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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Relationship trouble post here...

So my ex boyfriend, who I've dated on two separate occasions and still have tried to stay friends with is threatening to sue me for theft because I won't give him back things he had given me over the years. We got into a nasty fight (for the millionth time) and I've decided I've had enough, that the friendship is over. So now he's saying everyone on his mom's side are lawyers and that he's going to show up with the police to my house to get "his" stuff back, to which he said he's going to burn in his fire pit and send me photos. I know this probably all sounds very silly, and there is no doubt he is mentally unstable, but those kinds of people can be the most difficult to deal with, and potential dangerous. And the fact that you can sue people for anything these days. Should I just give him his shit back?

Knowing him after this he will threaten me with something else, like mental abuse or something. I had to call the police on him a year ago because he was threatening suicide, something he had done in the past as well, but I had finally got to the point where I had to do something. He was hospitalized and still blames me for it, as does his mother for "making them broke." There is more to the story, but that is the basic gist to it. What should I do? I don't want any legal happenings, I just want him out of my life but he is the kind of person who will try every trick in the book. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Relationship trouble post here...

So my ex boyfriend, who I've dated on two separate occasions and still have tried to stay friends with is threatening to sue me for theft because I won't give him back things he had given me over the years. We got into a nasty fight (for the millionth time) and I've decided I've had enough, that the friendship is over. So now he's saying everyone on his mom's side are lawyers and that he's going to show up with the police to my house to get "his" stuff back, to which he said he's going to burn in his fire pit and send me photos. I know this probably all sounds very silly, and there is no doubt he is mentally unstable, but those kinds of people can be the most difficult to deal with, and potential dangerous. And the fact that you can sue people for anything these days. Should I just give him his shit back?

Knowing him after this he will threaten me with something else, like mental abuse or something. I had to call the police on him a year ago because he was threatening suicide, something he had done in the past as well, but I had finally got to the point where I had to do something. He was hospitalized and still blames me for it, as does his mother for "making them broke." There is more to the story, but that is the basic gist to it. What should I do? I don't want any legal happenings, I just want him out of my life but he is the kind of person who will try every trick in the book. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

If he isn't going to back off the only choice I'd say you really have is to fight back, as painful as it might be to do.

Take what I say with some salt (I'm not familiar with civil law), but since he gave you those things of his own free will at the time, I don't think he can successfully charge you with anything because there was no agreement that you would have to give it back should the relationship ever be terminated. There's a reasonable chance you could win if you went to court (provided you hire a half-decent lawyer).


Relationship trouble post here...

So my ex boyfriend, who I've dated on two separate occasions and still have tried to stay friends with is threatening to sue me for theft because I won't give him back things he had given me over the years. We got into a nasty fight (for the millionth time) and I've decided I've had enough, that the friendship is over. So now he's saying everyone on his mom's side are lawyers and that he's going to show up with the police to my house to get "his" stuff back, to which he said he's going to burn in his fire pit and send me photos. I know this probably all sounds very silly, and there is no doubt he is mentally unstable, but those kinds of people can be the most difficult to deal with, and potential dangerous. And the fact that you can sue people for anything these days. Should I just give him his shit back?

Knowing him after this he will threaten me with something else, like mental abuse or something. I had to call the police on him a year ago because he was threatening suicide, something he had done in the past as well, but I had finally got to the point where I had to do something. He was hospitalized and still blames me for it, as does his mother for "making them broke." There is more to the story, but that is the basic gist to it. What should I do? I don't want any legal happenings, I just want him out of my life but he is the kind of person who will try every trick in the book. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

(IANAL, none of this is legal advice, etc)

He has absolutely no legal way of getting that stuff back. If you don't want to give it up, don't.

Ignore all contact from him and his family. If you're still replying to him, stop. Get him the fuck out of your life, even if that means filing a restraining order.

Do not fear legal action. The police will not show up at your door if he calls them.

I'm sorry this is happening. Dealing with manipulative & unstable people is a miserable experience.

