I guess I'm the only one who didn't find Pikmin 3 that enjoyable
I liked it quite a bit, but I prefer Pikmin 2 by a large margin. The slow, agonizing trek through the caves in that game is like nothing else.
I guess I'm the only one who didn't find Pikmin 3 that enjoyable
Pikmin 2 is worse for me, very bad level design there.I liked it quite a bit, but I prefer Pikmin 2 by a large margin. The slow, agonizing trek through the caves in that game is like nothing else.
Well did it fit? Was it too long? Your reputation depends on the answers.
Speaking of Nintendo.
It blows my mind that we got Mario music that sounds like this:
Like holy shit, that sounds like a Zelda boss theme.
Pikmin 2 is worse for me, very bad level design there.
The sheer volume of Nintendo music played by professional musicians on YouTube always astounds me. I can't name one fourth of the pop songs that Weird Al is parodying on his latest album, probably because I always have video game music on.
If you had told me back in high school that we'd have such a musical selection (and that the love for Nintendo music would endure so well), I would've been highly skeptical.. and delighted.
It pains me that Video Game composers don't get more recognition.
Martin O' Donnell, Yoko Shimomura, Koji Kondo, Shoji Meguro, Yasonori Matsuda and Kenji Yamamoto (when he isn't plagiarizing shit) off the top of my head are all beast.
Ahh, I somehow missed that.
It did clarify some things, yeah. Thank you!
You mentioned that "trans" is sort of an umbrella term for a bunch of different things, but I've noticed that a lot of trans(sexual) people get upset whenever someone who isn't transsexual identifies as trans. Do you think their ire towards those people is warranted?
Ahh, I somehow missed that.
It did clarify some things, yeah. Thank you!
You mentioned that "trans" is sort of an umbrella term for a bunch of different things, but I've noticed that a lot of trans(sexual) people get upset whenever someone who isn't transsexual identifies as trans. Do you think their ire towards those people is warranted?
I sometimes wonder if I could be considered trans or not, I mean, I sure as hell don't consider myself cis since being cis implies being comfortable being my birth gender which I'm not completely comfortable with, I use the label gender noncomformist to describe myself since I think it describes my struggles pretty well, which basically boils down to not feeling masculine and masculinity being an alien concept to me despite the fact I'm biologically male.
Partly Cloudy qnd 91 degrees down here in Atlanta.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll just let it roll off of me.
I melt every time I watch under the dome
I personally find the idea of the "transgender umbrella" pointless at best and harmful at worst.
There is a world of difference between what something somebody does on a friday night and a life change that becomes a 24/7 lived experience...
They're both really cute.
It's fine that you feel that way (you're an individual after all), but even well respected trans activist, like Janet Mock, are pretty quick to point out the importance of transgender as an umbrella term. It has always been an umbrella term, and it's not fair to take that away from other trans* people. I understand that it's confusing to cis people and that's harmful for trans people, but the best thing to do about that would be to educate cis people about the differences between the trans* groups.
Of course there is.
However, you can't just dismiss the experiences of other people without actually knowing what they go through; Plus, competing in the Oppression Olympics with another disrespected minority group isn't really a very productive thing to do.
The whole "They can take it off and live normal lives!" thing is kind of fallacy at this point, especially if you know anything about the other trans* groups.
While your average local drag queen doesn't generally have gender dysphoria that doesn't make her any less vulnerable to local biggots who wanna kick her ass (Drag Queen Heidi Glum was attacked by cis women while ordering a pizza. I wouldn't be surprised if similar experiences with unknown queens often go unreported), unsafe bathroom situations, bigoted cops, ignorant straight men who believe they've been "tricked", and the ostracization that can easily come from family/friends/cis-gay men upon learning that their son/co-worker/classmate/potential lover likes wearing a dress for a living.
Also, many drag queens happen to be effeminate gay/bi boys (bye bye privilege!) and their persona's are often a great vehicle for their gender expression and artistic identity; the relationship between many queens and their drag persona's isn't as shallow as some people make it out to be.
