reject the sensation of a limb that exists.


That could be Haly but you would realize how problematic the misappropriation of Trans-rights movement by them is once people start to discredit your transgenderism by throwing Transpeople in the same pot with Trans-ables or whatever.

It totally undermines my issue sif people just tell me "You're just like those amputation-fetishists, you just want to chop your dick off."

It's especially rich since my parents were among those people who told me this because thanks to their descison to put me trough a unnecessary circumision I can't properly piss anymore since 20 years.


Hunky Nostradamus
No thanks, not going to eat a ban for that.

pm brosef

If they have no intention of acting on it and are an independent adult then no I don't think so.

Then what are they? Bigender?

If it was your language, politics and struggle they were appropriating you might feel the same way. Homosexuality and gender variance are as old as human existence and have been in evidence worldwide in all sorts of cultures

I'm sure people have identified as animals for just as long though.

The person you're describing doesn't sound like any kind of common transexual person I've ever heard about. A masculine trans girl would most likely want secondary sex characteristics to go along with her female identity even if her presentation is "male".

I guess what made me think of that is a video I saw last night from Chris Crocker
(I know everyone hates him(her?) and it's impossible for people to listen to what he has to say without prejudging him, but I've followed him for years and I really like him despite not always agreeing with everything he says)
where he talked about his gender identity and the fact that he still identifies as trans despite the fact that he no longer lives as a female, and how that upsets trans people.

Thinking back on it now, I think he might have been conflating trans with bigender (idk if they are different or mutually exclusive or whatever. sexuality and gender are really complex things and it seems as though each little variation has it's own label so it's really hard to keep track of everything) and it sort of got me thinking when EmiPrime brought it up.

It just seems like people are awfully quick to judge others who are questioning their sexuality/gender and/or who might be labeling themselves incorrectly (or correctly!), even though they themselves probably went through something similar at one point in their lives.

There's a lot of "you're just saying you're x because y" or "you're not really y because z" going around and I think that's really sad.

Transgender people who still identify as their birth sex (Crossdressers or Genderqueer) generally tend to have a very different gender presentation from society's idea of how they should act and present themselves.

So crossdressers and genderqueers are considered to be trans? What about all of the "straight" guys who identify as men but still like to dress up as women sometimes?

Are they trans? how is trans different from genderqueer?

Identities are open for scrutinity and criticism. If you claim to be a dolphin expect people to challenge that.

see below

That's the same thing people say when dismissing transgenderism (and homosexuality, come to think of it), so I'm wary of saying stuff like that outright.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think this otherkin/transethnic/transwhatever stuff is weird too, but it pains me to see minority groups fall back on the same rhetoric being used against them by mainstream society. We, of all people, should understand that words can hurt regardless of intent, and someone who uses the language of a bigot is perhaps only a step away from becoming a bigot themselves.

I don't want to see the transex/gender movement appropriated by these guys either, but I think, at the moment, these subcultures are obscure enough that they won't be a problem anytime soon. And if they do, what difference does that make, really? If it's not one excuse to hate who you are, it's another, and comparing you to transables doesn't legitimize their position in the slightest.

It's a cruel irony that every persecuted minority group invariably finds another, even smaller, group to disdain, whether it's religion, civil rights, or even something as benign as nerd culture.

So yeah, that's how I look at the situation.


Everyone else watches these Hearthstone streams and whatnot for the plays.

I'm just sitting here distracted by the fact that the streamer isn't wearing a shirt beneath his open jacket.

I'm pathetic.
So crossdressers and genderqueers are considered to be trans? What about all of the "straight" guys who identify as men but still like to dress up as women sometimes?

Transgender is an umbrella term that generally includes Transsexuals (Trans men and women: people who identify and seek to be accepted as a member of the opposite sex), crossdressers/transvestites, genderqueers (a word that encompass many different gender identities and presentations that don't exactly align with cis concepts; such as bigender), and drag queen/kings. So yes, crossdressers and genderqueers are considered trans*.

As for straight boy crossdressers, yes they are transgender (or trans*).
As odd as it may sound to us queer folk, straight boys (they really only seem to have relationships with women) who like to dress up as girls in the privacy of their own homes or at clubs/bars (Believe it or not straight boy crossdressers, especially young ones, often try to pass in public. They also use many slang terms that originate from drag queens and trans girls like GG/Genuine/Genetic Girl) fall right under the transgender umbrella. They may be straight but wearing heels, makeup, and dresses isn't what cis men/boys are supposed to do in our society.

Are they trans? how is trans different from genderqueer?

Those two fine people are not "trans"(Transsexuals) but they are trans*(inclusive umbrella term), so they're considered transgender. The important difference between the two is that trans people generally seek to live and be accepted as the opposite sex while genderqueer people fall right out of the traditional gender binary; trans women and men can identify as genderqueer btw.


I think one of the reasons why Otherkin will never experience the same level of discrimination that gays, transgender or ethnic minorities suffer from us because nobody even bigots won't take them seriously and thus won't honestly challenge anybodys worldview.

A person that says she was born in the other sex seems to awaken certain primal fears in some people while everybody who claims to be an oak will instantly seen as simply silly and a nut (guess that's a start) even by the most insecure bigots.