Bailey 87

I've watched enough Judge Judy to know that he cannot get his stuff back if he gave them to you as a gift.

You have 2 options. Cut him out of your life (delete and block his number etc) or give him back his stuff.

Me personally I would give him back the stuff, but only because the stuff would bring back up memories.
I would be more than delighted to give them back if it meant it would be over. But this is the kind of person that will do anything in his power to be in my life. He's threatened suing for mental abuse, threatening using magic against me (he's Wiccan). There is no end to the insanity.


Uh... magic isn't real, so I wouldn't worry about that part.

The obvious solution is to beat him to the punch and burn everything and send him the pics.
Don't do this.
Why are you responding to him? Is there some reason you can't just ignore him?
Uh... magic isn't real, so I wouldn't worry about that part.

The obvious solution is to beat him to the punch and burn everything and send him the pics.
Don't do this.
Why are you responding to him? Is there some reason you can't just ignore him?

When you think of magic as magic then no, it's not real. But if you think of it in terms of energy then it is very, very real.

Anyways, I'm not replying to him but he keeps texting me. And yesterday he even came to my house banging on doors and windows and shit.

Bailey 87

I would be more than delighted to give them back if it meant it would be over. But this is the kind of person that will do anything in his power to be in my life. He's threatened suing for mental abuse, threatening using magic against me (he's Wiccan). There is no end to the insanity.

I'd rather not get into the whole magic thing. All I'll say is this guy is mentally unstable and capable of causing a lot of chaos and misery. Thanks for all of your input. If he persists I will look into filing a restraining order, but I really hope it doesn't come to that.


I'd rather not get into the whole magic thing. All I'll say is this guy is mentally unstable and capable of causing a lot of chaos and misery. Thanks for all of your input. If he persists I will look into filing a restraining order, but I really hope it doesn't come to that.
I'd dare say it already has.


I would be more than delighted to give them back if it meant it would be over. But this is the kind of person that will do anything in his power to be in my life. He's threatened suing for mental abuse, threatening using magic against me (he's Wiccan). There is no end to the insanity.


Seriously though, cut him out of your life and ignore his attempts to get your attention. He will lose interest eventually.
"In terms of energy" what?

Basically "energy" is a magical weasel word that can refer to pretty much anything. I can claim moon energy exists, but can only be measured by moon children. Children chosen by the moon goddess.

Here is my preferred energy. A powerful vision of destructive energy:

I don't think that's really an important point to fixate on from either perspective. If you believe in magic from the wiccan perspective then the rule of three is going to fuck him up anyways. Or if you're really worried do like a basic protection ceremony or something, if it's something you're actually worried about then it will at least give you a feeling of safety.
I don't think that's really an important point to fixate on from either perspective. If you believe in magic from the wiccan perspective then the rule of three is going to fuck him up anyways.

Had to look this up. With the amount of sexual energy I've put out into the world I should be absolutely swimming in men. Myth BUSTED.
Had to look this up. With the amount of sexual energy I've put out into the world I should be absolutely swimming in men. Myth BUSTED.

I think you're reading too much into it, it's basically just an embellished concept of 'karma' I think (willful actions carry causative consequences).
*Too Wong Foo Noxeema gif*

This gif reminds me, Someone has got to produce a GOOD american drag queen/trans* focused film.
I want our "Priscilla"; "Too Wong Foo..." may have some good lines and few fab moments ("I'm the Latina Marilyn Monroe; I've got more legs than a bucket of chicken!"), but it's not very well written and doesn't respect the audience most of the time. Like, are we supposed to seriously believe that no one can clock Noxeema?? The big muscular one with the chiseled face who looks like Wesley Snipes; lol, no gurl. (Vida is only convincing when she's facing certain angles and the camera isn't incredibly close; I loved her outfits though)
Plus the girls are basically reduced to being stereotypical sexless magical queer characters that only exist to help other people, and fufill the writer's "lol They're dudes! lololol" quota for the majority of the film.
We don't know anything about Noxeema other than she's a sassy black lady. Vida gets sexually assaulted by a cop, but it doesn't seem to effect her for very long (it's also treated as a joke -_-) Vida's relationship with her parents isn't really touched on again after the first meeting, which is a really horrible waste in terms of character development. We kind of learn that Chichi (who's walk is the campiest feminine strut I've ever seen lol) most likely lives in a bad neighborhood which isn't safe for non-gender conforming people, but that's about it; she also has a small arc with the "drag princess to drag queen" thing....other than that she's just the ditzy young fishy queen.
Like, the only reason this movie should exist is because of the cameos lol


