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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Happy birthday! :D

Mario Golf and Kirby releasing on the same day (May 2), then Kero GOTY Blaster 9 days afterwards. Why.
So, how does a poor student celebrate
their birthday
You do you!

I feel that with birthdays

What people expect:

What I actually want:

Happy Birthday btw.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
New York is ridic high, jesus, this is the city whose history gave the world Gangs of New York, The Godfather and The Warriors.


Where's the good songwriting.

New York is ridic high, jesus, this is the city whose history gave the world Gangs of New York, The Godfather and The Warriors.

Well, it's safe so long as you don't go down to the Bronx.

But why would I live there? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So, how does a poor student celebrate
their birthday

Happy Birthday!

Treat yourself to some porn.


So apparently Mexico City (that's where I was born) is the 12th safest major city in the world :D

Sure, we're not Tokyo or Singapore, but that's actually pretty good. In recent years Mexico City indeed feels safer, for whatever reason. It's specific states the ones being attacked by organized crime :(

That's nice, I wish the whole country was good at it but unfortunately we're very unsafe here.

Where's the good songwriting.

In the 70's of course


I'm sure that's what you really meant right? Right?

The only good music genres from the 80's are Power and Doom Metal.

The 70's had funk, disco, early heavy metal, Motown, pop songs that were less than 90% synthesizers and there was no MTV to prop up mediocre musicians with.
The only good music genres from the 80's are Power and Doom Metal.

The 70's had funk, disco, early heavy metal, Motown, pop songs that were less than 90% synthesizers and there was no MTV to prop up mediocre musicians with.

That is so wrong on all accounts. First off, Disco sucks. Second off, Motown was 60's (and still flourished in the 80's). And third, MTV was awesome back when they still played music videos. We also had MJ when he was still black, Madonna, and about a bajillion others that were incredible.

P.S. Synths are not a negative.


That is so wrong on all accounts. First off, Disco sucks. Second off, Motown was 60's (and still flourished in the 80's). And third, MTV was awesome back when they still played music videos. We also had MJ when he was still black, Madonna, and about a bajillion others that were incredible.

P.S. Synths are not a negative.

1. No. It was certainly repetitive, but we haven't had a dance culture that upbeat and inclusive since.

2. Motown reached its peak of popularity during the 70's though. I will give that it managed to hang around through the 80's.

3. My problem isn't MTV itself so much as that it facilitated the "couple dozen artists get pushed to superstar status by promotion through multimedia outlets and everybody else gets pushed to the wayside" that ultimately resulted in the hideously homogeneous mainstream scene we have today, where a good chunk of the artists come from only a handful of genres and play fairly safe music. that can reliably sell well.

That isn't to say that the previous eras didn't have that sort of problem, but having it on television let music be marketed and commercialized far more effectively and let them grab a far greater degree of prominence and market share.

4. Not a fan of pop so I can't vouch for or against any of those artists except MJ (Who has a couple of songs I found pretty enjoyable)

5. Synths aren't inherently bad (I listen to a fair amount of electronic music). Hearing them in almost every song in half a dozen disparate genres is. I'm struggling to think of an 80's song that didn't use them (that wasn't country or more obscure heavy metal).


It's great when your dad asks you to take of your mother for him while he's overseas and then he proceeds to make said job as miserable an affair as he feasibly can. He has flip-flopped on a divorce for the fifth time now and I get to pick up the pieces the fifth time. He comes back home in several weeks so I get the pleasure of watching them verbally duke it out firsthand. Again.

My mother hasn't been the most responsible person, but this is ridiculous, especially considering that he knows I am the only immediate support she has and I'm going to have to share the bulk of the emotional stress.

If he wasn't the breadwinner I'd tell him to fuck off.

I can't wait to get the hell out of his house.

Um yes. Disco sucks. Always has, always will.
Damn it's getting windy here. Like Tornado windy. Which is saying something for Utah.

And still I say nay.

I do not miss the Midwest's weather. Florida has tornados too with some frequency, unfortunately, but not nearly as often from when I lived in Kansas.
So apparently Mexico City (that's where I was born) is the 12th safest major city in the world :D

Sure, we're not Tokyo or Singapore, but that's actually pretty good. In recent years Mexico City indeed feels safer, for whatever reason. It's specific states the ones being attacked by organized crime :(
I didn't know Mexico City was that safe, relatively speaking. Shows how little I knew and how I let the (negative) news bias my views.

I'm surprised that Stockholm isn't on there, though. I don't know how they classify a "major city", but Amsterdam's population is comparable, and Stockholm definitely has a stronger global/economic presence these days. Maybe it is more unsafe than I had expected.
Just finished my first playthrough of Bayonetta, fuck that was crazy. I guess I'm doing a run in hard mode now. Also Bayonetta is such a flawless character, much better than Dante or Kratos imo.