I've not once seen a guy (besides myself with my past boyfriends) holding hands with another guy in my city. It's really sad. :/

It's funny that here in Jordan (an Arab country) I see guys holding hands walking down the street like it's nothing at all, laying on the grass in each other's arms, and even greet each other with kisses (on the cheek).

They're not gay, though. More like it's not gay to hold hands and kiss a dude because 'gay' isn't even a thing : p No gay people = no homophobia! (problem solved, nobel prize plz)

People's attitude is that you're not even gay if you fuck another guy in the ass. It would be seen more as rape-ish, and the shame or whatever just goes to the other guy who was fucked. Pretty weird stuff I've seen/heard over the years.

Obviously there are gay people here, and I'm not saying it's a totally easy place to be for gay people - I did hear of a gay club being raided one time. But, the more surprising thing was that there was one to being with : p
I was feeling horny earlier and a kinda cute guy wrote me (I had talked to him a couple of times on grindr before). He was too, so I went to his place and we had some fun but it at the same time it just felt so wrong. I need to remember casual sex is a bad idea for me.

Its just so pointless when you don't love the person you're doing it with. Oh well, I guess it's good that I got it out my system because since I broke up with my boyfriend I felt like I want to just fool around but it just doesn't seem worth it at all. I guess I'll just keep pleasuring myself :p

(This wasn't the guy with the boyfriend from the other day, just in case)


Depending on the font, it is literally impossible to distinguish between a lowercase L and a capital i. Don't feel bad.
Okay. :)
It's funny that here in Jordan (an Arab country) I see guys holding hands walking down the street like it's nothing at all, laying on the grass in each other's arms, and even greet each other with kisses (on the cheek).

They're not gay, though. More like it's not gay to hold hands and kiss a dude because 'gay' isn't even a thing : p No gay people = no homophobia! (problem solved, nobel prize plz)

People's attitude is that you're not even gay if you fuck another guy in the ass. It would be seen more as rape-ish, and the shame or whatever just goes to the other guy who was fucked. Pretty weird stuff I've seen/heard over the years.

Obviously there are gay people here, and I'm not saying it's a totally easy place to be for gay people - I did hear of a gay club being raided one time. But, the more surprising thing was that there was one to being with : p

Sounds like a terrible place to live for everyone homosexual.

The mindset you described is one many people share. They think that only the guy on the receiving end should be shamed and if they make fun of homosexuality it's most of the times jokes about "getting it in the ass" because *huehuehue*, that's so funny.

Why did the gay club get raided?


r/askscience is terrible because nobody there actually knows what they're talking about -- it's typically people just Googling shit and being wrong. Dunno about the other r/askx subreddits.


how do you lower you sex drive ? im always horny i just want to have a sex dive of a normal person.

Do more sports and other exhausting activities. That helps me a lot in reducing stress which is often the reason for my high sex drive.

I also stopped watching pornographic videos
, though I can't bring it over myself to delete my erotic pictures folder...

You could also try meditation.

That gives me more of a sex drive tbh.

Do more sports and other exhausting activities. That helps me a lot in reducing stress which is often the reason for my high sex drive.

I also stopped watching pornographic videos
, though I can't bring it over myself to delete my erotic pictures folder...

You could also try meditation.

These all work better for me. Sports and stuff also relieve boredom which is the other reason I can get into a hypersexual mode. Meditation is probably the most effective for me but there's a significant learning curve, I couldn't imagine doing it just for that reason but rather all the other reasons you'd take something like that up.


That gives me more of a sex drive tbh.

These all work better for me. Sports and stuff also relieve boredom which is the other reason I can get into a hypersexual mode. Meditation is probably the most effective for me but there's a significant learning curve, I couldn't imagine doing it just for that reason but rather all the other reasons you'd take something like that up.

Well, there are a lot of video tutorials and books on meditation if someone wants to learn it themselves. You could always just visit some groups that meditate once or twice a week together like there are in my city. Or a temple.

she asked me about it becuase of my high sex drive i would masturbait after sex and then she told me men cant be bisexual and im just gay but i dont want to admit it. that still hurts i really liked hanging out with her.

That was really insensitive of her.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Might be hormone imbalance I dunno.

8 times a day seems excessive.
Well, there are a lot of video tutorials and books on meditation if someone wants to learn it themselves. You could always just visit some groups that meditate once or twice a week together like there are in my city. Or a temple.

That's true, but I'm just going from my experience where I'd practice it fairly consistently for over a couple of years, and I'd get pretty tepid results. But after a while of investigating my practice a lot and using a lot of trial and error and experiencing a crap load of doubt that made me want to quit a lot, I finally stumbled onto a technique that had consistently impressive results for me. I can imagine someone coming to it fresh faced and being a bit disappointed. It's best to find a competent meditation teacher, and also do a lot of investigation yourself. A lot of people think it's just like relaxing or whatever but it's way more active and a lot more work than most people think. It helps that the work is basically inherently enjoyable, but still.

Might be hormone imbalance I dunno.

8 times a day seems excessive.

I agree. At most I was doing 6/day for a while in my early 20s, but I was also experimenting with my neurochemistry at the time by increasing my catecholamine levels with a selective MAO-B inhibitor and taking a bunch of neurotransmitter precursors (dumb), which was the main contributing factor.

most cis woman think like her theres even a few "bi" woman that wont date bi men.

Even if true, that's still not a nice way to talk to people.
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