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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I feel like shit.

Ahasverus, I'm truly sorry for you. I've been going through asimilar thing with my father but no physical contact so far but he seems to be going to that point if I ever do something he doesn't like.

I was going to tell you that you should wait and not come out to your parents but I see that you already did it. You are not safe at home right now. If you could talk about this with a member of your family of someone close to your father that would be good so you can count on them if anything like this happens again and to make your father think about what he has done to you.

I'm curious, was he sober while doing this? Is this the first time he has done physical damage to you? Because you seem to need outside help.


I just had a fucking FISTFIGHT with my father.

I feel like shit.

I was going to tell you that you should wait and not come out to your parents but I see that you already did it. You are not safe at home right now. If you could talk about this with a member of your family of someone close to your father that would be good so you can count on them if anything like this happens again and to make your father think about what he has done to you.

I'll second this. Find someone who would be able to take you in if you needed to leave. I'm unfortunately at a loss as to how to deal with your father, but the big thing you need is a plan to get to a safer place.

Our wishes are with you, Sev.


Hunky Nostradamus
I was close a long time ago, he still hitted me once in awhile, he was very strict with me (things like ripping off the sheets of my school notebook if I painted some drawing badly and forcing me to start again) and not so much with my siblings, with the little one he's very caring and lovely, he had me after having problems with alcohol, we've always been very different with oppossite moods and personalities but we'd try to keep it "cordial".. Things have gone downhill since I started college as I passed from poster boy to struggling unmotivated teenager, and then it came the thing with my sexuality what killed many things in him. These last 3 years have been very tense, but I'd never, in my wildest fantasies thought of him punching me in berserk mode. Oh well.

I'm sorry he did that to you. Did he ever end up apologizing for any of it?


Thank you everyone for your kind words, i was not expecting that! i just needed a place to rant a little but you guys overwhelm me with your kind words. i really appreciate it, thank you,all of you :)

I'm sorry he did that to you. Did he ever end up apologizing for any of it?
Of course not. Now he's telling everyone I threw the first punch. of course my mother was a witness, and well, no one buys that, as I'm really paceful, to the point of being a little dorky.

I'll second this. Find someone who would be able to take you in if you needed to leave. I'm unfortunately at a loss as to how to deal with your father, but the big thing you need is a plan to get to a safer place.
Our wishes are with you, Sev.
Thank you Sev :) Sadly I have no one to count with and without my degree I'm worthless in this country, I could not even work half time, there are people begging for being a cashier. While my mother can put me through college I'd still have to live with them. I'm gonna do my best to get that degree in the least time possible, but you are completely right, there's not really any solution.

I'm curious, was he sober while doing this? Is this the first time he has done physical damage to you? Because you seem to need outside help.
Hope you can go through your situation Daripad, I firmly believe that with the right actions things can flow at least peacefully until a definite solution is found :)
He hit me when I was a child but it became non frequent the more time it passed, I know he did his best to control his childhood traumas and as I said my sieblings don't get that "agressive" side of him and never did, I was the first born in a bad time of his life, he pretty much "experimented" his paternal methods with me (as he was abused has a child by his mother and has no father). To be honest, he's the best he can be, but I certainly got the worst end of him. This is the first time he acted like the thug he was before my mother saved him, he's a well respected public worker now, but I've always known deep inside this side of him was hiding.

I'm the most sad about my little bro, he should not had seen that. He ran and screamed and cried, he didn't get what was happening, he's too innocent, he's the sweetest child I've ever met, he doesn't understand why it happened or what happened, it'sthe first taste of the dark world he's had, and I gave it to him. That's what pains me the most :( Poor child.

Nnow on topic, yep a religious gay is quite a curious character, the ones I've met they're like "Oh no I'm gong to hell, what can I do.. now kiss me".


