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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Try to bring a topic about homosexuality between you and depending on his opinions judge if he is okay with gay people. If he seems fine with it try coming out to him and see what happens.

None of my crushes have passed the first test though, so I don't know if the rest of the plan works.
Try to bring a homosexual topic between you and depending on his opinions judgeif he is okay with gay people. If he seems fine with it try coming out to him and see what happens.

None of my crushes have passed the first test though, so I don't know if the rest of the plan works.

What exactly is a homosexual topic? lol


So if a straight person tells you he/she's okay with gay marriage and having gay friends, do you assume he/she's gay? As someone with only straight friends, I can say: nope, lol. There's simply no easy way to know.
I'm fairly sure Yosuke has a thing for me in P4G....



just the way he looks at me sometimes.

I really wouldn't use that as any ind of barometer because there's a lot of room for interpretation there. I did the same thing once and ended up mistaking a future friend for an interested bachelor.

A gorgeous, dangerous bachelor.

I'm pretty disappointed RPJ is almost over... so much handsomeness I won't see again for a whole year -_-

I'm fairly sure Yosuke has a thing for me in P4G....

Well, at least you got to see their faces once.

Or you could be a creeper and save their profile pictures.

Everyone in your party has a boner for the MC. And Yosuke is just the lesser of the boys. (Though he gets the most wink-wink moments. He was originally going to be a romantic option but was taken out for whatever reason. They got as far as voiced dialogue and what I'm pretty sure was originally the flag sequence is still in his social link.)


Watched some more episodes of GoT (I finished Episode 7) with a friend and he didn't say anything negative about the first
Renly & Loras sex
scene which was surprising since he uses the term "gay" on everything that isn't to his liking. Maybe he matured since then and I can tell him about me someday because I sure can't tell my family* and I don't have anyone else as close to me as him.

*My Grandma has said that gay people should just just deal with it and live in hiding (She's okay that they can be in a relationship, just not openly). She also seems to think that you can be taught to be homosexual by seeing two men holding hands on the street or similar things that straight couples do.
And my mum to rather want to change topics whenever I talk about LGBT related stuff (movies, news, etc) with her, so I don't know what she thinks about in truth.

Besides that I enjoyed GoT and the last few days since it finally started to snow here. Winter is (finally) coming! :D
I'm hoping I can get some perspctive here if people don't mind.

I met somebody online through Facebook, and we've been texting pretty much constantly for 3 weeks. He's gay (as am I) and he wants to start a romantic relationship with me. The two most significant issues are that he is an hour's drive away and lately has begun to frustrate me within his texts by being overly affectionate, which was cute at first, but is quite irritating after over three weeks of unrelenting affection (I know this may be a weird thing to complain about, but there's only so much claims of me being a flawless, perfect being that I can take [since I'm well aware that I'm not]). In addition, there's a significant height difference (I'm 5'3, he's 6'3"; this isn't a huge issue as far as attraction goes, but think it could cause some issues sex-wise, particularly since he weighs considerably more than me), but ultimately this isn't weighing too heavily into my decision. He wants exclusivity. He's never known, let alone been with, a gay male before (and has social anxiety supposedly), and I've a feeling that his crush on me is largely stemming from that. The large distance seperating us, not having me yet, and my growing frustration with him, leads me to suspect, quite strongly, that if we do have a romantic relationship, it won't last, despite him being a very charming, and attractive, young man.

At the same time, another gay man has been chatting to me, and is interested in a friends-with-benefits sort of situation (it's not the same person I commented on in a past message in the previous thread [or at least I think it was the previous thread], but it is somebody from my school), who lives much closer to me (a twenty-minute walk in comparison to the sixty minute drive), and is closer my height (well, 5'5); personality doesn't really factor into this since it would be a purely physical relationship (I do know him somewhat well, and we are friends, but he is by no means a close friend).

