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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I got "traditional labels are meaningless" as well.

Traditional labels are meaningless.
Well, duh.

I see you're very... skilled. ;)

Thanks, haha.
I thought that quiz just have the same result, no matter what options you choose.
My social circle has always consisted of straight guys. How do I even change that? I had one gay friend, we met on a dating site. It turned out we just didn't have a lot in common and drifted apart. "We're both homo" doesn't seem like a great way to form a friendship :p
I've wanted to make gay friends as well, but it always seems to fizzle out or end in failure.

Let's see. I had one friend that I sort of got along with until I realized I could only handle his narcissism in doses. That, and it was awkward to be around him when he'd loudly say gross things about straight guys within their earshot, or try to seemingly out me at times. He was also on 5 different types of medication that were not prescribed to him. He's slightly better now, but we never see each other due to being busy with school.

With my second former gay "friend", he stopped talking to me after I turned him down due to not being remotely attracted to him. Funnily enough, he's probably hit on half of the guys in the city. All of the gay people I know--no matter where I had met them--have had experience with him.

I met him through another guy who I had some classes with. We had a lot of similar interests, so that was cool. He could be kind of mean to people, though. He also slept with the former guy since he says he has no self-respect and would literally sleep with anyone. Our friendship ended when he propositioned me.

The final former gay friend was one who had feelings for me that I did not reciprocate. It made it hard to be around him.

Actually, I have one gay friend right now, and we SMS each other occasionally. Sometimes he makes hints that he's interested, but he hasn't pursued anything or made any attempts. (The one time I actually would not mind, too.)

That more or less wraps up my experience with gay men.



I got versatile! now we need a dom/sub test ;D

Also, I don't really have many gay friends IRL. One of them is my best friend and roommate though!

I don't think it's a gay/straight thing though. I don't have many friends that I've made aside from the ones I've made in school, on the internet, or through other friends. I'm too shy to talk to people I don't know :x I need more gay friends!

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'll buck the trend of flop gay friend stories: multiple gay friends and coworkers back home in rural NY that I still keep in touch with, a ltr couple in Vancouver who I met online and later was able to stay with for a month while looking for somewhere to live in Seattle - we continue to meet up every couple of months, have holidays together, etc. Also great friends with another Vancouverite (have hooked up in the past, as well). Have some gay and trans coworkers/friends here in the city, and a few other gay friends, mostly from school or initially met online.

edit: also have met a few gaygaf dudes irl
I know I'm late, but this is so cute. Wish I had this when I turned 22 haha. Maybe I can find a 23 shirt for my 23rd birthday haha.

Edit: I got: traditional roles are meaningless

Cool, but
Im a top

Haha Aww thanks mister!!! I gotta thank Taylor swift for this one :p it actually made me a slight bit excited to say "goodbye" to 21.

Haha exactly. This quiz is weird and inaccurate cuz
i live the bottom life


I have one GBF who'll be my roommate next year. He's a lot to handle though, a lot of people don't like him and he knows it. Maybe I'm tolerant, but he's a good guy.


That Buzzfeed quiz is most likely rigged.

And I have had 1 gay friend for the space of a year before I moved. We keep very occasional contact still.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Gundam build fighters obviously.

Gay best friend
I don't think it's a gay/straight thing though. I don't have many friends that I've made aside from the ones I've made in school, on the internet, or through other friends. I'm too shy to talk to people I don't know :x I need more gay friends!
You're shy?

You struck me as a super outgoing social virtuoso. I don't believe y'all. I guess appearances are deceiving.


Versatility is bestatility. Or something.

I have my husband and my BFF. After that it trickles down. There are a couple of guys that would totally be GBFs but with me being outside of the metro area it's hard to get together.

Mr. F

I only have a few gay/bi friends, and a handful of gay acquaintances that I'm not particularly close to outside day-to-day interactions at school. It'd be nice to have more, don't have many people where I am to confide in when it comes to particular issues.