Hope you can go through your situation Daripad, I firmly believe that with the right actions things can flow at least peacefully until a definite solution is found :)
He hit me when I was a child but it became non frequent the more time it passed, I know he did his best to control his childhood traumas and as I said my sieblings don't get that "agressive" side of him and never did, I was the first born in a bad time of his life, he pretty much "experimented" his paternal methods with me (as he was abused has a child by his mother and has no father). To be honest, he's the best he can be, but I certainly got the worst end of him. This is the first time he acted like the thug he was before my mother saved him, he's a well respected public worker now, but I've always known deep inside this side of him was hiding.

I'm the most sad about my little bro, he should not had seen that. He ran and screamed and cried, he didn't get what was happening, he's too innocent, he's the sweetest child I've ever met, he doesn't understand why it happened or what happened, it'sthe first taste of the dark world he's had, and I gave it to him. That's what pains me the most :( Poor child

Thanks, I really tried hard last year to.improve my situation and my father has done better though two weeks ago he had another.moment but he controlled himself inmediatly. Things have been way better than before though, a year ago I would say I was a dissapontment and now he is kind of proud of me, that's why I'm never comig out to him while I depend on him, that would change things for the worse.

Now, about your situation, is not normal that he had that reaction while being.sober. Is obvious that your father must have some sort of mental illness. You should try to get him into some treatment of any kind, be it phsycological o medical. I know it is hard to convince him but if you are able to find a way to get him into that it would be great.

Is a shame that you can't count on anyone though, because as a said before, there is no way to stop him other than changing him completely. I'm sure words are.not going to be enough to control him for a while, those impulses of him could well be random.

And try talking to your brother, make him know that these things may happen again but make sure that everything will be fine after all. I really
on't know what else to say about it, just comfort him as best as you can.

I wish you the best, you are in a terrible position and this can get worse, but you've been strong enough so far and I'm sure you can resist. If you have to know him out don't hesitate, our life is in danger, just don't over do it.
I just had a fucking FISTFIGHT with my father. He started saying I was a burden for him, he screamed, I told him not to scream, he got me cornered on a wall and wanted to hit me, i told him not to touch me and then he grabbed me by the neck and started punching me on my arms and breasts. All that while my mother and my 11yo brother watched. I wasn't hurt on my body as he's not very strong anymore (he was a very very strong and bulky man, luckily the 48 got into him or I'd be unconsicious or bleeding) but my heart is broken to pieces and that's not even mentioning my poor bro and my mom, they are devastated, this is something that would had never crossed my mind, he's always been a violent man inside but I thought he managed his anger relatively well going by his horrible childhood. I was wrong. After that my mother thre herself to the ground and started begging us (or him, as I was just blocking his fists) to stop. He yelled at me saying I bring shame to himself and he hopes I'm gone soon so he doesn't have to feel shame to others, because he had "all hopes put in me" and I betrayed them all.

I feel like shit.

Stay safe Ahasversus! You'll get through it eventually :)


I usually scoff at v. Day as a prop to sell candy, hearts and etc.

But I have a valentine this year 😘 👬❤️


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
to be fair to the guy, I don't think I could date a guy who followed a religion. (Well I could but he would have to be really REALLY hot)

Not even Buddhism or Shinto? Or some other non-Western/Islamic religion that doesn't really care about homosexuality in general?


Hunky Nostradamus
Anyone else pretending valentine's day doesn't exist?

It's a dumb holiday that was created by a greeting card company in order to sell you more shit and/or make you feel bad for not having an SO to spend all your money on so you feel compelled to go out and get one so you can spend all of your money on them.

I would pretend Valentine's Day didn't exist even if I had an SO.


Yeah, VD while being single has never made me bitter or anything. I just look at it as another awesome excuse to eat chocolate. Lol
Not even Buddhism or Shinto? Or some other non-Western/Islamic religion that doesn't really care about homosexuality in general?

I think it's more accurate to say non-Abrahamic.

@ Religion. Long as it doesn't lead to any weird conflict of interests, preachiness, or conversion attempts.

Total non-sequitur hot guy stuff.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I think it's more accurate to say non-Abrahamic.