Ultimately, what I'm trying to discern is whether it's worth ignoring an almost-guaranteed physical relationship for a potential more well-rounded one (when there are quite a few barriers/warning signs/issues already). It's worth noting that ultimately, in an ideal situation, I'd prefer the latter, but I'm not enthralled with him enough to be certain, and as I am not out to my parents (who I'll be living with until I go to university in September, at which stage the first man will be even further away [a 100 minute drive]), nor will I be coming out to them (as I've a family member who was disowned [which I think I mentioned in a previous message] and despite not particularly liking my family, I can't deny that I depend on them financially and, without them, I'd be in an incredibly poor position), distance is a large issue (because I can't be caught with another man).

A close friend advised me to simply 'sleep around, and say you aren't, and if things then work out with the first man, cease' but that really isn't something that would rest easy with me and I'd be doing a disservice to him (because I, by no means, hate him, in fact, I really do like him). I'm hoping some additional perspective could assist me (also, I'm certainly no Casanova [and I don't mean that in relation to the NeoGAF member] so I find it almost comical that the situation has arisen in this manner).

EDIT: Thanks to the replies below. I think the situation has been very much put into perspective now.
I'm hoping I can get some perspctive here if people don't mind.

I met somebody online through Facebook, and we've been texting pretty much constantly for 3 weeks. He's gay (as am I) and he wants to start a romantic relationship with me. The two most significant issues are that he is an hour's drive away and lately has begun to frustrate me within his texts by being overly affectionate, which was cute at first, but is quite irritating after over three weeks of unrelenting affection (I know this may be a weird thing to complain about, but there's only so much claims of me being a flawless, perfect being that I can take [since I'm well aware that I'm not]). In addition, there's a significant height difference (I'm 5'3, he's 6'3"; this isn't a huge issue as far as attraction goes, but think it could cause some issues sex-wise, particularly since he weighs considerably more than me), but ultimately this isn't weighing too heavily into my decision. He wants exclusivity. He's never known, let alone been with, a gay male before (and has social anxiety supposedly), and I've a feeling that his crush on me is largely stemming from that. The large distance seperating us, not having me yet, and my growing frustration with him, leads me to suspect, quite strongly, that if we do have a romantic relationship, it won't last, despite him being a very charming, and attractive, young man.

At the same time, another gay man has been chatting to me, and is interested in a friends-with-benefits sort of situation (it's not the same person I commented on in a past message in the previous thread [or at least I think it was the previous thread], but it is somebody from my school), who lives much closer to me (a twenty-minute walk in comparison to the sixty minute drive), and is closer my height (well, 5'5); personality doesn't really factor into this since it would be a purely physical relationship (I do know him somewhat well, and we are friends, but he is by no means a close friend).

Ultimately, what I'm trying to discern is whether it's worth ignoring an almost-guaranteed physical relationship for a potential more well-rounded one (when there are quite a few barriers/warning signs/issues already). It's worth noting that ultimately, in an ideal situation, I'd prefer the latter, but I'm not enthralled with him enough to be certain, and as I am not out to my parents (who I'll be living with until I go to university in September, at which stage the first man will be even further away [a 100 minute drive]), nor will I be coming out to them (as I've a family member who was disowned [which I think I mentioned in a previous message] and despite not particularly liking my family, I can't deny that I depend on them financially and, without them, I'd be in an incredibly poor position), distance is a large issue (because I can't be caught with another man).

A close friend advised me to simply 'sleep around, and say you aren't, and if things then work out with the first man, cease' but that really isn't something that would rest easy with me and I'd be doing a disservice to him (because I, by no means, hate him, in fact, I really do like him). I'm hoping some additional perspective could assist me (also, I'm certainly no Casanova [and I don't mean that in relation to the NeoGAF member] so I find it almost comical that the situation has arisen in this manner).

Where do we start?

I would ditch the first guy you met on facebook or at the very least tell him to tone it down and just see what happens.
But since you already have red flags it's best to leave it alone and since you're not in the position to have a relationship anyway then what's the point?.

Closer doesn't always mean better, do you see yourself hooking up with him? if so how will you two meet? obviously not at your house. In my honest opinion I'd say wait a bit longer til you go to school that way you can do what you want with nothing in your way,
Where do we start?

I would ditch the first guy you met on facebook or at the very least tell him to tone it down and just see what happens.
But since you already have red flags it's best to leave it alone and since you're not in the position to have a relationship anyway then what's the point?.

