Captain Europe
Born to be a bottom. lol
Both is twice the fun =P
I can help to unclog that.
Born to be a bottom. lol
I can help to unclog that.
I only like men who can unhinge their jaw and eat people.
He can be relaxed too. He can even laugh.
<smiling because he finally passed that turd that's been bothering him all day, you can tell because he's assuming the squatting position for maximum poopage>
<doing a photoshoot and trying his best to hold his poop in>
<only slightly constipated, the cig is helping>
<oh shit I just ripped a big one I hope robb doens't notice>
oh god Jon Snow and Robb Stark sandwich
Haly, y u so mean.
I dooooooo! Add me: Atheos
I've never been, but I'd like to go someday. Where are you from in NL?
Add me too! NNID RingabelD
My problem with the modern day drag queen (specifically the sort that appear on RuPaul) is the misogyny and transphobia they express, nothing to do with how loud they are. I don't like jokes about domestic violence, "sluts", pimps beating on women and transphobic slurs and jokes among other things. Mockery and satire are powerful tools when taking on the establishment but they are equally powerful ways to belittle and bully those on the margins.
"I couldn't help myself" usually explains any negative behavior on my part.
Hmm, either Pikmin 3 or NSMBU for my free game (already played WW and have no interest in Wonderful 101). Playing NSMBU and getting all the star coins would be fun (although I'm already getting Donkey Kong as a platformer), but I never played a Pikmin game either, so I dunno![]()
I don't know what you're trying to prove by posting a video of a genderqueer trans person. They are our brothers and sisters, not cis dudes who feel a bit uncomfortable at societal gender roles or who dress up and lip sync Diana Ross songs on a Saturday night.
And I'll add you two tomorrow!
Hmm, either Pikmin 3 or NSMBU for my free game (already played WW and have no interest in Wonderful 101). Playing NSMBU and getting all the star coins would be fun (although I'm already getting Donkey Kong as a platformer), but I never played a Pikmin game either, so I dunno![]()
The funny thing is that they are very sanitized to keep the show pg-13. But that is what they do, a politically correct drag queen is an oxymoron, might as well be a female impersonator and leave it at that.
I wonder the kind of reception someone like Divine would have today.
we're all brothers and sisters
Then maybe it would be best if drag queens ceased to be in favour of female impersonation instead if being "politically correct" (a term used by the privileged to dismiss the oppressed) is anathema to them. When drag queens use their performance and persona to debase and mock women (typically those on the margins of society) and make light of rape and DV it shows them for what they really are: men.
Divine was a misogynist.
I don't know what you're trying to prove by posting a video of a genderqueer trans person. They are our brothers and sisters, not cis dudes who feel a bit uncomfortable at societal gender roles or who dress up and lip sync Diana Ross songs on a Saturday night.
This sounds awfully sexist on your part. As I'm understanding it, it comes off as you thinking that all men are misogynists.
And I certainly disagree on Divine being a misogynist.
Kit Harington is cute but he always seems like he's in a bad mood. lol
Don't you dare tell me that I don't know what privilege means (I've even alluded to the fact that I know that trans people face different issues that trans* people don't have to deal with)
Being a black effeminate queer boy I've ran into more than a few people with a lot of privilege that were completely unaware of the fact that they have it.
The male bodied trans* person in that vid seems to have no problem with calling drag queens em's sisters, and neither do many trans women who admire queens and have great friends who are queens. Plus, many of these girls have no problems with queens being labeled as transgender and many queens wear the label proudly on their sleeve (Jinx Monsoon is an example that comes to mind)
Also If you wanna dismiss the experiences and concerns of DQ's (like you've accused me of doing with you) than I don't think we're gonna have a very productive conversation because, I have to admit, I'm getting a little frustrated; it seems like your only (rather ignorant) understanding of DQs is that they're giant gay stereotypes (who are apparently all bigots) that sing Diana Ross songs and maliciously mock other people.
Edit: You also seem to think that Divine (an admittedly trashy and revolting act) is representative of the majority of drag queens, ok.
How fancy is the event from a scale of 1 - 10?Hey I'm going to like a casual fancy event Friday you guys got ideas what to wear?
Robb's the better-looking brother.
Ginger and cute Scottish accent... yes, please.
