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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Where do you live? It's a pretty common sight here in Austria when you are in bars, train stations or in parks, sadly just with m/f couples though. (My country is pretty homophobic, but we begin to see some changes thanks to people like Conchita Wurst.)

Kind of surprised to hear that honestly, I expected more of Austria.


Hunky Nostradamus
I really, really doubt that there are as many gay guys that are grossed out by straight stuff as there are straight guys who are grossed out by gay stuff, It's not even close.

Who can really say though? Regardless of which group has more haters, my point was that plenty of gay people think straight sex is gross - it's not an exclusively straight phenomenon.

I don't think not liking the way genitals look is linked to our sexuality.

I suppose not. I just think it's extremely weird though.
(I have heard of straight women thinking that penises are gross or whatever, though, and that's equally weird to me)

*Raises hand*. It kinda depends though. Sometimes (as a straight guy) I just find vaginas very displeasing to look at but then sometimes it's quite nice to look at them. I don't think it even depends on the individual vagina nor how horny I am.

Psh, exception to the rule :p

Tolerance does involve a degree of self-censorship. There are times when we choose not to say what's on our minds because we value other people's feelings over our urge to voice petty and hurtful thoughts. Being respectful or at least diplomatic can make life better for everyone.

(again, haven't read the thread in question so I could be way off base)

But doesn't self-censorship go against the point of a forum thread on that very subject? I mean, if people went around in public saying "Gay sex is gross!" then I think it would be a problem, but on a discussion forum, I think people should be able to speak their minds.

I hope is not as slow as Metroid 2 though, that game is unplayable for me

Metroid 2 is great :mad:
Who can really say though? Regardless of which group has more haters, my point was that plenty of gay people think straight sex is gross - it's not an exclusively straight phenomenon.

I suppose not. I just think it's extremely weird though.
(I have heard of straight women thinking that penises are gross or whatever, though, and that's equally weird to me)

I wasn't necessarily talking about sex. Personally I don't find one grosser than the other, depends more on other stuff for me.

Most of the women I know find penises gross, what's up with that lol.


Kind of surprised to hear that honestly, I expected more of Austria.

Really? I mean, we haven't even the right to marry people of the same sex here, as far as I know. And it's still okay for many media outlets like "Krone Zeitung" to make fun of crossdressing or transgender people here.

He's an actor I hear.

And his full name is??
I need his full name so I can google him. :p


Hunky Nostradamus
why isnt there an "I" on the end of this thread title?

Because there's a character limit for thread titles and 'LGBT' is the most common/official acronym for the non-straight community.

LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!I

LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) QueerI!


I don't get it :/


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex

sometimes they also add an 'A' in there for asexual. Also, P for pansexual. SA for straight allies. H for HIV infected. O for otherkin.


I disagree with this, it's pretty normal to be a woman in this world, that's not the same case at all for gay men.

Being a gay man does not erase your male privilege and despite being 50% of the population and "normal" that hasn't erased the problems of rape, street harassment, female infanticide, equal pay, child marriage, access to abortion and contraception and so on.





My crush Kit is playing Mario Kart 8. <3


Remember the full acronym: Queer/Questioning|Undecided|Intersex|Lesbian|Transgender|Bisexual|Asexual|Gay

Or QUILTBAG. Yes, it's a ridiculous acronym, but it helps to remember the full "spectrum", of sorts. Barring stuff like genderqueer/two-spirit, etc.

Though I think if we kept tacking on letters to the title, we'd be better off as a "GSM" thread. I think it gets across the point as it is.

Being a gay man does not erase your male privilege and despite being 50% of the population and "normal" that hasn't erased the problems of rape, street harassment, female infanticide, equal pay, child marriage, access to abortion and contraception and so on.

And being a straight woman does not erase your straight privilege, in which you don't have to worry about being treated as a second class citizen in the U.S., being fired from your job just for your sexuality, an extremely high rate of suicide, hate crimes, etc. And both sides have to worry about high rates of physical/sexual assault, street harassment, etc.

I fail to see the point of this argument. The U.S. has both a sexism and homophobia problem. Why do we have to play "privilege Olympics"?


And being a straight woman does not erase your straight privilege, in which you don't have to worry about being treated as a second class citizen in the U.S., being fired from your job just for your sexuality, an extremely high rate of suicide, hate crimes, etc. And both sides have to worry about high rates of physical/sexual assault, street harassment, etc.

I don't disagree with any of that, I just object to gay men claiming that they have it worse than women and that they don't benefit from male privilege which is blatantly untrue.

Even within the LGBT community itself gay men wield the most power, the rest of us just get the scraps. Being a man is the single biggest advantage anyone can have in life.
Really? I mean, we haven't even the right to marry people of the same sex here, as far as I know. And it's still okay for many media outlets like "Krone Zeitung" to make fun of crossdressing or transgender people here.