Closer doesn't always mean better, do you see yourself hooking up with him? if so how will you two meet? obviously not at your house. In my honest opinion I'd say wait a bit longer til you go to school that way you can do what you want with nothing in your way,

Hmm, this seems like pretty logical advice. Regarding the first, he had suggested waiting until they're away but this has always seemed quite unsustainable to me since it's two weeks in April and three weeks in July at best. Ultimately, I think, deep-down (probably poor phrasing admittedly), I realise the bolded, he's just such a sweet guy that I don't want to disappoint him but I guess no good can really come of it. Regarding the latter, he's living on his own so it would be quite easy to meet up with him (it's not as if I'm never allowed outside of the house so that wouldn't be too problematic, distance is only a significant factor in relation to being able to actually meet up consistently without parental suspicion). I can definitely see myself hooking up with him, but it's all dependant upon the status of the person I met on Facebook, and ultimately I think I agree with your conclusion, there's not really a scenario in which a relationship of any significance could be fruitful. Thanks for your assistance, I think it's the additional perspective that I needed.

(completely unrelated but the gifs you've chosen seem quite fitting; I always read situations similar to the one in which I currently find myself and conclude with an obvious answer, but I guess one's judgement becomes clouded when they are the subject)
Hmm, this seems like pretty logical advice. Regarding the first, he had suggested waiting until they're away but this has always seemed quite unsustainable to me since it's two weeks in April and three weeks in July at best. Ultimately, I think, deep-down (probably poor phrasing admittedly), I realise the bolded, he's just such a sweet guy that I don't want to disappoint him but I guess no good can really come of it. Regarding the latter, he's living on his own so it would be quite easy to meet up with him (it's not as if I'm never allowed outside of the house so that wouldn't be too problematic, distance is only a significant factor in relation to being able to actually meet up consistently without parental suspicion). I can definitely see myself hooking up with him, but it's all dependant upon the status of the person I met on Facebook, and ultimately I think I agree with your conclusion, there's not really a scenario in which a relationship of any significance could be fruitful. Thanks for your assistance, I think it's the additional perspective that I needed.

(completely unrelated but the gifs you've chosen seem quite fitting; I always read situations similar to the one in which I currently find myself and conclude with an obvious answer, but I guess one's judgement becomes clouded when they are the subject)

No problem, I am sure he is a nice guy but he's not the one for you.
If you're gonna hook up with guy number 2 then make sure a condom is used and have fun. Wish you much luck on the day you do come out to your family I know how hard it is.


Don't forget guys - episode 2 of LOOKING airs tonight!

I was not completely won over by the pilot episode. Actually, I think this article nailed what's bothering me the most about it. I'm willing to give it another chance though ! So I will be watching at least three more episodes and then decide if I want to keep watching or just give up on it.


I'm hoping I can get some perspctive here if people don't mind.

I met somebody online through Facebook, and we've been texting pretty much constantly for 3 weeks. He's gay (as am I) and he wants to start a romantic relationship with me. The two most significant issues are that he is an hour's drive away and lately has begun to frustrate me within his texts by being overly affectionate, which was cute at first, but is quite irritating after over three weeks of unrelenting affection (I know this may be a weird thing to complain about, but there's only so much claims of me being a flawless, perfect being that I can take [since I'm well aware that I'm not]). In addition, there's a significant height difference (I'm 5'3, he's 6'3"; this isn't a huge issue as far as attraction goes, but think it could cause some issues sex-wise, particularly since he weighs considerably more than me), but ultimately this isn't weighing too heavily into my decision. He wants exclusivity. He's never known, let alone been with, a gay male before (and has social anxiety supposedly), and I've a feeling that his crush on me is largely stemming from that. The large distance seperating us, not having me yet, and my growing frustration with him, leads me to suspect, quite strongly, that if we do have a romantic relationship, it won't last, despite him being a very charming, and attractive, young man.

The bolded is something that I encounter all the time, being 6'3 myself. Tall people need love, too. :(

Anyway, you need to drop the guy. Even before you get to the distance issues (which is a legitimate concern), even before you get to the very real possibility that the boy is a clingy, insecure mess and too "green" for a relationship, you have to face the fact that YOU are clearly not feeling it.