I have internet again yay! I missed the selfie thing from the other day, so here's my contribution. I have a bit of a hurrrrr face going on and my hair is jacked up from having to wear a helmet all day, but idgaf:

Also, the 80's were great. They gave us fantastic songs like this:


...as well as Ninja Turtles, Transformers, the revival of the console industry starting with the NES, the creation of Origin Systems Inc which produced some of my favorite games of my childhood, etc.

80's fashion is exceptionally awful though.
Mexico City is heaven compared to the rest of the country :V
I can't even begin to imagine.
Just finished my first playthrough of Bayonetta, fuck that was crazy. I guess I'm doing a run in hard mode now. Also Bayonetta is such a flawless character, much better than Dante or Kratos imo.
I love her playful attitude. (I almost feel like some of her lines are more clever in English, as well.) She's definitely my favorite protagonist from that genre. It doesn't hurt that her game is at the genre's apex in terms of perfected gameplay, too. The super smooth 60 FPS of the sequel will be something to behold (based on the demos I've played).

To think you almost got Tales of Symphonia instead.


Has anyone here had to deal with feelings of insecurity regarding someone you like that you feel is crazy for liking you because you feel they are way outta your league in many regards?

If so, how do you deal with it?


Has anyone here had to deal with feelings of insecurity regarding someone you like that you feel is crazy for liking you because you feel they are way outta your league in many regards?

If so, how do you deal with it?

I hope you don't mind me asking, but why do you feel he's out of your league?


Hunky Nostradamus
Has anyone here had to deal with feelings of insecurity regarding someone you like that you feel is crazy for liking you because you feel they are way outta your league in many regards?

If so, how do you deal with it?

tell those thoughts to stfu because you have nothing to be insecure about. you're flawless tbh. he can see that it's true otherwise he wouldn't be dating you. in fact, he's probably feeling insecure about you liking him.


Reading Wikitravel entries of your city/country is an interesting experience :p

Travel in Mexico City is generally safe. Areas around the historic center are generally well-lit and patrolled in the early evening. Much of your travel within the city will be done via public transportation or walking. Mexico City is an immensely crowded place, and with any major metropolitan area, it is advised to be aware of your surroundings.
Sounds about right.

Mexicans are usually very friendly and helpful
Hey, thanks! ;D

Being a predominantly Catholic country, if you wish to avoid looking like a foreigner then always dress conservatively.
Nope, not true. Especially not in Mexico City. I mean, it -is- a Catholic country, but people don't really dress particularly conservative IMO. If you enter a restaurant in Mexico City dressed like you're on a beach, then yeah, you'll look tourist-ish :p

Mexicans have a somewhat relaxed sense of time, so be patient. Arriving 15 minutes late is common.
Good lard this is embarrassing
ly true.
Oddly enough Mexicans in Japan lose this habit immediately.

When anyone, even a total stranger, sneezes, you always say "¡salud!" ("bless you!" or more literally, "your health!"): otherwise, it is considered rude.
True. And also another habit you lose in Japan, since you're not supposed to say anything :/

Many US citizens (and to a lesser extent other foreigners) make careless mistakes while conversing with Mexicans. Mexicans, while strong and thick-skinned, can also be very sensitive. So avoid talking frankly or imprudently about Mexico's flaws, unless prompted by someone you really trust. Avoid making comparisons that might be interpreted as if you consider Mexico is in some way inferior to your home country. Mexicans are very well aware of their country's problems: if you let Mexicans talk long enough, they will eventually point out their country's shortcommings to you for themselves at length.
Lol, this is so true. Back in January some friends and I hanged around with a guy from Iran, and soon enough he learned the meaning of the phrase "only in Mexico" :p Still, I don't think we get angry while talking about Mexico's issues.

As a general rule —for better or worse— wealth and social status are historically tied to European ancestry and skin color. On the one hand, systemic racism is illegal, and overt expressions of personal racism (i.e., racist slurs) are frowned upon. On the other hand, the country is still about 40 years behind the United States in terms of diversity sensitivity. For example, although the majority of Mexico's population are not of solely European ancestry (they are mostly mestizo or Amerindian), you will immediately notice that the characters in the country's cinema, television, advertising and other popular media are overwhelmingly portrayed by persons of European descent. That is, Mexico has not participated in the dialogue that has been going since the 1960s in the United States about developing media products that make at least a token attempt to reflect the true racial and ethnic diversity of the country for which they are produced.
So true. Like I mentioned in other thread, if you watch Mexican TV you'd think we're a perfectly homogeneous European country.

I could do this forever! :p


Has anyone here had to deal with feelings of insecurity regarding someone you like that you feel is crazy for liking you because you feel they are way outta your league in many regards?