And his full name is??
I need his full name so I can google him. :p

Scott Porter?

I don't disagree with any of that, I just object to gay men claiming that they have it worse than women and that they don't benefit from male privilege which is blatantly untrue.

Even within the LGBT community itself gay men wield the most power, the rest of us just get the scraps. Being a man is the single biggest advantage anyone can have in life.

And you've decided male privilege is stronger than straight privilege just like that?


And being a straight woman does not erase your straight privilege, in which you don't have to worry about being treated as a second class citizen in the U.S., being fired from your job just for your sexuality, an extremely high rate of suicide, hate crimes, etc. And both sides have to worry about high rates of physical/sexual assault, street harassment, etc.

I fail to see the point of this argument. The U.S. has both a sexism and homophobia problem. Why do we have to play "privilege Olympics"?
Gay men can stay in the closet I guess.
I don't disagree with any of that, I just object to gay men claiming that they have it worse than women and that they don't benefit from male privilege which is blatantly untrue.

Even within the LGBT community itself gay men wield the most power, the rest of us just get the scraps. Being a man is the single biggest advantage anyone can have in life.

Maybe in America. Places like in Africa and Russia being a man is irrelevant you still get the shit beat out of you for being gay or worse. Straights male and female are exempt from such treatment unless you're a supporter.

I offer: Y Tu Mamá También.

That is a good movie. Good recommendation,


Maybe in America. Places like in Africa and Russia being a man is irrelevant you still get the shit beat out of you for being gay or worse. Straights male and female are exempt from such treatment unless you're a supporter.

Those places are very different. That's why I dislike that some people think that because we've got equal marriage it's mission accomplished. Until people are free to express their gender however they want and to love whoever they want worldwide as well as the issues of homelessness, suicide and HIV are addressed, the battle isn't over.


So, remember the guy who I wanted to date and then didn't want to because I thought he was an asshole? Well, he isn't really, and he has a boyfriend, but he became my friend in the last few days, he is a cool guy.

Well, he was with his boyfriend in the city close to my town, they were at a park. Then the cops saw them and arrested them, while throwing insults and slurs at them and telling them that they "didn't have the right to be gay". They weren't even kissing there, they were just seated hugging. Well, they didn't take them to jail but they proceeded to steal their money and their mobiles and after that they set them free. They couldn't defend themselves and they were demanded to not go around that place anymore.

I feel so bad for them, and I'm angry because this represents the society I have around. If this happened in the city, I can't imagine how bad the situation is at my town. We're really behind on many things, I live in the 19th century in this place. Ugh.
Those places are very different. That's why I dislike that some people think that because we've got equal marriage it's mission accomplished. Until people are free to express their gender however they want and to love whoever they want worldwide as well as the issues of homelessness, suicide and HIV are addressed, the battle isn't over.

The battle won't be over for a loooong time, people who claim that are ignorant. But this discussion about who has it worse is utterly pointless and doesn't help anyone.
So, remember the guy who I wanted to date and then didn't want to because I thought he was an asshole? Well, he isn't really, and he has a boyfriend, but he became my friend in the last few days, he is a cool guy.

Well, he was with his boyfriend in the city close to my town, they were at a park. Then the cops saw them and arrested them, while throwing insults and slurs at them and telling them that they "didn't have the right to be gay". They weren't even kissing there, they were just seated hugging. Well, they didn't take them to jail but they proceeded to steal their money and their mobiles and after that they set them free. They couldn't defend themselves and they were demanded to not go around that place anymore.

I feel so bad for them, and I'm angry because this represents the society I have around. If this happened in the city, I can't imagine how bad the situation is at my town. We're really behind on many things, I live in the 19th century in this place. Ugh.

What the hell? where do you live?. At least no one was hurt.
So, remember the guy who I wanted to date and then didn't want to because I thought he was an asshole? Well, he isn't really, and he has a boyfriend, but he became my friend in the last few days, he is a cool guy.

Well, he was with his boyfriend in the city close to my town, they were at a park. Then the cops saw them and arrested them, while throwing insults and slurs at them and telling them that they "didn't have the right to be gay". They weren't even kissing there, they were just seated hugging. Well, they didn't take them to jail but they proceeded to steal their money and their mobiles and after that they set them free. They couldn't defend themselves and they were demanded to not go around that place anymore.

I feel so bad for them, and I'm angry because this represents the society I have around. If this happened in the city, I can't imagine how bad the situation is at my town. We're really behind on many things, I live in the 19th century in this place. Ugh.

That is messed the fuck up, sad.
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