Maybe he's cute. Maybe you're horny. Maybe you've been bitten by the "I need to be in a relationship NOW" bug. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter: YOU are seeing red flags, and you should never enter into a relationship with someone you're this hesitant about. It's asking for trouble. Don't rationalize your way into what's obviously going to be a bad thing for you.

Meanwhile, guy #2 is not only significantly closer, but seems to have more realistic expectations (ain't nothin' wrong with just wanting to get it in).


Hunky Nostradamus
I was not completely won over by the pilot episode. Actually, I think this article nailed what's bothering me the most about it. I'm willing to give it another chance though ! So I will be watching at least three more episodes and then decide if I want to keep watching or just give up on it.

The author of that article sure extrapolated a whole lot from the svelte 29 minute pilot.

nah, i think I'd rather forget it.

Go back to LOST, you!


The author of that article sure extrapolated a whole lot from the svelte 29 minute pilot.

That's what I thought at first, but the thing is, it seems like he did watch the first four episodes of the show :

After four episodes this puzzled viewer’s questions: What is this show for? Why bother? Where’s a villain? Where's a relationship to be interested in? Where's a compelling storyline? Where's the tension? What's the peril? Where’s the fire in the belly?


Hunky Nostradamus
That's what I thought at first, but the thing is, it seems like he did watch the first four episodes of the show :

The first part of the article (like, the first half) is based just off of the pilot and then the second part is based off of the next three.


The first part of the article (like, the first half) is based just off of the pilot and then the second part is based off of the next three.

Well the important thing is, there's nothing to worry about: you have every right to like it, and like I said, I'm still gonna watch the next episodes, no matter what the author said about them :)


Hunky Nostradamus
Well the important thing is, there's nothing to worry about: you have every right to like it, and like I said, I'm still gonna watch the next episodes, no matter what the author said about them :)

I just think people are getting too carried away with all of the analyzations and whatnot when there's barely anything to even analyze at this point.


From what I'm reading it sounds like it's super-mainstreamed, which really bugs me as somebody who's always liked to see the quirkier and more distinctive parts of queer society.

Hehehe. Sorry.

I can be juvenile sometimes :)

Well no inspection is complete without a rectal examination.
MovieGAF GayGAF - I need your help!

I'm directing a play, and in that play is a character who is gay and in the closet.

This character is in his mid-late twenties, lives with parents. He almost got married to a woman but his younger sister caught him kissing the Bride's brother the night before the wedding, she then shouted out that he was gay during the wedding ceremony and the bride ran from the altar and the wedding never happened.

The character then spends the majority of the play in a deep depression, almost trying to kill himself a couple of times and generally facing inner turmoil. He continues to deny to his family that he is gay, instead accusing his sister of being a pathological liar (which to be fair she is)

What I'd like help with, is some material to help the actor understand how he might feel! Are there any movies or tv, or is there any literature that might help the actor get into the brain of somebody going through something like this?

Thanks in advance for your help :) x


MovieGAF GayGAF - I need your help!

I'm directing a play, and in that play is a character who is gay and in the closet.

First thing that came to mind (though not exactly what you described) is La Cage aux Folles. You have the French original, the American remake, or the Broadway adaptation to choose from.


Or, if you just want good, ol' fashioned inner turmoil, there's the classic Death of a Salesman.



I've been thinking about starting to work out for mass building. Have to go get a referral for a nutritionist and then nag my mom to get the right groceries first though. Oi

I've always thought about it, but I realized that even with school I still have a lot of free time and I'd like to improve my rather deathly frame.
I am absolutely not doing it because of the potential to shag men that can satisfy my muscle worship thirst.


Speaking of that...

Daley sockpuppet confirmed.


A drama set against the backdrop of ball culture could be really cool.

I'd love to see some fiction like that.

"Paris is Burning" was fascinating to me. That sort of setting has potential.

...aaand no one has any idea of where my dad's weight set went and there's no gym within 30 minutes. Ugh.
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