Right. To be fair, I think even Eastern Religions like Buddhism do have some "well it's a sin... kinda..." clause, but they aren't as... forceful on it. The beauty behind Buddhism is that "path of enlightenment" can go many different ways. Same for the Shinto religion. Most that practice those sorts of religions (and even Catholics that aren't "strict" Catholics and even then) have a mind-set of "ignore the sin, love the sinner."

I can't understand the "oh I wouldn't date a religious gay person because that's a 'conflict of interest' irony thing." They can be religious and ignore aspects of things that don't fit their worldview. Just like you can ignore TV shows, games, music, whatever that doesn't fit your "taste" the same can be done in religion. I'm farrrrrr from religious (I don't even have a religion) but even I understand that it's a personal world-view thing and being gay and religious doesn't have to be exclusive.

It's a shame that nutters/US Catholics that are insane have to ruin that and build an image up in some peoples views that ruin religion or "non-crazy people" for others.


Hunky Nostradamus
Total non-sequitur hot


what is this strange thing



Strangely enough, I feel like the black community has a different take on homosexuality and religion.

It isn't at all uncommon for black homosexuals to attend church and/or be very religious. Especially in large urban areas.

It's strange because the black church is no kinder to gays than most other religious institutions, but at the same time there seems to be a complete divestment of "gay life" and "church life." And as long as you don't start making out with another dude right in the middle of the congregation, you can be as obviously gay as you want and nobody seems to say anything about it. Some of the flamiest black gay men I know are also devoutly religious and completely unapologetic about it.

I always wondered about that.
Not even Buddhism or Shinto? Or some other non-Western/Islamic religion that doesn't really care about homosexuality in general?

I think it's more accurate to say non-Abrahamic.

@ Religion. Long as it doesn't lead to any weird conflict of interests, preachiness, or conversion attempts.

Total non-sequitur hot guy stuff.

Sufism seems really neat to me as far as Islam is concerned, same with Gnosticism and more personal or mystic forms of Christianity, and esoteric Judaism as far as the Abrahamic religions are concerned. William Blake had the opinion that the Bible should be interpreted as a mystic text, essentially that the meaning of it comes to the individual by personal reflection or inspiration. I'm inclined to agree insofar as I don't think an authoritative orthodoxy offers as much sustenance as the alternative. I think that religious systems are at least partly living or vital things like fire, as soon as you try to freeze them in a moment in time you destroy part of their nature. I think it makes sense too, when you consider that everyone is different, and the subject that likely informs the creation of all religion (spiritual experiences) must be a product of the brain and thus a matter of individual psychology to some extent. Even in religions that are less authoritative, the point where you make the system your own is the part where it actually becomes real and not just a set of guidelines inscribed onto stone plates. "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao", and all that.

I also kind of have a thing for Taoism, I identify as a Buddhist, but I'd be a Taoist if I wasn't a Buddhist.


I've been to many Buddhist and Shinto shrines - it's basically day and night coming from Catholicism. It's all so harmonious and peaceful as opposed to creepy, cruel and judgmental. I'm not religious but I can appreciate the historic and artistic merit of mostly harmless belief systems like Buddhism.
Right. To be fair, I think even Eastern Religions like Buddhism do have some "well it's a sin... kinda..." clause, but they aren't as... forceful on it. The beauty behind Buddhism is that "path of enlightenment" can go many different ways. Same for the Shinto religion. Most that practice those sorts of religions (and even Catholics that aren't "strict" Catholics and even then) have a mind-set of "ignore the sin, love the sinner."

I can't understand the "oh I wouldn't date a religious gay person because that's a 'conflict of interest' irony thing." They can be religious and ignore aspects of things that don't fit their worldview. Just like you can ignore TV shows, games, music, whatever that doesn't fit your "taste" the same can be done in religion. I'm farrrrrr from religious (I don't even have a religion) but even I understand that it's a personal world-view thing and being gay and religious doesn't have to be exclusive.