This gif reminds me, Someone has got to produce a GOOD american drag queen/trans* focused film.
I want our "Priscilla"; "Too Wong Foo..." may have some good lines and few fab moments ("I'm the Latina Marilyn Monroe; I've got more legs than a bucket of chicken!"), but it's not very well written and doesn't respect the audience most of the time. Like, are we supposed to seriously believe that no one can clock Noxeema?? The big muscular one with the chiseled face who looks like Wesley Snipes; lol, no gurl. (Vida is only convincing when she's facing certain angles and the camera isn't incredibly close; I loved her outfits though)
Plus the girls are basically reduced to being stereotypical sexless magical queer characters that only exist to help other people, and fufill the writer's "lol They're dudes! lololol" quota for the majority of the film.
We don't know anything about Noxeema other than she's a sassy black lady. Vida gets sexually assaulted by a cop, but it doesn't seem to effect her for very long (it's also treated as a joke -_-) Vida's relationship with her parents isn't really touched on again after the first meeting, which is a really horrible waste in terms of character development. We kind of learn that Chichi (who's walk is the campiest feminine strut I've ever seen lol) most likely lives in a bad neighborhood which isn't safe for non-gender conforming people, but that's about it; she also has a small arc with the "drag princess to drag queen" thing....other than that she's just the ditzy young fishy queen.
Like, the only reason this movie should exist is because of the cameos lol

I always thought Pricilla was from the US, I guess not.

There is Transamerica, but the movie seems a bit too melodramatic, I should really get to see it some day.
I always thought Pricilla was from the US, I guess not.

There is Transamerica, but the movie seems a bit too melodramatic, I should really get to see it some day.

Nah, Pricilla was Australian made, and I freakin' adore it (Hugo Weaving in a dress is the most magical thing that's ever been put on film)

Also Transamerica is a good film, but a little cliche. It would have been nice if the plot and story was just about a trans lady being frightened about how her long lost son would perceive her; It's kind of a bummer that they felt the need to tack on a generic transitioning plot point. I like transitioning stories (they can be quite powerful), but Transamerica's just sort of seemed like a cheap way to get the more interesting plot point rolling (Sabrina's meeting with her long lost delinquent son)


Has anyone here played the Dong Helicopter Simulator
? I want to support it to spite those people on the Steam forums of the game who say that this game is disgusting or the end of the video game industry.


It also looks pretty fun I think now after watching Jim Sterling playing it on his own Youtube channel.
Has anyone here played the Dong Helicopter Simulator
? I want to support it to spite those people on the Steam forums of the game who say that this game is disgusting or the end of the video game industry.


It also looks pretty fun I think now after watching Jim Sterling playing it on his own Youtube channel.
It was on Unprofessional Fridays last week (Giant Bomb premium member content) and was very dramatic. Seems great.


(cross-posted from PoliGAF..)


Ginsburg: High Court Won't 'Duck' Gay Marriage
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says the Supreme Court won't duck the issue of same-sex marriage the next time a case comes to the court.

The 81-year-old Ginsburg said in an interview with The Associated Press on Thursday that she expects a same-sex marriage case to be heard and decided by June 2016, and possibly a year earlier.

Yes yes yes! GeorgeTakeiVersionofIt'sHappening.gif
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