Extremely relevant and slightly NSFW:
Why then do DQs typically not perform at Trans pride and gatherings (at least in the UK)? Because they aren't trans.
They are mostly gay men and a part of gay culture who want little to do with trans people. They're happy being guys and they don't like to be confused with trans women.
If you are going to be dismissive of the very real misogyny and transphobia in drag queen performances just because you think I am mean to DQs then that's unfortunate. I like drag a lot, I think it's fun and entertaining but not when it's used as a vehicle to trash women nor when RuPaul doubles down on the transphobic slurs.
Where did I say he did? Do not misrepresent me please.
Hey I'm going to like a casual fancy event Friday you guys got ideas what to wear?
How fancy is the event from a scale of 1 - 10?
I can't really answer this (I don't live in the UK), but how many UK trans pride/gatherings have you been to? Are they mostly "women only" spaces? Do they only accommodate trans girls and boys? Do they ever book any queens? Are they places where non-trans trans* groups can feel comfortable socializing or showing up? (The genderqueer individual I linked you to is apparently unsure of whether em would be welcomed in those kinds of spaces because em is male bodied and not a woman)
He's gotta purty mouth..Nah.
He can be relaxed too. He can even laugh.
So adorabluuu~
And there's this guy:
Force of habit, sorry. Popgaf got deleted once for being too salacious once. I tread lightly.Wait. Did you really just link him.
Lol deleted wow. I need that archive thenForce of habit, sorry. Popgaf got deleted once for being too salacious once. I tread lightly.
Lol deleted wow. I need that archive then
Lol deleted wow. I need that archive then
Like mine... Tomorrow might be Colby Keller day... that is if I come across a lot of pix I haven't already posted. His Gay of Thrones porn parody looks interesting.Why archive a whole thread if you can just follow all these NSFW gif tumblr pages?
That's all I want to reply to, I have said what I wanted to say already and this has become a bit too confrontational.
Gay of Thrones parody, huh. I already watched the trailer for a hetero version of exactly that, a parody porn from Hustler.Ha. It was mostly pix of Saggy Gaga in her seashell bra. Nothing interesting.
Like mine... Tomorrow might be Colby Keller day... that is if I come across a lot of pix I haven't already posted. His Gay of Thrones porn parody looks interesting.
I thought that was weird, since I was there in the audience. "Did he just cup that guy's boob?"![]()
Chris Evans is a lucky man (well except for the balding part).
Btw, if you don't pay queens/kings to come to your event they're probably not gonna come. Dressing is their living/passion and artistic /gender expression, but they've got things to do on their own time (especially on the weekends when they work) Maybe the T gatherings you go to just don't attract queens/kings.
I really dislike the flak Ru has been getting over this, especially when he's been explicit that this is the verbiage drag queens have been using among themselves for decades.There's a clear cultural divide between DQs and trans people when you have someone like RuPaul doubling down on transphobic slurs.
And where is this money going to come from?
Drag kings are a different kettle of fish entirely. They don't make the money nor do they get the media coverage drag queens do. This disparity and the paltry number of bars and clubs for lesbian/bi/queer women (there's only one in London and it's owned by a gay man) are a clear cut example of male privilege which DQs benefit from.
I am not the arbiter of who gets to call themselves trans, I do however have legitimate concerns about appropriation especially given the scant resources and the lack of voice trans people have. That's all. There's a clear cultural divide between DQs and trans people when you have someone like RuPaul doubling down on transphobic slurs (and one of his contestants made a video on Youtube acting out an execution of a trans woman who dared to write articles objecting to this). Very different needs, very different communities.
I really dislike the flak Ru has been getting over this, especially when he's been explicit that this is the verbiage drag queens have been using among themselves for decades.
Just needed to share this wih someone since i'm trying to avoid the subject with my friends IRL since i'm still not in touch with the reality of things and talking with them about is probably gonna make me panic
Turns out that my mom after a breast echography test has been called at the clinic again for a second check since they spotted a black spot on some of the scans
I'm trying to stay as positive as i can when i'm with her saying that it's probably nothing and it's only a routine check and she shouldn't expect the worst
But yeah, i've never been so scared in my entire life, results should be available in about two weeks more or less...