It's a shame that nutters/US Catholics that are insane have to ruin that and build an image up in some peoples views that ruin religion or "non-crazy people" for others.

I'm not saying dating a religious dude is a conflict of interests, period. Just, if it happened I'd be out.

what is this strange thing

You mean Omanyte? One of the Gen 1 fossil pokemon. The blog in general? Someone found a pic of a guy with abs doing a handstand and decided to edit in a bunch of characters interacting with it because reasons.

My fave is Rigby:
Strangely enough, I feel like the black community has a different take on homosexuality and religion.

It isn't at all uncommon for black homosexuals to attend church and/or be very religious. Especially in large urban areas.

It's strange because the black church is no kinder to gays than most other religious institutions, but at the same time there seems to be a complete divestment of "gay life" and "church life." And as long as you don't start making out with another dude right in the middle of the congregation, you can be as obviously gay as you want and nobody seems to say anything about it. Some of the flamiest black gay men I know are also devoutly religious and completely unapologetic about it.

I always wondered about that.
Haven't been to my neighborhood's church since my early teens, so I wouldn't know.
So not to derail, but anyone heard of g0ys? I'm so confused, but it basically seems like 'mos with internalized homophobia...

Also, Manila and Cazwell have put out a song together, and I've gone from being "meh" about it to probably enjoying it way too much.
So not to derail, but anyone heard of g0ys? I'm so confused, but it basically seems like 'mos with internalized homophobia...

Also, Manila and Cazwell have put out a song together, and I've gone from being "meh" about it to probably enjoying it way too much.

My first time hearing of g0ys. Seems like a bunch of insecure people desperately going out of their way to validate their existence to heteronormative society by throwing the rest of the community under the bus. Boys who never mentally graduated from their awkward highschool days, yawn.

The fact that they thought they were best represented by a term with the number 0 in it kinda says all it needs to.


there's ALWAYS ONE
So not to derail, but anyone heard of g0ys? I'm so confused, but it basically seems like 'mos with internalized homophobia...
I'm so glad you shared this. I forgot that websites were once designed with tables.

G0YS are guys who find men physically & emotionally attractive, but (for whatever reason) are offended with the stigmas that currently define the 'gay community' in the public psyche. G0YS recognize that the prominent facets of the "gay-male" community tend to embrace every gender-bending act, fetish & affectation; --And include those things in the general specter of the image that "gay" projects publicly.
This sounds like a mixture of internalized homophobia and a false belief that gay men are a monolithic hivemind. There's inevitably something about popular notions of "gay identity" that nearly every gay person finds unattractive, but the solution is for each person to define what being gay means for themselves, not to lambast all other gay men and form new groups in an attempt to form a homosexual hierarchy.

The easiest to observe example is the commonly used acronym "GLIT" (sometimes "GLIB") meaning Gay, Lesbian, Intersexed, Transgendered (or BiSexual). The fact that "GAY" is grouped with "Intersexed & Transgendered" is evidence to our primary point showing what the term "GAY" has morphed into.
I don't see the issue with gay men being associated with other queer people.

When the term "GAY" was coined, --it originally meant "Same Gender Attracted". G0YS have no problem with THAT simple definition. However, -as time passed, the term "GAY" became connected with cross-gender behaviors & perilous acts such as AnalSex. In many places, the term "GAY-SEX" has come to equate "ANAL-SEX". G0YS completely reject that notion and find the ASSociation repugnant to our innate morals.
Is anal sex innately immoral? Why does their homepage feature an image from a Corbin Fisher photoshoot? Are these just people who dislike anal sex and don't consider themselves flamboyant? I've been trying to read the website and find every point they make so completely obtuse that I have no idea what I'm reading.
The only Drag Race related song I've liked is Latrice's "Weight"

Lol Weight's awesome.

My first time hearing of g0ys. Seems like a bunch of insecure people desperately going out of their way to validate their existence to heteronormative society by throwing the rest of the community under the bus. Boys who never mentally graduated from their awkward highschool days, yawn.