My crazy evangelic cousin is at one of her homophobic tirades again on Facebook D: on one hand I'm thrilled at the rest of the family and friends trashing her, on the other it feels terrible since she was a very dear friend, religion fanatics can go die in a fire, witnessing that brainwashing on her, her sister and my aunt was disheartening.

Since she started throwing Bible quotes I had to throw Timothy 2:11-12 and that of course I cannot hear her anymore.

spoiler alert!
Timothy 2:11-12 11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
spoiler alert!
Timothy 2:11-12 11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.



I just have one gay friend but he doesn't come out to us even though we already know. Well, he came out to me as bi but I'm 100% sure he is gay. He dropped out of school though so I won't be seeing him frequently and as time passes I don't think I'm going to see him again.

Then is hrd for me to make friends, I just have a lot of aquitances but cannot turn them into friends I don't know why.

And I have never seen any antigay thing on Facebook thankfully.


You're shy?

You struck me as a super outgoing social virtuoso. I don't believe y'all. I guess appearances are deceiving.

I am absolutely not okay in approaching strangers, and I never will, but if someone gives me a helping hand and introduces me to someone, or they make conversation first, then I'm totally fine. It sucks :/

Sai is only shy until he starts drinking. ¬__¬

Also yeah alcohol is tasty and helps me be social sometimes! :3 also i'm way funnier when drunk


Hunky Nostradamus
You got: Versatile

You must be super accommodating and always go with the flow – or maybe not. Your day-to-day personality traits don’t define what you do in the bedroom and frankly it’s no one’s business but your own. As long as you’re having a good time, you’re doing it right. It’s your sexy time. Go get some!


Cool, but
Im a top

I'm shy, and I suddenly turn into a comedian when I'm drunk, too. Everything about the social prowess of my medicated self tells me that if I had less superego/ a less restrained id I'd have such an easy time.


I never really came out to my friends...just if that stuff comes up im not going to skirt around my sexuality or make it the focus.d
I can substantiate this (y)

I deliberately avoid talking about my sexuality to my friends even if I've made it public information so that if they don't know I can watch them squirm uncomfortably when I point that fact out.

That may be part of why no one returns my calls.


Anyone part of GayGaf going to Bonnaroo? I'm going for my first time, kind of nervous but much more excited. The lineup is insane.



I guess I didn't explain further. He made us believe he had a girlfriend (who was actually just his friend) and forced her down our throats everyday. Now that I think of it, he lied to us frwquently and that's why some of my friends slowly stopped talking to him because we couldn't trust him.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
All my friends are dead on GAF and the people who need to know, know, and the people don't need to know don't know.

If only real life was as easy as the intertubes.


Anyone part of GayGaf going to Bonnaroo? I'm going for my first time, kind of nervous but much more excited. The lineup is insane.

Ugh, I wish I was! There's another festival happening here at the same time though :B Festival season is my favorite! 30 days until Coachella!


Ugh, I wish I was! There's another festival happening here at the same time though :B Festival season is my favorite! 30 days until Coachella!

So jelly! I hope to go one day, but it's just too far. Maybe one day I can afford to just fly out for it!

Since you're a regular festival goer I need tips on how to get the best experience. And also survive haha :)


The few gay friends I have just happened to be gay but most of them were already my friends before they came out (and I tend to assume everyone is straight no matter what before being explicitely told). I'm not sure you can build a viable friendship with someone on the sole basis of sexuality. I'm a bit iffy about people who tell you "he's gay too, you guys should be friend", it reminds me of my parents telling me I should go along fine with other kids because "they're the same age as you are".

To be fair, a lot of gay dudes start their coming out by coming out as Bi (for various reasons). It's kind of like a stepping stone for them.

Unfortunately it leads to people believing bisexuals are just gays who aren't ready to admit it fully yet or something.

Every time someone mentions gay festivals I think of Leo Bartenev and get extremely aroused.(NSFW)

It's TMI Thursday right?

I know this is going to sound ridiculously picky but I feel there's something slightly wrong with his look that makes him unattractive to me :(

There are gay festivals by the way? I didn't know those existed...
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