If so, how do you deal with it?
Everyone has different tastes. One man's cup of tapioca pudding for dessert is another man's bowl of maggot custard. Tapioca is so gross. Disgusting. Bleh.

Seriously, life is too short to dwell on such thoughts. Love doesn't make sense. Don't try to rationalize why he likes you. Enjoy your relationship!


Has anyone here had to deal with feelings of insecurity regarding someone you like that you feel is crazy for liking you because you feel they are way outta your league in many regards?

If so, how do you deal with it?

By not dealing with it? :p

Not helping, I know. I don't know either. Sometimes I wonder about that too but if they are interested in you then there must be something about you that they like even if you can't see it yourself, right?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Constantly being insecure about it doesn't help. A little open insecurity is cute but be careful not to cross the line into annoying territory!

Anyway, being in a relationship with someone out of your league and feeling insecure about it is the dating equivalent of #firstworldproblems.


Reading Wikitravel entries of your city/country is an interesting experience :p

Sounds about right.

Hey, thanks! ;D

Nope, not true. Especially not in Mexico City. I mean, it -is- a Catholic country, but people don't really dress particularly conservative IMO. If you enter a restaurant in Mexico City dressed like you're on a beach, then yeah, you'll look tourist-ish :p

Good lard this is embarrassing
ly true.
Oddly enough Mexicans in Japan lose this habit immediately.

True. And also another habit you lose in Japan, since you're not supposed to say anything :/

Lol, this is so true. Back in January some friends and I hanged around with a guy from Iran, and soon enough he learned the meaning of the phrase "only in Mexico" :p Still, I don't think we get angry while talking about Mexico's issues.

So true. Like I mentioned in other thread, if you watch Mexican TV you'd think we're a perfectly homogeneous European country.

I could do this forever! :p

aaaww, when we first discover wikitravel.

As a Colombian we crave for validation given our history, so we eat this stuff up, and it's not hard given that the country is indeed amazing, but I think sometimes we show our thirst of acknowledgment from outside way too much, and it can backfire in a way.

The only thing I certainly don't like about Colombia is how gay unfriendly it is (relative to it's neighbors), if it wasn't for that I might have never even left the country.


Thanks for the responses! I'm not dwelling or anything, I'm doing an all nighter since I been lazy with school and these thoughts keep invading my mind.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but why do you feel he's out of your league?

Well for one, I think he's better looking in like every way, ie. face, body, and so on. Like he could get way hotter dudes. And looking at his ex boyfriend, he did, and I def. think I'm a downgrade (not even being hard on myself, his ex is like way hot objectively).

Second, he's way more experienced, uh, intimately. I mean I cant help it since I'm still a young blossoming gay but it's intimidating regardless.

Third, he seems really smart, hard working, grounded. Also comes from money, which can always be an issue, I feel like (not that his parents know he's gay either but still).

But it's really no big, I'll forget about all this when I actually get to sleep about 12 hours from now (ugh my laziness).


Well for one, I think he's better looking in like every way, ie. face, body, and so on. Like he could get way hotter dudes. And looking at his ex boyfriend, he did, and I def. think I'm a downgrade (not even being hard on myself, his ex is like way hot objectively).

You're really good-looking, but I think you're already aware of that :) Or at least, I hope you are. His ex might have been super-hot, but he's an ex for a reason, and the guy you're seeing is attracted to you now. Of course, your looks may be one of the reasons why he's with you, but I'm pretty sure you also have a great personality he's drawn to.

Second, he's way more experienced, uh, intimately. I mean I cant help it since I'm still a young blossoming gay but it's intimidating regardless.

I get why you'd feel like that, but honestly, it shouldn't be a problem, especially if he's patient, and you adventurous enough. With the right communication, it shouldn't mean a thing, especially in the long run.

Third, he seems really smart, hard working, grounded. Also comes from money, which can always be an issue, I feel like (not that his parents know he's gay either but still).

If he's smart, hard working and grounded, he actually sounds like a great guy. Are you intimidated by all that? How do you feel about him not being out to his parents?


You're really good-looking, but I think you're already aware of that :) Or at least, I hope you are. His ex might have been super-hot, but he's an ex for a reason, and the guy you're seeing is attracted to you now. Of course, your looks may be one of the reasons why he's with you, but I'm pretty sure you also have a great personality he's drawn to.

I get why you'd feel like that, but honestly, it shouldn't be a problem, especially if he's patient, and you adventurous enough. With the right communication, it shouldn't mean a thing, especially in the long run.

If he's smart, hard working and grounded, he actually sounds like a great guy. Are you intimidated by all that? How do you feel about him not being out to his parents?

Aw you're so sweet :*

as for that last thing, what do I care, i'm not either so we are closet cases. We both think our parents would disown us, or at least abandon us financially, which neither of us can currently afford to have happen. The gay struggles
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