The fact that they thought they were best represented by a term with the number 0 in it kinda says all it needs to.

I'm so glad you shared this. I forgot that websites were once designed with tables.

This sounds like a mixture of internalized homophobia and a false belief that gay men are a monolithic hivemind. There's inevitably something about popular notions of "gay identity" that nearly every gay person finds unattractive, but the solution is for each person to define what being gay means for themselves, not to lambast all other gay men and form new groups in an attempt to form a homosexual hierarchy.

I don't see the issue with gay men being associated with other queer people.

Is anal sex innately immoral? Why does their homepage feature an image from a Corbin Fisher photoshoot? Are these just people who dislike anal sex and don't consider themselves flamboyant? I've been trying to read the website and find every point they make so completely obtuse that I have no idea what I'm reading.

Yeah it's all so warped I can't look away. I'm also morbidly fascinated by the site's, uh, "webdesign."

Bailey 87

Not even Buddhism or Shinto? Or some other non-Western/Islamic religion that doesn't really care about homosexuality in general?

It's not because of Western religions hating the gay that makes me not want to date a religious man. I just want my better half to have the same outlook on life that I do. For example I doubt I could date somebody who leaned right wing. There was a time in my relationship that I thought my bf believed in trickle down economics and it was seriously going to be a problem for me. Politics and Religion serious business y'all

I would pretend Valentine's Day didn't exist even if I had an SO.

That's what we do. Celebrating Valentines day seems so corny to me. I'm weird when it comes to celebrating stuff. I don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas, but I do go crazy for pancake day :p


I've been to many Buddhist and Shinto shrines - it's basically day and night coming from Catholicism. It's all so harmonious and peaceful as opposed to creepy, cruel and judgmental. I'm not religious but I can appreciate the historic and artistic merit of mostly harmless belief systems like Buddhism.

I find Catholic art to be otherworldly and strikingly beautiful. The churches, the paintings, the sculptures. I loath attending mass but I thoroughly enjoy visiting churches, so yeah I don't agree :p

Of course it does help european medieval art = Catholic art because you couldn't dare to paint about anything else.


I find Catholic art to be otherworldly and strikingly beautiful. The churches, the paintings, the sculptures. I loath attending mass but I thoroughly enjoy visiting churches, so yeah I don't agree :p

Of course it does help european medieval art = Catholic art because you couldn't dare to paint about anything else.
I'm not sure if it's a Mexico thing, but churches here tend to have super creepy painting and sculptures of people suffering and bleeding, including Haysoos himself. These sculptures often have fake hair, they're terrifying. I remember reading about how difficult it was for native Mexicans to accept a new god when Spain invaded us - we were used to powerful, almighty deities, and not an underweight male of a race that was new to us, crying and bleeding on a cross (that's why La Virgen de Guadalupe came to be, though, Mexico really digs mother figures).

So yeah, in my experience, art-wise: Shinto > Buddhism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Catholicism.

I wonder if Mexicans would still worship gods like Quetzalcóatl if we hadn't been invaded. He was pretty badass! He was a feathered Rayquaza that could become human at will.
Thank you everyone for your kind words, i was not expecting that! i just needed a place to rant a little but you guys overwhelm me with your kind words. i really appreciate it, thank you,all of you :)

Of course not. Now he's telling everyone I threw the first punch. of course my mother was a witness, and well, no one buys that, as I'm really paceful, to the point of being a little dorky.

Thank you Sev :) Sadly I have no one to count with and without my degree I'm worthless in this country, I could not even work half time, there are people begging for being a cashier. While my mother can put me through college I'd still have to live with them. I'm gonna do my best to get that degree in the least time possible, but you are completely right, there's not really any solution.