Pikmin 3 game time flies by, then you see your actual hours played and are left in shock, and you haven't even started the missions.If you didn't repeat any day and skip all cutscenes your time should be in 13 hours more or less, that is not short at all.
Amazing game, it makes you crave for fruits in real life, they look so freaking good in that game!
Yeah, Pikmin 3 is really fantastic.
EAD managed to combine the best aspects from both the first and second installments to create a whole new interesting hybrid formula that was very satisfying (and not some kind of weird half-serving thing)
Those guys at EAD4 are really talented.
Speaking of Nintendo.
It blows my mind that we got Mario music that sounds like this:
Like holy shit, that sounds like a Zelda boss theme.
If you're going to use "Oppression Olympics" like a top trump card to dismiss my concerns and experiences then there is no discussion to be had here.
Same for if you think being effeminate erases all cis privilege.
There is a lot of misogyny and transphobia among drag queens so you'll have to accept that a lot of trans women do not feel this great solidarity under the so called transgender umbrella.
I just checked it, and it was more of a gay party. As for the reason, people here don't tolerate 'lewd' acts in public in general, and the party, to them, probably fell under that. Kinda of a BS-y reason, but for reference, drinking in public is illegal here, and even straight couples kissing in public is frowned upon.Why did the gay club get raided?
I'm reading all this and maybe perhaps need to be educated but why are people so desperate to classify what is and what isn't trans what is and what isn't gay...why are we so quick to classify when being different isn't the goal. The goal is to be accepted, integrated, and a sense of self identity.
I would like to be known for who I am what defines me not my gender, who I have sex with to determine what label you choose to put me in...?
Pffft haha that exact thought crossed my mind after I hit submit. It's pretty much like that, yeah. Especially the part about the lack of women to have sex with, since most people are so religious, guys don't don't really get to hang out or have sex with women much, same as prison lmao.That's actually really interesting. So if one dude rapes another, the rapee is seen as gay but the rapist isn't? It's basically like a country wide prison mentality?
Who is the guy on the right... oh my godChris Evans is a lucky man (well except for the balding part).
Who is the guy on the right... oh my god
Thank youAaron Taylor Johnson
Chris Evans is a lucky man (well except for the balding part).
Worst part of Godzilla was no shirtless Aaron Taylor Johnson scene, he was so hot in that movie.
I'm now shipping Quicksilver x Captain America.
Chris Evans is a lucky man (well except for the balding part).
I understand. Still sad though. And damn, why did they ruin a marriage by arresting everyone. That's certainly not nice. Hope things improve in your country soon enough.I just checked it, and it was more of a gay party. As for the reason, people here don't tolerate 'lewd' acts in public in general, and the party, to them, probably fell under that. Kinda of a BS-y reason, but for reference, drinking in public is illegal here, and even straight couples kissing in public is frowned upon.
Though, one incident I'd read about a while ago but just stumbled upon, is when a woman and her female life partner were arrested at their wedding along with a number of the guests. I felt pretty bad reading that one. I think it was the first gay wedding ever here, I'm not sure. I doubt the marriage itself was recognized by the government, though.
To be fair, though, it's better than most other muslim countries where even the act of gay sex is illegal. No anti-gay laws here; it's mostly a cultural thing. (lol am I defending them? What's wrong with me?)
Wooo, excited, just bought a Wii U Mario Kart 8 bundle + Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Probably choosing Pikmin 3 as my free game, but not certain yet. Smash Bros also this year, Warlords of Draenor as well, and Monster Hunter 4 in 2015, I'm excited!
Aaaand this has nothing to do with anything LGBT...uh, who wants to play Mario Kart 8 with me soon? ^,^
Gay Pride Amsterdam coming up August 2nd, not sure if I'm going. I liked it the last time I went, really really busy though.
I understand. Still sad though. And damn, why did they ruin a marriage by arresting everyone. That's certainly not nice. Hope things improve in your country soon enough.