Hope you can go through your situation Daripad, I firmly believe that with the right actions things can flow at least peacefully until a definite solution is found :)
He hit me when I was a child but it became non frequent the more time it passed, I know he did his best to control his childhood traumas and as I said my sieblings don't get that "agressive" side of him and never did, I was the first born in a bad time of his life, he pretty much "experimented" his paternal methods with me (as he was abused has a child by his mother and has no father). To be honest, he's the best he can be, but I certainly got the worst end of him. This is the first time he acted like the thug he was before my mother saved him, he's a well respected public worker now, but I've always known deep inside this side of him was hiding.

I'm the most sad about my little bro, he should not had seen that. He ran and screamed and cried, he didn't get what was happening, he's too innocent, he's the sweetest child I've ever met, he doesn't understand why it happened or what happened, it'sthe first taste of the dark world he's had, and I gave it to him. That's what pains me the most :( Poor child.

Nnow on topic, yep a religious gay is quite a curious character, the ones I've met they're like "Oh no I'm gong to hell, what can I do.. now kiss me".
I'm very sorry to hear what has transpired. Apologies if I've missed it, but are you out to friends? Are there any others that you can turn to for support? Not to discount the support you'll receive in this thread, far from it, but it may help to be able to talk things out with somebody you know, if you can. I don't really know what else to say but I'd agree with the individual above that it my be best to try and explain situations (in a way the won't exasperate the situation) to your brother to try and help him get some semblance of what's going on, but you obviously know him better than I so that may not work.

Regarding the religious topic, I wouldn't find it too much of an issue, which is fairly good as, posting from Ireland, a sizeable portion of people (gay or otherwise) appear to identify as religious (now, how devout these people are, and what they actually beleive, is questionable). As long as the beliefs were not being strongly pushed upon me, I don't really mind (my best friend's gay and religious, and I can't think of a time when it has ever caused an issue between us
and I don't agree with many of his political beliefs either, e.g. being anti-abortion, and that too has not had much of an impact; maybe it would if we were more intimate though
I don't think religion would be a deciding factor in a short term relationship but longer term it might cause friction

But you can't deny catholic art, it almost makes you believe... almost

Also, was eyefucked by another cute guy on the way home today, caught it in just enough time to smile back this time rather than play cool with an expression of emotionless indifference

If it happens again, and that's an if, although it's happening with shocking regularity that my middling to low self esteem doesn't know what to do, then I'll try swinging a 'hi!' at them


I'm not sure if it's a Mexico thing, but churches here tend to have super creepy painting and sculptures of people suffering and bleeding, including Haysoos himself. These sculptures often have fake hair, they're terrifying. I remember reading about how difficult it was for native Mexicans to accept a new god when Spain invaded us - we were used to powerful, almighty deities, and not an underweight male of a race that was new to us, crying and bleeding on a cross (that's why La Virgen de Guadalupe came to be, though, Mexico really digs mother figures).

So yeah, in my experience, art-wise: Shinto > Buddhism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Catholicism.

I wonder if Mexicans would still worship gods like Quetzalcóatl if we hadn't been invaded. He was pretty badass! He was a feathered Rayquaza that could become human at will.

That is very interesting.

We do have creepy stuff in Colombia as well, mostly in the form of monasteries, which I find fascinating in their own way, but mostly, it's enormous Gothic cathedrals with giant stained - glass windows and pictures depicting all sort of angels and heavenly beautiful creatures. And of course the Virgin Mary, everywhere. I do think mother figures were not limited to Mexico, there's always a central figure of the mother in most native American civilizations, which Is I guess the reason the Catholic Church made her such a central figure, it helped in the evangelization process.

Not to fall into stereotypes, but gays do have a certain esthetic inclination and love for mother figures :p, so it's not surprising for me many gay Latinamericans are religious as well. At the very least there is devotion to the Virgin Mary. Hell, I'm an atheist and I have images of the Virgin Mary in my wallet, because my own mother gave them to me.

And as a side note, I remember a documentary talking about how evangelization went very well in Mexico because of how important was human sacrifice for Aztecs. Christianity was an easy sell because now there was a God who sacrificed his own son so that people wouldn't need to practice human sacrifice anymore, everyone bought the idea. But what you mentioned is also interesting and gives a more complete picture.


Most artists in Europe back then were pressured by the church to draw for them, but at least the payoff was good.
I like Caravaggios work, very lifelike people in his paintings.

Apropos, there is a movie about the life of Caravaggio called simply 'Caravaggio' (released in 1986) with Tilda Swinton and (sexy) Sean Bean.
It's kind of a surreal biographic movie in that you hear motor sounds and the people use bicycles and read magazines, haha.


Hunky Nostradamus
You mean Omanyte? One of the Gen 1 fossil pokemon. The blog in general? Someone found a pic of a guy with abs doing a handstand and decided to edit in a bunch of characters interacting with it because reasons.

Nah I know who Omanyte is. I was just being silly is all :p

I'm weird when it comes to celebrating stuff. I don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas, but I do go crazy for pancake day :p

I bet you and Graham are big on St. Patrick's Day though, eh? :D


Not to fall into stereotypes, but gays do have a certain esthetic inclination and love for mother figures :p, so it's not surprising for me many gay Latinamericans are religious as well. At the very least there is devotion to the Virgin Mary. Hell, I'm an atheist and I have images of the Virgin Mary in my wallet, because my own mother gave them to me.
Actually, there's one theory about how women have a gay kid because they need a male to protect her.


It's one of the theories around for homosexuality, it was watched on some animal especies when a male adopts female mannerisms to protect the nest/help the mother. So for human is that a woman might trigger the -whatever-thing-happens-in-the-uterus-that-makes-us-homosexuals- if she faces danger so his male boy won't develop sexual atraction to a female making the mother the female priority of his life. Mind you, it supposedly can happen mid-puberty. It's still unproven though (as everything else).


Any time someone comes up with a nice biological theory to explain homosexuality, it never seems to be able to explain monozygotic twins in which only one twin is gay.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
It's not because of Western religions hating the gay that makes me not want to date a religious man. I just want my better half to have the same outlook on life that I do. For example I doubt I could date somebody who leaned right wing. There was a time in my relationship that I thought my bf believed in trickle down economics and it was seriously going to be a problem for me. Politics and Religion serious business y'all

Hah, I guess this is true. Though I'm the most laid-back, even-tempered person imaginable, politics is one of my absolute dealbreakers. As a whole, it's always just come off as such a despicable business and I have no faith whatsoever in our (the US) system, so it would be virtually impossible for me to find common ground with someone who was politically active or even particularly politically-minded.

Boyfriend and I both have religious backgrounds: he's Catholic and attends mass semi-regularly; I was raised Christian and even though I'm not "practicing," a fair amount of the beliefs remain. It's never been an issue between us, nor has that caused any trouble with anyone I interact with (including some strong athiests at work)... probably because I'm not insane.. ;)
Deviating from the topic at hand, I just put on some knee highs that I own for reasons that I haven't worn since high school. I forgot how nice these feel...
Hah, I guess this is true. Though I'm the most laid-back, even-tempered person imaginable, politics is one of my absolute dealbreakers. As a whole. it's always just come off as such a despicable business and I have no faith whatsoever in our (the US) system, so it would be virtually impossible for me to find common ground with someone who was politically active or even particularly politically-minded.

'Social' issues including politics are my major blind-spot. I think it all can be a valiant effort, politics included, I just don't have any to spare for it. And I wish that weren't the case, I'm capable of appreciating how important it all is. I mean I watch Parks and Rec, I can admire how optimistic about it people can be and how some people care so much about these things, but it's like my interests are perfectly stratified between the personal and the 'universal', anything in-between is like a desert.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
What kind of Christian? Not Catholic I presume?

Generalized/independent baptist -- not to be confused with Southern or fundamentalist baptist, heh.

The practices of Catholicism have always felt wildly separate from the Christianity I grew up with.

Deviating from the topic at hand, I just put on some knee highs that I own for reasons that I haven't worn since high school. I forgot how nice these feel...

Sai-kun will be requesting pics shortly.
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