Top of the page again... -.-
Here, have some Kit pics
I would have a lot more respect for Janet Mock if she didn't start to shit on the passing privilege lately. Does she really think she could have ever become a successful journalist for a famous womens magazine back before she came out of her stealth mode? Or the way she talks about how she walks proudly and openly as a transwoman in public and other should do that too. Yeah, that's because nobody notices you're T, my dear. I wonder if she even cam imagine how much she would have been harrassed if she wouldn't pass that well.
And of course I know where she's going. That all Transpeople should be able to walk the streets safely no matter how they look. But presenting herself as a shining example of this to promote this ideal world when in fact it's just her passing privilege at work seems inredebly hypocritical to me.
Guy 1: "Many of our ancestors were completely eradicated off the face of the earth by deadly plagues and terrible genocides at the hands of white people. Plus, our surviving ancestors were hauled off their ancestral lands and forced into crummy little ghettos; BEAT THAT!"
Guy 2: "C'mon son, we were taken out of our ancestral home and forced to become slaves to southern plantations owners who treated us worse than dirt and stole every bit of culture that we had! Plus, when white people freed us we were still treated like second class citizens! What you gotta say about that red man??"
Guy 3: "You think you guys have it bad??! Oy vey!!..."
That's the idea of the "Opression Olympics", no one (including myself) is dismissing your concerns or experiences. The phrase criticizes one's attempt at making their experiences with a severed leg seem worse than the person's with a severed arm; They both have unique issues that should be accounted for but it makes no sense for them to pit themselves against each other, especially when they share some very similar issues and people are capable of addressing more than one issue at a time.
Oh I know it does honey.
I can't imagine a male bodied effeminate individual like this being able to work a non-artistic office job (or be comfortable at one) if em (preferred pronoun) is trying to go to work in women's office wear, but doesn't want to be recognized as female.
Nobody expects all trans women to do this (It's a common thing that often happens in minority groups that share labels) but that doesn't make anyone who says,"Hey, you know this thing that you supposedly are? You're not that because I'm very uncomfortable with being associated with you and your damaging identity!" sound like a very good person.
Because people are obsessed with putting each other in boxes. When someone exists outside of that box, they are upset by that fact.
I've found that most people who champion inclusion are only in it for so long as *they're* included. Beyond that, their mindset quickly becomes the "conform or die" line of reasoning that breeds intolerance worldwide. Always a next group to look down upon, I suppose.
Giant meh
Kit's face is just so odd, like he's trying his hardest to look bored as fuck.
Wooo, excited, just bought a Wii U Mario Kart 8 bundle + Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Probably choosing Pikmin 3 as my free game, but not certain yet. Smash Bros also this year, Warlords of Draenor as well, and Monster Hunter 4 in 2015, I'm excited!
Aaaand this has nothing to do with anything LGBT...uh, who wants to play Mario Kart 8 with me soon? ^,^
Gay Pride Amsterdam coming up August 2nd, not sure if I'm going. I liked it the last time I went, really really busy though.
It's funny how everyone hates being on top of the page lol.
I don't know what you're trying to prove by posting a video of a genderqueer trans person. They are our brothers and sisters, not cis dudes who feel a bit uncomfortable at societal gender roles or who dress up and lip sync Diana Ross songs on a Saturday night.
I feel like Kit's constantly constipated.
I can help to unclog that.
disgo stangI can help to unclog that.
This dismissal of drag queens is always so shocking for me, although expected. But drag queens are more than just "cis men in wigs", the fact you can refer to them in either gender, in or out of drag, already makes them drop the "cis" label. They are at the very least genderqueer.
But that is their role, they mock you and me and everyone and their expectations on gender and sexuality, which I personally think is something basic for our rights as gls people, because we are fighting a cultural fight, we are breaking old molds, and they only way to do that is to point out how silly they are. It's not surprising they have constantly been the spear head in the movement, despite being generally rejected, and this is by gay people and trans people alike. They are "too loud", or "not serious enough", or the more common "they don't represent me", which is mostly a "I wish they would disappear".
I feel like Kit's constantly constipated.